951 resultados para Query errors


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[ES] Uno de los cinco componentes de la arquitectura triskel,  una base de datos NoSQL que trata de dar solución al problema de Big data de la web semántica, el  gran número de identificadores de recursos que se necesitarían debido al creciente número de sitios web, concretamente el motor de gestión de ejecución de patrones basados en tripletas y en la tecnología RDF. Se encarga de recoger la petición de consulta por parte del intérprete, analizar los patrones que intervienen en la consulta en busca de dependencias explotables entre ellos, y así poder realizar la consulta con mayor rapidez además de ir resolviendo los diferentes patrones contra el almacenamiento, un TripleStore, y devolver el resultado de la petición en una tabla.


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The central objective of research in Information Retrieval (IR) is to discover new techniques to retrieve relevant information in order to satisfy an Information Need. The Information Need is satisfied when relevant information can be provided to the user. In IR, relevance is a fundamental concept which has changed over time, from popular to personal, i.e., what was considered relevant before was information for the whole population, but what is considered relevant now is specific information for each user. Hence, there is a need to connect the behavior of the system to the condition of a particular person and his social context; thereby an interdisciplinary sector called Human-Centered Computing was born. For the modern search engine, the information extracted for the individual user is crucial. According to the Personalized Search (PS), two different techniques are necessary to personalize a search: contextualization (interconnected conditions that occur in an activity), and individualization (characteristics that distinguish an individual). This movement of focus to the individual's need undermines the rigid linearity of the classical model overtaken the ``berry picking'' model which explains that the terms change thanks to the informational feedback received from the search activity introducing the concept of evolution of search terms. The development of Information Foraging theory, which observed the correlations between animal foraging and human information foraging, also contributed to this transformation through attempts to optimize the cost-benefit ratio. This thesis arose from the need to satisfy human individuality when searching for information, and it develops a synergistic collaboration between the frontiers of technological innovation and the recent advances in IR. The search method developed exploits what is relevant for the user by changing radically the way in which an Information Need is expressed, because now it is expressed through the generation of the query and its own context. As a matter of fact the method was born under the pretense to improve the quality of search by rewriting the query based on the contexts automatically generated from a local knowledge base. Furthermore, the idea of optimizing each IR system has led to develop it as a middleware of interaction between the user and the IR system. Thereby the system has just two possible actions: rewriting the query, and reordering the result. Equivalent actions to the approach was described from the PS that generally exploits information derived from analysis of user behavior, while the proposed approach exploits knowledge provided by the user. The thesis went further to generate a novel method for an assessment procedure, according to the "Cranfield paradigm", in order to evaluate this type of IR systems. The results achieved are interesting considering both the effectiveness achieved and the innovative approach undertaken together with the several applications inspired using a local knowledge base.


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I sistemi mobili rappresentano una classe di sistemi distribuiti caratterizzata dalla presenza di dispositivi portatili eterogenei quali PDA, laptop e telefoni cellulari che interagiscono tra loro mediante una rete di interconnessione wireless. Una classe di sistemi mobili di particolare interesse è costituita dai sistemi basati sul modello di interazione publish/subscribe. Secondo tale schema, i nodi all'interno di una rete possono assumere due ruoli differenti: i produttori di informazione, chiamati publisher, ed i consumatori di informazione, chiamati subscriber. Tipicamente, l'interazione tra essi è mediata da un gestore di eventi che indirizza correttamente le informazioni ricevute dai publisher verso i subscriber interessati, sulla base degli interessi espressi da questi ultimi tramite sottoscrizioni. Nella progettazione di sistemi mobili, a differenza di quelli tradizionali basati su nodi fissi, bisogna tenere conto di problemi quali la scarsa capacità computazionale dei dispositivi e la limitata larghezza di banda delle reti wireless. All'interno di tale ambito, stanno recentemente assumendo sempre maggiore importanza i sistemi context-aware, ovvero sistemi mobili che sfruttano i dati provenienti dall'ambiente circostante e dai dispositivi stessi per adattare il proprio comportamento e notificare agli utenti la presenza di informazioni potenzialmente utili. Nello studio di questi sistemi, si è notato che i nodi che si trovano nella stessa area geografica generano tipicamente delle sottoscrizioni che presentano tra loro un certo grado di similarità e coperture parziali o totali. Il gruppo di ricerca del DEIS dell’Università di Bologna ha sviluppato un'infrastruttura di supporto per sistemi mobili context-aware, chiamata SALES. Attualmente il sistema progettato non considera le similarità delle sottoscrizioni e quindi non sfrutta opportunamente tale informazione. In questo contesto si rende necessario l'adozione di opportune tecniche di aggregazione delle sottoscrizioni atte ad alleggerire la computazione dei nodi mobili e le comunicazioni tra loro. Il lavoro presentato in questa tesi sarà finalizzato alla ricerca, all'adattamento ed all'implementazione di una tecnica di aggregazione delle sottoscrizioni. Tale tecnica avrà lo scopo di rilevare e sfruttare le similarità delle sottoscrizioni ricevute dal sistema al fine di ridurne il numero; in questo modo, quando un nodo riceverà un dato, il processo di confronto tra l'insieme delle sottoscrizioni memorizzate e il dato ricevuto sarà più leggero, consentendo un risparmio di risorse computazionali. Inoltre, adattando tali tecniche, sarà possibile modulare anche il traffico dati scaturito dalle risposte alle sottoscrizioni. La struttura di questa tesi prevede un primo capitolo sui sistemi context-aware, descrivendone le principali caratteristiche e mettendo in luce le problematiche ad essi associate. Il secondo capitolo illustra il modello di comunicazione Publish/Subscribe, modello di riferimento per i moderni sistemi context-aware e per i sistemi mobili in generale. Il terzo capitolo descrive l'infrastruttura SALES sulla quale si è progettata, implementata e testata la soluzione proposta in questa tesi. Il quarto capitolo presenta le principali tecniche di aggregazione delle sottoscrizioni e spiega come possono essere adattate al contesto di questa tesi. Il quinto capitolo effettua l'analisi dei requisiti per comprendere meglio il comportamento della soluzione; seguono la progettazione e l’implementazione della soluzione su SALES. Infine, il sesto capitolo riporta in dettaglio i risultati ottenuti da alcuni degli esperimenti effettuati e vengono messi a confronto con quelli rilevati dal sistema di partenza.


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Das aSPECT Spektrometer wurde entworfen, um das Spektrum der Protonen beimrnZerfall freier Neutronen mit hoher Präzision zu messen. Aus diesem Spektrum kann dann der Elektron-Antineutrino Winkelkorrelationskoeffizient "a" mit hoher Genauigkeit bestimmt werden. Das Ziel dieses Experiments ist es, diesen Koeffizienten mit einem absoluten relativen Fehler von weniger als 0.3% zu ermitteln, d.h. deutlich unter dem aktuellen Literaturwert von 5%.rnrnErste Messungen mit dem aSPECT Spektrometer wurden an der Forschungsneutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz in München durchgeführt. Jedoch verhinderten zeitabhängige Instabilitäten des Meßhintergrunds eine neue Bestimmung von "a".rnrnDie vorliegende Arbeit basiert hingegen auf den letzten Messungen mit dem aSPECTrnSpektrometer am Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble, Frankreich. Bei diesen Messungen konnten die Instabilitäten des Meßhintergrunds bereits deutlich reduziert werden. Weiterhin wurden verschiedene Veränderungen vorgenommen, um systematische Fehler zu minimieren und um einen zuverlässigeren Betrieb des Experiments sicherzustellen. Leider konnte aber wegen zu hohen Sättigungseffekten der Empfängerelektronik kein brauchbares Ergebnis gemessen werden. Trotzdem konnten diese und weitere systematische Fehler identifiziert und verringert, bzw. sogar teilweise eliminiert werden, wovon zukünftigernStrahlzeiten an aSPECT profitieren werden.rnrnDer wesentliche Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit befasst sich mit der Analyse und Verbesserung der systematischen Fehler, die durch das elektromagnetische Feld aSPECTs hervorgerufen werden. Hieraus ergaben sich vielerlei Verbesserungen, insbesondere konnten die systematischen Fehler durch das elektrische Feld verringert werden. Die durch das Magnetfeld verursachten Fehler konnten sogar soweit minimiert werden, dass nun eine Verbesserung des aktuellen Literaturwerts von "a" möglich ist. Darüber hinaus wurde in dieser Arbeit ein für den Versuch maßgeschneidertes NMR-Magnetometer entwickelt und soweit verbessert, dass nun Unsicherheiten bei der Charakterisierung des Magnetfeldes soweit reduziert wurden, dass sie für die Bestimmung von "a" mit einer Genauigkeit von mindestens 0.3% vernachlässigbar sind.


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The aim of this dissertation is to show the power of contrastive analysis in successfully predicting the errors a language learner will make by means of a concrete case study. First, there is a description of what language transfer is and why it is important in the matter of second language acquisition. Second, a brief explanation of the history and development of contrastive analysis will be offered. Third, the focus of the thesis will move to an analysis of errors usually made by language learners. To conclude, the dissertation will focus on the concrete case study of a Russian learner of English: after an analysis of the errors the student is likely to make, a recorded conversation will be examined.


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The aim of this dissertation is to provide a translation from English into Italian of an extract from the research report “The Nature of Errors Made by Drivers”. The research was conducted by the MUARC (the Monash University Accident Research Centre) and published in June 2011 by Austroads, the association of Australasian road transport and traffic agencies. The excerpt chosen for translation is the third chapter, which provides an overview of the on-road pilot study conducted to analyse why drivers make mistakes during their everyday drive, including the methodology employed and the results obtained. This work is divided into six sections. It opens with an introduction on the topic and the formal structure of the report, followed by the first chapter, which provides an overview of the main features of the languages for special purposes and the specialised texts, an analysis of the text type and a presentation of the extract chosen for translation. In the second chapter the linguistic and extralinguistic resources available to specialised translators are presented, focussing on the ones used to translate the text. The third chapter is dedicated to the source text and its translation, while the fourth one provides an analysis of the strategies chosen to translate the text and a comment on the solutions to problematic passages. Finally, the last section – the conclusion – provides a comment on the entire work and on the professional activity of translators. The work closes with an appendix, which contains a glossary of the terms extracted from the translated text.


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Antisaccade errors are attributed to failure to inhibit the habitual prosaccade. We investigated whether the amount of information about the required response the patient has before the trial begins also contributes to error rate. Participants performed antisaccades in five conditions. The traditional design had two goals on the left and right horizontal meridians. In the second condition, stimulus-goal confusability between trials was eliminated by displacing one goal upward. In the third, hemifield uncertainty was eliminated by placing both goals in the same hemifield. In the fourth, goal uncertainty was eliminated by having only one goal, but interspersed with no-go trials. The fifth condition eliminated all uncertainty by having the same goal on every trial. Antisaccade error rate increased by 2% with each additional source of uncertainty, with the main effect being hemifield information, and a trend for stimulus-goal confusability. A control experiment for the effects of increasing angular separation between targets without changing these types of prior response information showed no effects on latency or error rate. We conclude that other factors besides prosaccade inhibition contribute to antisaccade error rates in traditional designs, possibly by modulating the strength of goal activation.


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To explore oncology nurses' perceptions and experiences with patient involvement in chemotherapy error prevention.


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Nanoindentation is a valuable tool for characterization of biomaterials due to its ability to measure local properties in heterogeneous, small or irregularly shaped samples. However, applying nanoindentation to compliant, hydrated biomaterials leads to many challenges including adhesion between the nanoindenter tip and the sample. Although adhesion leads to overestimation of the modulus of compliant samples when analyzing nanoindentation data using traditional analysis techniques, most studies of biomaterials have ignored its effects. This paper demonstrates two methods for managing adhesion in nanoindentation analysis, the nano-JKR force curve method and the surfactant method, through application to two biomedically-relevant compliant materials, poly(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) elastomers and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) hydrogels. The nano-JKR force curve method accounts for adhesion during data analysis using equations based on the Johnson-Kendall-Roberts (JKR) adhesion model, while the surfactant method eliminates adhesion during data collection, allowing data analysis using traditional techniques. In this study, indents performed in air or water resulted in adhesion between the tip and the sample, while testing the same materials submerged in Optifree Express() contact lens solution eliminated tip-sample adhesion in most samples. Modulus values from the two methods were within 7% of each other, despite different hydration conditions and evidence of adhesion. Using surfactant also did not significantly alter the properties of the tested material, allowed accurate modulus measurements using commercial software, and facilitated nanoindentation testing in fluids. This technique shows promise for more accurate and faster determination of modulus values from nanoindentation of compliant, hydrated biological samples. Copyright 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Whether the use of mobile phones is a risk factor for brain tumors in adolescents is currently being studied. Case--control studies investigating this possible relationship are prone to recall error and selection bias. We assessed the potential impact of random and systematic recall error and selection bias on odds ratios (ORs) by performing simulations based on real data from an ongoing case--control study of mobile phones and brain tumor risk in children and adolescents (CEFALO study). Simulations were conducted for two mobile phone exposure categories: regular and heavy use. Our choice of levels of recall error was guided by a validation study that compared objective network operator data with the self-reported amount of mobile phone use in CEFALO. In our validation study, cases overestimated their number of calls by 9% on average and controls by 34%. Cases also overestimated their duration of calls by 52% on average and controls by 163%. The participation rates in CEFALO were 83% for cases and 71% for controls. In a variety of scenarios, the combined impact of recall error and selection bias on the estimated ORs was complex. These simulations are useful for the interpretation of previous case-control studies on brain tumor and mobile phone use in adults as well as for the interpretation of future studies on adolescents.


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OBJECTIVES: To analyse the frequency of and identify risk factors for patient-reported medical errors in Switzerland. The joint effect of risk factors on error-reporting probability was modelled for hypothetical patients. METHODS: A representative population sample of Swiss citizens (n = 1306) was surveyed as part of the Commonwealth Fund’s 2010 lnternational Survey of the General Public’s Views of their Health Care System’s Performance in Eleven Countries. Data on personal background, utilisation of health care, coordination of care problems and reported errors were assessed. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify risk factors for patients’ reports of medical mistakes and medication errors. RESULTS: 11.4% of participants reported at least one error in their care in the previous two years (8% medical errors, 5.3% medication errors). Poor coordination of care experiences was frequent. 7.8% experienced that test results or medical records were not available, 17.2% received conflicting information from care providers and 11.5% reported that tests were ordered although they had been done before. Age (OR = 0.98, p = 0.014), poor health (OR = 2.95, p = 0.007), utilisation of emergency care (OR = 2.45, p = 0.003), inpatient-stay (OR = 2.31, p = 0.010) and poor care coordination (OR = 5.43, p <0.001) are important predictors for reporting error. For high utilisers of care that unify multiple risk factors the probability that errors are reported rises up to p = 0.8. CONCLUSIONS: Patient safety remains a major challenge for the Swiss health care system. Despite the health related and economic burden associated with it, the widespread experience of medical error in some subpopulations also has the potential to erode trust in the health care system as a whole.