427 resultados para Medulla oblongata.
Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 79 recovered Cretaceous nannofossils at two localities, Sites 545 and 547. Species diversity of the Cretaceous coccoliths is high, and the assemblages range in age from early Valanginian-early Hauterivian to latest Maestrichtian. Site 545 and portions of Site 547 can be combined to form a composite section ranging from the upper Aptian-lower Albian to the middle to upper Cenomanian. As defined by nannofossil events, this section represents a complete record of sedimentary deposition. The interval appears to be the most extensive and complete Cretaceous section yet drilled off the Northwest African margin. The Campanian and Maestrichtian sediments found at Site 547 (Hole 547A) are the youngest Cretaceous strata found on the Northwest African margin. Like the middle Cretaceous sections, the uppermost Maestrichtian of this interval also represents a complete record of sedimentation.
ORBIS, Yale University Library,
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Transgenic mice expressing the E7 protein of HPV16 from the keratin 14 promoter demonstrate increasing thymic hypertrophy with age. This hypertrophy is associated with increased absolute numbers of all thymocyte types, and with increased cortical and medullary cellularity. In the thymic medulla, increased compartmentalization of the major thymic stromal cell types and expansion of thymic epithelial cell population is observed. Neither an increased rate of immature thymocyte division nor a decreased rate of immature thymocyte death was able to account for the observed hypertrophy. Thymocytes with reduced levels of expression of CD4 and/or CD8 were more abundant in transgenic (tg) mice and became increasingly more so with age. These thymic SP and DP populations with reduced levels of CD4 and/or CD8 markers had a lower rate of apoptosis in the tg than in the non-tg mice. The rate of export of mature thymocytes to peripheral lymphoid organs was less in tg animals relative to the pool of available mature cells, particularly for the increasingly abundant CD4lo population. We therefore suggest that mature thymocytes that would normally die in the thymus gradually accumulated in E7 transgenic animals, perhaps as a consequence of exposure to a hypertrophied E7-expressing thymic epithelium or to factors secreted by this expanded thymic stromal cell population. The K14E7 transgenic mouse thus provides a unique model to study effects of the thymic epithelial cell compartment on thymus development and involution.
Both physical and psychological stressors recruit catecholamine cells (CA) located in the ventrolateral medulla (VLM) and the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS). In the case of physical stressors, this effect is initiated by signals that first access the central nervous system at or below the level of the medulla. For psychological stressors, however, CA cell recruitment depends on higher structures within the neuraxis. Indeed, we have recently provided evidence of a pivotal role for the medial amygdala (MeA) in this regard, although such a role must involve a relay, as MeA neurons do not project directly to the medulla. However, some of the MeA neurons that respond to psychological stress have been found to project to the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN), a structure that provides significant input to the medulla. To determine whether the PVN might regulate medullary CA cell responses to psychological stress, animals were prepared with unilateral injections of the neurotoxin ibotenic acid into the PVN (Experiment 1), or with unilateral injections of the retrograde tracer wheat germ agglutinin-gold (WGA-Au) into the CA cell columns of the VLM or NTS (Experiment 2). Seven days later, animals were subjected to a psychological stressor (restraint; 15 minutes), and their brains were subsequently processed for Fos plus appropriate cytoplasmic markers (Experiment 1), or Fos plus WGA-Au (Experiment 2). PVN lesions significantly suppressed the stress-related induction of Fos in both VLM and NTS CA cells, whereas tracer deposits in the VLM or NTS retrogradely labeled substantial numbers of PVN cells that were also Fos-positive after stress. Considered in concert with previous results, these data suggest that the activation of medullary CA cells in response to psychological stress may involve a critical input from the PVN. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Using Fos immunolabelling as a marker of neuronal activation, we investigated the role of the parabrachial nucleus in generating central neuronal responses to the systemic administration of the proinflarnmatory cytokine interleukin-1beta (1 mug/kg, i.a.). Relative to intact animals, parabrachial nucleus lesions significantly reduced the number of Fos-positive cells observed in the central amygdala (CeA), the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), and the ventrolateral medulla (VLM) after systemic interleukin-1beta. In a subsequent experiment in which animals received parabrachial-directed deposits of a retrograde tracer, it was found that many neurons located in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) and the VLM neurons were both retrogradely labelled and Fos-positive after interleukin-1beta administration. These results suggest that the parabrachial nucleus plays a critical role in interleukin-1beta-induced Fos expression in CeA, BNST and VLM neurons and that neurons of the NTS and VLM may serve to trigger or at least influence changes in parabrachial nucleus activity that follows systemic interleukin-1beta administration. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The apposition compound eyes of gonodactyloid stomatopods are divided into a ventral and a dorsal hemisphere by six equatorial rows of enlarged ommatidia, the mid-band (MB). Whereas the hemispheres are specialized for spatial vision, the MB consists of four dorsal rows of ommatidia specialized for colour vision and two ventral rows specialized for polarization vision. The eight retinula cell axons (RCAs) from each ommatidium project retinotopically onto one corresponding lamina cartridge, so that the three retinal data streams (spatial, colour and polarization) remain anatomically separated. This study investigates whether the retinal specializations are reflected in differences in the RCA arrangement within the corresponding lamina cartridges. We have found that, in all three eye regions, the seven short visual fibres (svfs) formed by retinula cells 1-7 (R1-R7) terminate at two distinct lamina levels, geometrically separating the terminals of photoreceptors sensitive to either orthogonal e-vector directions or different wavelengths of light. This arrangement is required for the establishment of spectral and polarization opponency mechanisms. The long visual fibres (lvfs) of the eighth retinula cells (R8) pass through the lamina and project retinotopically to the distal medulla externa. Differences between the three eye regions exist in the packing of svf terminals and in the branching patterns of the lvfs within the lamina. We hypothesize that the R8 cells of MB rows 1-4 are incorporated into the colour vision system formed by R1-R7, whereas the R8 cells of MB rows 5 and 6 form a separate neural channel from R1 to R7 for polarization processing.
Background. A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 1, Adamts-1, is important for the development and function of the kidney. Mice lacking this protein present with renal lesions comprising enlarged calyces, and reduced cortex and medulla layers. Our current findings are consistent with the defect occurring due to a developmental dysgenesis. Methods. We generated Adamts-1 null mice, and further investigated their kidney phenotype in a time course study ranging from E18.5 to 12 months of age. Immunohistochemistry was used to assess the localization of type IV collagen, TGF-beta and F4/80-positive macrophages in the kidneys of Adcants-1 null mice compared to wild-type control animals. The expression of Adamts-1 mRNA was determined in metanephric kidney explants by in situ hybridization. Results. Adamts-1 null mice have a gross kidney defect. At day 18.5 of gestation, the Adcants-1 null kidney has a normal appearance but at birth when the kidney begins to function, the defect becomes evident. During development of the kidney Adamts-1 expression was specifically detected in the developing loops of Henle, as well as in the proximal and distal convoluted tubules. Expression was not detected in the ureter, ureteric bud or its derivatives as had been previously suggested. At 6 months and I year of age, the Adamts-1 null mice displayed interstitial fibrosis in the cortical and medullary regions of the kidney. At I year of age, the Adamts-1 null mice displayed mild interstitial matrix expansion associated with increased collagen type IV expression, without apparent tubular dilatation, compared to wild-type animals. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated TGF-beta protein localized to infiltrating macrophages and glomeruli of Adamts-1 null mice. Conclusions. Adamts-1 is required for the normal development of the kidney. The defect observed in its absence results from a dysgenic malformation affecting the medulla that becomes apparent at birth, once the kidneys start to function.
The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) has been strongly implicated in control of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN) response to stress. Because of the paucity of direct projections from the mPFC to the PVN, we sought to investigate possible brain regions that might act as a relay between the two during psychological stress. Bilateral ibotenic acid lesions of the rat mPFC enhanced the number of Fos-immunoreactive cells seen in the PVN after exposure to the psychological stressor, air puff. Altered neuronal recruitment was seen in only one of the candidate relay populations examined, the ventral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (vBNST). Furthermore, bilateral ibotenic acid lesions of the BNST caused a significant attenuation of the PVN response to air puff. To better characterize the structural relationships between the mPFC and PVN, retrograde tracing studies were conducted examining Fos expression in cells retrogradely labeled with cholera toxin b subunit (CTb) from the PVN and the BNST. Results obtained were consistent with an important role for both the mPFC and BNST in the mpPVN CRF cell response to air puff. We suggest a set of connections whereby a direct PVN projection from the ipsilateral vBNST is involved in the mpPVN response to air puff and this may, in turn, be modulated by an indirect projection from the mPFC to the BNST. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
In opiate addicts or patients receiving morphine treatment, it has been reported that the immune system is often compromised. The mechanisms responsible for the adverse effects of opioids on responses to infection are not clear but it is possible that central and/or peripheral opioid receptors may be important. We have utilised an experimental immune challenge model in rats, the systemic administration of the human pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) to study the effects of selectively blocking peripheral opioid receptors only (using naloxone methiodide) or after blocking both central and peripheral opioid receptors (using naloxone). Pre-treatment with naloxone methiodide decreased (15%) IL-1 beta-induced Fos-immunoreactivity (Fos-IR) in medial parvocellular paraventricular nucleus (mPVN) corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) neurons but increased responses in the ventrolateral medulla (VLM) C1 (65%) and nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) A2 (110%) catecholamine cell groups and area postrema (136%). However no effect of blocking peripheral opioid receptors was detected in the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) or dorsal bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST). We next determined the effect of blocking both central and peripheral opioid receptors with naloxone and, when compared to the naloxone methiodide pre-treated group, a further 60% decrease in Fos-IR mPVN CRH neurons induced by IL-1 beta was detected, which was attributed to block of central opioid receptors. Similar comparisons also detected decreases in Fos-IR neurons induced by IL-1 beta in the VLM A1, VLM C1 and NTS A2 catecholamine cell groups, area postrema, and parabrachial nucleus. In contrast, pre-treatment with naloxone increased Fos-IR neurons in CeA (98%) and dorsal BNST (72%). These results provide novel evidence that endogenous opioids can influence central neural responses to systemic IL-1 beta and also suggest that the differential patterns of activation may arise because of actions at central and/or peripheral opioid receptors that might be important in regulating behavioural, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and sympathetic nervous system responses during an immune challenge. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The end point of immune and nonimmune renal injury typically involves glomerular and tubulointerstitial fibrosis. Although numerous studies have focused on the events that lead to renal fibrosis, less is known about the mechanisms that promote cellular repair and tissue remodeling. Described is a model of renal injury and repair after the reversal of unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) in male C57b1/6J mice. Male mice (20 to 25 g) underwent 10 d of UUO with or without 1, 2, 4, or 6 wk of reversal of UUO (R-UUO). UUO resulted in cortical tubular cell atrophy and tubular dilation in conjunction with an almost complete ablation of the outer medulla. This was associated with interstitial macrophage infiltration; increased hydroxyproline content; and upregulated type I, III, IV, and V collagen expression. The volume density of kidney occupied by renal tubules that exhibited a brush border was measured as an assessment of the degree of repair after R-UUO. After 6 wk of R-UUO, there was an increase in the area of kidney occupied by repaired tubules (83.7 +/- 5.9%), compared with 10 d UUO kidneys (32.6 +/- 7.3%). This coincided with reduced macrophage numbers, decreased hydroxyproline content, and reduced collagen accumulation and interstitial matrix expansion, compared with obstructed kidneys from UUO mice. GFR in the 6-wk R-UUO kidneys was restored to 43 to 88% of the GFR in the contralateral unobstructed kidneys. This study describes the regenerative potential of the kidney after the established interstitial matrix expansion and medullary ablation associated with UUO in the adult mouse.
By most accounts the psychological stressor restraint produces a distinct pattern of neuronal activation in the brain. However, some evidence is incongruous with this pattern, leading us to propose that the restraint- induced pattern in the central nervous system might depend on the duration of restraint used. We therefore determined the pattern of neuronal activation ( as indicated by the presence of Fos protein) seen in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, amygdala, locus coeruleus, nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), ventrolateral medulla (VLM) and thoracic spinal cord of the rat in response to 0, 15, 30 or 60 min periods of restraint. We found that although a number of cell groups displayed a linear increase in activity with increasing durations of restraint ( e. g. hypothalamic corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) cells, medial amygdala neurons and sympathetic preganglionic neurons of the thoracic spinal cord), a number of cell groups did not. For example, in the central amygdala restraint produced both a decrease in CRF cell activity and an increase in non-CRF cell activity. In the locus coeruleus, noradrenergic neurons did not display Fos in response to 15 min of restraint, but were significantly activated by 30 or 60 min restraint. After 30 or 60 min restraint a greater degree of activation of more rostral A1 noradrenergic neurons was observed compared with the pattern of A1 noradrenergic neurons in response to 15 min restraint. The results of this study demonstrate that restraint stress duration determines the amount and the pattern of neuronal activation seen in response to this psychological stressor.
Sox7, Sox17 and Sox18 constitute group F of the Sox family of HMG box transcription factor genes. Dominant-negative mutations in Sox18 underlie the cardiovascular defects observed in ragged mutant mice. By contrast, Sox18(-/-) mice are viable and fertile, and display no appreciable anomaly in their vasculature, suggesting functional compensation by the two other SoxF genes. Here, we provide direct evidence for redundant function of Sox17 and Sox18 in postnatal neovascularization by generating Sox17(+/-)-Sox18(-/-) double mutant mice. Whereas Sox18(-/-) and Sox17(+/-)-Sox18(+/)-mice showed no vascular defects, approximately half of the Sox17(+/-)-Sox18(-/-) pups died before postnatal day 21 (P21). They showed reduced neovascularization in the liver sinusoids and kidney outer medulla vasa recta at P7, which most likely caused the ischemic necrosis observed by P14 in hepatocytes and renal tubular epithelia. Those that survived to adulthood showed similar, but milder, vascular anomalies in both liver and kidney, and females were infertile with varying degrees of vascular abnormalities in the reproductive organs. These anomalies corresponded with sites of expression of Sox7 and Sox17 in the developing postnatal vasculature. In vitro angiogenesis assays, using primary endothelial cells isolated from the P7 livers, showed that the Sox17(+/-)-Sox18(-/-)endothelial cells were defective in endothelial sprouting and remodeling of the vasculature in a phenotype-dependent manner. Therefore, our findings indicate that Sox17 and Sox18, and possibly all three SoxF genes, are cooperatively involved in mammalian vascular development.
Administration of human recombinant erythropoietin ( EPO) at time of acute ischemic renal injury ( IRI) inhibits apoptosis, enhances tubular epithelial regeneration, and promotes renal functional recovery. The present study aimed to determine whether darbepoetin-alfa ( DPO) exhibits comparable renoprotection to that afforded by EPO, whether pro or antiapoptotic Bcl-2 proteins are involved, and whether delayed administration of EPO or DPO 6 h following IRI ameliorates renal dysfunction. The model of IRI involved bilateral renal artery occlusion for 45 min in rats ( N = 4 per group), followed by reperfusion for 1-7 days. Controls were sham-operated. Rats were treated at time of ischemia or sham operation ( T0), or post-treated ( 6 h after the onset of reperfusion, T6) with EPO ( 5000 IU/kg), DPO ( 25 mu g/kg), or appropriate vehicle by intraperitoneal injection. Renal function, structure, and immunohistochemistry for Bcl-2, Bcl-XL, and Bax were analyzed. DPO or EPO at T0 significantly abrogated renal dysfunction in IRI animals ( serum creatinine for IRI 0.17 +/- 0.05mmol/l vs DPO-IRI 0.08 +/- 0.03mmol/l vs EPO-IRI 0.04 +/- 0.01mmol/l, P = 0.01). Delayed administration of DPO or EPO ( T6) also significantly abrogated subsequent renal dysfunction ( serum creatinine for IRI 0.17 +/- 0.05mmol/l vs DPO-IRI 0.06 +/- 0.01mmol/l vs EPO-IRI 0.03 +/- 0.03mmol/l, P = 0.01). There was also significantly decreased tissue injury ( apoptosis, P < 0.05), decreased proapoptotic Bax, and increased regenerative capacity, especially in the outer stripe of the outer medulla, with DPO or EPO at T0 or T6. These results reaffirm the potential clinical application of DPO and EPO as novel renoprotective agents for patients at risk of ischemic acute renal failure or after having sustained an ischemic renal insult.