937 resultados para Michelangelo, 1475-1564


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Letterato versatile e curioso del presente, Sertorio Quattromani (Cosenza 1541-1603) fu uno dei migliori critici letterari della seconda metà del Cinquecento, come dimostrano innanzi tutto l'importante esposizione delle Rime di Della Casa (edita postuma nel 1616) e ora il commento alle Rime di Bembo, qui per la prima volta pubblicato, sulla base del manoscritto Palatino 1036 della Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, nel quale si conserva adespoto con il titolo Luoghi difficili del Bembo. Elaborato tra il 1564 e il 1570, il commento bembiano si presenta non del tutto compiuto, per quanto già ricco di chiose esplicative e di riferimenti intertestuali. Occorre tuttavia considerare che la tipologia esegetica scelta da Quattromani non è quella dell'esposizione continua ma quella del commento tecnico e selettivo, incentrato sulla spiegazione dei luoghi difficili e sull'allegazione dei loci paralleli, oltre che sulle censure di gusto e sui rilievi linguistici, stilistici e retorici. Focalizzata sulla parafrasi e sull'intertestualità, l'annotazione di Quattromani intende essere al servizio del testo e insieme offrire agli scrittori coevi la possibilità di entrare in uno dei più raffinati laboratori poetici del Rinascimento. Almeno due sono le ragioni per motivare il recupero di un'opera incompiuta, e che lo stesso autore non ritenne più adeguata ai tempi, impegnandosi nell'esegesi delle Rime dellacasiane. Innanzi tutto un motivo di ordine generale: letture e commenti di critici coevi all'autore sono di grande utilità per un'interpretazione dei testi storicamente fondata. Poi un motivo specifico, che riguarda lo sviluppo della lirica italiana: già da metà Cinquecento l'esegesi dei poeti contemporanei diventa uno strumento essenziale per costruire la lirica moderna sulle fondamenta gettate da Bembo prima e da Della Casa poi. Infatti nel commento bembiano di Quattromani la fitta allegazione di loci paralleli estratti dalla letteratura latina serve anche a rivelare quanto il petrarchismo di Bembo non si alimenti del solo Petrarca. Rispetto alla vulgata petrarchistica, ciò che emerge nel Bembo di Quattromani è pertanto l'impossibilità per un poeta non corrivo di attenersi a norme insensibili al mutare dei tempi. Il riuso del dettato petrarchesco resta ovviamente legge, ma a patto che accolga nuove commistioni e svariati incrementi. In particolare, si avverte come sempre più vitale la riappropriazione profonda di tutta la letteratura in latino, da quella antica a quella umanistico-rinascimentale, tanto da pervenire a una contaminazione di latino e volgare che può essere considerata uno dei principali fattori di apertura della strada verso il Barocco intrapresa a fine Cinquecento dalla poesia italiana.


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Audit report of Iowa State Prison Industries for the year ended June 30, 2014


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Ylänimeke: Yleiset opit ja muutoksen hallinta


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Combined report on the eight Judicial District Departments of Correctional Services for the year ended June 30, 2013


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Aquest treball ofereix l’estudi sobre l’aportació que va fer el dramaturg anglès del segle XVIXVII William Shakespeare en la filosofia política. El principal objectiu del treball consisteixen analitzar la seva obra teatral “Macbeth” destacant els element rellevants per la teoria política del seu període, és a dir l’època Moderna. El desenvolupament de les noves concepcions del món i de l’ordre social d’aquell moment va marcar un abans i un després enel pensament polític. En l’estudi, els aspectes polítics tractats en “Macbeth” es comparen amb les idees de Hobbes i Maquiavel per demostrar que malgrat Shakespeare mai ha sigut considerat com a un filòsof polític, les seves visions de la societat eren innovadores i sovint semblants a les visions de pensadors més il·lustres de la teoria política.


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Ylänimeke: Yleiset opit ja muutoksen hallinta


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Consumption of simple carbohydrates has markedly increased over the past decades, and may be involved in the increased prevalence in metabolic diseases. Whether an increased intake of fructose is specifically related to a dysregulation of glucose and lipid metabolism remains controversial. We therefore compared the effects of hypercaloric diets enriched with fructose (HFrD) or glucose (HGlcD) in healthy men. Eleven subjects were studied in a randomised order after 7 d of the following diets: (1) weight maintenance, control diet; (2) HFrD (3.5 g fructose/kg fat-free mass (ffm) per d, +35 % energy intake); (3) HGlcD (3.5 g glucose/kg ffm per d, +35 % energy intake). Fasting hepatic glucose output (HGO) was measured with 6,6-2H2-glucose. Intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCL) and intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) were measured by 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Both fructose and glucose increased fasting VLDL-TAG (HFrD: +59 %, P < 0.05; HGlcD: +31 %, P = 0.11) and IHCL (HFrD: +52 %, P < 0.05; HGlcD: +58 %, P = 0.06). HGO increased after both diets (HFrD: +5 %, P < 0.05; HGlcD: +5 %, P = 0.05). No change was observed in fasting glycaemia, insulin and alanine aminotransferase concentrations. IMCL increased significantly only after the HGlcD (HFrD: +24 %, NS; HGlcD: +59 %, P < 0.05). IHCL and VLDL-TAG were not different between hypercaloric HFrD and HGlcD, but were increased compared to values observed with a weight maintenance diet. However, glucose led to a higher increase in IMCL than fructose.


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A growing body of epidemiologic evidence suggests an association between exposure to cleaning products and respiratory dysfunction. Due to the lack of quantitative assessments of respiratory exposures to airborne irritants and sensitizers among professional cleaners, the culpable substances have yet to be identified.Purpose: Focusing on previously identified irritants, our aims were to determine (i) airborne concentrations of monoethanolamine (MEA), glycol ethers, and benzyl alcohol (BA) during different cleaning tasks performed by professional cleaning workers and assess their determinants; and (ii) air concentrations of formaldehyde, a known indoor air contaminant. METHODS: Personal air samples were collected in 12 cleaning companies, and analyzed by conventional methods. RESULTS: Nearly all air concentrations [MEA (n = 68), glycol ethers (n = 79), BA (n = 15), and formaldehyde (n = 45)] were far below (<1/10) of the corresponding Swiss occupational exposure limits (OEL), except for ethylene glycol mono-n-butyl ether (EGBE). For butoxypropanol and BA, no OELs exist. Although only detected once, EGBE air concentrations (n = 4) were high (49.48-58.72mg m(-3)), and close to the Swiss OEL (49mg m(-3)). When substances were not noted as present in safety data sheets of cleaning products used but were measured, air concentrations showed no presence of MEA, while the glycol ethers were often present, and formaldehyde was universally detected. Exposure to MEA was affected by its amount used (P = 0.036), and spraying (P = 0.000) and exposure to butoxypropanol was affected by spraying (P = 0.007) and cross-ventilation (P = 0.000). CONCLUSIONS: Professional cleaners were found to be exposed to multiple airborne irritants at low concentrations, thus these substances should be considered in investigations of respiratory dysfunctions in the cleaning industry; especially in specialized cleaning tasks such as intensive floor cleaning.


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Report on a review of the 8 Judicial Districts Department of Correctional Services for the period July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2014


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OBJECTIVE: To compare interval breast cancer rates (ICR) between a biennial organized screening programme in Norway and annual opportunistic screening in North Carolina (NC) for different conceptualizations of interval cancer. SETTING: Two regions with different screening practices and performance. METHODS: 620,145 subsequent screens (1996-2002) performed in women aged 50-69 and 1280 interval cancers were analysed. Various definitions and quantification methods for interval cancers were compared. RESULTS: ICR for one year follow-up were lower in Norway compared with NC both when the rate was based on all screens (0.54 versus 1.29 per 1000 screens), negative final assessments (0.54 versus 1.29 per 1000 screens), and negative screening assessments (0.53 versus 1.28 per 1000 screens). The rate of ductal carcinoma in situ was significantly lower in Norway than in NC for cases diagnosed in both the first and second year after screening. The distributions of histopathological tumour size and lymph node involvement in invasive cases did not differ between the two regions for interval cancers diagnosed during the first year after screening. In contrast, in the second year after screening, tumour characteristics remained stable in Norway but became prognostically more favorable in NC. CONCLUSION: Even when applying a common set of definitions of interval cancer, the ICR was lower in Norway than in NC. Different definitions of interval cancer did not influence the ICR within Norway or NC. Organization of screening and screening performance might be major contributors to the differences in ICR between Norway and NC.