936 resultados para Maximum Power Point Tracking


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The Pirangi beach is located in the eastern coastline of Rio Grande do Norte state, in the municipality of Parnamirim and Nísia Floresta. In it flow into Pirangi Watershed (PW), whose water receives large amounts of pollutants, mainly domestic and industrial sewage from districts where pass the rivers that consist it, compromising, thus, the bathing water quality of the Pirangi beach. Bearing in mind the importance of water sanitary quality to ensure an environment that no present risk to the bathers s health, this work had as main objective to assess the influence of the PW s waters in the bathing water quality of the Pirangi beaches. To that end, were made collections of water in the beaches and in the rivers with the intention of quantify the fecal contamination indicators thermotolerant coliforms and enterococci, to then classify the conditions of bathing water quality according with the CONAMA Resolution number 274 of 2000. For the purposes greater knowledge about the health conditions of the Beaches Pirangi and about the influence the PW s waters exert on it, was done parallely to the study of the water quality, an investigation of the sand sanitary quality. Furthermore, it was made an evaluation of the PW s Water Quality through Water Quality Index (WQI). Starting from the results obtained in the research present was possible to verify, among other aspects, that the entry of the PW s waters in the Pirangi beaches exerts direct influence in the bathing water quality of the same ones, being the North Pirangi beach (point tracking PA-02) the most influenced. There was noticed also a significant reduction in the conditions of bathing water quality of the beaches in the rainy season. However, the precariousness do sewerage system of the Natal metropolitan region and the absence of a right system of treatment an final disposal of domestic sewage and industrial are the main factors responsi le for deterioration of the PW s Water Quality, and as a consequence, compromising the bathing water quality of the Pirangi beaches


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The research trend for harvesting energy from the ambient vibration sources has moved from using a linear resonant generator to a non-linear generator in order to improve on the performance of a linear generator; for example, the relatively small bandwidth, intolerance to mistune and the suitability of the device for low-frequency applications. This article presents experimental results to illustrate the dynamic behaviour of a dual-mode non-linear energy-harvesting device operating in hardening and bi-stable modes under harmonic excitation. The device is able to change from one mode to another by altering the negative magnetic stiffness by adjusting the separation gap between the magnets and the iron core. Results for the device operating in both modes are presented. They show that there is a larger bandwidth for the device operating in the hardening mode compared to the equivalent linear device. However, the maximum power transfer theory is less applicable for the hardening mode due to occurrence of the maximum power at different frequencies, which depends on the non-linearity and the damping in the system. The results for the bi-stable mode show that the device is insensitive to a range of excitation frequencies depending upon the input level, damping and non-linearity.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the students' preferred teaching techniques, such as traditional blackboard, power-point, or slide-projection, for biochemistry discipline in biomedicine and medicine courses from São Paulo State University, UNESP, Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. Preferences for specific topic and teaching techniques were determined from questionnaires on a Liquert scale from 1 to 5 (strongly disagree; disagree; neither agree, nor disagree; agree; strongly agree) distributed at the end of biochemistry discipline to 180 biomedical students (30 students/year) and 540 medical students (90 students/year), during the years 2000-2005. Despite of the different number of hours applied to the course topics for the two groups of students, the majority of undergraduates from biomedicine and medicine preferred metabolic topics. Although the perception of a medical student is expected to be different than that of a biomedical student, as the aims of the two programs are different, 92.4% of students from each course agreed or strongly agreed with the biochemistry topics, and 92.1% thought highly on this subject. The majority of students, a number of 139 undergraduates from biomedicine and 419 from medicine course, preferred traditional blackboard teaching than slide-projection, or power-point class. In conclusion, it is imperative that the health courses reflect on sophisticated technology and data presentation with high density of information in biochemistry discipline. The traditional classes with blackboard presentation were most favored by students from biomedicine and medicine courses. The use of students' preferred teaching techniques might turn biochemistry more easily understood for biomedical and medical students. © 2007 by The International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.


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Bone decalcification is a time-consuming process. It takes weeks and preservation of the tissue structure depends on the quality and velocity of the demineralization process. In the present study, a decalcification methodology was adapted using microwaving to accelerate the decalcification of rat bone for electron microscopic analysis. The ultrastructure of the bone decalcified by microwave energy was observed. Wistar rats were perfused with paraformaldehyde and maxillary segments were removed and fixed in glutaraldehyde. Half of specimens were decalcified by conventional treatment with immersion in Warshawsky solution at 4oC during 45 days, and the other half of specimens were placed into the beaker with 20 mL of the Warshawsky solution in ice bath and thereafter submitted to irradiation in a domestic microwave oven (700 maximum power) during 20 s/350 W/±37°C. In the first day, the specimens were irradiated 9 times and stored at 40°C overnight. In the second day, the specimens were irradiated 20 times changing the solution and the ice after each bath. After decalcification, some specimens were postfixed in osmium tetroxide and others in osmium tetroxide and potassium pyroantimonate. The specimens were observed under transmission electron microscopy. The results showed an increase in the decalcification rate in the specimens activated by microwaving and a reduction of total experiment time from 45 days in the conventional method to 48 hours in the microwave-aided method.


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Purpose: Symmetry is one of the factors that contributes to facial harmony, and in oral rehabilitation it determines the success of esthetic treatment. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to analyze the axial symmetry between the bipupillar midline and maxillary central incisors midline of 102 dental students (both genders) distributed across five Brazilian dental schools. Materials and Methods: Students with no teeth missing and who had never been subjected to any dental treatment were selected. Photographs were taken with a Dental Eye III camera with a 100-mm macro objective and ratio of 1 : 10 from natural size, recorded on an Ektachrome ASA/ISO 100 film. The images were developed and applied to Microsoft Office Power Point 2007 software. The results were analyzed by analysis of variance and Student's t-test (= 0.05). Results: There was no significant correlation between bipupillar midline and the maxillary dental midline, irrespective of gender. Conclusion: No significant coincidence was observed between the interpupillary and dental midline. However, the interpupillar distance and its relationship with other anatomic structures may be used as a reference in treatment, but measurements must be assessed individually. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE Anatomic measurements and facial proportions can be helpful during the planning of esthetic oral rehabilitation. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Reabilitação Oral - FOAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A seleção de métodos apropriados para a análise estatística pode parecer complexa, principalmente para estudantes de pós-graduação e pesquisadores no início da carreira científica. Por outro lado, a apresentação em PowerPoint é uma ferramenta comum para estudantes e pesquisadores. Assim, um tutorial de Bioestatística desenvolvido em uma apresentação em PowerPoint poderia estreitar a distância entre ortodontistas e a Bioestatística. Esse guia proporciona informações úteis e objetivas a respeito de vários métodos estatísticos empregando exemplos relacionados à Odontologia e, mais especificamente, à Ortodontia. Esse tutorial deve ser empregado, principalmente, para o usuário obter algumas respostas a questões comuns relacionadas ao teste mais apropriado para executar comparações entre grupos, examinar correlações e regressões ou analisar o erro do método. Também pode ser obtido auxílio para checar a distribuição dos dados (normal ou anormal) e a escolha do gráfico mais adequado para a apresentação dos resultados. Esse guia pode ainda ser de bastante utilidade para revisores de periódicos examinarem, de forma rápida, a adequabilidade do método estatístico apresentado em um artigo submetido à publicação.


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O presente trabalho apresenta uma avaliação técnica e econômica para a instalação de um sistema fotovoltaico conectado à rede (SFCR) para a eletrificação do Aeroporto Internacional Val-de-Cans, localizado na cidade de Belém – Pará - Brasil. Trata-se de da avaliação de implantação de um projeto piloto na Região Norte, onde estuda-se a implantação de um SFCR na cobertura do Terminal Aeroportuário, em uma área de aproximadamente 16.000 m2. A avaliação técnica foi realizada com auxílio dos dados meteorológicos e do consumo de energia elétrica referentes ao período de 2011 a 2012, da elaboração de duas opções de projeto de SFCR, sendo a primeira proposta com 191 subsistemas utilizando módulos de silício policristalinos, totalizando uma potência nominal de 2,3 MWp (nas condições padrões) e a segunda proposta com 82 subsistemas utilizando módulos de silício amorfo, totalizando uma potência nominal de 1,04 MWp (nas condições padrões). Na avaliação técnica utilizou-se também um software para simular o desempenho dos sistemas propostos durante um ano, destacando-se a avaliação de perfis de irradiância para um dia ensolarado e outro nublado. A avaliação econômica baseou-se nos projetos elaborados, sendo decisiva na escolha do sistema fotovoltaico mais indicado para a implantação, pois a proposta 1 possui um investimento inicial de R$ 14.970.089,48, estimando-se a redução da energia consumida da concessionária pelo terminal aeroportuário em no máximo 34%, referente ao mês com maior irradiação solar, e em 24% no mês com menor irradiação solar. A proposta 1 se pagará, sem o auxílio de outras fontes contribuintes, em aproximadamente 21 anos. Já a proposta 2 possui um custo de investimento inicial de R$ 10.067.826,13, reduzindo a energia consumida da concessionária pelo terminal aeroportuário em no máximo 15% no mês de maior irradiação solar, e em 11% no mês de menor irradiação solar, contudo, essa proposta não se pagará sem o auxílio de outras fontes contribuintes. Como resultado, pretende-se demonstrar o percentual de redução do consumo de energia elétrica fornecida pela concessionária, além de divulgar esta alternativa energética promissora e contribuir para a preservação do meio ambiente.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)