846 resultados para Radio-frequency power


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无线射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)技术是通过无线射频方式进行非接触双向通信的自动化识别与数据获取技术,在多目标识别、移动目标识别和单品识别等应用领域具有极大的优势,广泛应用于国防、制造、医疗、零售、物流等诸多领域,被誉为21世纪最热门的技术之一。近年来RFID技术受到工业界和学术界高度关注,理论研究和实践应用得到了突飞猛进的发展,同时,在面向RFID海量数据的智能信息处理方面也带来了巨大的挑战。因此,本文以面向应用的RFID数据处理为背景,对RFID智能信息处理及其关键问题进行了深入研究,主要研究内容包括以下几个方面: 首先,回顾并总结了流数据处理、复杂事件处理和信息融合等理论方法在RFID信息处理上的主要研究成果和典型方法,为RFID智能信息处理体系的建立奠定了理论依据,针对当前RFID信息处理方法的不足,从融合多领域相关技术,进行综合性、大规模的RFID信息处理的角度,提出了综合方法集成框架,并给出了框架相关模块的构成说明,为进一步提出RFID智能信息处理方面新的理论和方法提供了研究思路。 其次,以构件技术和中间件技术为背景,详细分析了现存的RFID中间件系统的优势与不足,在此基础上,主要针对RFID海量数据处理、RFID多协议数据转换、复杂事件处理以及面向RFID的企业信息集成等问题,提出了RFID智能信息处理软件体系结构,设计并实现了流数据处理引擎、多协议处理器、监控管理器、事件管理器和复杂事件处理引擎,并给出了相关模块的处理算法,从软件体系结构上保证了RFID信息处理软件系统的智能性和可扩展性,软件实现验证了所提软件体系的有效性。 再次,在总结和分析流数据管理系统和流数据查询语言方面主要研究成果的基础上,从重用和集成现有流数据处理方法,分离流数据源和处理逻辑,简化软件开发与部署,实时监控与优化RFID流数据处理的研究角度,提出了面向服务体系的RFID流数据处理服务体系,给出了RFID流数据处理服务模型和服务逻辑模型,并给出了基于XML的服务单元描述,数据流描述和服务单元激活描述。最后给出了软件实现,验证了所提出的流数据处理服务的有效性。 最后,以事件驱动系统和主动数据库系统为背景,介绍了复杂事件处理所涉及的关键技术,并在分析目前研究的优势与不足基础上,针对面向RFID海量事件的语义信息处理需求,提出了RFID复杂事件模型和复杂事件处理网络模型,并提出了基于时空关系的操作算子和复杂事件模式定义。在分析和总结已有复杂事件探测体系不足的基础上,进一步设计了RFID复杂事件探测中心结构,并给出相关构件的功能描述。对于复杂事件探测问题,主要提出了基于分发策略和消耗策略的探测优化,并给出了策略选择算法,在以上算法结果的基础上提出了基于策略选择的复杂事件探测算法,同传统复杂事件探测算法比较分析显示所提算法的有效性。


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众所周知,供应链管理(Supply Chain Management, SCM)是一个极其复杂的系统,自从上个世纪70年代以来,经济全球化的趋势以及信息技术的快速发展,给本来已经极其热门的供应链管理领域又提供了无穷的发展空间。这个领域里面不断出现新的挑战,其中的种种难题几乎都跟供应链系统的复杂性和不确定性特征息息相关。 无线射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)技术是通过无线射频方式进行非接触双向通信的自动化识别与数据获取技术,在多目标识别、移动目标识别和单品识别等应用领域具有极大的优势,广泛应用于国防、制造、医疗、零售、物流等诸多领域,被誉为21世纪最热门的技术之一。近年来RFID技术受到工业界和学术界高度关注,理论研究和实践应用得到了突飞猛进的发展。随着无线射频识别技术的迅速发展和价格的迅速低廉,企业已经越来越多地把信息技术应用于供应链的管理之中,信息技术已成为企业实施供应链管理的不可或缺的手段,它们可以使企业的供应链管理更为有效以及高效。但是在将RFID技术应用到供应链信息管理的过程之中,遇到了许多阻力和困难。在RFID信息网络的构建、网络中海量资源调用、以及跟踪应用等诸多方面都存在还不能解决的问题。 本文在深入研究无线射频识别技术的基础上,结合供应链信息系统的发展现状以及所面临的诸多迫切需要解决的问题,提出了面向供应链服务的RFID信息网络,并设计了RFID网格模型,对RFID网络中的资源优化问题,以及目标跟踪问题进行了专门的研究,提出了行之有效的算法。主要的研究内容包括以下几个方面: 首先,构建了基于RFID系统的供应链信息管理系统的架构,并针对供应链信息系统中存在的种种问题,提出构建面向供应链服务的RFID网络。在详细介绍了当前国内外RFID网络研究与发展的基础上,设计了基于RFID网络的供应链应用体系,并给出了这一RFID网络的基本架构。 其次,根据网格计算理论提出了RFID无线网格体系,分别对RFID无线网格分层组织和系统构建组成进行了详细的描述。设计了RFID网格的供应链应用场景,将RFID网格基础设施安装在制造商分销中心、零售商仓库和零售商商店,通过运行在每个基础实施构件提供RFID数据捕获、数据处理和集成,并对RFID无线网格体系进行了建模以及分析。 再次,针对供应链系统的RFID信息服务瞬时产生海量的RFID信息,资源调度优化存在难点,提出利用粒子群算法,解决这一问题。该算法在求解该类问题时的优点包括:收敛速度快、容易克服早熟、能够优化多目标、能够柔性控制和容易分布式运算等。我们设计了RFID资源任务调度模型,利用经过改进的粒子群算法BPSO对这一模型的进行了求解,并将这一算法与传统的遗传算法的求解进行了仿真比较,可见该算法较遗传算法有较大优势。 最后,在面向供应链系统的RFID信息服务中,跟踪领域具有广泛的应用前景,同时在对环境敏感的对象跟踪领域中联合无线传感器网络也是RFID跟踪应用的一大趋势。针对网络跟踪研究,总结了RFID与无线传感器网络相结合的三种模式,提出以Adhoc的方式将RFID读写器组成一个面向供应链服务的无线跟踪网络,并给出一基于RFID无线网络的跟踪算法,以解决供应链系统中物品的追踪问题。


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射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)技术,是一种利用射频通信实现的非接触式的数据采集和自动识别技术(以下通称RFID技术)。而超高频射频识别技术(Ultra High Frequency RFID,UHF RFID)具有识别距离远、识别准确率高、识别速度快、抗干扰能力强等特点而成为当前研发的热点。UHF RFID读写器的难点就在于射频前端电路和基带编解码的设计,它们设计的好坏直接决定了读写器的性能好坏。 本文首先通过介绍UHF RFID读写器射频前端设计的基本原理,采用射频通用收发模块进行射频前端设计的方法,给出了以ADF7020收发芯片为核心的UHF RFID读写器的射频前端的整体设计和具体的实现电路,设计了包括射频收发电路、射频前端匹配电路、滤波电路、环行器电路、功率放大电路等。 其次根据EPC Gen-2的协议标准进行了UHF RFID读写器的基带编码解码的仿真设计,然后开发了以FPGA为核心的完整的数字基带硬件电路,实际调试表明整个基带编解码软件在硬件基带PCB板上运行状况良好,并能对EPC Gen-2的协议标准的命令进行正确的编码解码。 最后通过研究学习软件无线电的理论和开发方法,把UHF RFID读写器的射频前端分成射频模拟前端和射频数字前端,给出了一种基于软件无线电思想的UHF RFID射频数字前端设计模型,并借助于SIMULINK中的信号处理工具箱对构建的数字前端的进行仿真验证,仿真结果验证了用软件无线电实现UHF RFID数字前端的可行性。


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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In this paper, The radio Frequency (RF) Monitoring and Measurement of the Environmental Research Institute (ERI) located in Cork city will be monitored and analyzed in both the Zigbee (2.44 GHz) and the industrial, scientific and medical (ISM 433 MHz). The main objective of this survey is to confirm what the noise and interferences threat signals exist in these bands. It was agreed that the surveys would be carried out in 5 different rooms and areas that are candidates for the Wireless Sensors deployments. Based on the carried on study, A Zigbee standard Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) will be developed employing a number of motes for sensing number of signals like temperature, light and humidity beside the RSSI and battery voltage monitoring. Such system will be used later on to control and improve indoor building climate at reduced costs, remove the need for cabling and both installation and operational costs are significantly reduced.


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The development of ultra high speed (~20 Gsamples/s) analogue to digital converters (ADCs), and the delayed deployment of 40 Gbit/s transmission due to the economic downturn, has stimulated the investigation of digital signal processing (DSP) techniques for compensation of optical transmission impairments. In the future, DSP will offer an entire suite of tools to compensate for optical impairments and facilitate the use of advanced modulation formats. Chromatic dispersion is a very significant impairment for high speed optical transmission. This thesis investigates a novel electronic method of dispersion compensation which allows for cost-effective accurate detection of the amplitude and phase of the optical field into the radio frequency domain. The first electronic dispersion compensation (EDC) schemes accessed only the amplitude information using square law detection and achieved an increase in transmission distances. This thesis presents a method by using a frequency sensitive filter to estimate the phase of the received optical field and, in conjunction with the amplitude information, the entire field can be digitised using ADCs. This allows DSP technologies to take the next step in optical communications without requiring complex coherent detection. This is of particular of interest in metropolitan area networks. The full-field receiver investigated requires only an additional asymmetrical Mach-Zehnder interferometer and balanced photodiode to achieve a 50% increase in EDC reach compared to amplitude only detection.


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In this thesis I theoretically study quantum states of ultracold atoms. The majority of the Chapters focus on engineering specific quantum states of single atoms with high fidelity in experimentally realistic systems. In the sixth Chapter, I investigate the stability and dynamics of new multidimensional solitonic states that can be created in inhomogeneous atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. In Chapter three I present two papers in which I demonstrate how the coherent tunnelling by adiabatic passage (CTAP) process can be implemented in an experimentally realistic atom chip system, to coherently transfer the centre-of-mass of a single atom between two spatially distinct magnetic waveguides. In these works I also utilise GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) computing which offers a significant performance increase in the numerical simulation of the Schrödinger equation. In Chapter four I investigate the CTAP process for a linear arrangement of radio frequency traps where the centre-of-mass of both, single atoms and clouds of interacting atoms, can be coherently controlled. In Chapter five I present a theoretical study of adiabatic radio frequency potentials where I use Floquet theory to more accurately model situations where frequencies are close and/or field amplitudes are large. I also show how one can create highly versatile 2D adiabatic radio frequency potentials using multiple radio frequency fields with arbitrary field orientation and demonstrate their utility by simulating the creation of ring vortex solitons. In the sixth Chapter I discuss the stability and dynamics of a family of multidimensional solitonic states created in harmonically confined Bose-Einstein condensates. I demonstrate that these solitonic states have interesting dynamical instabilities, where a continuous collapse and revival of the initial state occurs. Through Bogoliubov analysis, I determine the modes responsible for the observed instabilities of each solitonic state and also extract information related to the time at which instability can be observed.


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BACKGROUND: One of the central physiological functions of the lungs is to transfer inhaled gases from the alveoli to pulmonary capillary blood. However, current measures of alveolar gas uptake provide only global information and thus lack the sensitivity and specificity needed to account for regional variations in gas exchange. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we exploit the solubility, high magnetic resonance (MR) signal intensity, and large chemical shift of hyperpolarized (HP) (129)Xe to probe the regional uptake of alveolar gases by directly imaging HP (129)Xe dissolved in the gas exchange tissues and pulmonary capillary blood of human subjects. The resulting single breath-hold, three-dimensional MR images are optimized using millisecond repetition times and high flip angle radio-frequency pulses, because the dissolved HP (129)Xe magnetization is rapidly replenished by diffusive exchange with alveolar (129)Xe. The dissolved HP (129)Xe MR images display significant, directional heterogeneity, with increased signal intensity observed from the gravity-dependent portions of the lungs. CONCLUSIONS: The features observed in dissolved-phase (129)Xe MR images are consistent with gravity-dependent lung deformation, which produces increased ventilation, reduced alveolar size (i.e., higher surface-to-volume ratios), higher tissue densities, and increased perfusion in the dependent portions of the lungs. Thus, these results suggest that dissolved HP (129)Xe imaging reports on pulmonary function at a fundamental level.


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A novel open waveguide cavity resonator is presented for the combined variable frequency microwave curing of bumps, underfills and encapsulants, as well as the alignment of devices for fast flip-chip assembly, direct chip attach (DCA) or wafer-scale level packaging (WSLP). This technology achieves radio frequency (RF) curing of adhesives used in microelectronics, optoelectronics and medical devices with potential simultaneous micron-scale alignment accuracy and bonding of devices. In principle, the open oven cavity can be fitted directly onto a flip-chip or wafer scale bonder and, as such, will allow for the bonding of devices through localised heating thus reducing the risk to thermally sensitive devices. Variable frequency microwave (VFM) heating and curing of an idealised polymer load is numerically simulated using a multi-physics approach. Electro-magnetic fields within a novel open ended microwave oven developed for use in micro-electronics manufacturing applications are solved using a dedicated Yee scheme finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) solver. Temperature distribution, degree of cure and thermal stresses are analysed using an Unstructured Finite Volume method (UFVM) multi-physics package. The polymer load was meshed for thermophysical analysis, whilst the microwave cavity - encompassing the polymer load - was meshed for microwave irradiation. The two solution domains are linked using a cross mapping routine. The principle of heating using the evanescent fringing fields within the open-end of the cavity is demonstrated. A closed loop feedback routine is established allowing the temperature within a lossy sample to be controlled. A distribution of the temperature within the lossy sample is obtained by using a thermal imaging camera.


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We explore the potential application of cognitive interrogator network (CIN) in remote monitoring of mobile subjects in domestic environments, where the ultra-wideband radio frequency identification (UWB-RFID) technique is considered for accurate source localization. We first present the CIN architecture in which the central base station (BS) continuously and intelligently customizes the illumination modes of the distributed transceivers in response to the systempsilas changing knowledge of the channel conditions and subject movements. Subsequently, the analytical results of the locating probability and time-of-arrival (TOA) estimation uncertainty for a large-scale CIN with randomly distributed interrogators are derived based upon the implemented cognitive intelligences. Finally, numerical examples are used to demonstrate the key effects of the proposed cognitions on the system performance


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Magnetic neutral loop discharges (NLDs) can be operated at significantly lower pressures than conventional radio-frequency (rf) inductively coupled plasmas (ICPs). These low pressure conditions are favourable for technological applications, in particular anisotropic etching. An ICP–NLD has been designed providing excellent diagnostics access for detailed investigations of fundamental mechanisms. Spatially resolved Langmuir probe measurements have been performed in the plasma production region (NL region) as well as in the remote application region downstream from the NL region. Depending on the NL gradient two different operation modes have been observed exhibiting different opportunities for control of plasma uniformity. The efficient operation at comparatively low pressures results in ionization degrees exceeding 1%. In this regime neutral dynamics has to be considered and can influence neutral gas and process uniformity. Neutral gas depletion through elevated gas temperatures and high ionization rates have been quantified. At pressures above 0.1 Pa, gas heating is the dominant depletion mechanism. At lower pressures neutral gas is predominantly depleted through high ionization rates and rapid transport of ions by ambipolar diffusion along the magnetic field lines. Non-uniform profiles of the ionization rate can, therefore, result in localized neutral gas depletion and non-uniform processing. We have also investigated the electron dynamics within the radio-frequency cycle using phase resolved optical emission spectroscopy and Thomson scattering. In these measurements electron drift phenomena along the NL torus have been identified.


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Spatial structures of plasma parameters in a radio-frequency inductively coupled magnetic neutral loop discharge are investigated under various parameter variations using spatially resolved Langmuir probe measurements. A strong coupling between the plasma production region, in the neutral loop (NL) plane, and the axially remote substrate region is observed. The two regions are connected through the separatrices and therefore, spatial profiles in the substrate region are strongly influenced by the plasma production region and the structure of the separatrices. The electron temperature in the plasma production region peaks in the centre of the NL while the maximum in electron density is shifted radially inwards due to diffusion. Details of the structures in both regions, the production region and the substrate region, are determined through the position of the NL and the gradient of the inhomogeneous magnetic field around the NL confinement region. Parameter combinations are found providing higher plasma densities and better uniformity than in common inductively coupled plasmas without applying an additional magnetic field. The uniformity can be further improved using temporal variations of the magnetic field structure.


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Hydrogen ions (H+, H-2(+) and H-3(+)) are produced in a magnetically confined inductively coupled radio frequency plasma. Ions are accelerated in the plasma boundary sheath potential, of several hundred volts, in front of a biased metal electrode immersed in the plasma. Backscattered hyperthermal hydrogen atoms are investigated by optical emission spectroscopy and an energy-resolved mass spectrometer. Ionisation of fast neutrals through electron stripping of atoms in the plasma allows energy analysis of the resulting ions. Thereby, the energy distribution function of the hyperthermal atoms can be deduced. The energy spectra can be explained as a superposition of individual spectra of the various ion species. The measured spectra also shows contributions of negative ions created at the electrode surface. In addition to experimental measurements, simulations of the neutral flux of backscattered atoms are carried out.


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A novel acousto-optic spectrometer (IfU Diagnostic Systems GmbH) for 2-dimensional (2D) optical emission spectroscopy with high spectral resolution has been developed. The spectrometer is based on acousto-optic tuneable filter technology with fast random wavelength access. Measurements for characterisation of the imaging quality, the spatial resolution, and the spectral resolution are presented. The applicability for 2D-space and phase resolved optical emission spectroscopy (2D-PROES) is shown. 2D-PROES has been applied to an inductively coupled plasma with radio frequency excitation at 13.56 MHz.


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An analytical approach for CMOS parameter extraction which includes the effect of parasitic resistance is presented. The method is based on small-signal equivalent circuit valid in all region of operation to uniquely extract extrinsic resistances, which can be used to extend the industry standard BSIM3v3 MOSFET model for radio frequency applications. The verification of the model was carried out through frequency domain measurements of S-parameters and direct time domain measurement at 2.4 GHz in a large signal non-linear mode of operation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.