931 resultados para Organophilic clays


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Stability charts for soil slopes were first produced by Taylor in 1937 and they continue to be used extensively as design tools and draw the attention of many investigators. From a review of literature, it was found that there is no convenient solution has been provided for cohesive materials filled on purely cohesive undrained clay. A recent study revealed that the embankment slope which has two-layered clays failed in an undrained state which shows the importance of this study. In order to obtain the solutions for this type of fill slope. A number of numerical method are employed, namely the finite element upper and lower bound limit analysis methods and limit equilibrium method. The numerical upper and lower bound limit analysis method can bracket true solutions within a small range (6%). The solutions of limit equilibrium analysis are used for comparison purpose.


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Results of experiments investigating geochemical changes during artificial recharge of treated wastewater at a coastal sandfill, reclaimed with sand dredged from the seabed, are reported in this paper. Laboratory batch experiments were conducted using secondary effluent (SE) and SE treated with an additional ultrafiltration process (UF), and wastewater treated by reverse osmosis (RO) process, mixed with surface sand obtained from the sandfill. Experiments with RO showed a net increase of 0.41 meq/L, 0.12 meq/L and 0.31 meq/L for Ca(2 + ), Mg(2 + ) and HCO(3) (-), respectively. UF and SE also exhibited net increase in Ca(2 + ), Mg(2 + ) and HCO(3) (-) indicating carbonate mineral dissolution. All three waters were found to be over-saturated with respect to calcite. Carbonate dissolution reactions were observed in the field experiments. However, the presence of imported clays from the borrow source gave rise to ion exchange reactions where Na(+) attached to the clay particles were exchanged for Ca(2 + ) and Mg(2 + ) inducing mineral dissolution, driven by sub-saturation conditions. This resulted in an increase in pH with maximum values in excess of 9.0. It was also found that the sodium adsorption ratio remained high (>10) even after the groundwater had been diluted sufficiently to freshwater levels (ionic strength, I <0.015) indicating a potential for the dispersion of clay particles. This could have a deleterious consequence on porosity and hydraulic conductivity.


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This study assessed the sustainability of utilising groundwater systems to manage an aluminium smelters fluoridated trade wastewater stream. Replacing ocean discharge of the wastewater with land irrigation is one option. Using a groundwater model (developed using MODFLOW incorporating parameter estimation software (PEST-ASP)), we found that most of the groundwater flow takes place through surface sands. Fluoride is adsorbed in these sands during the drier summer months, but desorption is rapid when winter rain flushes the aquifer. Underlying clays and other layers prevent significant contamination of the deeper aquifer.


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Here we report a water-soluble acrylamide sulfonate copolymer for inhibiting shale hydrate formation. The copolymer, denoted as PANAA, was synthesized via copolymerization of acrylamide (AM), N,N-diallylbenzylamine (NAPA), acrylic acid (AA), and 2-(acrylamide)-2-methylpropane-1-sulfonic acid (AMPS). The performance of this new water-soluble copolymer for inhibiting shale hydration was investigated for the first time. The retention ratio of apparent viscosity of 2 wt % PANAA solution can reach 61.6% at 130 C and further up to 72.2% with 12 000 mg/L NaCl brine. The X-ray diffraction studies show that the addition of copolymer PANAA (5000 mg/L), in combination with a low loading of KCl (3 wt %), remarkably reduces the interlayer spacing of sodium montmorillonite (Na-MMT) in water from 19.04 to 15.65 Å. It has also found that these copolymer solutions, blending with KCl, can improve the retention of indentation hardness from 22% to 74% and increase the antiswelling ratio up to 84%. All results have demonstrated that the PANAA copolymer not only has excellent temperature-resistance and salt-tolerance but also exhibits a significant effect on inhibiting the hydration of clays and shale. © 2014 American Chemical Society.


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The present work aims at finding a relationship between kinetic models of thermal degradation process with the physiochemical structure of epoxy-clay nanocomposites in order to understand its service temperature. In this work, two different types of modified clays, including clay modified with (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTES) and a commercial organoclay, were covalently and non-covalently incorporated into epoxy matrix, respectively. The effect of different concentrations of silanized clay on thermal behaviour of epoxy nanocomposites were first investigated in order to choose the optimum clay concentration. Afterwards, thermal characteristics of the degradation process of epoxy nanocomposites were obtained by TGA analysis and the results were employed to determine the kinetic parameters using model-free isoconversional and model-fitting methods. The obtained kinetic parameters were used to model the entire degradation process. The results showed that the incorporation of the different modified clay into epoxy matrix change the mathematical model of the degradation process, associating with different orientations of clay into epoxy matrix confirming by XRD results. The obtained models for each epoxy nanocomposite systems were used to investigate the dependence of degradation rate and degradation time on temperature and conversion degree. Our results provide an explanation as to how the life time of epoxy and its nanocomposites change in a wide range of operating temperatures as a result of their structural changes.


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As fundações empregadas para linhas de transmissão de alta tensão em depósitos de argilas moles saturadas são geralmente estacas. No Rio Grande do Sul, projetos alternativos com fundações superficiais foram empregados em forma experimental para torres de suspensão, as quais apresentaram bom desempenho com menor custo. Esta pesquisa visa apontar critérios racionais da mecânica dos solos que permitam projetar, a partir do conhecimento do perfil de resistência não drenada, fundações superficiais em depósitos de argilas moles saturadas com maior confiabilidade. Para a determinaçao do perfil de resistência não drenada foi desenvolvido um cone manual com leituras elétricas, o qual foi testado apresentando bons resultados. A vantagem do uso deste equipamento reside no fato de que pode ser transportado manualmente a locais de difícil acesso, onde são implantadas as torres de alta tensão. Os demais parâmetros de solos do local de estudo, situado no município de Canoas no Rio Grande do Sul, foram obtidos a partir de ensaios de compressão triaxial do tipo adensado isotropicamente não drenado (CIU) com medida de poro pressão e de ensaios de adensamento. Foram analisadas as fundações superficiais das torres de suspensão projetadas, empregando teorias analíticas convencionais, baseadas no conhecimento da resistência não drenada, e o método de elementos finitos. A partir deste estudo, é sugerida uma metodologia para projetos de fundações superficiais de torres de suspensão em argilas moles saturadas.


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São apresentados os aspectos teóricos, práticos e bibliográficos envolvidos no desenvolvimento da tese de doutorado intitulada Modificação estrutural de bentonitas nacionais: caracterização e estudos de adsorção. O trabalho consistiu no desenvolvimento de um material adsorvente a partir de bentonitas, do tipo montmorilonitas, modificadas estruturalmente com o objetivo de aumentar sua capacidade de adsorção de poluentes, orgânicos e inorgânicos. O estudo visa incrementar o valor agregado deste recurso mineral e insere-se na área de tratamento de efluentes líquidos usando adsorventes não tradicionais, eficientes e de baixo custo em substituição ao carvão ativado ou às resinas de troca iônica. Foram estudadas as propriedades físicas e químicas; distribuição de tamanho de partículas, área superficial, potenciais eletrocinéticos, capacidade de troca catiônica, composição mineralógica, morfologia superficial e espaçamento basal, bem como as propriedades adsorptivas dos argilominerais não tratados e modificados, não modificadas e pilarizadas respectivamente. Também são discutidos os mecanismos de adsorção envolvidos e o desenvolvimento de um reator contínuo (adsorção em flocos) e de separação sólido/líquido. As modificações estruturais dos argilominerais foram realizadas via homoionização com cloreto de cálcio e posterior intercalação com compostos orgânicos com ação quelante de metais. A FENAN, bentonita obtida pela intercalação com Orto Fenantrolina (OF), foi a que apresentou melhor viabilidade técnica em termos de adsorção, adsorção/dessorção, floculação e de acumulação de poluentes na forma floculada e não floculada. Adicionalmente os estudos de reversibilidade da intercalação revelaram a alta estabilidade da OF na FENAN, em soluções fortemente ácidas, onde aproximadamente 90% da OF permanece ligada à superfície da argila. A quantidade de OF adsorvida na forma de unidades micelares foi de 112 mg por grama de bentonita a pH 8,5 ± 0,5. A caracterização das bentonitas, via difração de Raios X, análise térmica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e por microscopia de força atômica, revelou que as FENAN possuem um comportamento estrutural muito estável ao longo da seqüência de adsorção/dessorção e que após a adsorção de poluentes inorgânicos, o quelato metálico formado apresenta alta estabilidade dentro da estrutura da organobentonita. A capacidade de acumulação alcançada nas FENAN foi de 110 mg de Cu/g de bentonita, valor superior à de diversos materiais adsorventes alternativos propostos em outros trabalhos similares. Os estudos de acumulação das FENAN floculadas – FENANFLOC, indicaram que a presença de floculante, na quantidade utilizada, não afeta significativamente a capacidade de remoção das bentonitas modificadas. Este comportamento apresentado, permitiu o desenvolvimento do Reator Expandido de Flocos Adsorventes (REFA), cujas características e parâmetros operacionais são discutidos em detalhe. Finalmente, os resultados são discutidos em termos dos fenômenos interfaciais envolvidos e dos potenciais práticos deste novo adsorvente e da nova técnica de adsorção em flocos no REFA.


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Important bentonitic deposits are present in Porto Santo Island, part of the Madeira Archipelago. Several locations were selected and samples were collected and characterised. The bentonite obtained at Serra de Dentro (SD) was selected for further laboratorial work. The fine fraction of SD bentonite was purified using several methods and the sodium homoionic form was prepared. This was the starting material used in the three generic types of modifications: metal exchange, acid activation and pillaring. These modifications produce materials with markedly different acidic (e.g. Brönsted and/or Lewis acidity), textural (e.g. increase of the surface area and active site accessibility) or structural (e.g. creation of permanent porous structures) properties. The wide range of materials obtained (including reference clays counterparts) was characterised in terms of chemical, structural, textural and catalytic properties. Limonene is an important raw material produced in Portugal, and its aromatisation reaction was chosen for the catalytic characterisation of the clay catalysts prepared.


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Dutra, R. P. S.; Varela,M. L.; Nascimento, R. M. ; Gomes, U. U. ; Martinelli1, A. E. ; Paskocimas, C. A. Estudo comparativo da queima rápida com a queima tradicional nas propriedades de materiais cerâmicos de base argilosa. Cerâmica [online]. 2009, vol.55, n.333, pp. 100-105. ISSN 0366-6913. doi:Disponivem em: . Acesso em: 04 out. 2010.


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VARELA, M.L. et al. Otimização de uma metodologia para análise mineralógica racional de argilominerais. Cerâmica, São Paulo, n. 51, p. 387-391, 2005.


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Brazil is a great ceramic raw materials productor because of the its big number of clay deposits, in various areas of the ceramic industry. Although, the majority of the natural reservations are unknown or not studied yet, so there is no scientific technical dates that can guide their usage and industrial application, as well as the racional and optimazed way of usage by the industrial sector. The state of Maranhão has a gigant mineral wealth as esmectite, bentonite, kaolin, clays, feldspates, marine salt, iron and others, but produce only products with small agregated value compared to the porcelanato, one of the most expensives ceramic cover tiles, the reason for that is the low water absorption (lower than 0,5%), beside present amazing tecnicals features, like mechanical resistence. The main objective of the work is to do the characterization of four clays, with the finallity of find an application by the results and develop formulations to produce porcelanato using these raw materials from Timon-MA. For this were made the raw materials characterization using X ray fluorecence; X ray diffraction; Differencial thermal analysis; Dilatometric analysis and Tecnological properties, planing three formulations that were sinterized at six different temperatures: 1150, 1170, 1190, 1210, 1230 and 1250ºC for 7 minutes. After the sinteratization, the samples were submitted to tension resistance analysis. Were attained two formulations with the requested properties to produce porcelanato


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Natural nanoclays are of great interest particularly for the production of polymer-based nanocomposites. In this work, kaolinite clays from two natural deposits in the State of the Rio Grande do Norte and Paraiba were purified with thermal treatment and chemical treatments, and characterized. Front to the gotten data, had been proposals methodologies for elimination or reduction of coarse particle texts, oxide of iron and organic substance. These methodologies had consisted of the combination of operations with thermal treatments, carried through in electric oven, and acid chemical attacks with and hydrogen peroxide. The Analyzers Thermogravimetric was used to examine the thermal stability of the nanoclays. The analysis indicated weight losses at temperatures under 110 ºC and over the temperature range of 350 to 550 ºC. Based on the thermal analysis data, the samples were submitted to a thermal treatment at 500 °C, for 8 h, to remove organic components. The X-ray diffraction patterns indicated that thermal treatment under 500 °C affect the basic structure of kaolinite. The BET surface area measurements ranged from 32 to 38 m2/g for clay samples with thermal treatment and from 36 to 53 m2/g for chemically treated samples. Thus, although the thermal treatment increased the surface area, through the removal of organic components, the effect was not significant and chemical treatment is more efficient, not affect the basic structure of kaolinite, to improve particle dispersion. SEM analysis confirms that the clay is agglomerated forming micron-size particles


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In building, during the implementation process of major or even minor works, there is a considerable waste of plaster in the steps of coating, making it is a negative factor because of the loss of these processes constructive remains incorporated into buildings, as component, whose final dimensions are higher than those projected. Another negative factor is the disposal of waste gypsum in inappropriate places, thus contributing to the degradation of environmental quality, due to the leaching of this waste and may trigger the formation of sulfuric acid. Therefore, based on this picture, processing and reuse of waste coating, combined with the ceramics industry, which is a strong potential in the reuse of certain types of waste, promote mutual benefits. Thus the overall objective of this work is to conduct a search with scientific and technological aspects, to determine the effect of the incorporation of the residue of plaster for coating, from the building, the formulation of bodies for red ceramic. The residue of plaster coating was collected and characterized. They were also selected raw materials of two ceramic poles of the state of Rio Grande do Norte and formulations have been made with the intention of obtaining those with the best physical and mechanical properties, the residue was added the percentage of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30%, in the best formulation of ceramic industry 1 and, according the properties analyses, 5%, 10% and 15% as the best results of ceramic industry 2. The samples were sintered at temperatures of 850 ºC, 950 °C and 1050 °C, the heating rate of 5 ºC / min with isotherm of two hours. They were submitted to testing technology, such as lineal shrinkage, water absorption, apparent porosity, apparent density and bending resistence. The residue incorporation best results in the formulations of mass in red ceramic, were observed between the temperatures of 850 ºC and 950 ºC, in those formulations that have illite clays and medium plastic in their composition, in the range of 0% to 15% residue incorporated


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The clay mineral attapulgite is a group of hormitas, which has its structures formed by microchannels, which give superior technological properties classified the industrial clays, clays of this group has a very versatile range of applications, ranging from the drilling fluid for wells oil has applications in the pharmaceutical industry. Such properties can be improved by activating acid and / or thermal activation. The attapulgite when activated can improve by up to 5-8 times some of its properties. The clay was characterized by X-ray diffraction, fluorescence, thermogravimetric analysis, differential thermal analysis, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy before and after chemical activation. It can be seen through the results the efficiency of chemical treatment, which modified the clay without damaging its structure, as well as production of polymer matrix composites with particles dispersed atapugita