989 resultados para NaY zeolite
Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic sediments deposited on the eastern and western sides of the Shatsky Rise show similar clay assemblages of chlorite, illite, mixed layers, smectite, kaolinite, and palygorskite, and a similar vertical differentiation into three units. The deep-sea pelagic red clay is dominated by terrigenous components, which suggests that diagenesis is minor in this part of the western North Pacific and that eolian supply is very important. The role of the Shatsky Rise as a submarine barrier is of minor importance. The volcanic contribution to the clay component appears very small, as in some other parts of the Pacific Ocean. Stratigraphic correlations between Sites 576 and 578, which can be made from mineralogical data, partly offset the rareness of biostratigraphic markers.
The mineralogy of both bulk- and clay-sized (<2 µm) fractions of sediments from Holes 842A and 842B of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 136 was determined by X-ray diffraction. The sediments consist of a combination of terrigenous (quartz, plagioclase, smectite, illite, kaolinite, and chlorite), volcaniclastic (augite, plagioclase, and volcanic glass), and diagenetic minerals (smectite, phillipsite, clinoptilolite, and opal-CT). Although biogenic silica (radiolarians and diatoms) is common in near-seafloor (<10 mbsf) sediments, biogenic calcite is rare. Variations with depth in abundances of the terrigenous minerals reflect temporal changes in the flux of eolian material to the site. Volcanogenic material derived from the Hawaiian Islands is present in lithologic Unit 1 (0-19.9 meters below seafloor) both as discrete layers and as finely disseminated silt- and clay-sized material. Volcanic glass is present only in the upper 10 m of the sediment column. In Unit 2 (19.9-35.7 mbsf), increased smectite and zeolite abundances with depth as well as indurated, zeolite-rich layers are thought to be the alteration products of volcanogenic material. The source of this older (late Oligocene to middle Miocene) volcanogenic detritus may be continental volcanism. Microfabrics imaged using back-scattered electron imaging reflect the effects of compaction and diagenesis on sediment porosity and matrix structure. As porosity decreases during burial, the matrix changes from an open, floc-like fabric, to an interlocking network of clay mineral domains, and finally to a dense intergrowth of clay minerals and zeolites. Despite the substantial changes in sediment microfabric and mineralogy, correlations between physical and acoustic properties and mineralogy are weak or absent. The sediment has maintained high porosity (>70%), and water content appears to dominate the sediment's physical character and acoustic response.
At DSDP Site 477, late Quaternary diatomaceous muds and delta-derived silty-sand turbidites at 2000 meters water depth have been extensively and progressively altered by a deep-seated heat source beneath a sill. Bulk petrologic and microprobe analyses have identified a crudely zoned paragenesis within 260 meters sub-bottom which ranges from unaltered to slightly altered oozes (0-50 m), anhydrite-dolomite claystones (105-125 m), illite-chlorite-pyrite claystones (125-140 m), chlorite-pyrite-calcite-carbonaceous claystones with traces of K-feldspar, albite, epidote (140-190 m), and chlorite-epidote-quartz-albite-pyrrhotite-sphene sandstone (190-260 m). Several petrologic features suggest rapid processes of ocean floor metamorphism: (1) friable and porous textures, (2) abundant relict grains with overgrowths, (3) idiomorphic habits on epidotes, feldspars, and quartz, and (4) a steep gradient in levels of alteration. Many aspects of this hydrothermal assemblage are similar to hydrothermally metamorphosed sandstones of the Cerro Prieto, Mexico, geothermal area.
The Norian Steinmergel-Keuper (SMK) represents a low-latitude cyclically-bedded playa system of the Mid-German Basin. We investigated a drilling site (core Morsleben) and sections from marginal positions. Dolomite/red mudstone beds form rhythmic alternations that were associated with varying monsoon activity. Hence, low K/Al ratios of dolomite beds suggest increased chemical weathering of the crystalline hinterland and therefore increased monsoonal rainfall. High K/Al ratios in red mudstone beds reflect increased physical weathering of the hinterlands during dryer periods. Dolomite layers reflect the lake stage (maximum monsoon) while red mudstones indicate the dry phase (minimum monsoon) of the playa cycle. We distinguished five major types of cyclic facies alternations, representing specific facies zones in the playa system. We have implemented spectrophotometry as a tool for high-resolution cyclostratigraphy. The dense sampling increment (up to 1 cm) allows for the recognition of all orbital frequencies. Sediment colour profiles reveal striking hierarchical cycles from semi-precession (SP, 99 kyr) over precession (P, 19.8 kyr) and obliquity (O, 36 kyr) to eccentricity (E1-2 109 kyr; E3, 413 kyr). A significant about 2 Myr-signal is attributed to the longer-term eccentricity E4. One monsoonal (precession) cycle includes two carbonate precipitation events. We propose that stratified mudstone and red mudstone are associated with maximum and minimum monsoon during the transition of the solstices in perihelion and aphelion, respectively. The two carbonate precipitation events were most likely created when equinoxes were in perihelion and aphelion, respectively. A sedimentary semi-precession response cycle is a novel finding for the Norian strata. The obliquity signal is attributed to incoming atmospheric moisture from the northeast of the SMK basin. The E4 cycle controls lake-level changes over long times. Apparently, E4 is responsible whether or not a threshold value is crossed. Bundles of 109 kyr and 413 kyr in red mudstones suggest a dry system with reduced monsoonal activity. In contrast, humid periods reveal thick layers of dolomite beds, indicating that during those intervals the monsoonal activity was strong enough to prevent the playa system from drying out completely.
Results of study of bottom sediments near Iceland and on the Jan Mayen Island are reported. It was found that in recent sediments chemical elements are mainly associated with pyro- and volcanoclastics. In some areas adjusted to deep-seated faults ancient iron-manganese crusts and sediments occur. They are rich in Ni, Co, V, Cu, Mo, Cd and other elements associated with endogenic matter.
The book is devoted to regularities of spatial distribution, mineralogy and geochemistry of hydrothermal and hydrothermal-sedimentary manifestations of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge rift zone.
This data report provides a systematic documentation of the low-temperature alteration associated with the formation of a volcanic-rifted margin by the quantification of alteration effects and vein mineralogy and distributions in basalts recovered on Leg 152 (Larsen, Saunders, Clift, et al., 1994, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.152.1994). Basaltic rocks from Holes 917A and 918D have been investigated to provide a quantitative description of the extents of recrystallization and secondary mineral abundance resulting from low-temperature alteration and weathering. Only limited descriptions of alteration and secondary mineral distributions were undertaken on board ship during Leg 152, and the data presented here provide an essential complement to the shipboard logs of the limited amount of basalt recovered during Leg 163 from Sites 988, 989, and 990 (Duncan, Larsen, Allan, et al., 1996, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.163.1996).
Samples collected from the coarse basal portions of mid-Cretaceous volcaniclastic turbidites from the Mariana and Pigafetta basins are remarkably similar in terms of the petrographic and chemical features of their igneous clasts and bulk rock composition. Clasts of magmatic origin are dominated by glassy vesicular shards, variably phyric, holocrystalline basalts, and crystal fragments (olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, amphibole, and biotite). The composition of the pyroxenes and amphiboles are typical of those found in differentiated hydrous alkali basalts. The bulk chemical composition of the volcaniclastites (based on stable incompatible elements and their ratios in highly vitric samples) is characteristic of alkali basalts found in within-plate oceanic eruptive environments. Miocene volcaniclastites from Site 802 are broadly similar to the Cretaceous samples in terms of clast type and bulk composition, and have also been derived from an oceanic alkali basalt source. The chemistry of the Miocene volcaniclastites differ, however, in having distinctive Zr/Y and Zr/Nb ratios and a more restricted chemical composition. The magmatic products of nearly emergent seamounts within the western Pacific basins appears to have been dominated by alkali basalt volcanism during the mid-Cretaceous and also the Miocene. The highly vitric nature of the Cretaceous and Miocene volcaniclastites, together with the morphology and vesicularity of their shards, suggests that they are the reworked (via mass flow) products of hyaloclastite accumulations produced in a shallow-water eruptive environment, such as that adjacent to nearly emergent seamounts or ocean islands. The association of ooids, reefal debris, and, in rare cases, woody material with the volcaniclastites supports their shallow-water derivation.
Lithologic, grain size, chemical and mineral compositions of recent bottom sediments from the South Pacific are reported in the paper.
Middle Miocene to Holocene fine-grained argillaceous sediments (clays, claystones/muds, and mudstones), which volumetrically dominated the sediment recovery in the Woodlark Basin during Leg 180, were chemically analyzed for major elements, trace elements, and some rare earth elements by X-ray fluorescence. Selected samples also underwent X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis for mineral determination. The results shed light on sediment provenance when combined with shipboard sediment descriptions, smear slide study, and XRD. The oldest sediments recovered (Site 1108) of middle-late Miocene age include volcanogenic muds with distinctive high MgO and K2O, indicative of a relatively basic calc-alkaline source related to an inferred Miocene forearc succession. The forearc basement, composed of diabase and basalt, was locally exposed (Site 1109) and eroded in the late Miocene (<5.4-9.93 Ma), giving rise to fluvial conglomerates (Sites 1109, 1115, and 1118). Chemically distinctive fine-grained claystones and siltstones (with relatively high Ti, low K) are compatible with derivation from tropically weathered basic igneous rocks, correlated with the Paleogene Papuan ophiolite. Overlying latest Miocene-Pleistocene fine-grained sediments throughout the Woodlark Basin were partly derived from calc-alkaline volcanic sources. However, relatively high abundances of Al2O3 and related element oxides (K2O and Na2O) and trace elements (e.g., Rb and Y) reflect an additional terrigenous input throughout the basin, correlated with pelitic metamorphic rocks exposed on Papua New Guinea and adjacent areas. In addition, sporadic high abundances of Cr and Ni, some other trace metals, and related minerals (talc, crysotile, and chlorite) reflect input from an ophiolitic terrain dominated by ultramafic rocks, correlated with the Paleogene Papuan ophiolite. The source areas possibly included serpentinized ultramafic ophiolitic rocks exposed in the Papua New Guinea interior highlands. Chemical evidence further indicates that fine-grained terrigenous sediment reached the Woodlark Basin throughout its entire late Miocene-Holocene history. Distinctive high-K volcanogenic muds rich in tephra and volcanic ash layers that appear at <2.3 Ma (Sites 1109 and 1115) are indicative of high-K calc-alkaline volcanic centers, possibly located in the Dawson Strait, Moresby Strait, or Dobu Seamount area. Chemical diagenesis of fine-grained sediments within the Woodlark Basin is reflected in clay neomorphism and localized formation of minerals including dolomite, ankerite, and zeolite but has had little effect on the bulk chemical composition of most samples.