981 resultados para Mechanism dynamics
We consider a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate in two spatially localized modes of a double-well potential, with periodic modulation of the tunnel coupling between the two modes. We treat the driven quantum field using a two-mode expansion and define the quantum dynamics in terms of the Floquet Operator for the time periodic Hamiltonian of the system. It has been shown that the corresponding semiclassical mean-field dynamics can exhibit regions of regular and chaotic motion. We show here that the quantum dynamics can exhibit dynamical tunneling between regions of regular motion, centered on fixed points (resonances) of the semiclassical dynamics.
The spatial and breeding dynamics of koalas in sub-tropical woodlands at Blair Athol in central Queensland were intensively monitored between 1993 and 1998. Genetic relationships among koalas at this locality were studied to determine the breeding dynamics of males, including whether 'resident' or 'transient' males dominate as sires. Males and females were radio-collared and tracked periodically throughout each year of the study. Genotypes from hypervariable microsatellite loci identified uniquely all individuals and were used to analyse parentage as well as to determine population genetic parameters when compared with other regional localities. Koalas at Blair Athol comprise a population in genetic equilibrium. Gene diversity estimates show the population to be similar to other populations found in similar habitat in the region, and estimates of genetic differentiation among four regional populations showed that gene flow conforms to a model of isolation by distance. Analysis of parentage found that both resident and transient males sired about equal numbers of offspring. Familial DNA analysis revealed multiple paternities of successive young in this population. The conclusion from this study is that 'resident' status among males does not confer any advantage for parentage.
This review discusses the mechanisms of oxygen activation by cytochrome P450 enzymes, the possible catalytic roles of the various iron-oxygen species formed in the catalytic cycle, and progress in understanding the mechanisms of hydrocarbon hydroxylation, heteroatom oxidation, and olefin epoxidation. The focus of the review is on recent results, but earlier work is discussed as appropriate. The literature through to February 2002 is surveyed, and 175 referenced are cited.
Eucalyptus savannas on low nutrient soils are being extensively cleared in Queensland. In this paper we provide background information relevant to understanding nutrient (particularly nitrogen) dynamics in sub/tropical savanna, and review the available evidence relevant to understanding the potential impact of clearing Eucalyptus savanna on nutrient relations. The limited evidence presently available can be used to argue for the extreme positions that: (i) woody vegetation competes with grasses Cor resources. and tree/shrub clearing improves pasture production, (ii) woody vegetation benefits pasture production. At present, the lack of fundamental knowledge about Australian savanna nutrient relations makes accurate predictions about medium- and long-term effects of clearing on nutrient relations in low nutrient savannas difficult. The future of cleared savannas will differ if herbaceous species maintain all functions that woody vegetation has previously held, or if woody species have functions distinct from those of herbaceous vegetation. Research suggests that savanna soils are susceptible to nitrate leaching, and that trees improve the nutrient status of savanna soils in some situations. The nitrogen capital of cleared savanna is at risk if mobile ions are not captured efficiently by the vegetation. and nitrogen input via N-2 fixation from vegetation and microbiotic crusts is reduced. In order to predict clearing effects on savanna nutrient relations, research should be directed to answering (i) how open or closed nutrient cycles are in natural and cleared savanna, (ii) which functions are performed by savanna constituents such as woody and herbaceous vegetation, native and exotic plant species. termites, and microbiotic 7 crusts in relation to nutrient cycles. In the absence of detailed knowledge about savanna functioning, clearing carries the risk of promoting continuous nutrient depiction.
As the United States and Australia struggle with contemporary crises over competing uses of rapidly depleting natural resources, there are striking parallels between American Indian and Australian Aboriginal communities demanding a place at the management table and offering culturally based understandings of and solutions for the ecosystems at risk. These efforts to integrate indigenous knowledge into mainstream natural resource management are part of larger legal and political debates over land tenure, the locus of control, indigenous self-governance, and holistic ecosystems management.
We investigate the difference between classical and quantum dynamics of coupled magnetic dipoles. We prove that in general the dynamics of the classical interaction Hamiltonian differs from the corresponding quantum model, regardless of the initial state. The difference appears as nonpositive-definite diffusion terms in the quantum evolution equation of an appropriate positive phase-space probability density. Thus, it is not possible to express the dynamics in terms of a convolution of a positive transition probability function and the initial condition as can be done in the classical case. It is this feature that enables the quantum system to evolve to an entangled state. We conclude that the dynamics are a quantum element of nuclear magnetic resonance quantum-information processing. There are two limits where our quantum evolution coincides with the classical one: the short-time limit before spin-spin interaction sets in and the long-time limit when phase diffusion is incorporated.
We model the behavior of an ion trap with all ions driven simultaneously and coupled collectively to a heat bath. The equations for this system are similar to the irreversible dynamics of a collective angular momentum system known as the Dicke model. We show how the steady state of the ion trap as a dissipative many-body system driven far from equilibrium can exhibit quantum entanglement. We calculate the entanglement of this steady state for two ions in the trap and in the case of more than two ions we calculate the entanglement between two ions by tracing over all the other ions. The entanglement in the steady state is a maximum for the parameter values corresponding roughly to a bifurcation of a fixed point in the corresponding semiclassical dynamics. We conjecture that this is a general mechanism for entanglement creation in driven dissipative quantum systems.
What interactions are sufficient to simulate arbitrary quantum dynamics in a composite quantum system? Dodd [Phys. Rev. A 65, 040301(R) (2002)] provided a partial solution to this problem in the form of an efficient algorithm to simulate any desired two-body Hamiltonian evolution using any fixed two-body entangling N-qubit Hamiltonian, and local unitaries. We extend this result to the case where the component systems are qudits, that is, have D dimensions. As a consequence we explain how universal quantum computation can be performed with any fixed two-body entangling N-qudit Hamiltonian, and local unitaries.
Experimental studies have been undertaken, involving in situ observations of the interaction between cover gas mixtures and molten magnesium. It has been shown that, in the presence of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), the contact angle between solid MgO and molten magnesium is reduced, resulting in the wetting of MgO by magnesium metal. In contrast, it was observed that the absence of SF6 results in a large contact angle, poor wetting of the MgO by magnesium metal and a non-adherent surface film. It is proposed that the formation of an adherent, protective surface film under a cover gas mixture containing SF6 is due to capillary forces acting within the film.
The prediction of tillering is poor or absent in existing sorghum crop models even though fertile tillers contribute significantly to grain yield. The objective of this study was to identify general quantitative relationships underpinning tiller dynamics of sorghum for a broad range of assimilate availabilities. Emergence, phenology, leaf area development and fertility of individual main calms and tillers were quantified weekly in plants grown at one of four plant densities ranging from two to 16 plants m(-2). On any given day, a tiller was considered potentially fertile (a posteriori) if its number of leaves continued to increase thereafter. The dynamics of potentially fertile tiller number per plant varied greatly with plant density, but could generally be described by three determinants, stable across plant densities: tiller emergence rate aligned with leaf ligule appearance rate; cessation of tiller emergence occurred at a stable leaf area index; and rate of decrease in potentially fertile tillers was linearly related to the ratio of realized to potential leaf area growth. Realized leaf area growth is the measured increase in leaf area, whereas potential leaf area growth is the estimated increase in leaf area if all potentially fertile tillers were to continue to develop. Procedures to predict this ratio, by estimating realized leaf area per plant from intercepted radiation and potential leaf area per plant from the number and type of developing axes, are presented. While it is suitable for modelling tiller dynamics in grain sorghum, this general framework needs to be validated by testing it in different environments and for other cultivars. (C) 2002 Annals of Botany Company.
PRL and placental lactogen (PL) play key roles in maintaining the rodent corpus luteum through pregnancy. Suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS) have been shown to decrease cell sensitivity to cytokines, including PRL, and so here we have addressed the issue of whether luteolysis induced by prostaglandin F-2alpha (PGF(2alpha)) might up-regulate SOCS proteins to inhibit PRL signaling. In d 19 pregnant rats, cloprostenol, a PGF(2alpha) analog, rapidly induced transcripts for SOCS-3 and, to a lesser extent, SOCS-1. We also found increased SOCS-3 protein in the ovary by immunoblot and in the corpus luteum by immunohistochemistry. Increased SOCS-3 expression was preceded by an increase in STAT3 tyrosine phosphorylation 10 min after cloprostenol injection and was maintained for 4 h, as determined by gel shift and immunohistochemistry. Induction of SOCS-3 was accompanied by a sharp decrease in active STAT5, as determined by gel-shift assay and by loss of nuclear localized STAT5. Four hours after cloprostenol administration, the corpus luteum was refractory to stimulation of STAT5 by PRL administration, and this was not due to down-regulation of PRL receptor. Therefore, induction of SOCS-3 by PGF(2alpha) may be an important element in the initiation of luteolysis via rapid suppression of luteotropic support from PL.