995 resultados para Rand Park Flood Control Project (Cook County, Ill.)


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County of Welland final estimate of work done on the main drain of the marsh lands by Alexander Cook complete with notes and calculations of quantities. This document is unsigned. Estimate no.28, Dec., 1857.


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El Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), es el tumor cerebral más frecuente, con pronóstico grave y baja sensibilidad al tratamiento inicial. El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar si la Difusión en RM (IDRM), es un biomarcador temprano de respuesta tumoral, útil para tomar decisiones tempranas de tratamiento y para obtener información pronostica. Metodología La búsqueda se realizo en las bases de datos EMBASE, CENTRAL, MEDLINE; las bibliografías también fueron revisadas. Los artículos seleccionados fueron estudios observacionales (casos y controles, cohortes, corte transversal), no se encontró ningún ensayo clínico; todos los participante tenían diagnostico histopatológico de GBM, sometidos a resección quirúrgica y/o radio-quimioterapia y seguimiento de respuesta al tratamiento con IDRM por al menos 6 meses. Los datos extraídos de forma independiente fueron tipo de estudio, participantes, intervenciones, seguimiento, desenlaces (sobrevida, progresión/estabilización de la enfermedad, muerte) Resultados Quince estudios cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Entre las técnicas empleadas de IDRM para evaluar respuesta radiológica al tratamiento, fueron histogramas del coeficiente aparente de difusion ADC (compararon valores inferiores a la media y el percentil 10 de ADC, con los valores superiores); encontrando en términos generales que un ADC bajo es un fuerte predictor de sobrevida y/o progresión del tumor. (Esto fue significativo en 5 estudios); mapas funcionales de difusion (FDM) (midieron el porcentaje de cambio de ADC basal vs pos tratamiento) que mostro ser un fuerte predictor de sobrevida en pacientes con progresión tumoral. DISCUSION Desafortunadamente la calidad de los estudios fue intermedia-baja lo que hace que la aplicabilidad de los estudios sea limitada.


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El dolor es un problema importante para los pacientes hospitalizados en las UCI porque genera malestar y distrés. Además, la investigación ha demostrado que en algunos pacientes críticos el dolor agudo puede persistir después de alta y convertirse en crónico. La gestión eficaz del dolor en pacientes críticos requiere un enfoque interdisciplinario, que incorpore la visión y trabajo de expertos que representan una amplia variedad de especialidades clínicas. Así, la utilización de la intervención psicológica en el tratamiento del dolor es una parte integral de un enfoque global. Basado en una revisión de la evidencia científica, se identifican y señalan: (1) los tipos de dolor más comunes; (2) las características del dolor; (3) las patologías más frecuentes asociadas con la presencia de dolor; (4) los procedimientos que generan dolor en la UCI; (5) los métodos de evaluación del dolor; (6) la intervención del mismo y; (7) la contribución del psicólogo en la evaluación y manejo del dolor con el paciente, los familiares y los profesionales de la salud. La revisión realizada indica que los procesos psicológicos influyen tanto en la experiencia del dolor como en los resultados del tratamiento, por lo tanto la integración de los principios psicológicos en el tratamiento del dolor parecen tener potencial mejora de los resultados beneficiando la salud del paciente.


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El presente proyecto se ha elaborado con la finalidad de encontrar la relación existente entre el liderazgo y el locus de control, por medio de una revisión documental que permita dar una visión más amplia de estos dos fenómenos. De acuerdo con investigaciones realizadas, existen características individuales que afectan el desarrollo de liderazgo, lo cual a su vez tiene un impacto sobre el comportamiento de los individuos dentro de una sociedad. Uno de estos factores es el locus de control, el cual sesta determinado por características del individuo, y por el ambiente en el cual se desenvuelven las personas. Existen diferentes evidencias que soportan ésta relación entre locus de control y liderazgo. En éste estudio documental se describirán estos hallazgos, identificando las características del individuo y del contexto que influyen sobre ellos. Asimismo se pondrá en contexto a través del trabajo las características principales de los líderes y como se presentan las interacciones entre los lideres y seguidores, teniendo en cuenta que no todas las veces los seguidores desarrollan este papel al seguir a su líder, sino que por otro lado y estos pueden tomar parte fundamental en la interacción, influyendo de manera directa sobre el líder. Se recuerda que a los lideres los hacen sus seguidores y que sin estos no podrían desarrollar el papel de líder.


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La presente monografía pretende analizar en qué medida el co-liderazgo sino-ruso de la Organización de Cooperación de Shanghái puede condicionar la hegemonía estadounidense en Asia Central. Esta investigación defiende que los objetivos del co-liderazgo sino-ruso de la OCS - garantizar un orden multipolar del Sistema Internacional; obtener el acceso, control y explotación de los recursos (naturales, minerales e hídricos); disminuir la influencia política y militar de Estados Unidos en dicho pivote geopolítico - evidencian una contraposición al código geopolítico estadounidense en Asia Central, lo cual genera un limitante a su proyecto de hegemonía en la región. Para sustentar lo anterior se utilizan categorías analíticas propias de la Geopolítica de autores como Zbigniew Brzezinski, Saul Cohen y Peter Taylor, las cuales se contrastan con las estrategias de Rusia, China y Estados Unidos en Asia Central.


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A major infrastructure project is used to investigate the role of digital objects in the coordination of engineering design work. From a practice-based perspective, research emphasizes objects as important in enabling cooperative knowledge work and knowledge sharing. The term ‘boundary object’ has become used in the analysis of mutual and reciprocal knowledge sharing around physical and digital objects. The aim is to extend this work by analysing the introduction of an extranet into the public–private partnership project used to construct a new motorway. Multiple categories of digital objects are mobilized in coordination across heterogeneous, cross-organizational groups. The main findings are that digital objects provide mechanisms for accountability and control, as well as for mutual and reciprocal knowledge sharing; and that different types of objects are nested, forming a digital infrastructure for project delivery. Reconceptualizing boundary objects as a digital infrastructure for delivery has practical implications for management practices on large projects and for the use of digital tools, such as building information models, in construction. It provides a starting point for future research into the changing nature of digitally enabled coordination in project-based work.


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The quality control, validation and verification of the European Flood Alert System (EFAS) are described. EFAS is designed as a flood early warning system at pan-European scale, to complement national systems and provide flood warnings more than 2 days before a flood. On average 20–30 alerts per year are sent out to the EFAS partner network which consists of 24 National hydrological authorities responsible for transnational river basins. Quality control of the system includes the evaluation of the hits, misses and false alarms, showing that EFAS has more than 50% of the time hits. Furthermore, the skills of both the meteorological as well as the hydrological forecasts are evaluated, and are included here for a 10-year period. Next, end-user needs and feedback are systematically analysed. Suggested improvements, such as real-time river discharge updating, are currently implemented.


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This chapter presents the range of activities undertaken for the Lefka Ori National Park in Crete, Creece within the frame of INNOVA project which aimed at achieving the following outcomes: -Evaluation of protected area management effectiveness -Introduction to the concept of sustainability in protected area management -Developing of a sustainability monitoring strategy for Lefka Ori -Increase of stakeholder and public awareness, regarding the protected areas threats and values -Enable stakeholder and local community engagement in protected area management


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Climate change due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of precipitation events, which is likely to affect the probability of flooding into the future. In this paper we use river flow simulations from nine global hydrology and land surface models to explore uncertainties in the potential impacts of climate change on flood hazard at global scale. As an indicator of flood hazard we looked at changes in the 30-y return level of 5-d average peak flows under representative concentration pathway RCP8.5 at the end of this century. Not everywhere does climate change result in an increase in flood hazard: decreases in the magnitude and frequency of the 30-y return level of river flow occur at roughly one-third (20-45%) of the global land grid points, particularly in areas where the hydro-graph is dominated by the snowmelt flood peak in spring. In most model experiments, however, an increase in flooding frequency was found in more than half of the grid points. The current 30-y flood peak is projected to occur in more than 1 in 5 y across 5-30% of land grid points. The large-scale patterns of change are remarkably consistent among impact models and even the driving climate models, but at local scale and in individual river basins there can be disagreement even on the sign of change, indicating large modeling uncertainty which needs to be taken into account in local adaptation studies.


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Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a control method that solves in real time an optimal control problem over a finite horizon. The finiteness of the horizon is both the reason of MPC's success and its main limitation. In operational water resources management, MPC has been in fact successfully employed for controlling systems with a relatively short memory, such as canals, where the horizon length is not an issue. For reservoirs, which have generally a longer memory, MPC applications are presently limited to short term management only. Short term reservoir management can be effectively used to deal with fast process, such as floods, but it is not capable of looking sufficiently ahead to handle long term issues, such as drought. To overcome this limitation, we propose an Infinite Horizon MPC (IH-MPC) solution that is particularly suitable for reservoir management. We propose to structure the input signal by use of orthogonal basis functions, therefore reducing the optimization argument to a finite number of variables, and making the control problem solvable in a reasonable time. We applied this solution for the management of the Manantali Reservoir. Manantali is a yearly reservoir located in Mali, on the Senegal river, affecting water systems of Mali, Senegal, and Mauritania. The long term horizon offered by IH-MPC is necessary to deal with the strongly seasonal climate of the region.


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This paper describes an urban traffic control system which aims at contributing to a more efficient traffic management system in the cities of Brazil. It uses fuzzy sets, case-based reasoning, and genetic algorithms to handle dynamic and unpredictable traffic scenarios, as well as uncertain, incomplete, and inconsistent information. The system is composed by one supervisor and several controller agents, which cooperate with each other to improve the system's results through Artificial Intelligence Techniques.


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La dissertazione affronterà il tema del controllo qualità nei progetti, applicando conoscenze, tecniche e strumenti propri del Project e del Multiproject Management. L’analisi partirà svolgendo, nel primo capitolo, considerazioni introduttive riguardo le due discipline citate. Lo scopo ultimo sarà quello di elaborare un sistema di controllo integrato della qualità, indirizzato principalmente al Project Management che è presente in una qualsiasi organizzazione che opera per progetti. Nel secondo capitolo verrà illustrato il metodo denominato Multidimensional Project control System sul quale il modello sviluppato in seguito si basa. La progettazione di un sistema di controllo è una parte importante dello sforzo di gestione di un progetto. Tale sistema è basato su una serie di obiettivi di progetto e sulla loro importanza relativa e fonda la sua natura su una sistematica valutazione in corso d’opera dello stato di conformità del progetto, sia a livello di processo che a livello di output. Nel capitolo conclusivo si affronta l’obiettivo principale di questo elaborato. Sono stati forniti dati e documenti dall’azienda Despar Italia c.r.l. ed è stato chiesto di sviluppare un metodo di controllo che il Project Management potesse utilizzare per implementare un processo di verifica della qualità di progetto. Viene quindi descritta l’azienda, come il Management pianifica, gestisce e controlla i progetti e quali necessità devono essere soddisfatte. Si procede poi con l’illustrazione e spiegazione del metodo sviluppato, chiarito da un esempio esplicativo. L’elaborato si concluderà con delle riflessioni finali, proponendo critiche e spunti per eventuali sviluppi futuri.


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This research evaluated an Intelligent Compaction (IC) unit on the M-189 highway reconstruction project at Iron River, Michigan. The results from the IC unit were compared to several traditional compaction measurement devices including Nuclear Density Gauge (NDG), Geogauge, Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD), Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP), and Modified Clegg Hammer (MCH). The research collected point measurements data on a test section in which 30 test locations on the final Class II sand base layer and the 22A gravel layer. These point measurements were compared with the IC measurements (ICMVs) on a point-to-point basis through a linear regression analysis. Poor correlations were obtained among different measurements points using simple regression analysis. When comparing the ICMV to the compaction measurements points. Factors attributing to the weak correlation include soil heterogeneity, variation in IC roller operation parameters, in-place moisture content, the narrow range of the compaction devices measurement ranges and support conditions of the support layers. After incorporating some of the affecting factors into a multiple regression analysis, the strength of correlation significantly improved, especially on the stiffer gravel layer. Measurements were also studied from an overall distribution perspective in terms of average, measurement range, standard deviation, and coefficient of variance. Based on data analysis, on-site project observation and literature review, conclusions were made on how IC performed in regards to compaction control on the M-189 reconstruction project.