936 resultados para Parasitoid rearing


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The effect of introduction of mola (Amblypharyngodon mala) in polyculture with rohu (Labeo rohita), catla (Catla catla) and mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio var. specularis) was studied in semi-intensive culture system in the pond complex of the Fisheries Faculty, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. Mala, a small indigenous fish was found to exert a negative impact on growth and production of carps. After four months' rearing, significant difference (P<0.05) was observed in the net production between the treatments.


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Comparative production potential of red tilapia (a mutant hybrid of Oreochromis mossambicus) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) under low-input aquaculture was studied in six ponds of 360 m² each with an average water depth of 90 cm. Three ponds were stocked with fingerlings of O. niloticus (average weight 11.4±3.48 g) while three other ponds were stocked with red tilapia (average weight 10.72±2.5 g) at a density of 20,000 fingerlings/ha. Supplementary feed consisting of rice bran was given daily at 4-6% of standing biomass. Ponds were fertilized at fortnightly intervals with cattle manure 750 kg/ ha. After six months of rearing, gross fish productions of 3,218 and 3,017 kg/ha were obtained from O. niloticus and red tilapia ponds, respectively. Of this, table size fish (>80 g in size) production amounted to 2,366 and 2,823 kg/ha from O. niloticus and red tilapia culture, respectively. Analysis of cost and benefits showed higher benefit from red tilapia culture.


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P. monodon juveniles prefer natural food than artificial feed in their initial stage of rearing. However, the percentage preference towards artificial feed increases as the days of culture/average body weight increases. Consumption of artificial feed was high during evening meal (1700h) and low during night meal (2200h). The index of intestine fullness was high (8.4±0.7) during initial stage of rearing, compared to that of final stage of rearing (4.9±0.4), probably due to low nutritional value of intake material and low water depth at initial stage. At all stage of rearing omnivorous feeding habit was established and no evidence of diet periodicity in feeding activity was observed.


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An experiment was conducted in brackish water ponds with transplanted aquatic weed (Najas sp.) to study the effect of submerged aquatic vegetation on culture of Penaeus monodon. Out of six ponds three were without any aquatic vegetation (T1) while in other three ponds weeds were planted covering 40% of the pond bottom (T2). Hatchery produced post larva of P. monodon (0.006 g) were stocked in all ponds at a density of 40,000/ha. Shrimps were fed twice daily with commercial and formulated feed prepared from locally available ingredients. After 105 days of rearing shrimp of highest average weight (63.18g) was obtained from T2 with a survival rate of 25.90% and the total production was obtained at 654.54 kg/ha. The average weight, survival and total production of shrimp in T1 were 35.0 g, 28.76% and 405.63 kg/ha, respectively.


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The effectiveness of duckweed and rice bran as a low cost supplementary feed was compared through a six months production trial of rajpunti (Barbodes gonionotus) with carps. Six earthen ponds of 360 m² each were used for the trial. Three ponds received duckweed, while the other three received rice bran as supplementary feed. Fish biomass after six months of rearing increased to an average of 2,056 kg/ha in ponds which received duckweed and 2,056 kg/ha in rice bran treated ponds. The net profit with duckweed and rice bran worked out to Tk. 69.752 and Tk. 73.480 kg/ha, respectively. This study revealed that duckweed is a low cost supplementary feed, particularly for farmers with limited income.


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An experiment was conducted with Labeo rohita fingerlings in an indoor static fish rearing water system of glass made aquaria. Five experimental diets A, B, C, D and E were formulated containing 33% dietary protein level in five treatments each having two replicates containing 12 fingerlings of mean total initial weight of 13.00±0.2g. Sixty days of feeding trial in this experiment showed that fish fed on diet 'A' containing fish meal and diet 'E' containing mixed plant sources protein had significantly highest and lowest growth respectively. However, no significant difference of growth was found in fish fed on diets C and D containing meat and bone meal, and mix of animal protein source diets respectively. The result showed that the apparent protein digestibility (APD) of diets 'A' and 'E' had significantly best and least values respectively. Food conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) ranged between 1.37 to 2.17 and 1.38 to 2.18 respectively. On the basis of observed FCR and PER diets 'A' and 'E' produced significantly highest and lowest growth respectively.


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Quantitative assays of trypsin, amylase and alkaline phosphatases were made in relation to age and food during the larval development of the Indian major carp Catla catla. The responses of all the test enzymes to age and food were identical. No enzymes were detected from the fertilized eggs. Detectable amount of enzymes were first observed in the first day old hatchlings. All the test enzymes in the group fed normal feed tended to rise gradually with advancement of age till day 22 after which an asymptotic level was attained. Absence of food throughout the rearing period caused the enzymatic activity of the larva to remain at the lowest level throughout. When starvation was followed by feeding, enzymatic activity in the former group was consistently higher than that of latter, suggesting that feeding activity was primarily responsible in maintaining the enzymatic activity of carp larva. The enzymatic activity of zooplankton was significantly higher than carp larva till day 6 to 12 after which the latter exceeded the former implying that carp larva during development utilizes the exogenous enzymes of zooplankton.


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A brief description is given of experimental rearing of the red alga G. lichenoides using a coir net frame method. Frames of 1x1 m were made and tied to bamboo poles which were planted in water; the frame was fixed at a level about 1 ft below the water level. 2 cm fragments were used as propagating material. Plants were found to grow more luxuriantly and were more greenish than using other methods, and in addition were free from extraneous matter such as sand. The regeneration time of the plant is low, and it reaches marketable size in 3-4 months.


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In order to record the effects of thyroxine and cortisol (individual/combined) on hatching, post-embryonic growth and survival of larvae of Heteropneustes fossilis, newly fertilized eggs were given bath immersion treatments of L-thyroxine (T sub(4); 0.05 mg/l), cortisol (0.50 mg/l) and T sub(4)+ cortisol (0.05 mg/l+0.50 mg/l) for 15 days. Hatching of eggs, growth and survival of the larvae improved significantly (P<0.001) in the hormone treated groups as compared to those of control. The frequency of deformities was reduced in the combined hormone treatment group. The present observations suggest that the advanced digestive function probably induced by T sub(4)+cortisol treatment might have resulted in improvement in food utilization during the critical phases of first feeding and promoted vital developmental processes resulting in uniform growth, decreased mortality, better survival and transformation of larvae to juveniles. This combined hormone therapy appears to have practical utility in fish hatchery practice for better success in larval rearing.


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Experiment was conducted to study the effect of dietary protein level on growth and nutrient utilization by angel fish (Pterophyllum scalare) juveniles. Fifty-four juveniles (average wt. 2-2.5 g) were equally divided in three treatments with each of three replicates. Three formulated diets with graded protein levels, T1 (35% CP), T2 (40% CP) and T3 (45% CP) were fed to juveniles for 45 days. A trend of higher weight gain %, SGR, FER and PER was found with the increased CP level in the feed. Feed intake was similar in all the groups. T3 group fed with 45% CP registered highest weight gain % (43.26 ± 2.07), SGR (0.78 ± 0.04), FER (0.29 ± 0.01), which were significantly higher (P<0.05) than the T1 and T2 groups. Protein digestibility of T2 and T3 groups was significantly higher than the T1 group. Survival was similar in all the experimental groups. Diet with 45% CP with protein energy ratio of 112.62 mg protein/K cal. is ideal for juvenile angel fish for indoor rearing.


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Studies were conducted to observe the effects of different types of feeds on the gonado-somatic index (GSI) and fecundity of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rogenbergii. Three different treatments (T1 T2 and T3) were designed with three types of feed as follows: (i) Saudi-Bangla Prawn feed 100% - T1 (ii) SaudiBangla prawn feed 50%+ local feed 50%- T2 and (iii) local feed 100%- T3. The results showed that the average value of gonado-somatic index (GSI) was 14.39, 14.35 and 14.36 and the average fecundity of M. rogenbergiiwas 99,741, 98,125 and 97,911 in T1 T2 and T3 respectively. No significant difference (p>00.5) was between gonado-somatic indices (GSI) and fecundities of M. rogenbergii among different feeding trails. The price of Saudi-Bangla prawn feed was very high (Tk. 23/kg) than the local feed (Tk. 14/kg). So, use of local feed was recommended for M. rogenbergii brood rearing.


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The effect of paddle wheel aeration on shrimp growth and survival were studied at a commercial farm at Chandipur coast of Orissa, India, at different stocking densities of Penaeus monodon. Four different aeration patterns were adopted and evaluated. Influence of individual aeration pattern on average survival rate was not highly significant (p<0.05) at different stocking densities, while different aeration patterns had significant influence (prearing, while it was reduced to significant level towards the last phase of rearing as number of aerator and hour of operation increased.


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Sperata aor and S. seenghala are the two important native catfishes of Bangladesh but commercial farming of these species is not possible due to lack of naturally collected or artificially produced seeds for stocking. Attempts were made to develop techniques for seed production by artificial breeding and nursery-rearing of fries of these catfishes. A total of 60 S. seenghala (750-1,500 g) and 10 S. aor (600-1,000 g) broods were collected from the Brahmaputra river-basin and floodplains in Mymensingh region four months prior to their breeding season. The collected brood fishes were reared in separate earthen ponds with supplementary feeds comprising of rice bran (40%), mustard oil cake (29%), fish meal (30%) and vitamin-premix (1 %). Three experiments were conducted to optimize the hormone dose. A total of nine S. seenghala females weighing from 750 to 1,500 g were given an initial and resolving dose of 12-20 and 16-24 mg PG/kg body weight, respectively. The males weighing from 650-950 g were administered a single dose of 18-26 mg PG/kg body weight at the time of the time of administering the resolving dose to the females. The females ovulated partially and the eggs were examined under a compound microscope, but most of them were found to be less ripe or damaged. Collection of milt by stripping the males was not successful. The testes were taken out and sperm were observed to be non-motile and less developed. In view of stimulating natural propagation of S. seenghala, artificial holes (nests) were constructed in the pond bottom. Each hole was 0.7 m in diameter and 0.3 m in depth. A total of 10 holes were made and then 10 pairs of S. seenghala breeders (800-1,200 g) were stocked in the pond. In mid February, 3,000 fry of S. seenghala with a mean length of 4.60 cm and weight of 0.36 g were collected by repeated netting followed by drying of the pond. The fry were then stocked in a nursery pond and fed with commercial feed (SABINCO starter-1). The average length and weight of the fingerlings were 9.01 cm and 3.95 g, respectively and the estimated survival was 60% after two months of rearing. S. aor did not respond to natural spawning. Further study is essential to develop techniques for their successful artificial and natural breeding.


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An experiment was conducted for six months in 6 experimental ponds (each size 80 of m2) to assess the over-wintering performance between mixed sex and monosex tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. The experiment was carried out with two treatments each with three replicates. In the first treatment (T1), mixed sex tilapia were stocked in 3 ponds with a mean initial of 4.80±0.18 g. In the second treatment (T2), monosex tilapia were stocked in another 3 ponds with a mean initial weight of 4.81 ±0.20 g. Each pond was stocked with 250 fingerlings. Fish were fed at the rate of 6% of fish body weight at the beginning. The feeding rate was gradually reduced to 2% for the third month and finally increased to 3% for rest of the period. Water quality was monitored fortnightly and the ranges were: temperature17.86-29.10°C, dissolved oxygen 4.25-6.10 mg/1, pH 6.97-7.20 and transparency 24.10-36.50 cm. After 6 months of rearing monosex tilapia attained a significantly (p


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Allograft mantle transplantations were studied in six species of freshwater mussels~ Lamellidens marginalis, L. corrianus~ L. jenkinsianus_, L. phenchooganjensis~ Parreysia corrugata and P. favidens by transplanting foreign mantle tissue into the mantle tissue of a host mussel. After three months of rearing, maximum survivability and pearl formation were observed in L. marginalis and L. jenkinsianus followed by L. corrianus and L. phenchooganjensis. Very poor results were observed in case of Parreysia corrugata and P. favidens. In addition to the natural pearl producing capacity of individual species, survivability and pearl production were related to the size of the mussel species. L. marginalis has been identified as the best species for mantle transplantation in Bangladesh.