1000 resultados para Manual de Referencia
Esta investigación se planteó como objetivo central desentrañar el/los modelo(s) de ciencia(s) y los modelos de praxis que subyacen en los procesos de formación de los profesionales de pedagogía de un centro de estudios de nivel superior a fin de dar cuenta de los modelos profesionales vigentes y establecer eventuales relaciones entre estos modelos teóricos y los modelos prácticos, mediante una metodología de carácter cualitativo-interpretativa. Los resultados evidenciaron una relativa convivencia entre los modelos profesionales de referencia cognitivo y constructivista, avalada en un cambio paradigmático que se desplaza desde el positivismo al interpretativo.
The rules and regualtions for owning and operating a motorcycle in Iowa
El Projecte MODEVAL respon a la necessitat detectada en matèria d'avaluació de competències bàsiques de les persones, i tracta de definir quins són els nivells bàsics d'habilitats que garanteixen unes condicions individuals favorables per al desenvolupament de la persona, la ciutadania activa, i la integració social, cultural i professional dels individus. Mentre el projecte MODEVAL 1 tenia com a objectiu realitzar un marc de referència metodològic a nivell europeu per a dur a terme l'avaluació de competències; el projecte MODEVAL 2, és a dir, el present treball, té com a objectiu la creació de mòduls de formació per als diferents interessats (és a dir, formadors d'alfabetització i de formació bàsica, investigadors, coordinadors de centres de formació, els responsables polítics, estadístics, persones que realitzaran enquestes a gran escala sobre el coneixement de base, etc.) per tal d'aplicar les recomanacions del projecte i crear les seves pròpies eines d'avaluació.
The purpose of the Iowa EHDI Best Practices Manual is to advance the development of a comprehensive statewide early hearing detection and intervention (EHDI) system in Iowa. This manual will assist hospitals, birth centers, Area Education Agencies (AEAs), health care providers and private practice audiologists in developing programs and written protocols for newborn hearing screening, follow up and intervention. The manual is based upon best practices within early hearing detection and intervention programs and Iowa EHDI law and rules.
The varying title of this manual is : Coordinated Transportation Analysis and Management System. It gives instructions on how to use GeoMedia in order to integrate data from multiple sources and formats into one environment, perform sophisticated queries and spatial analyses, and quickly produce complex maps.
Stream degradation is the action of deepening the stream bed and widening the banks due to the increasing velocity of water flow. Degradation is pervasive in channeled streams found within the deep to moderately deep loess regions of the central United States. Of all the streams, however, the most severe and widespread entrenchment occurs in western Iowa streams that are tributaries to the Missouri River. In September 1995 the Iowa Department of Transportation awarded a grant to Golden Hills Resource Conservation and Development, Inc. The purpose of the grant, HR-385 "Stream Stabilization in Western Iowa: Structure Evaluation and Design Manual", was to provide an assessment of the effectiveness and costs of various stabilization structures in controlling erosion on channeled streams. A review of literature, a survey of professionals, field observations and an analysis of the data recorded on fifty-two selected structures led to the conclusions presented in the project's publication, Design Manual, Streambed Degradation and Streambank Widening in Western Iowa. Technical standards and specifications for the design and construction of stream channel stabilization structures are included in the manual. Additional information on non-structural measures, monitoring and evaluation of structures, various permit requirements and further resources are also included. Findings of the research project and use and applications of the Design Manual were presented at two workshops in the Loess Hills region. Participants in these workshops included county engineers, private contractors, state and federal agency personnel, elected officials and others. The Design Manual continues to be available through Golden Hills Resource Conservation and Development.
The authors have post-tensioned and monitored two Iowa bridges and have field tested the post-tensioning of a composite bridge in Florida. In order to provide the practical post-tensioning distribution factors given in this manual, the authors developed a finite element model of a composite bridge and checked the model against a one-half scale laboratory bridge and two actual composite bridges, one of which had a 45 deg skew. Following a brief discussion of this background research, this manual explains the use of elastic, composite beam and bridge section properties, the distribution fractions for symmetrically post-tensioned exterior beams, and a method for computing the strength of a post-tensioned beam. Also included is a design example for a typical, 51.25-ft (15.62-m) span, four-beam composite bridge. Moments for Iowa Department of Transportation rating trucks, H 20 and HS 20 trucks, have been tabulated for design convenience and are included in the appendix.
This report contains an evaluation and design manual for strengthening and replacing low volume steel stringer and timber stringer bridges. An advisory panel consisting of county and municipal engineers provided direction for the development of the manual. NBI bridge data, along with results from questionnaires sent to county and municipal engineers were used to formulate the manual. Types of structures shown to have the greatest need for cost-effective strengthening methods are steel stringer and timber stringer bridges. Procedures for strengthening these two types of structures have been developed. Various types of replacement bridges have also been included so that the most cost effective solution for a deficient bridge may be obtained. The key results of this study is an extensive compilation, which can be used by county engineers, of the most effective techniques for strengthening deficient existing bridges. The replacement bridge types included have been used in numerous low volume applications in surrounding states, as well as in Iowa. An economic analysis for determining the cost-effectiveness of the various strengthening methods and replacement bridges is also an important part of the manual. Microcomputer spreadsheet software for several of the strengthening methods, types of replacement bridges and for the economic analysis has been developed, documented and presented in the manual. So the manual, Chp. 3 of the final report, can be easily located, blue divider pages have been inserted to delineate the manual from the rest of the report.
The purpose of this manual is to organize, document, and combine Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) policies and procedures for bridge inspection practices and post-inspection recommendations so Iowa DOT personnel, local agencies, and consultants will have a readily available resource for their use. Previously, bridge inspection policies and procedures were documented by various means, making it difficult to provide consistent answers to questions regarding bridge inspection topics. This manual is intended to ensure uniformity and document best practices for inspection of Iowa’s bridges, especially as experienced inspection personnel retire.
The purpose of this manual is to document the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) policy and procedures for load rating and posting of structures within the State of Iowa. This manual is intended to ensure that every bridge is rated as to its safe load carrying capacity. This manual presents guidelines and procedures for rating bridges and outlines the documentation required
The Bridge Maintenance Manual is published solely to provide information and guidance to bridge maintenance personnel when repairing bridges in the state of Iowa. This manual is issued to secure, so far as possible, uniformity of practice and procedure in methods developed by experience. Budgetary limitations, volumes and types of traffic, local conditions and other factors may render complete compliance with the guidelines set forth, in this manual, impossible or impractical. This manual is not purported to be a complete guide in all areas of bridge maintenance and is not a substitute for engineering judgment.
Provides instructions for using the computer program which was developed under the research project, "The Economics of Reducing the County Road System: Three Case Studies In Iowa". This program operates on an IBP personal computer with 300K storage. A fixed disk is required with at least 3 megabytes of storage. The computer must be equipped with DOS version 3.0; the programs are written in Fortran. The user's manual describes all data requirements including network preparation, trip information, cost for maintenance, reconstruction, etc. Program operation instructions are presented, as well as sample solution output and a listing of the computer programs.
The need for upgrading a large number of understrength bridges in the United States has been well documented in the literature. This manual presents two methods for strengthening continuous-span composite bridges: post-tensioning of the positive moment regions of the bridge stringers and the addition of superimposed trusses at the piers. The use of these two systems is an efficient method of reducing flexural overstresses in undercapacity bridges. Before strengthening a given bridge however, other deficiencies (inadequate shear connection, fatigue problems, extensive corrosion) should be addressed. Since continuous-span composite bridges are indeterminant structures, there is longitudinal and transverse distribution of the strengthening axial forces and moments. This manual basically provides the engineer with a procedure for determining the distribution of strengthening forces and moments throughout the bridge. As a result of the longitudinal and transverse force distribution, the design methodology presented in this manual for continuous-span composite bridges is extremely complex. To simplify the procedure, a spreadsheet has been developed for use by practicing engineers. This design aid greatly simplifies the design of a strengthening system for a given bridge in that it eliminates numerous tedious hand calculations, computes the required force and moment fractions, and performs the necessary iterations for determining the required strengthening forces. The force and moment distribution fraction formulas developed in this manual are primarily for the Iowa DOT V12 and V14 three-span four-stringer bridges. These formulas may be used on other bridges if they are within the limits stated in this manual. Use of the distribution fraction formulas for bridges not within the stated limits is not recommended.
Les investigacions que tracten d'una manera sistematica l'estudi deis llibres de text de matematiques antics són escasses. Hi ha un projecte internacional ambiciós sobre I'analisi comparativa deis manual s més significatius deis diferents pa'isos europeus deis segles XVIII i XIX. Si ens cenyim a l'Estat espanyol, s'estan realitzant investigacions sobre els programes i textos matematics corresponents a l'ensenyament secundari del segle XIX. Tot i així, manquen estudis que facin referencia a I'ensenyament primari i a I'ensenyament professional, i ens trobem que on hi ha més mancana és en la labor de base, és a dir, en la recopilació completa i l'analisi deis textos. Aquesta labor es troba aturada per la dificultat de poder accedir a aquest material.