993 resultados para Novas redes de acesso
The field of Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) is fast increasing and has attracted the interest of both the research community and the industry because of several factors, such as the applicability of such networks in different application domains (aviation, civil engineering, medicine, and others). Moreover, advances in wireless communication and the reduction of hardware components size also contributed for a fast spread of these networks. However, there are still several challenges and open issues that need to be tackled in order to achieve the full potential of WSAN usage. The development of WSAN systems is one of the most relevant of these challenges considering the number of variables involved in this process. Currently, a broad range of WSAN platforms and low level programming languages are available to build WSAN systems. Thus, developers need to deal with details of different sensor platforms and low-level programming abstractions of sensor operational systems on one hand, and they also need to have specific (high level) knowledge about the distinct application domains, on the other hand. Therefore, in order to decouple the handling of these two different levels of knowledge, making easier the development process of WSAN systems, we propose LWiSSy (Domain Language for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks Systems), a domain specific language (DSL) for WSAN. The use of DSLs raises the abstraction level during the programming of systems and modularizes the system building in several steps. Thus, LWiSSy allows the domain experts to directly contribute in the development of WSANs without having knowledge on low level sensor platforms, and network experts to program sensor nodes to meet application requirements without having specific knowledge on the application domain. Additionally, LWiSSy enables the system decomposition in different levels of abstraction according to structural and behavioral features and granularities (network, node group and single node level programming)
A Wireless Mesh Network (WMN - Wireless Mesh Network) IEEE 802.11s standard to become operational it is necessary to configure the parameters that meet the demands of its users, as regards, for example, the frequency channels, the power antennas, IPs addresses, meshID, topology, among others. This configuration can be done via a CLI (Command - Line Interface) or a remote interface provided by the equipment manufacturer, both are not standardized and homogeneous, like black boxes for the developers, a factor that hinders its operation and standardization. The WMN, as a new standard, is still in the testing phase, and tests are necessary to evaluate the performance of Path Discovery Protocol, as in this case of HWMP (Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol), which still has many shortcomings. The configuration and test creation in a WMN are not trivial and require a large workload. For these reasons this work presents the AIGA, a Management Integrated Environment for WMN IEEE 802.11s, which aims to manage and perform testbeds for analyzes of new Path Discovery Protocols in a WMN
A Internet atual vem sofrendo vários problemas em termos de escalabilidade, desempenho, mobilidade, etc., devido ao vertiginoso incremento no número de usuários e o surgimento de novos serviços com novas demandas, propiciando assim o nascimento da Internet do Futuro. Novas propostas sobre redes orientadas a conteúdo, como a arquitetura Entidade Titulo (ETArch), proveem novos serviços para este tipo de cenários, implementados sobre o paradigma de redes definidas por software. Contudo, o modelo de transporte do ETArch é equivalente ao modelo best-effort da Internet atual, e vem limitando a confiabilidade das suas comunicações. Neste trabalho, ETArch é redesenhado seguindo o paradigma do sobreaprovisionamento de recursos para conseguir uma alocação de recursos avançada integrada com OpenFlow. Como resultado, o framework SMART (Suporte de Sessões Móveis com Alta Demanda de Recursos de Transporte), permite que a rede defina semanticamente os requisitos qualitativos das sessões para assim gerenciar o controle de Qualidade de Serviço visando manter a melhor Qualidade de Experiência possível. A avaliação do planos de dados e de controle teve lugar na plataforma de testes na ilha do projeto OFELIA, mostrando o suporte de aplicações móveis multimídia com alta demanda de recursos de transporte com QoS e QoE garantidos através de um esquema de sinalização restrito em comparação com o ETArch legado
Collembola is one of the most abundant and diverse group of terrestrial arthropods, being at the base of the food chain operating in the decomposition process. They have a wide distribution in the world and can be found in practically all habitats. The knowledge of this distinctive fauna is still deficient in brazilian territory, especially in semi-arid region. The aim of this study was to investigate which climatic variables may act as predictors of species richness, abundance of individuals and compositional structure of the taxocenose of Collembola over 12 months in an area dominated by semi-arid Caatinga vegetation, northeastern Brazil and describe new species of the genus Seira found, more diverse taxon of Collembola in Brazil. Samples were collected in João Câmara, Rio Grande do Norte. Ten plots of 20 x 20 meters were established and the specimens were collected with collection effort of one hour/people using entomological aspirator. The identification and description of the species was carried out by studying the morphology and chaetotaxy. Was performed a multiple regression analysis between species richness and abundance of individuals with climatic variables. A total of 1231 individuals belonging to 15 species, 12 genera and nine families. The greatest richness and abundance of Collembola were found during the rainy season. The genus Seira was the most abundant. Rainfall explained the temporal variation in species richness and abundance of Collembola in the semi-arid region, which is consistent with the biology of these animals. The populations of Collembola showed grouped distribution. Three new species of Seira were described and illustrated and all show similarities with species already registered in the national territory
Having as reference the fundamentals of regional innovation systems (RIS) and the policy guidelines defined in the regionalization program implemented by the federal government, this study focus on the analysis of the so-called "Landmark Region", northern coast of Polo Costa das Dunas-RN, in order to indicate how the historical and cultural resources can support innovation in the tourism of the region, represented here by the cities of Pedra Grande and São Miguel do Gostoso. This is a descriptive research, using qualitative methods of data collection and analysis, configuring, still, as a case study. Data were gathered from literature, documents, semi-structured interviews and mainly by participant observation methods. The results show a great diversity of cultural resources in the region, both material and immaterial, which however are disarticulated, and need to be worked in order to be included in the tourism productive chain. The main opportunity for innovation regards the return of the Landmark to the region, an invaluable monument, with the construction of a memorial. Taking in account the relevance of the monument and the growth of the region, we conclude that the return of the Landmark to its place of origin, in conjunction with other cultural resources, could attract a flow of cultural tourists. This fact could be, as the theory suggests, characterized as market or niche innovation, as the region is dominated by the sun and sea and wind sports tourism
The need for sustainability in the exploitation of natural resources in coastal areas has been out in recent years, as well as the social and cultural sustainability of traditional communities in these regions. Coastal and estuarine wild areas are influenced directly or indirectly by a set of human activities such as artisanal fishing. Therefore, there is a demand for an integrated design of these areas and according to the landing values, a pattern of unsustainable development of national marine fishing activity. The study was conducted in the coastal community of Praia da Pipa, Tibau do Sul municipality, RN, between june 2009 and june 2010 and aimed to characterize the fishery performed, its socio-economic strategies and fishing areas, as well as to identify ichthyofauna, to assess the sustainability of the major resources and to identify cultural traits related to artisanal fisheries, their problems and prospects; linking tradition and the present fishing activity carried out in the community. For this study, a total of 67 structured interviews were collected, including qualitative and quantitative data. A total of 133 fish landings and direct observations were performed. Informants were identified according to one of the following categories: fishermen, vessel masters and members of the local population with offspring. Applications SPSS 10.0, Paint.Ink and Microsoft Office Excel 2007 were used for tabulation and analysis of results. Local fishermen are, on average, 25 years fishing, have 40 years old and the average monthly income is up to 03 minimum wages. The local fleet consists of 20 vessels, that uses different line sizes and types of networks, operating in 21 fishing grounds and showing a reduction in the vessel numbers by 66% in the last decade. We recorded 76 species of fish, captured by the local fleet and the top 5 were quantitatively analyzed serra spanish mackarel (Scomberomorus brasiliensis), little tunny (Euthynnus alleteratus), yellowtail snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus), red snapper (Lutjanus analis) and common snook (Centropomus undecimalis), accounting for 46,5% of production in the period. The capture of these species was composed mostly of adults. Data analysis showed a significant decrease of the local fishing activity over the last decade due to the weakness displayed by the political-social category, the devaluation of local knowledge and the emergence of new sources of income through increased tourism. The characteristics of the fishing community suggest it to pass through significant changes as the appreciation of their cultural and traditional aspects. We identified a tendency to sustainability of main species caught, suggesting that public policies to be adopted locally comply with the current characteristics of fishing undertaken in the community and knowledge of fishermen related to the environment, allowing environmental, as well as social and cultural sustainability of the community involved.
This study is developed in setting in which the Federal Constitution of 1988 completed 22 years of validity, as well as in general elections (national and state) in country. From this perspective, there are multiple reflections, especially on the constitutional mechanisms of popular sovereignty consolidation, the integrity and legitimacy of elections and democracy itself. It has appeared timely, therefore, to examine the development of ensured instrument of these precepts. Thus, it is approached as an object of research to Action of Impugnation to the Elective Mandate- AIEM, under Art.14, § 10 and § 11 of the Constitution of 1988, considering its constitutional and electoral reasons. It is then aimed to review the second AIEM conceptions of scale, systematic interpretation, preservation of constitutional rights and its effectiveness. Specifically, it is analyzed the Action as to the forms of power that relate to this. then it is examined the democracy principal aspects related to the issue. Without being followed, it is the democratic situation in which it is operated. They are also examined the political rights, especially regarding restraint applied to ineligibility and the possibility of integrating the effects of an impugnatory origin. Following, it has been discussed the formation of an early panorama, consisting of constitutional principles applied to electoral constituencies and eminently procedural principles and, according to which subsidizes the operations of such Action. After that, addressing the Election Law, including its concept, its sources, the Electoral Court and its peculiarities and functions. It is also considered the elective office as to its definition, characteristics and ways of accessing and extinguishing it. Afterwards, the Action of Impugnation is studied from its historical evolution of laws, legal, concept and goals. Expanding on the theme, it s highlighted about their chances of traditional appropriateness (economic power abuse, corruption and fraud) and modern (abuse of economic power intertwined with political) business, including the suggestion of suitability in case of abuse of unique political power. It was also identified the injurious potential demand affecting these illicit to enable the Action. Subsequently, other relevant aspects were explored, such as the legitimacy ad causam, competence, secrecy, procedure, recklessness, bad faith, the purpose of the merits and manageable resources. In the end, it is demonstrated an evolution of AIEM, however, still insufficient to reach full intentions that rise it. It is proposed therefore to re-read the action from news perspectives, based on constitutional and electoral precepts, as well as wider interpretation of the appropriateness of their assumptions of suitability and effects, according to a systematic interpretation, all aimed at the preservation of constitutional rights and their own effectiveness
This current work s contains issues about the educative dimension of work and its organization s process and managing for it own professionals. It aims to understand how the skills and pedagogic process, in a educative praxis perspective. Are based in a new culture of work of education process an work managing by workers in Handcraft Association of Serido/ Caicó/ RN. It uses as a methodologic-theoric reference cases s study approach, selecting the procedures of part extructure interview. It was done with six embroidereses from the Handcraft Association. The research shows that the educative process of learning and knowledges construction, in the work and by the work. Those processes develop in exchange experiences net in a friendly economic environment and raise elements of a work culture personal that work there. The embroidereses learn how to embroid doing the job and this learning, a lot of times, is influenced by the life conditions, residence local and infantile work in the country area and the living to the urban area, particularly to Caicó. The knowledge relation between them is the matter fact in the embroider learning process that means a social relation based on the knowledge differences between their position in its structure involving the work division, that each handcraft maker knows every part of the embroider, type of work or machine type, step by step until the work is done. It involves decision, execution and machine movements repetition, the focus are the categories that fit in current flexible financial issue. They schedule the work at home so they have time to do other stuff. Most part of the production currently is done to obey de a certain request that aims as production target, being a homework. Another important issue is the embroider work time: time and experience that is within in the professional life and its knowledge representation of job/profession. This time is got as a acquisition process of certain a work dominion and self knowing; time added to changes that were being there practicing from the new characteristics in the furniture, clothes and towels that are in the introduction communicative and its effect. In this way this work include articulations process among skills, educative process and handcraft work organization that allowed the interpretation and finish, that are related to the case study and its developments: handcraft embroidered considered as a profession, money source not conventional where is not work available and a temporary activity while studyng, homework and flexible work
Ayant comme opérateur cognitif le livre Les Voyages de Gulliver, de Jonathan Swift, la thése, écrite au format d'un journal de bord, suit dévoilant des indices pour une archéologie de la compréhension, au-delà de problématiser les interconexions entre communication et compréhension à l'actuel procés de planétarism. En suite, réalise quelques essais qui problématisent l'éthique, la science, et la condition humaine, sous l'inspiration du Parlément des Choses, suggéreé par Bruno Latour, où sont présents, symétriquement, les sciences, les scientists, les politiques, les natures, les cultures, et les sociétés. Pour une telle aventure, sont agencées des ideas de penseurs de diverses domaines de la connaissance, comme Edgar Morin, Henri Atlan, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Isabelle Stengers, David Bohm, Maria da Conceição de Almeida, Cremilda Medina, María Zambrano, Michel Serres, Boris Cyrulnik, dentre autres. Lettres de musique, registres littéraires et cinématographiques servent de points d'appuy pour la contextualization du récit de ce voyage qui ne comporte pas seulement la compréhension de la compléxité de l'être-humain, mais aussi, la compréhension des conditions dans lequelles sont forgées les mentalités et pratiques les actions. Ainsi, toule compréhension est un voyage sans fin: arrive à quelques ports, se ré-approvisionne et part à nouveau. Toute compréhension est ponctuelle, parcielle, provisoire, lacunaire et inachevée.
The fundamental senses of the human body are: vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell. These senses are the functions that provide our relationship with the environment. The vision serves as a sensory receptor responsible for obtaining information from the outside world that will be sent to the brain. The gaze reflects its attention, intention and interest. Therefore, the estimation of gaze direction, using computer tools, provides a promising alternative to improve the capacity of human-computer interaction, mainly with respect to those people who suffer from motor deficiencies. Thus, the objective of this work is to present a non-intrusive system that basically uses a personal computer and a low cost webcam, combined with the use of digital image processing techniques, Wavelets transforms and pattern recognition, such as artificial neural network models, resulting in a complete system that performs since the image acquisition (including face detection and eye tracking) to the estimation of gaze direction. The obtained results show the feasibility of the proposed system, as well as several feature advantages.
Este trabalho apresenta uma técnica de verificação formal de Sistemas de Raciocínio Procedural, PRS (Procedural Reasoning System), uma linguagem de programação que utiliza a abordagem do raciocínio procedural. Esta técnica baseia-se na utilização de regras de conversão entre programas PRS e Redes de Petri Coloridas (RPC). Para isso, são apresentadas regras de conversão de um sub-conjunto bem expressivo da maioria da sintaxe utilizada na linguagem PRS para RPC. A fim de proceder fia verificação formal do programa PRS especificado, uma vez que se disponha da rede de Petri equivalente ao programa PRS, utilizamos o formalismo das RPCs (verificação das propriedades estruturais e comportamentais) para analisarmos formalmente o programa PRS equivalente. Utilizamos uma ferramenta computacional disponível para desenhar, simular e analisar as redes de Petri coloridas geradas. Uma vez que disponhamos das regras de conversão PRS-RPC, podemos ser levados a querer fazer esta conversão de maneira estritamente manual. No entanto, a probabilidade de introdução de erros na conversão é grande, fazendo com que o esforço necessário para garantirmos a corretude da conversão manual seja da mesma ordem de grandeza que a eliminação de eventuais erros diretamente no programa PRS original. Assim, a conversão automatizada é de suma importância para evitar que a conversão manual nos leve a erros indesejáveis, podendo invalidar todo o processo de conversão. A principal contribuição deste trabalho de pesquisa diz respeito ao desenvolvimento de uma técnica de verificação formal automatizada que consiste basicamente em duas etapas distintas, embora inter-relacionadas. A primeira fase diz respeito fias regras de conversão de PRS para RPC. A segunda fase é concernente ao desenvolvimento de um conversor para fazer a transformação de maneira automatizada dos programas PRS para as RPCs. A conversão automática é possível, porque todas as regras de conversão apresentadas seguem leis de formação genéricas, passíveis de serem incluídas em algoritmos
In this work we elaborate and discuss a Complex Network model which presents connectivity scale free probability distribution (power-law degree distribution). In order to do that, we modify the rule of the preferential attachment of the Bianconi-Barabasi model, including a factor which represents the similarity of the sites. The term that corresponds to this similarity is called the affinity, and is obtained by the modulus of the difference between the fitness (or quality) of the sites. This variation in the preferential attachment generates very interesting results, by instance the time evolution of the connectivity, which follows a power-law distribution ki / ( t t0 )fi, where fi indicates the rate to the site gain connections. Certainly this depends on the affinity with other sites. Besides, we will show by numerical simulations results for the average path length and for the clustering coefficient
Neste trabalho, elaboramos e discutimos uma rede complexa sem escala, ou seja, uma rede cuja distribuição de conectividade segue uma lei de distribuição de potência. Nosso trabalho pode ser resumido da seguinte forma: Para efeito de didática vamos começar com redes aleatórias que estão relacionados com situações reais e artificiais, e depois comentar as redes livres de escala, como proposto por Barabási-Albert (BA). Depois disso, discutimos uma extensão deste modelo, onde Barabasi e Bianconi (BB) incluem a qualidade. Discutimos também o modelo de afinidade, ou seja, (Ver Almeida et al). Finalmente vamos mostrar o nosso modelo, uma extensão do modelo de afinidade dada por e apresentar os resultados correspondentes. Para realizar tal tarefa modificamos a regra de ligação preferencial do modelo de BB colocando um fator que apresenta o grau de probabilidade entre os sítios da rede. Esta quantidade é feita pela diferença entre a qualidade do novo sítio e a qualidade dos anteriores. Este novo parâmetro produz novos resultados interessantes: a distribuição que segue uma lei de especial de potência, expoente apropriado. A evolução temporal da conectividade do sítio também é calculada . Além disso, mostramos também, os resultados que foram obtidos, via simulação numérica, para o menor caminho médio e o coeficiente de agregação da rede gerada pelo nosso modelo, isto é, pelo modelo de afinidade.
Currently the interest in large-scale systems with a high degree of complexity has been much discussed in the scientific community in various areas of knowledge. As an example, the Internet, protein interaction, collaboration of film actors, among others. To better understand the behavior of interconnected systems, several models in the area of complex networks have been proposed. Barabási and Albert proposed a model in which the connection between the constituents of the system could dynamically and which favors older sites, reproducing a characteristic behavior in some real systems: connectivity distribution of scale invariant. However, this model neglects two factors, among others, observed in real systems: homophily and metrics. Given the importance of these two terms in the global behavior of networks, we propose in this dissertation study a dynamic model of preferential binding to three essential factors that are responsible for competition for links: (i) connectivity (the more connected sites are privileged in the choice of links) (ii) homophily (similar connections between sites are more attractive), (iii) metric (the link is favored by the proximity of the sites). Within this proposal, we analyze the behavior of the distribution of connectivity and dynamic evolution of the network are affected by the metric by A parameter that controls the importance of distance in the preferential binding) and homophily by (characteristic intrinsic site). We realized that the increased importance as the distance in the preferred connection, the connections between sites and become local connectivity distribution is characterized by a typical range. In parallel, we adjust the curves of connectivity distribution, for different values of A, the equation P(k) = P0e
We studied the Ising model ferromagnetic as spin-1/2 and the Blume-Capel model as spin-1, > 0 on small world network, using computer simulation through the Metropolis algorithm. We calculated macroscopic quantities of the system, such as internal energy, magnetization, specific heat, magnetic susceptibility and Binder cumulant. We found for the Ising model the same result obtained by Koreans H. Hong, Beom Jun Kim and M. Y. Choi [6] and critical behavior similar Blume-Capel model