829 resultados para Porous coatings
Pure and quinine doped silica coatings have been prepared over sodalime glasses. The coatings were consolidated at low temperature (range 60-180 A degrees C) preserving optical activity of quinine molecule. We designed a device to test the guiding properties of the coatings. We confirmed with this device that light injected in pure silica coatings is guided over distances of meters while quinine presence induces isotropic photoluminescence. With the combined use of both type of coatings, it is possible to design light guiding devices and illuminate regions in glass elements without electronic circuits.
This paper refers to the numerical solution of the classical Darcy's problem of plane fluid through isotropic media. Regarding the numerical procedure,the Laplace equation, is a classical one in mathematical physics and several procedures have been devised in order to solve it. So as to show the capability of the method, the paper presents some exemples.
A simple and scalable chemical approach has been proposed for the generation of 1-dimensional nanostructures of two most important inorganic materials such as zinc oxide and cadmium sulfide. By controlling the growth habit of the nanostructures with manipulated reaction conditions, the diameter and uniformity of the nanowires/nanorods were tailored. We studied extensively optical behavior and structural growth of CdS NWs and ZnO NRs doped ferroelectric liquid crystal Felix-017/100. Due to doping band gap has been changed and several blue shifts occurred in photoluminescence spectra because of nanoconfinement effect and mobility of charges.
Scaling is becoming an increasingly important topic in the earth and environmental sciences as researchers attempt to understand complex natural systems through the lens of an ever-increasing set of methods and scales. The guest editors introduce the papers in this issue’s special section and present an overview of some of the work being done. Scaling remains one of the most challenging topics in earth and environmental sciences, forming a basis for our understanding of process development across the multiple scales that make up the subsurface environment. Tremendous progress has been made in discovery, explanation, and applications of scaling. And yet much more needs to be done and is being done as part of the modern quest to quantify, analyze, and manage the complexity of natural systems. Understanding and succinct representation of scaling properties can unveil underlying relationships between system structure and response functions, improve parameterization of natural variability and heterogeneity, and help us address societal needs by effectively merging knowledge acquired at different scales.
The phenomenon of self-induced vibrations of prismatic beams in a cross-flow has been studied for decades, but it is still of great interest due to their important effects in many different industrial applications. This paper presents the experimental study developed on a prismatic beam with H-section.The aim of this analysis is to add some additional insight into the behaviour of the flow around this type of bodies, in order to reduce galloping and even to avoid it. The influence of some relevant geometrical parameters that define the H-section on the translational galloping behaviour of these beams has been analysed. Wind loads coefficients have been measured through static wind tunnel tests and the Den Hartog criterion applied to elucidate the influence of geometrical parameters on the galloping properties of the bodies under consideration.These results have been completed with surface pressure distribution measurements and, besides, dynamic tests have been also performed to verify the static criterion. Finally, the morphology of the flow past the tested bodies has been visualised by using smoke visualization techniques. Since the rectangular section beam is a limiting case of the H-section configuration, the results here obtained are compared with the ones published in the literature concerning rectangular configurations; the agreement is satisfactory.
De entre los diversos grupos de contaminantes que pueden ser dañinos para ecosistemas acuáticos, sobresalen en los últimos años los biocidas utilizados como principio activo en recubrimientos antifouling ó pinturas anti-incrustantes para cascos de barcos y todo tipo de equipamiento sumergido ó en contacto con agua. Estos recubrimientos se aplican como sistema de protección para combatir la formación y asentamiento de comunidades bioincrustantes (fouling) frente a superficies expuestas al agua, también tienen como finalidad proteger frente a la corrosión de tipo químico y biológico. Normalmente estas pinturas anti-incrustantes son aplicadas en embarcaciones comerciales y de recreo, plataformas petrolíferas, tuberías submarinas, compuertas de presas, instalaciones destinadas a acuicultura, entre otro equipamiento. La utilización de biocidas en la formulación de pinturas anti-incrustantes para barcos ha sido propuesta por muchos investigadores como la aplicación de más impacto para los ecosistemas marinos, debido al intenso tráfico marítimo mundial que provoca la difusión de biocidas contaminantes en los mares, sobre todo en zonas costeras, bahías y puertos que es donde se magnifica el problema. Los llamados recubrimientos antifouling de segunda generación fueron los primeros que emplearon el tributilestaño (TBT) como principio activo en su formulación, a pesar de su gran eficacia y amplia utilización, al cabo del tiempo se ha demostrado su alta toxicidad y persistencia; por lo que existe una gran actividad investigadora en la búsqueda de alternativas asimismo eficientes pero más respetuosas con el medio marino. En este trabajo se pretende comparar los efectos para ecosistemas marinos del TBT y cinco biocidas como son dibutilestaño dicloruro, diuron (diclorofenil dimetil urea), piritionato de Zn ó Zn omadine, óxido de cobre (I) y DCOIT (Dicloro-2-n-octil-4-isotiazol-3-ona). Estos biocidas se han seleccionado en función de su naturaleza química diferenciada, distintas solubilidades en agua, eficacia, ecotoxicidad, persistencia y bioacumulación fundamentalmente. Para proceder a la clasificación del riesgo para ecosistema marino de los biocidas mencionados, nos valdremos de dos metodologías, una será la evaluación de unos índices de riesgo de biocidas para ecosistemas acuáticos con el fin de realizar una clasificación prospectiva de los mismos, basada en criterios PBT (Persistencia, Bioacumulación y Toxicidad para organismos acuáticos) y otra será una evaluación de la razón de la EXPOSICIÓN, valorada como PEC (Predictive Environmental Concentration) con relación a los EFECTOS originados, valorados como PNEC (Predicted No-Effect Concentration). Para cuantificar PEC nos valdremos de modelizaciones para ecosistemas marinos como MAMPEC (Marine Antifoulant Model to Predict Environmental Concentrations). Para cuantificar PNEC se hace uso de bioensayos a corto o largo plazo en organismos acuáticos. De esta manera podremos agrupar los biocidas en diversas categorías de riesgo y así poder decidir cuando su impacto medioambiental es asumible ó no asumible, alternativas posibles y en todo caso que decisiones se deben tomar al respecto.
A general fractional porous medium equation
This special issue gathers together a number of recent papers on fractal geometry and its applications to the modeling of flow and transport in porous media. The aim is to provide a systematic approach for analyzing the statics and dynamics of fluids in fractal porous media by means of theory, modeling and experimentation. The topics covered include lacunarity analyses of multifractal and natural grayscale patterns, random packing's of self-similar pore/particle size distributions, Darcian and non-Darcian hydraulic flows, diffusion within fractals, models for the permeability and thermal conductivity of fractal porous media and hydrophobicity and surface erosion properties of fractal structures.
An asymptotic solution is obtained corresponding to a very intense pulse: a sudden strong increase and fast subsequent decrease of the water level at the boundary of semi-infinite fissurized-porous stratum. This flow is of practical interest: it gives a model of a groundwater flow after a high water period or after a failure of a dam around a collector of liquid waste. It is demonstrated that the fissures have a dramatic influence on the groundwater flow, increasing the penetration depth and speed of fluid penetration into the stratum. A characteristic property of the flow in fissurized-porous stratum is the rapid breakthrough of the fluid at the first stage deeply into the stratum via a system of cracks, feeding of porous blocks by the fluid in cracks, and at a later stage feeding of advancing fluid flow in fissures by the fluid, accumulated in porous blocks.
Xylem cavitation in winter and recovery from cavitation in the spring were visualized in two species of diffuse-porous trees, Betula platyphylla var. japonica Hara and Salix sachalinensis Fr. Schm., by cryo-scanning electron microscopy after freeze-fixation of living twigs. Water in the vessel lumina of the outer three annual rings of twigs of B. platyphylla var. japonica and of S. sachalinensis gradually disappeared during the period from January to March, an indication that cavitation occurs gradually in these species during the winter. In April, when no leaves had yet expanded, the lumina of most of the vessels of both species were filled with water. Many vessel lumina in twigs of both species were filled with water during the period from the subsequent growth season to the beginning of the next winter. These observations indicate that recovery in spring occurs before the onset of transpiration and that water transport through twigs occurs during the subsequent growing season. We found, moreover, that vessels repeat an annual cycle of winter cavitation and spring recovery from cavitation for several years until irreversible cavitation occurs.
Experimental evidence is presented that supports the possibility of building a "molecular drill." By the adsorption of a vesicle onto a porous substrate (specifically, a lycopode grain), it was possible to increase the permeability of the vesicle by locally stretching its membrane. Molecules contained within the vesicle, which could not cross the membrane, were delivered to the porous substrate upon adsorption. This general process could provide another method for drug delivery and targeting.
In this work, new coordination polymers based on two different classes of synthons are presented. In addition, manganese-based metallacrowns of magnetic interest are studied, both in the solid state and in solution. Firstly, functionalized bispyrazolylmethane derivatives are employed as bridging ligands for the establishment of silver-based coordination polymers; the influence of the substituent groups and of the counterions on the supramolecular packing is also investigated. Secondly, the use of metallacrown (MC) complexes as building blocks for porous coordination polymers is discussed. The design of a new metallacrown species is presented, which shows the tendency of aggregating in the solid state to form coordination polymers. Two new coordination polymers are indeed reported, of which one is the first MC-based permanently porous coordination network ever presented. The solid resists solvent evacuation and exhibits gas uptake ability. Furthermore, the isolation and characterization of a new metallacryptate species based on manganese ions is described. The metal-rich structure comprises nine Mn(II)/Mn(III) ions and presents an inverse metallacrown core subunit that binds a μ3-O2- ion. The metallacryptate is isolated in high yields and stable in solution. Lastly, a family of 3d-4f heterometallic metallacrowns is characterized in solution by means of UV-Vis spectrophotometry and of paramagnetically shifted 1H-NMR. The lanthanide-induced shifts observed in the spectra are employed to describe the molecules behaviour in solution and are qualitatively related to the magnetic properties of the compounds.
A reduced set of measurement geometries allows the spectral reflectance of special effect coatings to be predicted for any other geometry. A physical model based on flake-related parameters has been used to determine nonredundant measurement geometries for the complete description of the spectral bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF). The analysis of experimental spectral BRDF was carried out by means of principal component analysis. From this analysis, a set of nine measurement geometries was proposed to characterize special effect coatings. It was shown that, for two different special effect coatings, these geometries provide a good prediction of their complete color shift.
We report on a procedure to improve the resolution of far-field imaging by using a neighboring high-index medium that is coated with a left-handed metamaterial. The resulting plot can also exhibit an enhanced transmission by considering proper conditions to retract backscattering. Based on negative refraction, geometrical aberrations are considered in detail since they may cause a great impact in this sort of diffraction-unlimited imaging by reducing its resolution power. We employ a standard aberration analysis to refine the asymmetric configuration of metamaterial superlenses. We demonstrate that low-order centrosymmetric aberrations can be fully corrected for a given object plane. For subwavelength-resolution imaging, however, high-order aberrations become of relevance, which may be balanced with defocus. Not only the point spread function but also numerical simulations based on the finite-element method support our theoretical analysis, and subwavelength resolution is verified in the image plane.
Surface oxygen groups play a key role on the performance of porous carbon electrodes for electrochemical capacitors in aqueous media. The electrooxidation method in NaCl electrolyte using a filter press cell and dimensionally stable anodes is proposed as a viable process for the generation of oxygen groups on porous carbon materials. The experimental set-up is so flexible that allows the easy modification of carbon materials with different configurations, i.e. cloths and granular, obtaining different degrees of oxidation for both conformations without the requirement of binders and conductivity promoters. After the electrooxidation method, the attained porosity is maintained between 90 and 75% of the initial values. The surface oxygen groups generated can increase the capacitance up to a 30% when compared to the pristine material. However, a severe oxidation is detrimental since it may decrease the conductivity and increase the resistance for ion mobility.