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Pathogenic variation in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides infecting species of the tropical pasture legume Stylosanthes at its center of diversity was determined from 296 isolates collected from wild host population and selected germ plasm of S. capitata, S. guianensis, S. scabra, and S. macrocephala in Brazil. A putative host differential set comprising 11 accessions was selected from a bioassay of 18 isolates on 19 host accessions using principal component analysis. A similar analysis of anthracnose severity data for a subset of 195 isolates on the 11 differentials indicated that an adequate summary of pathogenic variation could be obtained using only five of these differentials. of the five differentials, S. seabrana 'Primar' was resistant and S. scabra 'Fitzroy' was susceptible to most isolates. A cluster analysis was used to determine eight natural race clusters using the 195 isolates. Linear discriminant functions were developed for eight race clusters using the 195 isolates as the training data set, and these were applied to classify a test data set of the remaining 101 isolates. All except 11 isolates of the test data set were classified into one of the eight race clusters. Over 10% of the 296 isolates were weakly pathogenic to all five differentials and another 40% were virulent on just one differential. The unclassified isolates represent six new races with unique virulence combinations, of which one isolate is virulent on all five differentials. The majority of isolates came from six field sites, and Shannon's index of diversity indicated considerable variation between sites. Pathogenic diversity was extensive at three sites where selected germ plasm were under evaluation, and complex race clusters and unclassified isolates representing new races were more prevalent at these sites compared with sites containing wild Stylosanthes populations.


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We tested the host specificity of several parasitic Pseudacteon scuttle flies in South America with 23 species of ants in 13 genera. None of these ant species attracted Pseudacteon parasites except Solenopsis saevissima (F. Smith) and to a lesser extent Solenopsis geminata (Fab.). This result is encouraging because it indicates that the Pseudacteon flies tested in this study would not pose an ecological danger to other ant genera if these flies were introduced into the United States as classical biological control agents of imported fire ants. This prediction of host specificity will, of course, need to be validated with potential hosts in the United States before these flies can be released.


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This review provides an overview of several molecular and cellular approaches that are likely to supply insights into the host-fungus interaction. Fungi present intra- and/or extracellular host-parasite interfaces, the parasitism phenomenon being dependent on complementary surface molecules. The entry of the pathogen into the host cell is initiated by the fungus adhering to the cell surface, which generates an uptake signal that may induce its cytoplasmatic internalization. Furthermore, microbial pathogens use a variety of their surface molecules to bind to host extracellular matrix (ECM) components to establish an effective infection. on the other hand, integrins mediate the tight adhesion of cells to the ECM at sites referred to as focal adhesions and also play a role in cell signaling. The phosphorylation process is an important mechanism of cell signaling and regulation; it has been implicated recently in defense strategies against a variety of pathogens that alter host-signaling pathways in order to facilitate their invasion and survival within host cells. The study of signal transduction pathways in virulent fungi is especially important in view of their putative role in the regulation of pathogenicity. This review discusses fungal adherence, changes in cytoskeletal organization and signal transduction in relation to host-fungus interaction. (c) 2005 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A total of 24 male and female equines of mixed breed, 10-20 months of age and naturally infected with internal parasites was utilized in a controlled test to evaluate the efficacy of a moxidectin 2% gel formulation at the dosage of 0.4 mg moxidectin per kg of live weight and an ivermectin 1.87% commercial paste formulation at the dosage 0.2 mg ivermectin per kg applied orally Animals were allocated into three groups of eight horses each based on pre-treatment eggs per gram (EPG) counts and treatments were randomized among the groups. One group was kept as untreated controls. One animal in the moxidectin-treated group died before the end of the trial from a cause unrelated to treatment leaving a total of seven animals in this group. Fecal egg counts were performed three times post-treatment and the number of parasites remaining in each animal was determined. Statistical analyses using geometric means were performed at the 1% level of significance. Both moxidectin and ivermectin preparations reduced initial EPG from a mean of 1600 to 0 on Days 5, 7 and at the end of the trial on Day 14. Efficacy percentages of moxidectin and ivermectin against immature and adult nematodes were as follows: Trichostrongylus axel, Parascaris equorum, Strongylus edentatus, S. vulgaris, Triodontophorus spp. and Gyalocephalus capitatus, 100% for both products; Habronema muscae 99.5 and 99.6%, respectively, Strongyloides westeri, 100 and 99.2%, respectively; Oxyuris equi, 99.6 and 100%, respectively; small strongyles, 99.7% for both products. of the latter, the most numerous were: Cylicocyclus insigne, Cylicostephanus longibursatus and Cyathostomum catinatum. No Gasterophilus nasalis were found in horses from either treated group, while two of eight control horses had infections with this parasite. Moxidectin showed greater efficacy (84.9%) than ivermectin (67.8%) against Strongylus vulgaris larvae found in the mesenteric artery aneurisms, but the difference was not statistically significant. Total parasite counts for both treated groups were significantly lower (p<0.01) than in the non-treated group. No significant differences were noted between moxidectin and ivermectin. Efficacy against the 30 nematode species found in this study was very evident for both products. As expected, neither moxidectin nor ivermectin was effective in controlling the tapeworm Anoplocephala perfoliata. No adverse reactions were observed during the experimental period. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Different methods and tests have been used to evaluate the pathogenic potential of distinct Y. enterocolitica serotypes and biotypes. We tested a total of 60 Y. enterocolitica strains, being 25 of human origin (serotype O3 biotype 4 and serotype O5 biotype 1); 6 of animal origin (serotype O3 biotype 4); 19 isolated from the environment (serotype O5.27 biotypes 1 and 2); and 8 isolated from food (serotype O5 biotype 1 and serotype 05.27 biotype 1). The methods used were based on plasmid gene expression (autoagglutination, calcium-dependence at 37 degrees C and Congo Red absorption tests), chromosomal gene expression (assays for pyrazinamidase activity, salicin fermentation and esculin hydrolysis), and invasion of HEp-2 cells. All but one of the Y. enterocolitica O3 strains, were found to be potentially pathogenic when submitted to the pyrazinamidase-salicin-esculin tests. In contrast, the results obtained with the assays related to plasmidial gene expression were not so uniform, probably due to plasmid loss. The least homogeneous results were obtained with the HEp-2 cell invasion test. Y. enterocolitica O5 behaved in a uniform manner when tested with the first two groups of tests (based on chromosomal and plasmidial gene expression), but not when tested with the HEp-2 invasion assay. The strains of serotype O5.27 biotype 1 presented a uniform behavior hen submitted to the chromosomic-related tests, showing no pathogenicity. However, they did not provide conclusive results with the tests related to plasmidial gene expression or HEp-2 cell invasion. We conclude that the tests related to chromosomal gene expression (esculin-salicin-pyrazinamidase) are simple and highly effective for the detection of potentially pathogenic Y. enterocolitica isolated from clinical cases.


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The microbiological quality of various fresh waters in the Araraquara region, state of São Paulo, Brazil was investigated. Ninety-nine water samples were taken from rivers, reservoirs, artesian and non-artesian wells, springs and tap waters, and these waters were analysed using: plate counts of heterotrophic microorganisms (per 1 ml); Most Probable Number (MPN) of fecal coliforms and E. coli (per 100 ml); tests for presence of Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia, the E. coli pathogens of classes EPEC, ETEC and EIEC and Mycobacterium, Shigella, Yersinia and enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) were not isolated. The other types of microorganisms were isolated in varying proportions. We conclude that the waters investigated represent a potential microbiological health risk.


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Matrix metal loprotease-13 (MMP-13) is induced by pro-inflammatory cytokines and increased expression is associated with a number of pathological conditions such as tumor metastasis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal diseases. MMP-13 gene regulation and the signal transduction pathways activated in response to bacterial LPS are largely unknown. In these studies, the role of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways in the regulation of MMP-13 induced by lipopolysaccharide was investigated. Lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans significantly (P < 0.05) increased MMP-13 steady-state mRNA (average of 27% and 46% increase, respectively) in murine periodontal ligament fibroblasts. MMP-13 mRNA induction was significantly reduced by inhibition of p38 MAP kinase. Immunoblot analysis indicated that p38 signaling was required for LPS-induced MMP-13 expression. Lipopolysaccharide induced proximal promoter reporter (-660/+32 mMMP-13) gene activity required p38 signaling. Collectively, these results indicate that lipopolysaccharide-induced murine MMP-13 is regulated by p38 signaling through a transcriptional mechanism.


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A genome-wide scan for quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting gastrointestinal nematode resistance in sheep was completed using a double backcross population derived from Red Maasai and Dorper ewes bred to F1 rams. This design provided an opportunity to map potentially unique genetic variation associated with a parasite-tolerant breed like Red Maasai, a breed developed to survive East African grazing conditions. Parasite indicator phenotypes (blood packed cell volume PCV and faecal egg count FEC) were collected on a weekly basis from 1064 lambs during a single 3-month post-weaning grazing challenge on infected pastures. The averages of last measurements for FEC (AVFEC) and PCV (AVPCV), along with decline in PCV from challenge start to end (PCVD), were used to select lambs (N = 371) for genotyping that represented the tails (10% threshold) of the phenotypic distributions. Marker genotypes for 172 microsatellite loci covering 25 of 26 autosomes (1560.7 cm) were scored and corrected by Genoprob prior to qxpak analysis that included BoxCox transformed AVFEC and arcsine transformed PCV statistics. Significant QTL for AVFEC and AVPCV were detected on four chromosomes, and this included a novel AVFEC QTL on chromosome 6 that would have remained undetected without BoxCox transformation methods. The most significant P-values for AVFEC, AVPCV and PCVD overlapped the same marker interval on chromosome 22, suggesting the potential for a single causative mutation, which remains unknown. In all cases, the favourable QTL allele was always contributed from Red Maasai, providing support for the idea that future marker-assisted selection for genetic improvement of production in East Africa will rely on markers in linkage disequilibrium with these QTL.


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The objective of this study was to verify the prevalence of intestinal parasites and/or commensals in the neoplastic patients undergoing chemotherapy. Stool samples were analyzed by the method of Lutz (1919) and Rugai (1954), in triplicate. This work was composed of three groups, the first one (GI) formed by neoplastic patients that are not undergoing chemotherapy, the second (GII) comprised patients who were undergoing chemotherapy, and the third group (GIII) consisting of patients who completed chemotherapy. A total of 30 patients (GI-5, GII-18 and GIII-7) were screened at the Assis Regional Hospital of the Unified Health System of Assis, São Paulo. Additional information on antiparasitic treatment and tumor type were obtained by questionnaire. The positivity was 66.7% (20 cases) for intestinal parasites and/or commensals. The helminths were Ascaris lumbricoides (36.7%), Hookworms (20%) and Hymenolepis diminuta (3.3%). Among the highlights are protozoan Giardia lamblia (46.7%), Entamoeba coli (6.7%), E. histolytica/dispar (3.3%), Endolimax nana (3.3%) and Iodameba butschlii (3.3%). The high frequency of intestinal parasites and/or commensals in the neoplastic patients can be attributed to poor personal hygiene and lack of immunity to reinfection and poor knowledge of the prophylaxis of infection by protozoa and helminths. The results indicate the necessity of adopting a new criterion for neoplastic patients undergoing chemotherapy, primarily performing parasitological diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of cure of intestinal parasitic infections in this risk group.


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Forty-three specimens of Leptodactylus podicipinus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) were collected in the south-eastern Pantanal, municipality of Corumba, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil in February and July 2007, and examined for endoparasites. Forty (93%) specimens were infected with at least one helminth species. The predominant parasites were nematodes (Aplectana sp., Cosmocerca podicipinus, Oswaldocruzia lopesi, Physalopteroides venancioi, Rhabdias sp.), but the trematode Catadiscus propinquus also showed high prevalence. The trematodes Infidum infidum and Travtrema stenocotyle were also found, but in only one specimen. Adult frogs showed higher parasite diversity than subadults. Leptodactylus podicipinus was preferentially infected by direct life-cycle parasites and was reported as a new host record for seven helminth species.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)