879 resultados para Public policy. Public policy evaluation. Implementation evaluation. Processes evaluation. Distance Education


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No Brasil, na última década, vários programas de transferência de renda foram implantados, mas os níveis de pobreza não têm diminuído na mesma proporção do aporte de recursos investidos nos programas. Verifica-se, especialmente, a falta de coordenação entre poderes governamentais, entre órgãos gestores, financiadores e executores de políticas públicas. O programa Cheque Cidadão, dado ao grande volume de recursos distribuídos e à participação de instituições religiosas na seleção e distribuição de benefícios, foi objeto de inspeção realizada pelo Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (TCERJ), em Campos dos Goytacazes em setembro de 2004. No ano de 2002, foi tema de pesquisa realizada pelo Instituto de Estudo do Trabalho e Sociedade (IETS), que visava conhecer o programa em seus processos e impacto junto ao público beneficiário. Este trabalho visa à contextualização destes dois eventos nos paradigmas da Nova Gestão Pública (NGP) com indicadores de desempenho de eficiência, eficácia, efetividade e eqüidade, esperando inserir o TCE-RJ no campo das Auditorias Operacionais, e favorecendo a avaliação de políticas públicas como uma forma de contribuição para corresponder à crescente demanda social por um governo orientado para resultados.


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The research aims to analyze the reasons and the unique role of prosecutors in the promotion of public policies. The opening lines deal with the evolution and expansion of the general theory of the fundamental rights in the international and national levels and that have led to the creation of a welfare state concerned with carrying out positive actions which aim at the community well-being. Thus, it is clear that, after the uneven development of the Brazilian democracy, the Constitution of 1988 not only has erected to a state socially responsible, but also built a system of guarantees which highlights the significant expansion of the Powers of the Public Ministry and has now taken an outstanding position in regard to collective rights, allowing, at the same time, its members to perform the syndication of state actions, particularly public policies, correcting the course of these administrative processes in the presence of poor management and inactivity of the public administrator when acting in defense of fundamental rights. This ministerial activism, even facing the obstacles and boundaries submitted to its pursuit, has shown an increase in actions that culminated, in the last ten years, in a significant number of judicial and extrajudicial measures that indicated the correction of public policies and actions in areas of health, education, housing and the environment. In this process of monitoring and doing, the important role of the other social characters is highlighted, especially the one of the citizen who is responsible for most of the complaints that start the initiatives of the Public Ministry and that can be deployed through a significant list of judicial and extrajudicial instruments, especially the important procedure that allows the hearing and participation of the involved in the implementation of public policies, enabling a collective even a consensual solution of the matter generated among the Public Administration. Given these initiatives, the ministerial activism has established itself as a movement of its own characteristics, aimed to guarantee the fundamental rights, especially when these are not targeted by state actions that should contribute to the achievement of the democratic state of law idealized by the Federal Constitution without any distortion of direction. Nevertheless, this activism still seeks for its full accomplishment in the practical world


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The purpose of this dissertation is whether the demand for manpower trained in technical school for the sector of Oil and Gas (O&G) is in balance with the offer of that training in the Brazilian education system. The methodology used to obtain such information was based on School Census 2000 and 2008 where data were worked out in order to clarify the numbers of enrollments in secondary technical level demanded by the sector of O&G. The demand for manpower with that qualification as a data source was the 2010-2014 Business Plan Program for Mobilization of the National Oil and Natural Gas (PROMINP). This Program identified the future demand for manpower for the Sector of the O&G until 2014 where the occupational categories are mapped prerequisite training and experience. In order to better understand the object of this study was dome a review of the literature with regard to technical education in Brazil but also the importance of the education to economic growth and the peculiarities of the oil economy in different countries possessors of those mines, or that is, developed and underdeveloped countries. Analysis showed that enrollment in technical education in Brazil had a significant increase between the dates 2000 and 2008. It also don´t bring balance with the characteristic of the dynamics of the productive sectors of the economy mainly due to heating of the economy before the global growth especially in the Construction Industry as well as in the Oil and Natural Gas Engineering and a Naval account of the discovery of oil in the Pre-Salt. Another important aspect is that one of the major problems of qualification of manpower in Brazil is due to a bad quality of the student´s school and high school which makes difficult a good performance in office work and also this ability to learn new functions. The rapprochement between the supply of the education system and the demand for manpower with training mid-level technical support for the sector O&G showed that most technical courses demanded or had no enrollment in 2008, had few enrollment in 15 states with demand expect to occur and those enrollment were unevenly distributed among states. The analysis therefore signalize the needed of a public policy that enables the adequacy of the education system (Secondary Technical Education) to Sector of O&G in terms of enrollment and its distribution between the oil producing states and in relation to technical expertise offered


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This dissertation is the result of the development of a two-year research entitled POTIGUAR ACROSS THE COMMUNICATION: MEDIATIZATION AND SOCIAL PRACTICES. Or as the reception of the political agenda unfolds in social practices of the Pau dos Ferros, showwing Pau dos Ferros as a provincial oestano of Rio Grande do Norte, now living a meaningful set of social transformations, which interact with practices media that have just mediatized new public policies in the area of Technical Education and Higher Education. Thus, with the introduction and expansion of state and federal public policy of democratization of Technical and Higher Education in the period 2002 to 2010, the phenomenon of migration of students from elementary and high school, before existing in the region has changed significantly in that Pau dos Ferros polo is made. The concentration of the media city in the hands of politicians, in their favor, and the emergence of new midiatizações are contributed to the formation of this (non-migration) and other social practices, reinventing and rearranging the schedule of the ideas and concepts about the educational practices. Our goal is to observe the relationship of interaction between media, politics and education and examine how young students are realizing this interaction. Under the prospects of receiving the light of Cultural Studies, strolling our research primarily on the technique of focus group data collection


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O estudo avaliou a coerência do ideário do Programa UNI, em três projetos no Brasil, analisando a relação entre Propósitos, Métodos e Organização, à luz do Postulado de Coerência de Mario Testa. Bibliografia sobre o Programa UNI e entrevistas com doze atores do seu processo, agrupados como Formuladores do Programa UNI, Diretores de Projetos UNI e Avaliadores, compuseram o material empírico. Este foi recortado, sistematizado e analisado segundo categorias analíticas de determinação, condicionamento, sujeito coletivo e paradigma e segundo categorias empíricas de propósito, método e organização. Evidenciou-se uma formulação idealizada do espaço real de operacionalização dos Projetos e a presença de linhas de determinação e condicionamento construídas, dialeticamente, no espaço concreto de atuação dos atores e na relação entre sujeito e objeto, algumas vezes, em sentido contrário ao que previamente se supôs na formulação do Programa. A investigação conseguiu identificar movimentos de mudanças nas realidades dos Projetos UNI, tanto na universidade, como nos serviços de saúde e comunidade. As limitações presentes no referencial teórico funcionalista, adotado na formulação inicial do Programa e na pouca valorização dada às linhas de condicionamento ou determinação que partem das organizações podem ser apontadas como explicações para o não alcance de sua eficácia plena.


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The advantages of networking are widely known in many areas (from business to personal ones). One particular area where networks have also proved their benefits is education. Taking the secondary school education level into account, some successful cases can be found in literature. In this paper we describe a particular remote lab network supporting physical experiments accessible to students of institutions geographically separated. The network architecture and application examples of using some of the available remote experiments are illustrated in detail. ©2008 IEEE.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)