978 resultados para Peanut Cultivars


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Rare earth doped upconversion nanoparticles convert near-infrared excitation light into visible emission light. Compared to organic fluorophores and semiconducting nanoparticles, upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) offer high photochemical stability, sharp emission bandwidths, and large anti-Stokes shifts. Along with the significant light penetration depth and the absence of autofluorescence in biological samples under infrared excitation, these UCNPs have attracted more and more attention on toxin detection and biological labelling. Herein, the fluorescence probe based on UCNPs was developed for quantifying Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in peanut oil. Based on a specific immunity format, the detection limit for AFB1 under optimal conditions was obtained as low as 0.2 ng·ml- 1, and in the effective detection range 0.2 to 100 ng·ml- 1, good relationship between fluorescence intensity and AFB1 concentration was achieved under the linear ratios up to 0.90. Moreover, to check the feasibility of these probes on AFB1 measurements in peanut oil, recovery tests have been carried out. A good accuracy rating (93.8%) was obtained in this study. Results showed that the nanoparticles can be successfully applied for sensing AFB1 in peanut oil.


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An experiment was conducted in 2013 and 2014 with three newly introduced cultivars of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.), namely “Antonio Errani”, “Tirynthos” and “Ninfa” to study their performance and adaptability under Egyptian conditions. Results indicated that calculating the chilling hours temperature at or below 15°C was more suitable than temperatures at or below 7.2°C and 10°C. The cultivar with a low chilling requirement started with the opening of vegetative and flower buds earlier when compared to other cultivars. Furthermore, the cultivar Ninfa required less heat units as compared to the other two cultivars. Thus, the accumulated growing degree-days (GDDs) from the time of the flower bud break l until fruit maturity was low in early matured Ninfa cultivar. However, Antonio Errani and Tirynthos cultivars were late in the date of fruit ripening. Meanwhile, there was no significant difference in the opening percentage of vegetative and flower buds, trunk circumference, fruit drop, fruit number and yield weight among cultivars during the two seasons. Conversely, the leaf drop of Antonio Errani cultivar was earlier while Ninfa cultivar started it’s leaf drop later in the two seasons. Tirynthos gave the highest fruit weight, fruit size and fruit surface lightness. Meanwhile, the Antonio Errani cultivar was the highest in fruit firmness and total soluble solids. The appearance and behavior of cultivars under the study varied from one season to another with shoot length, leaf area, percentage of fruit set and acidity. It can be recommended from the present study that, Antonio Errani, Tirynthos and Ninfa cultivars are well adapted under Egyptian conditions. Further, fruits from the cultivars mature early and late in the season and can fulfill the demands of the market.


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The Australian Sweetpotato Growers Association partnered researchers from Agri-Science Queensland (with co-funding from Horticulture Australia Limited) to identify new, high performing sweetpotato cultivars with diverse colours and tastes. The project evaluated a mix of purple, red, orange and white skin and flesh, tailored for Australian growers and consumers. Australia's sweetpotato market currently relies on one gold cultivar for 90% of national production. Major retailers were requesting a reliable supply of quality sweetpotatoes in emerging categories such as red or white skin or purple flesh. To identify suitable cultivars, over 40 new sweetpotato cultivars were virus tested, and extensively evaluated in multiple experiments in Queensland and northern New South Wales. Larger-scale plantings by growers, using standard agronomy, provided additional performance feedback under commercial conditions. In partnership with growers and wholesalers, cultivars were evaluated in field and laboratory for desired characteristics such as shape, size range, skin and flesh colour, estimates of productivity and suitability for commercial production, cooking characteristics and taste. New high performing gold cultivars had better soil insect and nematode tolerance than the current cultivars. The new colours offered diverse health-related opportunities for consumers, more anthocyanins in purple-fleshed cultivars; higher beta carotene content in new gold fleshed cultivars; and potentially lower GI in white-fleshed cultivars. To enhance adoption, the industry/research partnership will tailor agronomic guidelines to maximise on-farm performance and identify niche marketing pathways for each of the cultivars. Increased consumption of this versatile vegetable will drive sweetpotato industry development and expansion into the future.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Silicon has been shown to enhance the resistance of plants to fungal and bacterial pathogens. Here, the effect of potassium silicate was assessed on two cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) cultivars subsequently inoculated with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum (Fov). Sicot 189 is moderately resistant whilst Sicot F-1 is the second most resistant commercial cultivar presently available in Australia. METHODS: Transmission and light microscopy were used to compare cellular modifications in root cells after these different treatments. The accumulation of phenolic compounds and lignin was measured. KEY RESULTS: Cellular alterations including the deposition of electron-dense material, degradation of fungal hyphae and occlusion of endodermal cells were more rapidly induced and more intense in endodermal and vascular regions of Sicot F-1 plants supplied with potassium silicate followed by inoculation with Fov than in similarly treated Sicot 189 plants or in silicate-treated plants of either cultivar not inoculated with Fov. Significantly more phenolic compounds were present at 7 d post-infection (dpi) in root extracts of Sicot F-1 plants treated with potassium silicate followed by inoculation with Fov compared with plants from all other treatments. The lignin concentration at 3 dpi in root material from Sicot F-1 treated with potassium silicate and inoculated with Fov was significantly higher than that from water-treated and inoculated plants. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that silicon treatment can affect cellular defence responses in cotton roots subsequently inoculated with Fov, particularly in Sicot F-1, a cultivar with greater inherent resistance to this pathogen. This suggests that silicon may interact with or initiate defence pathways faster in this cultivar than in the less resistant cultivar.


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Olive (Olea europaea L.), one of the main crops in the Mediterranean basin, is mainly propagated by cuttings, a classical propagation method that relies on the ability of the cuttings to form adventitious roots. While some cultivars are easily propagated by this technique, some of the most interesting olive cultivars are considered difficult-to-root which poses a challenge for their preservation and commercialization. Therefore, increasing the current knowledge on adventitious root formation is extremely important for species like olive. This research focuses on evaluating the role of free auxins and oxidative enzymes on adventitious root formation of two olive cultivars with different rooting ability - ‘Galega vulgar’ (difficult-to-root) and ‘Cobrançosa’ (easy-to-root). In this context, free auxin levels and enzyme activities were determined in in vitro-cultured ‘Galega vulgar’ microshoots and in semi-hardwood cuttings of cvs. ‘Galega vulgar’ and ‘Cobrançosa’. To attain this goal, an analytical method for the quantification of free indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was developed, which is based on dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction followed by microwave derivatization (DLLME-MAD) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis. The developed method was validated in terms of linearity, recovery, limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) and proved to be useful in the analysis of two very different types of plant tissues. The results from auxin quantification in olive samples point at a relationship between free auxin levels and rooting ability of both microshoots and semihardwood cuttings. A defective IBA-IAA conversion, resulting in a peak of free IAA during initiation phase, seems to be associated with low rooting ability. Likewise, differences in the activity of oxidative enzymes also appear to be related with rooting ability. Higher polyphenol oxidases (PPO) activity is likely related with an easyto- root behavior, while the opposite is true for peroxidases (POX) (including IAA oxidase (IAAox)) activity. A possible hypothesis for adventitious root formation in olive microcuttings is presented herein for the first time. Free auxins, oxidative enzymes, alternative oxidase (AOX) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are some of the factors that may be involved in this highly complex physiological process. Interestingly, while temporal changes in auxin levels were similar between microshoots and semihardwood cuttings, the conclusions obtained from enzyme activity results in microshoots didn’t translate to semi-hardwood tissues, showing the emerging need for adaptation of classical agronomical research studies to modern techniques; Resumo: Procurando compreender o papel das auxinas e enzimas oxidativas na formação de raízes adventícias em cultivares de oliveira (Olea europaea L.) A oliveira (Olea europaea L.) é uma das principais culturas da bacia Mediterrânica e é propagada maioritariamente por estacaria, um processo altamente dependente da capacidade das estacas para formar raízes adventícias. Enquanto algumas cultivares são fáceis de propagar desta forma, algumas das cultivares de oliveira mais interessantes são consideradas difíceis de enraizar, o que dificulta a sua preservação e comercialização e torna extremamente importante aprofundar o conhecimento sobre o enraizamento adventício desta espécie. Este trabalho foca-se na avaliação do papel das auxinas livres e das enzimas oxidativas na formação de raízes adventícias em duas cultivares de oliveira com diferente capacidade de enraizamento - ‘Galega vulgar’ (difícil de enraizar) e ‘Cobrançosa’ (fácil de enraizar). Neste contexto, determinaram-se os níveis de auxinas livres e as actividades de enzimas oxidativas em microestacas de ‘Galega vulgar’ cultivadas in vitro bem como em estacas semi-lenhosas das cvs. ‘Galega vulgar’ e ‘Cobrançosa’. Para tal foi necessário desenvolver uma metodologia analítica para a quantificação de ácido indol-3-acético (IAA) e ácido indol-3-butírico (IBA), baseada em microextracção dispersiva líquido-líquido (DLLME) seguida de derivatização em microondas (MAD) e análise por cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massa (GC/MS). O método desenvolvido foi validado em termos de linearidade, recuperação, limite de detecção (LOD) e limite de quantificação (LOQ), e mostrou-se eficaz na análise de dois tipos de tecidos vegetais bastante diferentes. Os resultados da análise de auxinas em amostras de oliveira apontam para uma possível relação entre os níveis de auxinas livres e a capacidade de enraizamento, tanto em microestacas como em estacas semi-lenhosas. Uma conversão IBA-IAA deficiente, que resulta num pico de IAA durante a fase de iniciação, parece estar associada à baixa capacidade de enraizamento. Por outro lado, a capacidade de enraizamento também parece estar relacionada com diferenças na actividade de enzimas oxidativas. Comportamentos fáceis de enraizar estão associados a actividade mais elevada das polifenoloxidases (PPO), enquanto o oposto é verdade para a actividade das peroxidases (POX) (incluindo a IAA oxidase (IAAox)). Neste trabalho propõe-se pela primeira vez uma possível explicação para o enraizamento adventício em microestacas de oliveira. Auxinas livres, enzimas oxidativas, oxidase alternativa (AOX) e espécies reactivas de oxigénio (ROS) são alguns dos factores envolvidos neste processo fisiológico altamente complexo. Curiosamente, enquanto as alterações temporais nos níveis de auxinas foram semelhantes entre microestacas e estacas semi-lenhosas, o mesmo não se observou relativamente à actividade enzimática, o que mostra a necessidade de adaptação dos estudos agronómicos tradicionais às técnicas correntes.


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Background Capsicum chlorosis virus (CaCV) is an emerging pathogen of capsicum, tomato and peanut crops in Australia and South-East Asia. Commercial capsicum cultivars with CaCV resistance are not yet available, but CaCV resistance identified in Capsicum chinense is being introgressed into commercial Bell capsicum. However, our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms leading to the resistance response to CaCV infection is limited. Therefore, transcriptome and expression profiling data provide an important resource to better understand CaCV resistance mechanisms. Methodology/Principal Findings We assembled capsicum transcriptomes and analysed gene expression using Illumina HiSeq platform combined with a tag-based digital gene expression system. Total RNA extracted from CaCV/mock inoculated CaCV resistant (R) and susceptible (S) capsicum at the time point when R line showed a strong hypersensitive response to CaCV infection was used in transcriptome assembly. Gene expression profiles of R and S capsicum in CaCV- and buffer-inoculated conditions were compared. None of the genes were differentially expressed (DE) between R and S cultivars when mock-inoculated, while 2484 genes were DE when inoculated with CaCV. Functional classification revealed that the most highly up-regulated DE genes in R capsicum included pathogenesis-related genes, cell death-associated genes, genes associated with hormone-mediated signalling pathways and genes encoding enzymes involved in synthesis of defense-related secondary metabolites. We selected 15 genes to confirm DE expression levels by real-time quantitative PCR. Conclusion/Significance DE transcript profiling data provided comprehensive gene expression information to gain an understanding of the underlying CaCV resistance mechanisms. Further, we identified candidate CaCV resistance genes in the CaCV-resistant C. annuum x C. chinense breeding line. This knowledge will be useful in future for fine mapping of the CaCV resistance locus and potential genetic engineering of resistance into CaCV-susceptible crops.


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Background: The present study was undertaken towards the development of SSR markers and assessing genetic relationships among 32 date palm ( Phoenix dactylifera L.) representing common cultivars grown in different geographical regions in Saudi Arabia. Results: Ninety-three novel simple sequence repeat markers were developed and screened for their ability to detect polymorphism in date palm. Around 71% of genomic SSRs were dinucleotide, 25% tri, 3% tetra and 1% penta nucleotide motives. Twenty-two primers generated a total of 91 alleles with a mean of 4.14 alleles per locus and 100% polymorphism percentage. A 0.595 average polymorphic information content and 0.662 primer discrimination power values were recorded. The expected and observed heterozygosities were 0.676 and 0.763 respectively. Pair-wise similarity values ranged from 0.06 to 0.89 and the overall cultivars averaged 0.41. The UPGMA cluster analysis recovered by principal coordinate analysis illustrated that cultivars tend to group according to their class of maturity, region of cultivation, and fruit color. Analysis of molecular variations (AMOVA) revealed that genetic variation among and within cultivars were 27% and 73%, respectively according to geographical distribution of cultivars. Conclusions: The developed microsatellite markers are additional values to date palm characterization tools that can be used by researchers in population genetics, cultivar identification as well as genetic resource exploration and management. The tested cultivars exhibited a significant amount of genetic diversity and could be suitable for successful breeding program. Genomic sequences generated from this study are available at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), Sequence Read Archive (Accession numbers. LIBGSS_039019).


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The phytochemical profiles and bioactivities of red, white and pink globe amaranth (Gomphrena haageana K., Gomphrena globosa var. albiflora and Gomphrena sp., respectively), much less studied than the purple species (G. globosa L.), were compared. The chemical characterization of the samples included the analysis of macronutrients and individual profiles of sugars, organic acids, fatty acids, tocopherols, and phenolic compounds. Their bioactivity was evaluated by determining the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities; the absence of cytotoxicity was also determined. Red and pink samples showed the highest sugar content. Otherwise, the white sample gave the highest level of organic acids, and together with the pink one showed the highest tocopherol and PUFA levels. Quercetin-3-O-rutinoside was the major flavonol in white and pink samples, whereas a tetrahydroxy-methylenedioxyflavone was the major compound in the red variety, which revealed a different phenolic profile. The pink globe amaranth hydromethanolic extract revealed the highest antioxidant activity, followed by those of red and white samples. The anti-inflammatory activity was more relevant in red and pink varieties. None of the samples presented toxicity in liver cells. Overall, these samples can be used in bioactive formulations against inflammatory processes and in free radical production.


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Young trees of two carobs (Ceratonia siliqua L.) cultivars, Mulata and Galhosa, ,propagated in vitro and grown for 3-4 years in a greenhouse were moved into a growth chamber under environmental controlled conditions where they were exposed to 25/15º C (control), 10/5º C (chilling) and again to 25/15º C (recovery).


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Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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Among the four commercial chestnut species the C. dentata (Marsh.) Boskh. and C. sativa P. Mill. has excellent quality but more susceptible to diseases when compared to C. mollissima Blume and C. crenata Siebold & Zucc. which has inferior quality but can be used as rootstocks. This work aimed to evaluate the behavior of chestnut varieties grafted in different rootstocks under São Bento do Sapucaí, São Paulo, Brazil condition. In 1986, eleven chestnut cultivars and hybrids - Ibuki (IB), Izumo (IZ), Kinchu (KI), KM1 (KM2), KM(2) KM(2), Moriowase (MO), Okuni (OK), Taishowase (TAI), Tamatsukuri (TAM), Tiodowase (TIO) and Senri (SEN) (only graft) ? were grafted each other resulting in hundred ten combinations. Fifteen-year later grafted trees with minimum of three plants were evaluated for tree height, trunk diameter above and below graft union and graft compatibility. Randomized blocks with three replications were submitted to analysis of variance for tree height and trunk diameter. Grouping analysis using the PROC CLUSTER ? SAS system was used to describe the pattern of variance among different combinations. Seventy eight combinations in hundred ten showed perfect grafting compatibility 6 months after grafting. Forty seven combinations showed incompatibility after transplanting and the dieback rate in each combination ranged from 25 to 100%. Among seventy eight combinations established in the field twenty six had enough plants for evaluation fifteen-year later. Tree height and trunk diameter showed highly significant difference among the combinations. The highest plant (6 m) was grafted on Moriowase and Tamatsukuri which showed the highest compatibility as rootstock. The harvesting season is from November to May where MOR, IB, TAM, OK and TAI behave as early-season-cultivar and SEN the latest one.


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The objective of this study was to identify common bean cultivars with resistance to Fusarium wilt.


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Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important legume crop in the world, providing low-cost, high quality protein, minerals and dietary fiber for human nutrition. The crop was originated from diversity centers in America and exhibits adaptation abilities to different environmental conditions, including soil with low pH. Acid soils occupy 30% of the agro ecosystem areas in the world. In Madeira, acid Andosols and unsatured Cambisols are the dominant groups of soils. Generally, under acidic and infertile conditions, besides of H+ toxicity, soluble aluminium (Al) is the most important abiotic factor limiting plant development and crop productivity. In the field, the hidden roots are also affected and the reduction of root growth under Al stress can be clearly observed in early stages. Seedlings of fifty bean accessions from the Archipelago of Madeira were tested under controlled conditions in the presence of 50 mM Al at pH 4.4. In general, the tested germplasm appeared to be sensitive or very sensitive to Al toxicity. However, fifteen traditional cultivars clearly exhibited elevated Al-tolerance, with an average root relative elongation (RRE) exceeding 50%, while top six accessions surpassed the 60% RRE mark. The Madeira bean germplasm is a valuable resource for sustainable crop production in acid soils and it could be used as parental lines in breeding programs aimed for Al tolerance in common beans.


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Scarcity of freshwater due to recurrent drought threatens the sustainable crop production in semi-arid regions of Ethiopia. Deficit irrigation is thought to be one of the promising strategies to increase water use efficiency (WUE) under scarce water resources. A study was carried out to investigate the effect of alternate furrow irrigation (AFI), deficit irrigation (DI) and full irrigation (FI) on marketable fruit yield, WUE and physio-chemical quality of four fresh-market tomato cultivars (Fetan, Chali, Cochoro and ARP Tomato d2) in 2013 and 2014. The results showed that marketable yield, numbers of fruits per plant and fruit size were not significantly affected by AFI and DI irrigations. WUE under AFI and DI increased by 36.7% and 26.1%, respectively with close to 30% irrigation water savings achieved. A different response of cultivars to irrigation treatments was found for marketable yield, number of fruits and fruit size, WUE, total soluble solids (TSS) of the fruit juice, titratable acids (TA) and skin thickness. Cochoro and Fetan performed well under both deficit irrigation treatments exhibited by bigger fruit size which led to higher WUE. ARP Tomato d2 showed good yields under well-watered conditions. Chali had consistently lower marketable fruit yield and WUE. TSS and TA tended to increase under deficit irrigation; however, the overall variations were more explained by irrigation treatments than by cultivars. It was shown that AFI is a suitable deficit irrigation practice to increase fresh yield, WUE and quality of tomato in areas with low water availability. However, AFI requires suitable cultivars in order to exploit its water saving potential.


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Understanding the variation in physiological response to deficit irrigation together with better knowledge on physiological characteristics of different genotypes that contribute to drought adaptation mechanisms would be helpful in transferring different irrigation technologies to farmers. A field experiment was carried to investigate the physiological response of four tomato cultivars (Fetan, Chali, Cochoro and ARP Tomato d2) to moderate water deficit induced by alternate furrow irrigation (AFI) and deficit irrigation (DI) under semi-arid condition of Ethiopia during 2013 and 2014. The study also aimed at identifying physiological attributes to the fruit yield of tomato under different deficit irrigation techniques. A factorial combination of irrigation treatments and cultivar were arranged in a complete randomized design with three replicates. Results showed that stomatal conductance (g_s) was significantly reduced while photosynthetic performance measured as chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv’/Fm’), relative water content (RWC) and leaf ash content remained unaffected under deficit irrigations. Significant differences among cultivars were found for water use efficiency (WUE), g_s, chlorophyll content (Chl_SPAD), normal difference vegetation index (NDVI), leaf ash content and fruit growth rate. However, cultivar differences in WUE were more accounted for by the regulation of g_s, therefore, g_s could be useful for breeders for screening large numbers of genotypes with higher WUE under deficit irrigation condition. The study result also demonstrated that cultivar with traits that contribute to achieve higher yields under deficit irrigation strategies has the potential to increase WUE.