413 resultados para Masonry.


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One of waste produced on large scale during the well drilling is the gravel drilling. There are techniques for the treatment of the same, but there isn t consensus on what are the best in terms of economic and environmental. One alternative for disposal of this waste and objective of this paper is the incorporation and immobilization of gravel clay matrix to assess their technological properties. The Raw Materials used were characterized by the following techniques: Chemical Analysis by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), mineralogical analysis by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Grain Size Analysis (FA) and Thermal Analysis by Thermogravimetry (TG) and thermodiferential (DTA). After characterizing, samples were formulated in the following percentages: 0, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100% (weight) of gravel drilling, then the pieces were pressed, dried (110 ° C) and sintered at temperatures of 850, 950 and 1050 ° C. After sintering, samples were tested for water absorption, linear shrinkage, flexural strength, porosity, density, XRD and test color. The results concluded that the incorporation of gravel drilling is a viable possibility for solid masonry bricks and ceramic blocks manufacture at concentrations and firing temperature described here. Residue incorporation reduces an environmental problem, the cost of raw materials for manufacture of ceramic products


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The present work is to study the characteristics and technological properties of soil-cement bricks made from binary and ternary mixtures of Portland cement, sand, water, with or without addition of gravel from the drilling of oil wells, which could be used by industry, aiming to improve its performance and reduce cost by using the residue and, consequently, increasing its useful life. The soil-cement bricks are one of the alternatives to masonry construction. These elements, after a short curing period, provide compressive strength similar to that of solid bricks and ceramic blocks, and the higher the resistance the higher the amount of cement used. We used the soil from the city of São José do Mipibu / RN, the banks of the River Baldun, cement CPIIZ-32 and residue of drill cuttings from oil wells drilling onshore wells in the town of Mossley, RN, provided Petrobras. To determine the optimum mix, we studied the inclusion of different residues (100%, 80%, 70%, 60% and 50%) where 15 bodies were made of the test piece. The assessment was made of bricks made from simple compression tests, mass loss by immersion and water absorption. The experimental results proved the efficiency and high utilization of the waste from the drilling of oil wells, making the brick-cement-soil residue with a higher strength and lower water absorption. The best result in terms of mechanical strength and water absorption for the ternary mixture was 10% soil, 14% cement and 80% residue. In terms of binary mixtures, we obtained the best result for the mix-cement residue, which was 14% cement incorporated in the residue


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This dissertation presents a hybrid ceramic block the use of which reside in the buildings executed with walls. Initially, we conducted a survey on the requirements and / or norms prevailing in Brazil about structural ceramic blocks, making use of the experiences in other countries. This work seeks new materials and / or products in order to maintain or increase the compressive strength of the ceramic blocks, without neglecting the other properties. Then was collected materials (clay and crushed powder) and an approach on the characterization, through fluorescence, Mineralogy, vitrification curve and characterization of these materials used in the manufacture of the blocks by Ray Diffraction "X" and SEM. Subsequently it was made, numbered and measured dimensions of about 150 bodies of the test piece (hybrid ceramic blocks in small sizes) with varying percentages of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% substitution of crushed clay powder. After sintering of the bodies of the test piece at temperatures of 900oC, 1000oC 1100oC and with a heating rate of 5oC/minuto and level of 1 hour, the samples were submitted to the tests (compressive strength and water absorption) and calculated their retractions, which were subsequently carried out the analysis of the results according to the criteria and parameters required by Brazilian legislation and standards in force


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La presente Tesis Doctoral estudia el uso de la fracción fina de los residuos de construcción y demolición (RCD) en la fabricación de morteros de albañilería. El principal uso de los áridos reciclados de RCD es la construcción de rellenos o firmes de carreteras, aunque su uso como áridos para la fabricación de hormigones o morteros le daría un mayor valor añadido. A nivel internacional existen numerosos estudios sobre la utilización de la fracción gruesa de los áridos reciclados de RCD en la fabricación de hormigones. Sin embargo son escasos los trabajos llevados a cabo para valorizar la fracción fina. Actualmente en España la fracción fina de los áridos reciclados de RCD está infrautilizada y en la mayoría de los casos depositada sin uso en los vertederos de las Plantas de reciclaje. En este trabajo se han utilizado dos tipos de áridos reciclados, uno procedente de residuos de hormigón (FRCA) y otro de residuos mixtos de tabiquería con un alto porcentaje de ladrillo rojo cerámico (FMRA). Todos los materiales han sido caracterizados desde un punto de vista físico, químico y mineralógico para justificar el efecto de su incorporación a la fabricación de morteros industriales de albañilería. En una primera fase se estudiaron las propiedades del mortero fresco y endurecido fabricado con FRCA y cinco niveles de sustitución volumétrica de arena natural y FRCA: 0%, 5%, 10%, 20% y 40%.Se utilizó un cemento puzolánico tipo CEM-IV y se evaluaron las propiedades a corto y largo plazo de morteros de baja resistencia (M5) En una segunda fase, se utilizó un cemento tipo CEM-II y se fabricaron morteros de mayor resistencia (M-10) utilizando FRMA. En esta etapa se llevaron a cabo sustituciones de arena natural por arena reciclada de 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% y 100%. El residuo fue evaluado medioambientalmente mediante el test de conformidad antes y después de ser ligado con cemento (lixiviación). Los resultados fueron completados con estudios de durabilidad. Con el objetivo de completar los estudios anteriores, se llevó a cabo una tercera fase, donde se sustituyó hasta un 100% de arena natural por FRCA, utilizando un cemento tipo CEM-II para fabricar un mortero tipo M-10, dosificado de manera similar al empleado en la segunda fase de este trabajo. Como conclusión general de esta tesis, se puede decir que pueden admitirse tasas de sustitución de hasta un 50% de arena natural por árido reciclado en morteros industriales de albañilería para usos de interior sin que sus propiedades puedan verse afectadas significativamente. Los resultados obtenidos contribuyen a reducir la extracción de arena natural de canteras y ríos, minimizar el consumo de energía y emisiones de CO2, mitigar el calentamiento global y evitar el depósito en vertedero de la fracción fina de RCD.


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The industrial production of ornamental rocks and the burning of coffee husk generate waste that is discarded into the environment. However, with the study of the incorporation of these residues in ceramic products, may be found an alternative to reducing environmental impacts and detrimental effects on human health caused by its indiscriminate disposal of waste in nature. Thus, this work aimed to study the addition of ashes of the coffee husk and granite residue in matrix of red ceramic. The raw materials were dry milled and sieved to mesh 100. To characterize the raw materials were carried out analyzes of X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), particle size analysis (PSA), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TG). Six formulations were prepared where the clay content was kept constant (70%wt) and ashes contents and granite residue varied from 10, 15, 20 and 30%. Dilatometrics analyzes were performed at four selected formulations, containing them: 100% clay (A100); 70% clay and 30% ashes (A70C30); 70% clay and 30% granite residue (A70G30); and 70% clay, 15% granite residue and 15% ashes (A70G15C15). The samples were prepared by uniaxial compaction with pressure of 25 MPa, and fired at temperatures of 800°C, 850ºC, 900ºC, 950ºC, 1000ºC and 1100°C. Assays were performed to determine the linear shrinkage of burning (LSB), water absorption (WA), apparent porosity (AP), density (D) and tensile bending. Also were performed analyzes of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the samples fired. The formulations incorporating granite residue and/or ashes reached the required limits of water absorption according to NBR 15270-1 and NBR 15310 and tensile bending according to classical literature (SANTOS, 1989) necessary for the production of tiles and ceramic block for masonry sealing


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En el presente trabajo se investigó el uso de plástico reciclado para la fabricación de ladrillos para construcción de mampostería no portante. En primer lugar se realiza la caracterización de los residuos sólidos que se generan en la ciudad de Cuenca, donde el 22,7% del total recolectado es material plástico, que se desechan libremente sin un tratamiento previo. De la misma manera se investigan las características del plástico, Polientilen Tereftalato (PET) para descartar efectos nocivos al momento de incluirlos en la mezcla con los materiales tradicionales como son el cemento y agua, agregado fino. Se elaboraron ladrillos con dimensiones de 20x10x6cm con adición de PET al 10, 25, 40, 55, 65 y 70% en sustitución del árido fino. Luego se efectuó diversos ensayoscon la finalidad de compararlos con los ladrillos de arcilla cocida de uso común en la región y analizar el material para mampostería no portante según los lineamientos establecidos por las Normas Ecuatorianas. Una vez realizados los ensayos y analizada la información se obtuvo como resultado un ladrillo óptimo con 25% de adición de PET. El cual fue sometido a un análisis térmico mediante una simulación en el programa Desingnbuilder, obteniendo como resultado niveles de confort término de mejor calidad en viviendas.


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This study investigated the physical characteristics of lightweight concrete produced using waste materials as coarse aggregate. The study was inspired by the author’s Peace Corps service in Kilwa, Tanzania. Coconut shell, sisal fiber, and PET plastic were chosen as the test waste products due to their abundance in the area. Two mixes were produced for each waste product and the mix proportions designed for resulting compressive strengths of 3000 and 5000 psi. The proportions were selected based on guidelines for lightweight concrete from the American Concrete Institute. In preparation for mixing, coconut shells were crushed into aggregate no larger than 3/4 inch, sisal fiber was cut into pieces no longer than 3/8 inch, and PET plastic was shredded into 1/4 inch-wide strips no longer than 6 inches. Replicate samples were mixed and then cured for 28 days before they were tested for compressive strength, unit weight, and absorption. The resulting data were compared to ASTM Standards for lightweight concrete masonry units to determine their adequacy. Based on these results, there is potential for coconut shell to be used as coarse aggregate in lightweight concrete. Sisal fiber was unsuccessful in producing the appropriate compressive strength. However, the reduction in spalling of the hardened concrete and the induction of air in the mixes incorporating sisal fiber suggests that it has the potential to improve other characteristics of lightweight concrete. Concrete mixes using PET plastic as aggregate resulted in adequate compressive strengths, but were too dense to be considered ‘lightweight’ concrete. With some adjustments to slightly decrease absorption and unit weight, the PET plastic concrete mixes could be classified as medium weight concrete and, therefore, achieve many of the same benefits as would be seen with lightweight concrete.


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Résumé : Cette juxtaposition de matériaux solides -blocs, pierres ou briques,...- liés ou non entre eux que nous appelons maçonnerie ne se comporte pas très bien vis-à-vis des forces latérales, surtout si elle n’a pas été réalisée suivant les normes parasismiques ou de façon adéquate. Cette vulnérabilité (glissement, cisaillement, déchirure en flexion, ou tout autre) vient souvent du fait même de ce processus d’empilement, des problèmes d’interaction avec le reste de la structure et aussi à cause des caractéristiques mécaniques peu fiables de certains éléments utilisés. Malgré cette défaillance structurale, la maçonnerie est encore utilisée aujourd’hui grâce à son côté traditionnel, sa facilité de mise en œuvre et son coût d’utilisation peu élevé. Depuis quelques années, la maçonnerie s’est enrichie de documents qui ont été publiés par divers chercheurs dans le but d’une meilleure compréhension des caractéristiques mécaniques des éléments et aussi, et surtout, des mécanismes de rupture des murs de maçonnerie pour une meilleure réponse face aux sollicitations sismiques. Beaucoup de programmes expérimentaux ont alors été effectués et tant d’autres sont encore nécessaires. Et c’est dans ce contexte que cette recherche a été conduite. Elle présentera, entre autres, le comportement sous charges latérales d’un mur en maçonnerie armée entièrement rempli de coulis. Ce projet de recherche fait partie d’un programme plus large visant à une meilleure connaissance du comportement sismique de la maçonnerie pour une amélioration des techniques de construction et de réparation des ouvrages en maçonnerie.