988 resultados para PIN diodes


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"V" fifth form pin which belonged to Margaret Julia Woodruff at St. Margaret's School, Toronto.


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Life Member pin of the Red Cross Society


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A Canadian Girl Guides pin presented to H.K. Woodruff to commemorate his presentation of a house to the Girl Guides of St. Catharines.


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An ATO fraternity pin which belonged to P.C. Band


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A Ridley College, St. Catharines pin which belonged to Chester Woolworth of the Woolworth Family.


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A "Navy League, Keep Watch" pin with a screw-on backing.


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OZO fraternity pin of H.K. Woodruff, University of Toronto. He was one of the founding members.


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Receipt from Tiffany and Co., New York for a diamond lace pin, Nov. 3, 1884.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Formación y Capacitación para Recursos Humanos) U.A.N.L.


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Le desserrage des tiges est une complication fréquente des plâtres avec tiges transcorticales (TP) chez les grands animaux, nécessitant souvent leur retrait prématuré avant la guérison des fractures. Les charges excessives centrées sur le cortex à l’interface os-tige proximo-externe et disto-interne causent de l'ostéolyse. En utilisant un modèle de veau nouveau-né, ce projet a évalué un nouveau système de tige-manchon et anneau integré dans un plâtre (PS) optimisé pour réduire la contrainte péri-implant et le stress à l'interface os-implant. On a émis l'hypothèse que les PS se traduiraient par une ostéolyse péri-implant moindre par rapport aux TP. Dix veaux en bonne santé, de 3 semaines d'âge, ont été implantés avec les TP ou PS dans le métacarpe droit, à raison de 2 implants par veau. Les veaux ont été observés quotidiennement pour le confort et la boiterie et ont été euthanasiés à 28 jours. Les données recueillies comprenaient les radiographies à la chirurgie et à l'euthanasie et les mesures histomorphométriques de contact os-implant sur des échantillons non-décalcifiés avec les implants in situ. Les données ont été analysées en utilisant le test de Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel, une valeur de P <0,05 a été considérée comme significative. L'épaisseur corticale était plus importante pour les implants distaux que proximaux pour les deux groupes lors de la chirurgie (P = 0,03), mais était similaire entre les groupes (P > 0,3). Les veaux avec TP ont développé une boiterie plus tôt (au jour 21) que les veaux avec PS (P = 0,04). Histologiquement, il y avait plus de contact direct os-implant cortical pour les implants PS distaux que les implants TP (P = 0,04). La jonction métaphyso-diaphysaire osseuse où les implants proximaux étaient situés est impropre aux deux systèmes; chacun a un minimum de contact os-implant et de l'ostéolyse extensive. Le système PS n'ayant pas causé une ostéolyse importante lorsque implantés dans l'os diaphysaire et peut-être une alternative convenable aux TP pour des fractures comminutives des membres distaux.


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Transparent conducting oxides (TCO’s) have been known and used for technologically important applications for more than 50 years. The oxide materials such as In2O3, SnO2 and impurity doped SnO2: Sb, SnO2: F and In2O3: Sn (indium tin oxide) were primarily used as TCO’s. Indium based oxides had been widely used as TCO’s for the past few decades. But the current increase in the cost of indium and scarcity of this material created the difficulty in obtaining low cost TCO’s. Hence the search for alternative TCO material has been a topic of active research for the last few decades. This resulted in the development of various binary and ternary compounds. But the advantages of using binary oxides are the easiness to control the composition and deposition parameters. ZnO has been identified as the one of the promising candidate for transparent electronic applications owing to its exciting optoelectronic properties. Some optoelectronics applications of ZnO overlap with that of GaN, another wide band gap semiconductor which is widely used for the production of green, blue-violet and white light emitting devices. However ZnO has some advantages over GaN among which are the availability of fairly high quality ZnO bulk single crystals and large excitonic binding energy. ZnO also has much simpler crystal-growth technology, resulting in a potentially lower cost for ZnO based devices. Most of the TCO’s are n-type semiconductors and are utilized as transparent electrodes in variety of commercial applications such as photovoltaics, electrochromic windows, flat panel displays. TCO’s provide a great potential for realizing diverse range of active functions, novel functions can be integrated into the materials according to the requirement. However the application of TCO’s has been restricted to transparent electrodes, ii notwithstanding the fact that TCO’s are n-type semiconductors. The basic reason is the lack of p-type TCO, many of the active functions in semiconductor originate from the nature of pn-junction. In 1997, H. Kawazoe et al reported the CuAlO2 as the first p-type TCO along with the chemical design concept for the exploration of other p-type TCO’s. This has led to the fabrication of all transparent diode and transistors. Fabrication of nanostructures of TCO has been a focus of an ever-increasing number of researchers world wide, mainly due to their unique optical and electronic properties which makes them ideal for a wide spectrum of applications ranging from flexible displays, quantum well lasers to in vivo biological imaging and therapeutic agents. ZnO is a highly multifunctional material system with highly promising application potential for UV light emitting diodes, diode lasers, sensors, etc. ZnO nanocrystals and nanorods doped with transition metal impurities have also attracted great interest, recently, for their spin-electronic applications This thesis summarizes the results on the growth and characterization of ZnO based diodes and nanostructures by pulsed laser ablation. Various ZnO based heterojunction diodes have been fabricated using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and their electrical characteristics were interpreted using existing models. Pulsed laser ablation has been employed to fabricate ZnO quantum dots, ZnO nanorods and ZnMgO/ZnO multiple quantum well structures with the aim of studying the luminescent properties.


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Heterojunction diodes of n-type ZnO/p-type silicon (100) were fabricated by 12 pulsed laser deposition of ZnO films on p-Si substrates in oxygen ambient at 13 different pressures. These heterojunctions were found to be rectifying with a 14 maximum forward-to-reverse current ratio of about 1,000 in the applied 15 voltage range of -5 V to +5 V. The turn-on voltage of the heterojunctions was 16 found to depend on the ambient oxygen pressure during the growth of the ZnO 17 film. The current density–voltage characteristics and the variation of the 18 series resistance of the n-ZnO/p-Si heterojunctions were found to be in line 19 with the Anderson model and Burstein-Moss (BM) shift.


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A forward - biased point contact germanium signal diode placed inside a waveguide section along the E -vector is found to introduce significant phase shift of microwave signals . The usefulness of the arrangement as a phase modulator for microwave carriers is demonstrated. While there is a less significant amplitude modulation accompanying phase modulation , the insertion losses are found to be negligible. The observations can be explained on the basis of the capacitance variation of the barrier layer with forward current in the diode


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The design of a compact, single feed, dual frequency dual polarized and electronically reconfigurable microstrip antenna is presented in this paper. A square patch loaded with a hexagonal slot having extended slot arms constitutes the fundamental structure of the antenna. The tuning of the two resonant frequencies is realized by varying the effective electrical length of the slot arms by embedding varactor diodes across the slots. A high tuning range of 34.43% (1.037–1.394 GHz) and 9.27% (1.359–1.485 GHz) is achieved for the two operating frequencies respectively, when the bias voltage is varied from 0 to −30 V. The salient feature of this design is that it uses no matching networks even though the resonant frequencies are tuned in a wide range with good matching below −10 dB. The antenna has an added advantage of size reduction up to 80.11% and 65.69% for the two operating frequencies compared to conventional rectangular patches.


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Light emitting polymers (LEP) have drawn considerable attention because of their numerous potential applications in the field of optoelectronic devices. Till date, a large number of organic molecules and polymers have been designed and devices fabricated based on these materials. Optoelectronic devices like polymer light emitting diodes (PLED) have attracted wide-spread research attention owing to their superior properties like flexibility, lower operational power, colour tunability and possibility of obtaining large area coatings. PLEDs can be utilized for the fabrication of flat panel displays and as replacements for incandescent lamps. The internal efficiency of the LEDs mainly depends on the electroluminescent efficiency of the emissive polymer such as quantum efficiency, luminance-voltage profile of LED and the balanced injection of electrons and holes. Poly (p-phenylenevinylene) (PPV) and regio-regular polythiophenes are interesting electro-active polymers which exhibit good electrical conductivity, electroluminescent activity and high film-forming properties. A combination of Red, Green and Blue emitting polymers is necessary for the generation of white light which can replace the high energy consuming incandescent lamps. Most of these polymers show very low solubility, stability and poor mechanical properties. Many of these light emitting polymers are based on conjugated extended chains of alternating phenyl and vinyl units. The intra-chain or inter-chain interactions within these polymer chains can change the emitted colour. Therefore an effective way of synthesizing polymers with reduced π-stacking, high solubility, high thermal stability and high light-emitting efficiency is still a challenge for chemists. New copolymers have to be effectively designed so as to solve these issues. Hence, in the present work, the suitability of a few novel copolymers with very high thermal stability, excellent solubility, intense light emission (blue, cyan and green) and high glass transition temperatures have been investigated to be used as emissive layers for polymer light emitting diodes.