472 resultados para PEDOT:PSS
The replenishment of consumed oxygen in the open ocean oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) off northwest Africa is accomplished by oxygen transport across and along density surfaces, i.e. diapycnal and isopycnal oxygen supply. Here the diapycnal oxygen supply is investigated using a large observational set of oxygen profiles and diapycnal mixing data from years 2008 to 2010. Diapycnal mixing is inferred from different sources: (i) a large-scale tracer release experiment, (ii) microstructure profiles, and (iii) shipboard?acoustic current measurements plus density profiles. From these measurements, the average diapycnal diffusivity in the studied depth interval from 150 to 500m is estimated to be 1×10**-5 m2 s**-1, with lower and upper 95% confidence limits of 0.8×10**-5 m2 s**-1 and 1.4×10**-5 m2 s**-1. Diapycnal diffusivity in this depth range is predominantly caused by turbulence, and shows no significant vertical gradient. Diapycnal mixing is found to contribute substantially to the oxygen supply of the OMZ. Within the OMZ core, 1.5 µmol kg**-1 yr**-1 of oxygen is supplied via diapycnal mixing, contributing about one-third of the total demand. This oxygen which is supplied via diapycnal mixing originates from oxygen that has been laterally supplied within the upper CentralWater layer above the OMZ, and within the Antarctic Intermediate Water layer below the OMZ. Due to the existence of a separate shallow oxygen minimum at about 100m depth throughout most of the study area, there is no net vertical oxygen flux from the surface layer into the Central Water layer. Thus all oxygen supply of the OMZ is associated with remote pathways.
The Mauritanian coastal area is one of the most biologically productive upwelling regions in the world ocean. Shipboard observations carried out during maximum upwelling season and short-term moored observations are used to investigate diapycnal mixing processes and to quantify diapycnal fluxes of nutrients. The observations indicate strong tide-topography interactions that are favored by near-critical angles occurring on large parts of the continental slope. Moored velocity observations reveal the existence of highly nonlinear internal waves and bores and levels of internal wave spectra are strongly elevated near the buoyancy frequency. Dissipation rates of turbulent kinetic energy at the slope and shelf determined from microstructure measurements in the upper 200 m averages to ? = 5 × 10-8 W kg-1. Particularly elevated dissipation rates were found at the continental slope close to the shelf break, being enhanced by a factor of 100 to 1000 compared to dissipation rates farther offshore. Vertically integrated dissipation rates per unit volume are strongest at the upper continental slope reaching values of up to 30 mW m-2. A comparison of fine-scale parameterizations of turbulent dissipation rates for shelf regions and the open ocean to the measured dissipation rates indicates deficiencies in reproducing the observations. Diapycnal nitrate fluxes above the continental slope at the base of the mixed layer yielding a mean value of 12 × 10-2 µmol m-2 s-1 are amongst the largest published to date. However, they seem to only represent a minor contribution (10% to 25%) to the net community production in the upwelling region.
A large, subsurface oxygen deficiency zone is located in the eastern tropical South Pacific Ocean (ETSP). The large-scale circulation in the eastern equatorial Pacific and off Peru in November/December 2012 shows the influence of the equatorial current system, the eastern boundary currents, and the northern reaches of the subtropical gyre. In November 2012 the Equatorial Undercurrent is centered at 250 m depth, deeper than in earlier observations. In December 2012 the equatorial water is transported southeastward near the shelf in the Peru-Chile Undercurrent with a mean transport of 1.6 Sv. In the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) the flow is overlaid with strong eddy activity on the poleward side of the OMZ. Floats with parking depth at 400 m show fast westward flow in the mid-depth equatorial channel and sluggish flow in the OMZ. Floats with oxygen sensors clearly show the passage of eddies with oxygen anomalies. The long-term float observations in the upper ocean lead to a net community production estimate at about 18° S of up to 16.7 mmol C m?3 yr1 extrapolated to an annual rate and 7.7 mmol C m?3 yr?1 for the time period below the mixed layer. Oxygen differences between repeated ship sections are influenced by the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation, by the phase of El Niño, by seasonal changes, and by eddies and hence have to be interpreted with care. At and south of the equator the decrease in oxygen in the upper ocean since 1976 is related to an increase in nitrate, phosphate, and in part in silicate.
In preparation for the Russian Luna-Resurs mission we combined our compact time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS) with a chemical pre-separation of the species by gas chromatography (GC). Coupled measurements with both instruments were successfully performed with the prototype of the mass spectrometer and a flight-like gas chromatograph. The system was tested with two test gas mixtures, a mixture of hydrocarbons and a mixture of noble gases. Due to its capability to record mass spectra over the full mass range at once with high sensitivity and a dynamic range of up to 10(6) within 1 s, the TOF-MS system is a valuable extension of the GC analytical system. Based on the measurements with calibration gases performed with the combined GC-MS prototype and under assumption of mean characteristics for the Moon's regolith, the detection limit for volatile species in a soil sample is estimated to 2.10(-10) by mass for hydrocarbons and 2.10(-9) by mass for noble gases. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
On the orbiter of the Rosetta spacecraft, the Cometary Secondary Ion Mass Analyser (COSIMA) will provide new in situ insights about the chemical composition of cometary grains all along 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko (67P/CG) journey until the end of December 2015 nominally. The aim of this paper is to present the pre-calibration which has already been performed as well as the different methods which have been developed in order to facilitate the interpretation of the COSIMA mass spectra and more especially of their organic content. The first step was to establish a mass spectra library in positive and negative ion mode of targeted molecules and to determine the specific features of each compound and chemical family analyzed. As the exact nature of the refractory cometary organic matter is nowadays unknown, this library is obviously not exhaustive. Therefore this library has also been the starting point for the research of indicators, which enable to highlight the presence of compounds containing specific atom or structure. These indicators correspond to the intensity ratio of specific peaks in the mass spectrum. They have allowed us to identify sample containing nitrogen atom, aliphatic chains or those containing polyaromatic hydrocarbons. From these indicators, a preliminary calibration line, from which the N/C ratio could be derived, has also been established. The research of specific mass difference could also be helpful to identify peaks related to quasi-molecular ions in an unknown mass spectrum. The Bayesian Positive Source Separation (BPSS) technique will also be very helpful for data analysis. This work is the starting point for the analysis of the cometary refractory organic matter. Nevertheless, calibration work will continue in order to reach the best possible interpretation of the COSIMA observations.
Sea-to-air and diapycnal fluxes of nitrous oxide (N2O) into the mixed layer were determined during three cruises to the upwelling region off Mauritania. Sea-to-air fluxes as well as diapycnal fluxes were elevated close to the shelf break, but elevated sea-to-air fluxes reached further offshore as a result of the offshore transport of upwelled water masses. To calculate a mixed layer budget for N2O we compared the regionally averaged sea-to-air and diapycnal fluxes and estimated the potential contribution of other processes, such as vertical advection and biological N2O production in the mixed layer. Using common parameterizations for the gas transfer velocity, the comparison of the average sea-toair and diapycnal N2O fluxes indicated that the mean sea-toair flux is about three to four times larger than the diapycnal flux. Neither vertical and horizontal advection nor biological production were found sufficient to close the mixed layer budget. Instead, the sea-to-air flux, calculated using a parameterization that takes into account the attenuating effect of surfactants on gas exchange, is in the same range as the diapycnal flux. From our observations we conclude that common parameterizations for the gas transfer velocity likely overestimate the air-sea gas exchange within highly productive upwelling zones.
Ocean observations carried out in the framework of the Collaborative Research Center 754 (SFB 754) "Climate-Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean" are used to study (1) the structure of tropical oxygen minimum zones (OMZs), (2) the processes that contribute to the oxygen budget, and (3) long-term changes in the oxygen distribution. The OMZ of the eastern tropical North Atlantic (ETNA), located between the well-ventilated subtropical gyre and the equatorial oxygen maximum, is composed of a deep OMZ at about 400 m depth with its core region centred at about 20° W, 10° N and a shallow OMZ at about 100 m depth with lowest oxygen concentrations in proximity to the coastal upwelling region off Mauritania and Senegal. The oxygen budget of the deep OMZ is given by oxygen consumption mainly balanced by the oxygen supply due to meridional eddy fluxes (about 60%) and vertical mixing (about 20%, locally up to 30%). Advection by zonal jets is crucial for the establishment of the equatorial oxygen maximum. In the latitude range of the deep OMZ, it dominates the oxygen supply in the upper 300 to 400 m and generates the intermediate oxygen maximum between deep and shallow OMZs. Water mass ages from transient tracers indicate substantially older water masses in the core of the deep OMZ (about 120-180 years) compared to regions north and south of it. The deoxygenation of the ETNA OMZ during recent decades suggests a substantial imbalance in the oxygen budget: about 10% of the oxygen consumption during that period was not balanced by ventilation. Long-term oxygen observations show variability on interannual, decadal and multidecadal time scales that can partly be attributed to circulation changes. In comparison to the ETNA OMZ the eastern tropical South Pacific OMZ shows a similar structure including an equatorial oxygen maximum driven by zonal advection, but overall much lower oxygen concentrations approaching zero in extended regions. As the shape of the OMZs is set by ocean circulation, the widespread misrepresentation of the intermediate circulation in ocean circulation models substantially contributes to their oxygen bias, which might have significant impacts on predictions of future oxygen levels.
We estimated the relative contribution of atmospheric Nitrogen (N) input (wet and dry deposition and N fixation) to the epipelagic food web by measuring N isotopes of different functional groups of epipelagic zooplankton along 23°W (17°N-4°S) and 18°N (20-24°W) in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic. Results were related to water column observations of nutrient distribution and vertical diffusive flux as well as colony abundance of Trichodesmium obtained with an Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP5). The thickness and depth of the nitracline and phosphocline proved to be significant predictors of zooplankton stable N isotope values. Atmospheric N input was highest (61% of total N) in the strongly stratified and oligotrophic region between 3 and 7°N, which featured very high depth-integrated Trichodesmium abundance (up to 9.4×104 colonies m-2), strong thermohaline stratification and low zooplankton delta15N (~2 per mil). Relative atmospheric N input was lowest south of the equatorial upwelling between 3 and 5°S (27%). Values in the Guinea Dome region and north of Cape Verde ranged between 45 and 50%, respectively. The microstructure-derived estimate of the vertical diffusive N flux in the equatorial region was about one order of magnitude higher than in any other area (approximately 8 mmol m-2 d 1). At the same time, this region received considerable atmospheric N input (35% of total). In general, zooplankton delta15N and Trichodesmium abundance were closely correlated, indicating that N fixation is the major source of atmospheric N input. Although Trichodesmium is not the only N fixing organism, its abundance can be used with high confidence to estimate the relative atmospheric N input in the tropical Atlantic (r2 = 0.95). Estimates of absolute N fixation rates are two- to tenfold higher than incubation-derived rates reported for the same regions. Our approach integrates over large spatial and temporal scales and also quantifies fixed N released as dissolved inorganic and organic N. In a global analysis, it may thus help to close the gap in oceanic N budgets.
Se tiene una red eléctrica compuesta por tres centrales térmicas convencionales y dos núcleos de consumo diferenciados, uno industrial y otro residencial, a la que se le va a conectar un parque eólico. El objetivo es dimensionar la línea de conexión y conocer el comportamiento de la red ante este cambio. Se han calculado las características de la línea eléctrica de conexión para satisfacer la potencia instalada del parque. También se ha estimado la demanda horaria de electricidad en las zonas residencial e industrial y se han tomado los valores horarios significativos de la potencia generada por el parque eólico, ambos, para las distintas estaciones del año. Como programa para la simulación de la red eléctrica se utilizó el PSS/E (Power System Simulator for Engineering) en el que, ayudándose del lenguaje de programación Python, se creó un código que cambiaba los datos horarios del consumo y la generación del parque, resolvía el flujo de cargas y exportaba los resultados que mostraban el comportamiento de la red para las distintas casuísticas. Finalmente, se analizaron los resultados de las potencias activa y reactiva generadas por las centrales convencionales, la tensión en los buses y las posibles sobrecargas.
El aumento de la temperatura media de la Tierra durante el pasado siglo en casi 1 ºC; la subida del nivel medio del mar; la disminución del volumen de hielo y nieve terrestres; la fuerte variabilidad del clima y los episodios climáticos extremos que se vienen sucediendo durante las ultimas décadas; y el aumento de las epidemias y enfermedades infecciosas son solo algunas de las evidencias del cambio climático actual, causado, principalmente, por la acumulación de gases de efecto invernadero en la atmósfera por actividades antropogénicas. La problemática y preocupación creciente surgida a raíz de estos fenómenos, motivo que, en 1997, se adoptara el denominado “Protocolo de Kyoto” (Japón), por el que los países firmantes adoptaron diferentes medidas destinadas a controlar y reducir las emisiones de los citados gases. Entre estas medidas cabe destacar las tecnologías CAC, enfocadas a la captura, transporte y almacenamiento de CO2. En este contexto se aprobó, en octubre de 2008, el Proyecto Singular Estratégico “Tecnologías avanzadas de generación, captura y almacenamiento de CO2” (PSE-120000-2008-6), cofinanciado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y el FEDER, el cual abordaba, en su Subproyecto “Almacenamiento Geológico de CO2” (PSS-120000-2008-31), el estudio detallado, entre otros, del Análogo Natural de Almacenamiento y Escape de CO2 de la cuenca de Ganuelas-Mazarrón (Murcia). Es precisamente en el marco de dicho Proyecto en el que se ha realizado este trabajo, cuyo objetivo final ha sido el de predecir el comportamiento y evaluar la seguridad, a corto, medio y largo plazo, de un Almacenamiento Geológico Profundo de CO2 (AGP-CO2), mediante el estudio integral del citado análogo natural. Este estudio ha comprendido: i) la contextualización geológica e hidrogeológica de la cuenca, así como la investigación geofísica de la misma; ii) la toma de muestras de aguas de algunos acuíferos seleccionados con el fin de realizar su estudio hidrogeoquímico e isotópico; iii) la caracterización mineralógica, petrográfica, geoquímica e isotópica de los travertinos precipitados a partir de las aguas de algunos de los sondeos de la cuenca; y iv) la medida y caracterización química e isotópica de los gases libres y disueltos detectados en la cuenca, con especial atención al CO2 y 222Rn. Esta información, desarrollada en capítulos independientes, ha permitido realizar un modelo conceptual de funcionamiento del sistema natural que constituye la cuenca de Ganuelas-Mazarrón, así como establecer las analogías entre este y un AGP-CO2, con posibles escapes naturales y/o antropogénicos. La aplicación de toda esta información ha servido, por un lado, para predecir el comportamiento y evaluar la seguridad, a corto, medio y largo plazo, de un AGP-CO2 y, por otro, proponer una metodología general aplicable al estudio de posibles emplazamientos de AGP-CO2 desde la perspectiva de los reservorios naturales de CO2. Los resultados más importantes indican que la cuenca de Ganuelas-Mazarrón se trata de una cubeta o fosa tectónica delimitada por fallas normales, con importantes saltos verticales, que hunden al substrato rocoso (Complejo Nevado-Filabride), y rellenas, generalmente, por materiales volcánicos-subvolcánicos ácidos. Además, esta cuenca se encuentra rellena por formaciones menos resistivas que son, de muro a techo, las margas miocenas, predominantes y casi exclusivas de la cuenca, y los conglomerados y gravas pliocuaternarias. El acuífero salino profundo y enriquecido en CO2, puesto de manifiesto por la xx exploración geotérmica realizada en dicha cuenca durante la década de los 80 y objeto principal de este estudio, se encuentra a techo de los materiales del Complejo Nevado-Filabride, a una profundidad que podría superar los 800 m, según los datos de la investigación mediante sondeos y geofísica. Por ello, no se descarta la posibilidad de que el CO2 se encuentre en estado supe critico, por lo que la citada cuenca reuniría las características principales de un almacenamiento geológico natural y profundo de CO2, o análogo natural de un AGP-CO2 en un acuífero salino profundo. La sobreexplotación de los acuíferos mas someros de la cuenca, con fines agrícolas, origino, por el descenso de sus niveles piezométricos y de la presión hidrostática, el ascenso de las aguas profundas, salinas y enriquecidas en CO2, las cuales son las responsables de la contaminación de dichos acuíferos. El estudio hidrogeoquímico de las aguas de los acuíferos investigados muestra una gran variedad de hidrofacies, incluso en aquellos de litología similar. La alta salinidad de estas aguas las hace inservibles tanto para el consumo humano como para fines agrícolas. Además, el carácter ligeramente ácido de la mayoría de estas aguas determina que tengan gran capacidad para disolver y transportar, hacia la superficie, elementos pesados y/o tóxicos, entre los que destaca el U, elemento abundante en las rocas volcánicas ácidas de la cuenca, con contenidos de hasta 14 ppm, y en forma de uraninita submicroscópica. El estudio isotópico ha permitido discernir el origen, entre otros, del C del DIC de las aguas (δ13C-DIC), explicándose como una mezcla de dos componentes principales: uno, procedente de la descomposición térmica de las calizas y mármoles del substrato y, otro, de origen edáfico, sin descartar una aportación menor de C de origen mantélico. El estudio de los travertinos que se están formando a la salida de las aguas de algunos sondeos, por la desgasificación rápida de CO2 y el consiguiente aumento de pH, ha permitido destacar este fenómeno, por analogía, como alerta de escapes de CO2 desde un AGP-CO2. El análisis de los gases disueltos y libres, con especial atención al CO2 y al 222Rn asociado, indican que el C del CO2, tanto disuelto como en fase libre, tiene un origen similar al del DIC, confirmándose la menor contribución de CO2 de origen mantélico, dada la relación R/Ra del He existente en estos gases. El 222Rn sería el generado por el decaimiento radiactivo del U, particularmente abundante en las rocas volcánicas de la cuenca, y/o por el 226Ra procedente del U o del existente en los yesos mesinienses de la cuenca. Además, el CO2 actúa como carrier del 222Rn, hecho evidenciado en las anomalías positivas de ambos gases a ~ 1 m de profundidad y relacionadas principalmente con perturbaciones naturales (fallas y contactos) y antropogénicas (sondeos). La signatura isotópica del C a partir del DIC, de los carbonatos (travertinos), y del CO2 disuelto y libre, sugiere que esta señal puede usarse como un excelente trazador de los escapes de CO2 desde un AGPCO2, en el cual se inyectara un CO2 procedente, generalmente, de la combustión de combustibles fósiles, con un δ13C(V-PDB) de ~ -30 ‰. Estos resultados han permitido construir un modelo conceptual de funcionamiento del sistema natural de la cuenca de Ganuelas-Mazarrón como análogo natural de un AGP-CO2, y establecer las relaciones entre ambos. Así, las analogías mas importantes, en cuanto a los elementos del sistema, serian la existencia de: i) un acuífero salino profundo enriquecido en CO2, que seria análoga a la formación almacén de un AGPxxi CO2; ii) una formación sedimentaria margosa que, con una potencia superior a 500 m, se correspondería con la formación sello de un AGP-CO2; y iii) acuíferos mas someros con aguas dulces y aptas para el consumo humano, rocas volcánicas ricas en U y fallas que se encuentran selladas por yesos y/o margas; elementos que también podrían concurrir en un emplazamiento de un AGP-CO2. Por otro lado, los procesos análogos mas importantes identificados serian: i) la inyección ascendente del CO2, que seria análoga a la inyección de CO2 de origen antropogénico, pero este con una signatura isotópica δ13C(V-PDB) de ~ -30 ‰; ii) la disolución de CO2 y 222Rn en las aguas del acuífero profundo, lo que seria análogo a la disolución de dichos gases en la formación almacén de un AGP-CO2; iii) la contaminación de los acuíferos mas someros por el ascenso de las aguas sobresaturadas en CO2, proceso que seria análogo a la contaminación que se produciría en los acuíferos existentes por encima de un AGP-CO2, siempre que este se perturbara natural (reactivación de fallas) o artificialmente (sondeos); iv) la desgasificación (CO2 y gases asociados, entre los que destaca el 222Rn) del acuífero salino profundo a través de sondeos, proceso análogo al que pudiera ocurrir en un AGP-CO2 perturbado; y v) la formación rápida de travertinos, proceso análogo indicativo de que el AGP-CO2 ha perdido su estanqueidad. La identificación de las analogías más importantes ha permitido, además, analizar y evaluar, de manera aproximada, el comportamiento y la seguridad, a corto, medio y largo plazo, de un AGP-CO2 emplazado en un contexto geológico similar al sistema natural estudiado. Para ello se ha seguido la metodología basada en el análisis e identificación de los FEPs (Features, Events and Processes), los cuales se han combinado entre sí para generar y analizar diferentes escenarios de evolución del sistema (scenario analysis). Estos escenarios de evolución identificados en el sistema natural perturbado, relacionados con la perforación de sondeos, sobreexplotación de acuíferos, precipitación rápida de travertinos, etc., serian análogos a los que podrían ocurrir en un AGP-CO2 que también fuera perturbado antropogénicamente, por lo que resulta totalmente necesario evitar la perturbación artificial de la formación sello del AGPCO2. Por último, con toda la información obtenida se ha propuesto una metodología de estudio que pueda aplicarse al estudio de posibles emplazamientos de un AGP-CO2 desde la perspectiva de los reservorios naturales de CO2, sean estancos o no. Esta metodología comprende varias fases de estudio, que comprendería la caracterización geológico-estructural del sitio y de sus componentes (agua, roca y gases), la identificación de las analogías entre un sistema natural de almacenamiento de CO2 y un modelo conceptual de un AGP-CO2, y el establecimiento de las implicaciones para el comportamiento y la seguridad de un AGP-CO2. ABSTRACT The accumulation of the anthropogenic greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is the main responsible for: i) the increase in the average temperature of the Earth over the past century by almost 1 °C; ii) the rise in the mean sea level; iii) the drop of the ice volume and terrestrial snow; iv) the strong climate variability and extreme weather events that have been happening over the last decades; and v) the spread of epidemics and infectious diseases. All of these events are just some of the evidence of current climate change. The problems and growing concern related to these phenomena, prompted the adoption of the so-called "Kyoto Protocol" (Japan) in 1997, in which the signatory countries established different measurements to control and reduce the emissions of the greenhouse gases. These measurements include the CCS technologies, focused on the capture, transport and storage of CO2. Within this context, it was approved, in October 2008, the Strategic Singular Project "Tecnologías avanzadas de generación, captura y almacenamiento de CO2" (PSE-120000-2008-6), supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the FEDER funds. This Project, by means of the Subproject "Geological Storage of CO2" (PSS- 120000-2008-31), was focused on the detailed study of the Natural Analogue of CO2 Storage and Leakage located in the Ganuelas-Mazarron Tertiary basin (Murcia), among other Spanish Natural Analogues. This research work has been performed in the framework of this Subproject, being its final objective to predict the behaviour and evaluate the safety, at short, medium and long-term, of a CO2 Deep Geological Storage (CO2-DGS) by means of a comprehensive study of the abovementioned Natural Analogue. This study comprises: i) the geological and hydrogeological context of the basin and its geophysical research; ii) the water sampling of the selected aquifers to establish their hydrogeochemical and isotopic features; iii) the mineralogical, petrographic, geochemical and isotopic characterisation of the travertines formed from upwelling groundwater of several hydrogeological and geothermal wells; and iv) the measurement of the free and dissolved gases detected in the basin, as well as their chemical and isotopic characterisation, mainly regarding CO2 and 222Rn. This information, summarised in separate chapters in the text, has enabled to build a conceptual model of the studied natural system and to establish the analogies between both the studied natural system and a CO2-DGS, with possible natural and/or anthropogenic escapes. All this information has served, firstly, to predict the behaviour and to evaluate the safety, at short, medium and long-term, of a CO2-DGS and, secondly, to propose a general methodology to study suitable sites for a CO2-DGS, taking into account the lessons learned from this CO2 natural reservoir. The main results indicate that the Ganuelas-Mazarron basin is a graben bounded by normal faults with significant vertical movements, which move down the metamorphic substrate (Nevado-Filabride Complex), and filled with acid volcanic-subvolcanic rocks. Furthermore, this basin is filled with two sedimentary formations: i) the Miocene marls, which are predominant and almost exclusive in the basin; xxiv and ii) the Plio-Quaternary conglomerates and gravels. A deep saline CO2-rich aquifer was evidenced in this basin as a result of the geothermal exploration wells performed during the 80s, located just at the top of the Nevado-Filabride Complex and at a depth that could exceed 800 m, according to the geophysical exploration performed. This saline CO2-rich aquifer is precisely the main object of this study. Therefore, it is not discarded the possibility that the CO2 in this aquifer be in supercritical state. Consequently, the aforementioned basin gathers the main characteristics of a natural and deep CO2 geological storage, or natural analogue of a CO2-DGS in a deep saline aquifer. The overexploitation of the shallow aquifers in this basin for agriculture purposes caused the drop of the groundwater levels and hydrostatic pressures, and, as a result, the ascent of the deep saline and CO2-rich groundwater, which is the responsible for the contamination of the shallow and fresh aquifers. The hydrogeochemical features of groundwater from the investigated aquifers show the presence of very different hydrofacies, even in those with similar lithology. The high salinity of this groundwater prevents the human and agricultural uses. In addition, the slightly acidic character of most of these waters determines their capacity to dissolve and transport towards the surface heavy and/or toxic elements, among which U is highlighted. This element is abundant in the acidic volcanic rocks of the basin, with concentrations up to 14 ppm, mainly as sub-microscopic uraninite crystals. The isotopic study of this groundwater, particularly the isotopic signature of C from DIC (δ13C-DIC), suggests that dissolved C can be explained considering a mixture of C from two main different sources: i) from the thermal decomposition of limestones and marbles forming the substrate; and ii) from edaphic origin. However, a minor contribution of C from mantle degassing cannot be discarded. The study of travertines being formed from upwelling groundwater of several hydrogeological and geothermal wells, as a result of the fast CO2 degassing and the pH increase, has allowed highlighting this phenomenon, by analogy, as an alert for the CO2 leakages from a CO2-DGS. The analysis of the dissolved and free gases, with special attention to CO2 and 222Rn, indicates that the C from the dissolved and free CO2 has a similar origin to that of the DIC. The R/Ra ratio of He corroborates the minor contribution of CO2 from the mantle degassing. Furthermore, 222Rn is generated by the radioactive decay of U, particularly abundant in the volcanic rocks of the basin, and/or by 226Ra from the U or from the Messinian gypsum in the basin. Moreover, CO2 acts as a carrier of the 222Rn, a fact evidenced by the positive anomalies of both gases at ~ 1 m depth and mainly related to natural (faults and contacts) and anthropogenic (wells) perturbations. The isotopic signature of C from DIC, carbonates (travertines), and dissolved and free CO2, suggests that this parameter can be used as an excellent tracer of CO2 escapes from a CO2-DGS, in which CO2 usually from the combustion of fossil fuels, with δ13C(V-PDB) of ~ -30 ‰, will be injected. All of these results have allowed to build a conceptual model of the behaviour of the natural system studied as a natural analogue of a CO2-DGS, as well as to establish the relationships between both natural xxv and artificial systems. Thus, the most important analogies, regarding the elements of the system, would be the presence of: i) a deep saline CO2-rich aquifer, which would be analogous to the storage formation of a CO2-DGS; ii) a marly sedimentary formation with a thickness greater than 500 m, which would correspond to the sealing formation of a CO2-DGS; and iii) shallow aquifers with fresh waters suitable for human consumption, U-rich volcanic rocks, and faults that are sealed by gypsums and/or marls; geological elements that could also be present in a CO2-DGS. On the other hand, the most important analogous processes identified are: i) the upward injection of CO2, which would be analogous to the downward injection of the anthropogenic CO2, this last with a δ13C(V-PDB) of ~ -30 ‰; ii) the dissolution of CO2 and 222Rn in groundwater of the deep aquifer, which would be analogous to the dissolution of these gases in the storage formation of a CO2-DGS; iii) the contamination of the shallow aquifers by the uprising of CO2-oversaturated groundwater, an analogous process to the contamination that would occur in shallow aquifers located above a CO2-DGS, whenever it was naturally (reactivation of faults) or artificially (wells) perturbed; iv) the degassing (CO2 and associated gases, among which 222Rn is remarkable) of the deep saline aquifer through wells, process which could be similar in a perturbed CO2- DGS; v) the rapid formation of travertines, indicating that the CO2-DGS has lost its seal capacity. The identification of the most important analogies has also allowed analysing and evaluating, approximately, the behaviour and safety in the short, medium and long term, of a CO2-DGS hosted in a similar geological context of the natural system studied. For that, it has been followed the methodology based on the analysis and identification of FEPs (Features, Events and Processes) that have been combined together in order to generate and analyse different scenarios of the system evolution (scenario analysis). These identified scenarios in the perturbed natural system, related to boreholes, overexploitation of aquifers, rapid precipitation of travertines, etc., would be similar to those that might occur in a CO2-DGS anthropogenically perturbed, so that it is absolutely necessary to avoid the artificial perturbation of the seal formation of a CO2-DGS. Finally, a useful methodology for the study of possible sites for a CO2-DGS is suggested based on the information obtained from this investigation, taking into account the lessons learned from this CO2 natural reservoir. This methodology comprises several phases of study, including the geological and structural characterisation of the site and its components (water, rock and gases), the identification of the analogies between a CO2 storage natural system and a conceptual model of a CO2-DGS, and the implications regarding the behaviour and safety of a CO2-DGS.
O câncer em crianças até cerca de duas décadas, era considerado uma doença crônica, com prognóstico desfavorável, resultando na maioria dos casos, em morte. Atualmente, tem-se apresentado como uma doença com melhores perspectivas, onde 70% das crianças acometidas por essa doença podem ser curadas, quando diagnosticadas precocemente, e tratadas em centros especializados¹. Este estudo teve como objetivo, avaliar a qualidade de vida e o stress de crianças e adolescentes com câncer, em remissão e recidiva. Trata-se de um estudo correlacional, quali-quantitativo, transversal. Foi desenvolvido no ambulatório de oncologia pediátrica da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, e na enfermaria do Hospital Mário Covas. Contou com a colaboração de 40 sujeitos, com idades entre 06 a 14 anos, de ambos os sexos. Como instrumento para medir a qualidade de vida, foi utilizado o Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ-PF50), que possui 15 conceitos em saúde, abrangendo aspectos físicos e psicossociais e para medir o stress, a Escala de Stress Infantil (ESI), que tem como objetivo, avaliar o stress da criança, através de reações físicas e psicológicas. Os resultados indicaram que no domínio físico (PhS), as crianças em situação clínica de recidiva e remissão não apresentam diferenças significativas em relação às variáveis: qualidade de vida e stress, porém, no domínio psicossocial (PsS), houve diferença estatisticamente significante, indicando que os meninos apresentam melhor qualidade de vida e menor stress, se comparados com as meninas, mostrando que o emocional interfere nesse resultado.(AU)
O câncer em crianças até cerca de duas décadas, era considerado uma doença crônica, com prognóstico desfavorável, resultando na maioria dos casos, em morte. Atualmente, tem-se apresentado como uma doença com melhores perspectivas, onde 70% das crianças acometidas por essa doença podem ser curadas, quando diagnosticadas precocemente, e tratadas em centros especializados¹. Este estudo teve como objetivo, avaliar a qualidade de vida e o stress de crianças e adolescentes com câncer, em remissão e recidiva. Trata-se de um estudo correlacional, quali-quantitativo, transversal. Foi desenvolvido no ambulatório de oncologia pediátrica da Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, e na enfermaria do Hospital Mário Covas. Contou com a colaboração de 40 sujeitos, com idades entre 06 a 14 anos, de ambos os sexos. Como instrumento para medir a qualidade de vida, foi utilizado o Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ-PF50), que possui 15 conceitos em saúde, abrangendo aspectos físicos e psicossociais e para medir o stress, a Escala de Stress Infantil (ESI), que tem como objetivo, avaliar o stress da criança, através de reações físicas e psicológicas. Os resultados indicaram que no domínio físico (PhS), as crianças em situação clínica de recidiva e remissão não apresentam diferenças significativas em relação às variáveis: qualidade de vida e stress, porém, no domínio psicossocial (PsS), houve diferença estatisticamente significante, indicando que os meninos apresentam melhor qualidade de vida e menor stress, se comparados com as meninas, mostrando que o emocional interfere nesse resultado.(AU)
A síndrome de Sjögren primária (SSp) é uma doença crônica autoimune sistêmica que pode levar à hipossalivação e afetar negativamente o ambiente oral. Os objetivos deste estudo foram detectar a influência da SSp nos níveis de biomarcadores inflamatórios na saliva e no fluido gengival nas amostras de pacientes com periodontite crônica, avaliar o efeito do tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico sobre os valores do índice clínico de avaliação da atividade sistêmica de pacientes com SSp e do índice reportado pelo paciente com SSp. Amostras de fluido gengival, saliva e os parâmetros clínicos periodontais que consistiram de medida da profundidade de sondagem (PS), nível clínico de inserção (NCI), sangramento à sondagem (SS) e índice de placa (IP) foram coletadas no início do estudo e 45 dias após a terapia periodontal não-cirúrgica de pacientes sistemicamente saudáveis com periodontite crônica (PC, n = 7) e pacientes com SSp e periodontite crônica (SP, n = 7). Pacientes periodontalmente saudáveis com SSp (SC, n = 7) e sistemicamente saudáveis (C, n = 7) também foram avaliados no início do estudo. Os grupos C, PC e SC foram pareados em gênero, idade e critério socioeconômico com o grupo SP. Os níveis de interleucina-8 (IL-8), IL-10 e IL-1ß foram avaliados por ensaio multiplex. Os níveis de atividade da doença foram medidos usando o Gold Standard da literatura chamado Índice Eular de atividade da síndrome de Sjögren (ESSDAI). Já para avaliação dos sintomas reportados pelo paciente com SSp foi utilizado o Índice Eular reportado pelo paciente com Sjögren (ESSPRI). Os parâmetros clínicos melhoraram após a terapia periodontal (p <0,05). No entanto, o NCI em pacientes com SSp não melhorou significativamente após a terapia (p> 0,05). Houve um aumento nos níveis de IL-1ß, IL-8 e diminuição dos níveis de IL-10 nas amostras de saliva de pacientes do grupo SC em comparação ao grupo C (p <0,05). Já em relação ao fluido gengival, pacientes do grupo SC tiveram maiores níveis de IL-1ß em comparação com o grupo C (p<0,05). Além disso, o tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico resultou num aumento dos níveis de IL-10 no fluido gengival no grupo SP e grupo PC em relação ao valor basal (p <0,05). O fluxo salivar foi significativamente aumentado após o tratamento periodontal apenas em pacientes do grupo SP (p = 0,039). Além disso, o tratamento periodontal não influenciou o índice ESSDAI (p = 0,35) e levou a uma diminuição significativa no índice ESSPRI (p = 0,03). Os presentes dados demonstraram que a SSp influencia os níveis salivares e de fluido gengival de biomarcadores inflamatórios em favor de um perfil próinflamatório, no entanto, este perfil parece não aumentar susceptibilidade dos indivíduos SSp à destruição periodontal. Além disso, os presentes dados demonstraram que o tratamento periodontal não-cirúrgico tem um impacto positivo sobre o fluxo salivar e sobre o índice ESSPRI de pacientes com SSp. Sugere-se assim que o tratamento periodontal pode melhorar a qualidade de vida de indivíduos com SSp.
A nanotecnologia tem sido aplicada para o desenvolvimento de materiais para diversas aplicações inclusive na inativação de patógenos. As nanopartículas de sílica (npSi) destacam-se pela alta área superficial, facilidade na alteração da superfície para aumento da eficiência adsortiva, penetrabilidade e toxicidade para bactérias gram-negativas sendo biocompatíveis para células de mamíferos e mais foto-estáveis que a maioria dos compostos orgânicos. Devido as suas vantagens, as npSi podem ser usadas para veicular fotossensibilizadores (FSs) uma vez que permitem sua utilização em solução aquosa em que os FSs geralmente são insolúveis. Além disso, o uso de FSs em vez de antibióticos, permite a inativação microbiológica pela Terapia Fotodinâmica sem que as bactérias adquiram resistência por mecanismos genéticos. Esse processo ocorre pela interação entre um FS, luz e oxigênio molecular produzindo oxigênio singleto que é extremamente reativo danificando estruturas celulares. O objetivo desse estudo foi otimizar a fotoinativação dinâmica de E .coli utilizando Azul de Metileno (AM) e Azul de Toluidina O (ATO) veiculados por npSi. As npSi foram preparadas pela metodologia sol-gel, caracterizadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e submetidas à adsorção de AM e ATO em sua superfície. A presença de AM e ATO na superfície das npSi foram analisadas por espectroscopia no infravermelho; espectroscopia de fluorescência por raio-X e análise termogravimétrica. O planejamento experimental, iniciado pelo fatorial 23 e modelado ao composto central em busca das condições ótimas foi adotado pela primeira vez nessa aplicabilidade, visando a fotoinativação de E. coli empregando AM e ATO em solução e em seguida com npSi. AM e ATO veiculados por npSi permitem a fotoinativação em concentrações mais baixas de FS (20 e 51% respectivamente), causando desestruturação da integridade bacteriana demonstrada por MEV. Os resultados sugerem que a veiculação de AM e ATO por npSi é extremamente efetiva para a fotoinativação dinâmica de E. coli e que o planejamento composto central pode levar à completa inativação das bactérias.