998 resultados para Medical operations
My project is a business plan about the set up of a company and the development of a new and innovative product aimed for the elders. I decide do this project when I discover that one of the more important needs that have the elders is to remember the medicines that they have to take. I thought that a good way could be through a smart watch. My watch have an only function, is a cheap device, easy to use, easy to understand and easy to set up, because the elders usually do not know to use complex electronics devices. There are other similar smart watches and other devices but do not have the necessary characteristics to be a good reminder for elders. My watch is centred to improve the life of the elders, but my product could also be useful for ill people who have to take many medicines during the day. After realizing this business plan, I have proved that my company is viable in the environment and profitable in the market.
Commercial longline fishing data were analyzed and experiments were conducted with gear equipped with hook timers and timedepth recorders in the Réunion Island fishery (21°5ʹS lat., 53°28ʹE long.) to elucidate direct and indirect effects of the lunar cycle and other operational factors that affect catch rates, catch composition, fish behavior, capture time, and fish survival. Logbook data from 1998 through 2000, comprising 2009 sets, indicated that swordfish (Xiphias gladius) catch-per unit of effort (CPUE) increased during the first and last quarter of the lunar phase, whereas albacore (Thunnus alalunga) CPUE was highest during the full moon. Swordfish were caught rapidly after the longline was set and, like bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), they were caught during days characterized by a weak lunar illumination—mainly during low tide. We found a significant but very low influence of chemical lightsticks on CPUE and catch composition. At the time the longline was retrieved, six of the 11 species in the study had >40% survival. Hook timers indicated that only 8.4% of the swordfish were alive after 8 hours of capture, and two shark species (blue shark [Prionace glauca] and oceanic whitetip shark [Carcharhinus longimanus]) showed a greater resilience to capture: 29.3% and 23.5% were alive after 8 hours, respectively. Our results have implications for current fishing practices and we comment on the possibilities of modifying fishing strategies in order to reduce operational costs, bycatch, loss of target fish at sea, and detrimental impacts on the environment.
In the problem of one-class classification (OCC) one of the classes, the target class, has to be distinguished from all other possible objects, considered as nontargets. In many biomedical problems this situation arises, for example, in diagnosis, image based tumor recognition or analysis of electrocardiogram data. In this paper an approach to OCC based on a typicality test is experimentally compared with reference state-of-the-art OCC techniques-Gaussian, mixture of Gaussians, naive Parzen, Parzen, and support vector data description-using biomedical data sets. We evaluate the ability of the procedures using twelve experimental data sets with not necessarily continuous data. As there are few benchmark data sets for one-class classification, all data sets considered in the evaluation have multiple classes. Each class in turn is considered as the target class and the units in the other classes are considered as new units to be classified. The results of the comparison show the good performance of the typicality approach, which is available for high dimensional data; it is worth mentioning that it can be used for any kind of data (continuous, discrete, or nominal), whereas state-of-the-art approaches application is not straightforward when nominal variables are present.
Esta dissertação trata da construção dos valores acerca do corpo que transforma aspectos estéticos em problemas de saúde física. Com base na pressuposição do compromisso de aliviar o sofrimento o cirurgião plástico busca, dentro do campo da saúde, justificativas para sua atuação. Por outro lado, na aspiração por modelos de beleza socialmente prestigiados há também a procura pela transformação pessoal com a construção e afirmação de papéis sociais, o que contribui para a maior aceitação das intervenções cirúrgicas com finalidade estética. Seguindo tendências estéticas sempre em mutação, observa-se, na atualidade, uma grande demanda por cirurgia plástica para colocação de implantes de silicone com objetivo de aumento mamário. Tomando como recorte a utilização de tais implantes, buscou-se analisar a construção médica e social da beleza e compreender como a procura e a prática da cirurgia plástica estão ligadas a valores controversamente aceitos ou criticados na sociedade contemporânea.
Sources of wastes in fishing operations mainly include bycatch discards; processing wastes where catch is processed onboard; plastic wastes due to abandoned, lost and discarded fishing gear; bilges and other wastes from the vessel operations. Fishing systems in general have an associated catch of nontargeted organisms known as bycatch. Non-selective fishing gear that is not modified or equipped to exclude non-targeted organisms, may take a significant quantity of bycatch of non-targeted finfish, juvenile fish, benthic animals, marine mammals, marine birds and vulnerable or endangered species that are often discarded. Average annual global discards, has been estimated to be 7.3 million t, based on a weighted discard rate of 8%, during 1992-2001 period. Trawl fisheries for shrimp and demersal finfish account for over 50% of the total estimated global discards. Plastic materials are extensively used in fisheries, owing to their durability and other desirable properties, contributing to the efficiency and catchability of the fishing gear. However, plastics biodegrade at an extremely slow rate compared to other organic materials. Abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) and related marine debris have been recognized as a critical problem in the marine environment and for living marine resources. Prevention of excess fishing capacity by appropriate management measures could lead to enormous savings in terms of fuel consumption, emissions and bycatch discards from the excess fishing fleet, capital and operational investments and labour deployment in capture fisheries, with significant economic gains. In this paper, wastes originating from fishing operations are reviewed, along with their environmental impacts and possible mitigation measures
Ring seines are lightly constructed purse seines adapted for operation in the traditional sector. Fish production and energy requirement in the ring seine operations, off Cochin, Kerala, India are discussed in this paper, based on data collected during 1997- 1998. The results reflect the Gross Energy Requirement (GER) situation that existed during 1997-1998. Mean catch per ring seiner per year worked out to be 211.9 t of which sardines (Sardinella spp.) constituted 44.3%, followed by Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) 29.7%, carangids 11.4%, penaeid prawns 2.2%, pomfrets 1.1% and miscellaneous fish 11.3%. Total energy inputs into the ring seine operations were estimated to be 1300.8 GJ. Output by way of fish production was determined to be 931.85 GJ. GER is the sum of all non-renewable energy resources consumed in making available a product or service and is a measure of intensity of non-renewable resource use. GER per tonne of fish landed by ring seiners was estimated to be 6.14. Among the operational inputs, kerosene constituted 73.4% of the GER, followed by petrol (12.7%), diesel (6.7%) and lubricating oil (2.4%). Fishing gear contributed 3.8%, engine 0.8% and fishing craft 0.3% of the GER. Energy ratio for ring seining was 0.72 and energy intensity 1.40.