971 resultados para Research initiatives


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There are complex and diverse methodological problems involved in the clinical and epidemiological study of respiratory diseases and their etiological factors. The association of urban growth, industrialization and environmental deterioration with respiratory diseases makes it necessary to pay more attention to this research area with a multidisciplinary approach. Appropriate study designs and statistical techniques to analyze and improve our understanding of the pathological events and their causes must be implemented to reduce the growing morbidity and mortality through better preventive actions and health programs. The objective of the article is to review the most common methodological problems in this research area and to present the most available statistical tools used.


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O envelhecimento da população é um fenómeno das sociedades contemporâneas simultâneo à crescente modificação do meio urbano. De modo a responder a estas alterações a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) lançou o projeto Cidade Amiga das Pessoas Idosas que preconiza a adaptação das estruturas e serviços para que estes sejam acessíveis e promovam a inclusão dos cidadãos idosos. A presente investigação, de natureza qualitativa e exploratória, tem como objetivo verificar se a cidade do Porto possui características de uma cidade amiga das pessoas idosas através da visão de prestadores de serviços a pessoas idosas das freguesias de Paranhos, Cedofeita, St. Ildefonso, Bonfim e Campanhã. Pretende, assim, ser um contributo para o desenvolvimento do projeto Cidade Amiga das Pessoas Idosas na cidade portuense. Para tal, realizam-se 3 focus groups com prestadores de serviços selecionados a partir de uma amostragem por conveniência, onde se utiliza um guião de entrevista semi-estruturado com as seguintes categorias: espaços exteriores e edifícios, transportes, habitação, participação social, respeito e inclusão social, participação cívica e emprego, comunicação e informação e apoio comunitário e serviços de saúde. É possível verificar que os participantes partilham, de forma geral, uma imagem positiva da cidade do Porto, contudo, têm tendência a iniciar o discurso pelas características negativas da cidade. Colaboram também com sugestões de melhoria para a cidade. Pela perspetiva dos participantes é possível verificar que aspetos relacionados com espaços exteriores e edifícios, respeito e inclusão social e apoio comunitário e serviços de saúde se destacam pela negativa, enquanto aspetos intimos à participação social das pessoas idosas bem como, à comunicação e informação na cidade do Porto são na generalidade elogiados. Desta forma, indicam como positivo o aparecimento de novas iniciativas como as Universidades Seniores ou o projeto “Afetos” desenvolvido pela Misericórdia; as ofertas dirigidas à população sénior desenvolvidas pelas Juntas de Freguesia e a presença de jornais de distribuição gratuita, em espaços públicos. Por oposição, identificam como pouco amigo das pessoas idosas os passeios pouco largos, com obstáculos e pouco cuidados; a falta de casas de banho públicas; o desinvestimento em atividades intergeracionais e a carência de lares públicos na cidade.


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Introduction / Aims: Adopting the important decisions represents a specific task of the manager. An efficient manager takes these decisions during a sistematic process with well-defined elements, each with a precise order. In the pharmaceutical practice and business, in the supply process of the pharmacies, there are situations when the medicine distributors offer a certain discount, but require payment in a shorter period of time. In these cases, the analysis of the offer can be made with the help of the decision tree method, which permits identifying the decision offering the best possible result in a given situation. The aims of the research have been the analysis of the product offers of many different suppliers and the establishing of the most advantageous ways of pharmacy supplying. Material / Methods: There have been studied the general product offers of the following medical stores: A&G Med, Farmanord, Farmexim, Mediplus, Montero and Relad. In the case of medicine offers including a discount, the decision tree method has been applied in order to select the most advantageous offers. The Decision Tree is a management method used in taking the right decisions and it is generally used when one needs to evaluate the decisions that involve a series of stages. The tree diagram is used in order to look for the most efficient means to attain a specific goal. The decision trees are the most probabilistic methods, useful when adopting risk taking decisions. Results: The results of the analysis on the tree diagrams have indicated the fact that purchasing medicines with discount (1%, 10%, 15%) and payment in a shorter time interval (120 days) is more profitable than purchasing without a discount and payment in a longer time interval (160 days). Discussion / Conclusion: Depending on the results of the tree diagram analysis, the pharmacies would purchase from the selected suppliers. The research has shown that the decision tree method represents a valuable work instrument in choosing the best ways for supplying pharmacies and it is very useful to the specialists from the pharmaceutical field, pharmaceutical management, to medicine suppliers, pharmacy practitioners from the community pharmacies and especially to pharmacy managers, chief – pharmacists.


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Dissertação Apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialidade Supervisão em Educação


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This paper starts with the analysis of the unusual inherence mechanism, from two aspects: accumulating and human error. We put forward twelve factors affected the decision of the emergency treatment plan in practice and summarized the evaluation index system combining with literature data. Then we screened out eighteen representative indicators by used the FDM expert questionnaire in the first phase. Hereafter, we calculated the weight of evaluation index and sorted them by the FAHP expert questionnaire, and came up with the frame of the evaluation rule by combined with the experience. In the end, the evaluation principles are concluded.


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Individual cancer susceptibility seems to be related to factors such as changes in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes expression, and differences in the action of metabolic enzymes and DNA repair regulated by specific genes. Epidemiological studies on genetic polymorphisms of human xenobiotics metabolizing enzymes and cancer have revealed low relative risks. Research considering genetic polymorphisms prevalence jointly with environmental exposures could be relevant for a better understanding of cancer etiology and the mechanisms of carcinogenesis and also for new insights on cancer prognosis. This study reviews the approaches of molecular epidemiology in cancer research, stressing case-control and cohort designs involving genetic polymorphisms, and factors that could introduce bias and confounding in these studies. Similarly to classical epidemiological research, genetic polymorphisms requires considering aspects of precision and accuracy in the study design.


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Versão integral da revista no link do editor


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Introdução – A negligência no controlo da dor é um problema amplamente reconhecido em Portugal. Desde 2001 têm sido realizadas inúmeras iniciativas para melhorar a prática de cuidados nesta área. Desenvolveram-se ações de sensibilização e formação dos profissionais de saúde, publicaram-se orientações técnicas e guias de boas práticas e realizaram-se os primeiros estudos para se fazer um diagnóstico da situação. Objetivos – O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de caracterizar os cuidados prestados na avaliação e no controlo da dor nas crianças até aos 18 anos internadas em serviços hospitalares em Portugal e analisar a evolução feita nos cuidados entre os anos de 2002 e 2012. Metodologia – Estudo descritivo, transversal, de consulta retrospetiva seriada de registos intermitentes efetuados no processo clínico em relação a um período de 24 horas. O recrutamento da amostra foi aleatório e incluiu todos os processos clínicos de crianças até aos 18 anos internados em serviços de quatro hospitais Portugueses entre agosto e dezembro de 2011. Resultados – A prevalência de dor reduziu de forma significativa entre 2002 e 2012. As crianças livres de dor subiram de 37% para 75%. O registo da avaliação da intensidade da dor e a colheita de informação sobre a história de dor passou a ser uma prática comum na maioria dos casos (53% e 64%, respetivamente), embora ainda direcionada para o modelo de cuidados biomédico. A prevalência das intervenções farmacológicas não se alterou (43% versus 42%), mas a implementação de estratégias não-farmacológicas baixou significativamente (72% versus 15%). Conclusões – As ações de sensibilização/formação realizadas no âmbito das políticas implementadas nestes últimos dez anos na área da avaliação e controlo da dor pediátrica geraram evidentes ganhos na qualidade de cuidados prestados, pelo que o investimento na formação deve continuar. No entanto, deve ser dada prioridade à formação para a aplicação de estratégias de intervenção não-farmacológicas e ao desenvolvimento de mais investigação que suporte as práticas.


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The objective of this descriptive study was to map mental health research in Brazil, providing an overview of infrastructure, financing and policies mental health research. As part of the Atlas-Research Project, a WHO initiative to map mental health research in selected low and middle-income countries, this study was carried out between 1998 and 2002. Data collection strategies included evaluation of governmental documents and sites and questionnaires sent to key professionals for providing information about the Brazilian mental health research infrastructure. In the year 2002, the total budget for Health Research was US$101 million, of which US$3.4 million (3.4) was available for Mental Health Research. The main funding sources for mental health research were found to be the São Paulo State Funding Agency (Fapesp, 53.2%) and the Ministry of Education (CAPES, 30.2%). The rate of doctors is 1.7 per 1,000 inhabitants, and the rate of psychiatrists is 2.7 per 100,000 inhabitants estimated 2000 census. In 2002, there were 53 postgraduate courses directed to mental health training in Brazil (43 in psychology, six in psychiatry, three in psychobiology and one in psychiatric nursing), with 1,775 students being trained in Brazil and 67 overseas. There were nine programs including psychiatry, neuropsychiatry, psychobiology and mental health, seven of them implemented in Southern states. During the five-year period, 186 students got a doctoral degree (37 per year) and 637 articles were published in Institute for Scientic Information (ISI)-indexed journals. The investment channeled towards postgraduate and human resource education programs, by means of grants and other forms of research support, has secured the country a modest but continuous insertion in the international knowledge production in the mental health area.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the extent of mental health scientific production in Brazil from 1999 to 2003, and to identify the nature of the publications generated, their sources of finance and the ways of publicly disseminating the research findings. METHODS: Searches for publications were conducted in the Medline and PsychInfo databases for the period 1999-2003. A semi-structured questionnaire developed by an international team was applied to 626 mental health researchers, covering each interviewee's educational background, research experience, access to funding sources, public impact and research priorities. The sample was composed by 626 mental health researchers identified from 792 publications indexed on Medline and PsychInfo databases for the period above, and from a list of reviewers of Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria. RESULTS: In Brazil, 792 publications were produced by 525 authors between 1999 and 2003 (441 indexed in Medline and 398 in the ISI database). The main topics were: depression (29.1%), substance misuse (14.6%), psychoses (10%), childhood disorders (7%) and dementia (6.7%). Among the 626 Brazilian mental health researchers, 329 answered the questionnaire. CONCLUSIONS: There were steadily increasing numbers of Brazilian articles on mental health published in foreign journals from 1999 to 2003: the number of articles in Medline tripled and it doubled in the ISI database. The content of these articles corresponded to the priorities within mental health, but there is a need for better interlinking between researchers and mental health policymakers.


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ENEGI 2013: Atas do 2º Encontro Nacional de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial, Universidade de Aveiro, 17 e 18 de maio de 2013, Aveiro, Portugal.


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Purpose: The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of qualitative research within the scope of management scientific studies, referring to its philosophy, nature and instruments. It also confronts it with quantitative methodology, approaching its differences as well as its complementariness and synergies, with the purpose of explaining, from a more analytic point of view, the relevance of qualitative methodology in the course of an authentic and real research despite its complexity. Design/methodology/approach: Regardless of its broad application, one may attest the scarcity literature that focuses on qualitative research applied to the management scientific area, as opposed to the large amount that refers to quantitative research. Findings: The paper shows the influence that qualitative research has on management scientific research. Originality/value:. Qualitative research assumes an important role within qualitative research by allowing for the study and analysis of certain types of phenomena that occur inside organisations, and in respect of which quantitative studies cannot provide an answer.


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Purpose: The aim of this paper is to promote qualitative methodology within the scientific community of management. The specific objective is oriented to propose an empirical research process based on case study method. This is to ensure rigor in the empirical research process, that future research may follow a similar procedure to that is proposed. Design/methodology/approach: Following a qualitative methodological approach, we propose a research process that develops according to four phases, each with several stages. This study analyses the preparatory and field work phases and their stages. Findings: The paper shows the influence that case studies have on qualitative empirical research process in management. Originality/value:. Case study method assumes an important role within qualitative research by allowing for the study and analysis of certain types of phenomena that occur inside organisations, and in respect of which quantitative studies cannot provide an answer.


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OBJECTIVE: To understand the social context of female sex workers who use crack and its impact on HIV/AIDS risk behaviors. METHODODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES: Qualitative study carried out in Foz do Iguaçu, Southern Brazil, in 2003. Twenty-six in-depth interviews and two focus groups were carried out with female commercial sex workers who frequently use crack. In-depth interviews with health providers, community leaders and public policy managers, as well as field observations were also conducted. Transcript data was entered into Atlas.ti software and grounded theory methodology was used to analyze the data and develop a conceptual model as a result of this study. ANALYSIS OF RESULTS: Female sex workers who use crack had low self-perceived HIV risk in spite of being engaged in risky behaviors (e.g. unprotected sex with multiple partners). Physical and sexual violence among clients, occasional and stable partners was widespread jeopardizing negotiation and consistent condom use. According to health providers, community leaders and public policy managers, several female sex workers who use crack are homeless or live in slums, and rarely have access to health services, voluntary counseling and testing, social support, pre-natal and reproductive care. CONCLUSIONS: Female sex workers who use crack experience a plethora of health and social problems, which apparently affect their risks for HIV infection. Low-threshold, user-friendly and gender-tailored interventions should be implemented, in order to increase the access to health and social-support services among this population. Those initiatives might also increase their access to reproductive health in general, and to preventive strategies focusing on HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections.