936 resultados para Missions -- Vanuatu.
This study examines young people s political participation in transnational meetings. Methodologically the study aims to shed light on multi-sited global ethnography. Young people are viewed here as a social age group sensitive to critical, alternative and even radical political participation. The diversity of the young actors and their actions is captured by using several different methods. What is more, the study spurs us coming from the Global North to develop social science research towards methodological cosmopolitanism and to consider our research practices from a moral cosmopolitan perspective. The research sites are the EU Presidency Youth Event (2006 Hyvinkää, Finland), the Global Young Greens Founding Conference (2007 Nairobi, Kenya), the European Social Forum (2008 Malmö, Sweden) and three World Social Forums (2006 Bamako, Mali; 2007 Nairobi Kenya and 2009 Belém, Brazil). The data consists of participant observation, documents and media articles of the meetings, interviews, photos, video, and internet data. This multidisciplinary study combines youth research, development studies, performative social science and political sociology. In this research the diverse field of youth political participation in transnational agoras is studied by using a cross-table of cosmopolitan resources (or the lack of them) and everydaymakers expert citizen dichotomy. First, the young participants of the EU Presidency youth event are studied as an example of expert citizens with cosmopolitan resources (these resources include, for example, language skills, higher education and international social network). Second, the study analyses those everyday-makers who use performative politics to demonstrate their political missions here and now. But in order to make the social movement global they need cosmopolitan resources to be able to use the social media tools and work globally. Third, the study reflects upon the difficulties of reaching those actors who lack cosmopolitan resources, either everyday-makers or expert citizens. The go-along method and the use of the interpreters are shown as ways to reach these young people s political missions. Fourth, the research underlines the importance of contact zones (i.e. spaces or situations where the aforementioned orientations and their differences temporarily disappear or weaken) for deeper democracy and for boosted dialogue between different kinds of participants. Keywords: political participation, young people, multi-sited ethnography, youth research, political sociology, development studies, performative social science
Much of the benefits of deploying unmanned aerial vehicles can be derived from autonomous missions. For such missions, however, sense-and-avoid capability (i.e., the ability to detect potential collisions and avoid them) is a critical requirement. Collision avoidance can be broadly classified into global and local path-planning algorithms, both of which need to be addressed in a successful mission. Whereas global path planning (which is mainly done offline) broadly lays out a path that reaches the goal point, local collision-avoidance algorithms, which are usually fast, reactive, and carried out online, ensure safety of the vehicle from unexpected and unforeseen obstacles/collisions. Even though many techniques for both global and local collision avoidance have been proposed in the recent literature, there is a great interest around the globe to solve this important problem comprehensively and efficiently and such techniques are still evolving. This paper presents a brief overview of a few promising and evolving ideas on collision avoidance for unmanned aerial vehicles, with a preferential bias toward local collision avoidance.
It is well known that the increasing space activities pose a serious threat to future missions. This is mainly due to the presence of spent stages, rockets spacecraft and fragments which can lead to collisions. The calculation of the collision probability of future space vehicles with the orbital debris is necessary for estimating the risk. There is lack of adequately catalogued and openly available detailed information on the explosion characteristics of trackable and untrackable debris data. Such a situation compels one to develop suitable mathematical modelling of the explosion and the resultant debris environment. Based on a study of the available information regarding the fragmentation, subsequent evolution and observation, it turns out to be possible to develop such a mathematical model connecting the dynamical features of the fragmentation with the geometrical/orbital characteristics of the debris and representing the environment through the idea of equivalent breakup. (C) 1997 COSPAR.
Electron transfer is an essential activity in biological systems. The migrating electron originates from water-oxygen in photosynthesis and reverts to dioxygen in respiration. In this cycle two metal porphyrin complexes possessing circular conjugated system and macrocyclic pi-clouds, chlorophyll and hems, play a decisive role in mobilising electrons for travel over biological structures as extraneous electrons. Transport of electrons within proteins (as in cytochromes) and within DNA (during oxidative damage and repair) is known to occur. Initial evaluations did not favour formation of semiconducting pathways of delocalized electrons of the peptide bonds in proteins and of the bases in nucleic acids. Direct measurement of conductivity of bulk material and quantum chemical calculations of their polymeric structures also did not support electron transfer in both proteins and nucleic acids. New experimental approaches have revived interest in the process of charge transfer through DNA duplex. The fluorescence on photoexcitation of Ru-complex was found to be quenched by Rh-complex, when both were tethered to DNA and intercalated in the base stack. Similar experiments showed that damage to G-bases and repair of T-T dimers in DNA can occur by possible long range electron transfer through the base stack. The novelty of this phenomenon prompted the apt name, chemistry at a distance. Based on experiments with ruthenium modified proteins, intramolecular electron transfer in proteins is now proposed to use pathways that include C-C sigma-bonds and surprisingly hydrogen bonds which remained out of favour for a long time. In support of this, some experimental evidence is now available showing that hydrogen bond-bridges facilitate transfer of electrons between metal-porphyrin complexes. By molecular orbital calculations over 20 years ago. we found that "delocalization of an extraneous electron is pronounced when it enters low-lying virtual orbitals of the electronic structures of peptide units linked by hydrogen bonds". This review focuses on supramolecular electron transfer pathways that can emerge on interlinking by hydrogen bonds and metal coordination of some unnoticed structures with pi-clouds in proteins and nucleic acids, potentially useful in catalysis and energy missions.
This article addresses the problem of determining the shortest path that connects a given initial configuration (position, heading angle, and flight path angle) to a given rectilinear or a circular path in three-dimensional space for a constant speed and turn-rate constrained aerial vehicle. The final path is assumed to be located relatively far from the starting point. Due to its simplicity and low computational requirements the algorithm can be implemented on a fixed-wing type unmanned air vehicle in real time in missions where the final path may change dynamically. As wind has a very significant effect on the flight of small aerial vehicles, the method of optimal path planning is extended to meet the same objective in the presence of wind comparable to the speed of the aerial vehicles. But, if the path to be followed is closer to the initial point, an off-line method based on multiple shooting, in combination with a direct transcription technique, is used to obtain the optimal solution. Optimal paths are generated for a variety of cases to show the efficiency of the algorithm. Simulations are presented to demonstrate tracking results using a 6-degrees-of-freedom model of an unmanned air vehicle.
Dada la importancia de las misiones en los poblados bonaerenses para la evangelización y la implantación de la Iglesia en la campaña más alejada de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, el autor ofrece un estudio sobre la temática en relación con los obispos en los pueblos de campaña y la fundación de parroquias. La presentación forma parte de una investigación más amplia realizada en 2008 para la Licenciatura en Teología con especialización en Historia de la Iglesia, con el tema Entre Misas y Malones Los sacerdotes diocesanos en los pueblos de frontera con el indio en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. El artículo finaliza sintetizando algunas conclusiones generales.
The progress of the research activities on space material sciences, microgravity ‰uid physics and combustion, space life sciences and biotechnology research, fundamental Physics in China are brie‰y summarized in the present paper. The major space missions and experimental results obtained on board the Chinese recoverable/non-recoverable satellites and the Chinese manned spaceship named ``Shen-Zhou'' are presented summarily. The recent main activities of the ground-based studies in China are introduced in brief.
Submersible surveys at numerous reefs and banks in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico (NWGOM) were conducted as part of the Sustainable Seas Expedition (SSE) during July/August 2002 to identify reef fish communities, characterize benthic habitats, and identify deep coral reef ecosystems. To identify the spatial extent of hard bottom reef communities, the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (FGBNMS) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) mapped approximately 2000 km2 of the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico (NWGOM) continental shelf during June 2002 with high-resolution multibeam bathymetry. Previous investigations conducted on the features of interest (with the exceptions of East and West Flower Garden and Sonnier Banks, accessible by SCUBA) had not been conducted since the 1970s and 1980s, and did not have the use of high-resolution maps to target survey sites. The base maps were instrumental in navigating submersibles to specific features at each study site during the Sustainable Seas Expedition (SSE)—a submersible effort culminating from a partnership between the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA) and the National Geographic Society (NGS). We report the initial findings of our submersible surveys, including habitat and reef fish diversity at McGrail, Alderdice, and Sonnier Banks. A total of 120 species and 40,724 individuals were identified from video surveys at the three banks. Planktivorous fishes constituted over 87% by number for the three banks, ranging from 81.4% at Sonnier Banks to 94.3% at Alderdice Bank, indicating a direct link to pelagic prey communities, particularly in the deep reef zones. High numbers of groupers, snappers, jacks, and other fishery species were observed on all three features. These sites were nominated as Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (HAPC) by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Council in March 2004. Data obtained during this project will contribute to benthic habitat characterization and assessment of the associated fish communities through future SCUBA, ROV, and submersible missions, and allow comparisons to other deep reef ecosystems found throughout the Gulf of Mexico and western Atlantic Ocean.
[ES] Este artículo analiza los determinantes de la rentabilidad primaria de los bonos de titulización hipotecaria (conocidos en la literatura como mortgage backed securities, o MBS) emitidos en España durante el periodo 1993-2011, periodo en el que el mercado español llegó a convertirse en el más importante de Europa continental. Los resultados obtenidos sobre el análisis de la población completa de MBS emitidos (262 tramos configurados sobre 94 fondos de titulización) indican que la estructuración multitramo de los MBS ha ayudado a reducir el riesgo percibido global de las emisiones de MBS, mediante la generación de mercados más completos y la reducción de los problemas derivados de la existencia de asimetrías informativas implícitas en el proceso de selección de los activos transmitidos por parte de la entidad cedente. Esta reducción del riesgo percibido ha tenido un efecto directo sobre la rentabilidad ofrecida por los bonos de titulización emitidos. Además, no se encuentran evidencias de que la emisión de MBS persiga la transmisión efectiva de riesgos, más bien al contrario. Las Entidades de crédito, por lo general, han retenido los tramos de primeras pérdidas, lo que ha contribuido a mantener en niveles muy bajos (por debajo de la rentabilidad de la deuda soberana) la rentabilidad ofrecida por los MBS. Precisamente, el escaso diferencial ofrecido por los bonos de titulización se debe a que los tramos retenidos no han ofrecido primas de rentabilidad ajustadas al riesgo inherente.
Cosmic birefringence (CB)---a rotation of photon-polarization plane in vacuum---is a generic signature of new scalar fields that could provide dark energy. Previously, WMAP observations excluded a uniform CB-rotation angle larger than a degree.
In this thesis, we develop a minimum-variance--estimator formalism for reconstructing direction-dependent rotation from full-sky CMB maps, and forecast more than an order-of-magnitude improvement in sensitivity with incoming Planck data and future satellite missions. Next, we perform the first analysis of WMAP-7 data to look for rotation-angle anisotropies and report null detection of the rotation-angle power-spectrum multipoles below L=512, constraining quadrupole amplitude of a scale-invariant power to less than one degree. We further explore the use of a cross-correlation between CMB temperature and the rotation for detecting the CB signal, for different quintessence models. We find that it may improve sensitivity in case of marginal detection, and provide an empirical handle for distinguishing details of new physics indicated by CB.
We then consider other parity-violating physics beyond standard models---in particular, a chiral inflationary-gravitational-wave background. We show that WMAP has no constraining power, while a cosmic-variance--limited experiment would be capable of detecting only a large parity violation. In case of a strong detection of EB/TB correlations, CB can be readily distinguished from chiral gravity waves.
We next adopt our CB analysis to investigate patchy screening of the CMB, driven by inhomogeneities during the Epoch of Reionization (EoR). We constrain a toy model of reionization with WMAP-7 data, and show that data from Planck should start approaching interesting portions of the EoR parameter space and can be used to exclude reionization tomographies with large ionized bubbles.
In light of the upcoming data from low-frequency radio observations of the redshifted 21-cm line from the EoR, we examine probability-distribution functions (PDFs) and difference PDFs of the simulated 21-cm brightness temperature, and discuss the information that can be recovered using these statistics. We find that PDFs are insensitive to details of small-scale physics, but highly sensitive to the properties of the ionizing sources and the size of ionized bubbles.
Finally, we discuss prospects for related future investigations.
This work seeks to understand past and present surface conditions on the Moon using two different but complementary approaches: topographic analysis using high-resolution elevation data from recent spacecraft missions and forward modeling of the dominant agent of lunar surface modification, impact cratering. The first investigation focuses on global surface roughness of the Moon, using a variety of statistical parameters to explore slopes at different scales and their relation to competing geological processes. We find that highlands topography behaves as a nearly self-similar fractal system on scales of order 100 meters, and there is a distinct change in this behavior above and below approximately 1 km. Chapter 2 focuses this analysis on two localized regions: the lunar south pole, including Shackleton crater, and the large mare-filled basins on the nearside of the Moon. In particular, we find that differential slope, a statistical measure of roughness related to the curvature of a topographic profile, is extremely useful in distinguishing between geologic units. Chapter 3 introduces a numerical model that simulates a cratered terrain by emplacing features of characteristic shape geometrically, allowing for tracking of both the topography and surviving rim fragments over time. The power spectral density of cratered terrains is estimated numerically from model results and benchmarked against a 1-dimensional analytic model. The power spectral slope is observed to vary predictably with the size-frequency distribution of craters, as well as the crater shape. The final chapter employs the rim-tracking feature of the cratered terrain model to analyze the evolving size-frequency distribution of craters under different criteria for identifying "visible" craters from surviving rim fragments. A geometric bias exists that systematically over counts large or small craters, depending on the rim fraction required to count a given feature as either visible or erased.
ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission operates under the authority and direction of a convention originally entered into by Costa Rica and the United States. The convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish for tropical tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Under this provision Panama adhered in 1953, Ecuador in 1961, Mexico in 1964, Canada in 1968, Japan in 1970, and France and Nicaragua in 1973. Ecuador withdrew from the Commission in 1968, Mexico in 1978, Costa Rica in 1979, and Canada in 1984. Costa Rica re-adhered to the convention in 1989, and Vanuatu joined the Commission in 1990. The Commission held its 47th meeting in Washington, D.C., on June 26-28, 1990. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical funciona bajo la autoridad y dirección de un convenio suscrito originalmente por Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. El convenio, vigente desde 1950, está abierto a la afiliación de cualquier pais cuyos ciudadanos pesquen atunes tropicales en el Oceano Pacífico oriental. Bajo esta estipulación, la República de Panamá se afilió en 1953, Ecuador en 1961, Mexico en 1964, Canadá en 1968, Japón en 1970, Francia y Nicaragua en 1973. Ecuador se retiró de la Comisión en 1968, México en 1978, Costa Rica en 1979 y Canadá en 1984. Costa Rica se adhirió de nuevo al Convenio en 1989, y Vanuatu se hizo miembro de la Comisión en 1990. La Comisión celebró su XLVII reunión en Washington, D.C., del 26 al 28 de junio de 1990. (PDF contains 245 pages.)
ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission operates under the authority and direction of a convention originally entered into by Costa Rica and the United States. The convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish for tropical tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Under this provision Panama adhered in 1953, Ecuador in 1961, Mexico in 1964, Canada in 1968, Japan in 1970, and France and Nicaragua in 1973. Ecuador withdrew from the Commission in 1968, Mexico in 1978, Costa Rica in 1979, and Canada in 1984. Costa Rica re-adhered to the convention in 1989, and Vanuatu joined the Commission in 1990. A technical meeting was convened in La Jolla, California, USA, on January 14•15, 1991, to elaborate the details of an international program for the conservation of the dolphin populations affected by the fishery for tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical funciona bajo la autoridad y dirección de un convenio suscrito originalmente por Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. El convenio, vigente desde 1950, está abierto a la afiliación de cualquier pais cuyos ciudadanos pesquen atunes tropicales en el Oceano Pacífico oriental. Bajo esta estipulación, la República de Panamá se afilió en 1953, Ecuador en 1961, Mexico en 1964, Canadá en 1968, Japón en 1970, Francia y Nicaragua en 1973. Ecuador se retiró de la Comisión en 1968, México en 1978, Costa Rica en 1979 y Canadá en 1984. Costa Rica se adhirió de nuevo al Convenio en 1989, y Vanuatu se hizo miembro de la Comisión en 1990. (PDF contains 273 pages.)
ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission operates under the authority and direction of a convention originally entered into by Costa Rica and the United States. The convention, which carne into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish for tropical tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Under this provision Panama adhered in 1953, Ecuador in 1961, Mexico in 1964, Canada in 1968, Japan in 1970, and France and Nicaragua in 1973. Ecuador withdrew from the Commission in 1968, Mexico in 1978, Costa Rica in 1979, and Canada in 1984. Costa Rica re-adhered to the convention in 1989, and Vanuatu and Venezuela joined the Commission in 1990 and 1992, respectively. The Commission held its 50th meeting in La Jolla, California, USA, on June 16-18, 1992. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical funciona bajo la autoridad y dirección de un convenio suscrito originalmente por Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. El convenio, vigente desde 1950, está abierto a la afiliación de cualquier país cuyos ciudadanos pesquen atunes tropicales en el Océano Pacífico oriental. Bajo esta estipulación, la República de Panamá se afilió en 1953, Ecuador en 1961, México en 1964, Canadá en 1968, Japón en 1970, y Francia y Nicaragua en 1973. Ecuador se retiró de la Comisión en 1968, México en 1978, Costa Rica en 1979, y Canadá en 1984. Costa Rica se adhirió de nuevo al Convenio en 1989; y Vanuatu y Venezuela se hicieron miembros de la Comisión en 1990 y 1992, respectivamente. La Comisión celebró su quincuagésima reunión en La Jolla, California, EE.UU., del 16 al 18 de junio de 1992. (PDF contains 316 pages.)