729 resultados para Manifest Anxiety
INTRODUCTION: There is substantial evidence regarding the impact of negative life events during childhood on the aetiology of psychiatric disorders. We examined the association between negative early life events and social anxiety in a sample of 571 Spanish University students. METHODS: In a cross-sectional survey conducted in 2007, we collected data through a semistructured questionnaire of sociodemographic variables, personal and family psychiatric history, and substance abuse. We assessed the five early negative life events: (i) the loss of someone close, (ii) emotional abuse, (iii) physical abuse, (iv) family violence, and (v) sexual abuse. All participants completed the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale. RESULTS: Mean (SD) age was 21 (4.5), 75% female, LSAS score was 40 (DP = 22), 14.2% had a psychiatric family history and 50.6% had negative life events during childhood. Linear regression analyses, after controlling for age, gender, and family psychiatric history, showed a positive association between family violence and social score (p = 0.03). None of the remaining stressors produced a significant increase in LSAS score (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: University students with high levels of social anxiety presented higher prevalence of negative early life events. Thus, childhood family violence could be a risk factor for social anxiety in such a population.
Anxiety is an important component of the psychopathology of the obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). So far, most interventions that have proven to be effective for treating OCD are similar to those developed for other anxiety disorders. However, neurobiological studies of OCD came to conclusions that are not always compatible with those previously associated with other anxiety disorders. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to review the degree of overlap between OCD and other anxiety disorders phenomenology and pathophysiology to support the rationale that guides research in this field. RESULTS: Clues about the neurocircuits involved in the manifestation of anxiety disorders have been obtained through the study of animal anxiety models, and structural and functional neuroimaging in humans. These investigations suggest that in OCD, in addition to dysfunction in cortico-striatal pathways, the functioning of an alternative neurocircuitry, which involves amygdalo-cortical interactions and participates in fear conditioning and extinction processes, may be impaired. CONCLUSION: It is likely that anxiety is a relevant dimension of OCD that impacts on other features of this disorder. Therefore, future studies may benefit from the investigation of the expression of fear and anxiety by OCD patients according to their type of obsessions and compulsions, age of OCD onset, comorbidities, and patterns of treatment response.
The HAM/TSP caused by HTLV-1 infection usually affects patients to disabling states, and sometimes can lead them to paraplegia presenting symptoms of depression and anxiety, impacting on quality of life. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the frequency of depression and anxiety and its impact on quality of life in HTLV-1-infected TSP/HAM patients. Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study including 67 asymptomatic (control group) and 63 with TSP/HAM subjects. The instruments used were a demographic questionnaire, scales for anxiety and depression diagnosis (BDI and BAI), questionnaire for the assessment of Quality of Life of the World Health Organization (WHOQOL-Brief) and neurological scale to measure the disability level (Osame’s Disability Status Scale). All patients had HTLV-I diagnosis by serological and molecular approaches, monitored at Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas from May 2008 to July 2009. Data were analyzed statistically by frequencies, the Mann-Whitney test and the Spearman correlation test. Data among groups were analyzed and correlated with functional and severity aspects. Results: The results showed that patients with HAM/TSP compared to asymptomatic carriers had higher rates of depression (p < 0.001) and anxiety (p < 0.001), and impairment on quality of life in the areas of: dissatisfaction with health (p < 0.001), physical (p < 0.001) and the environment (p = 0.003). The main factors that correlated with levels of depression and anxiety and the domains of the WHOQOL-brief were: education, family income and social class. Conclusion: A well conducted evaluation and counseling may help in treatment, for a better quality of life of these patients.
Previous results show that elevated T-maze (ETM) avoidance responses are facilitated by acute restraint. Escape, on the other hand, was unaltered. To examine if the magnitude of the stressor is an important factor influencing these results, we investigated the effects of unpredictable chronic mild stress (UCMS) on ETM avoidance and escape measurements. Analysis of Fos protein immunoreactivity (Fos-ir) was used to map areas activated by stress exposure in response to ETM avoidance and escape performance. Additionally, the effects of the UCMS protocol on the number of cells expressing the marker of migrating neuroblasts doublecortin (DCX) in the hippocampus were investigated. Corticosterone serum levels were also measured. Results showed that UCMS facilitates ETM avoidance, not altering escape. In unstressed animals, avoidance performance increases Fos-ir in the cingulate cortex, hippocampus (dentate gyrus) and basomedial amygdala, and escape increases Fos-ir in the dorsolateral periaqueductal gray and locus ceruleus. In stressed animals submitted to ETM avoidance, increases in Fos-ir were observed in the cingulate cortex, ventrolateral septum, hippocampus, hypothalamus, amygdala, dorsal and median raphe nuclei. In stressed animals submitted to ETM escape, increases in Fos-ir were observed in the cingulate cortex, periaqueductal gray and locus ceruleus. Also, UCMS exposure decreased the number of DCX-positive cells in the dorsal and ventral hippocampus and increased corticosterone serum levels. These data suggest that the anxiogenic effects of UCMS are related to the activation of specific neurobiological circuits that modulate anxiety and confirm that this stress protocol activates the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and decreases hippocampal adult neurogenesis.
Adolescence has been linked to greater risk-taking and novelty-seeking behavior and a higher prevalence of drug abuse and risk of relapse. Decreases in cyclic adenosine monophosphate response element binding protein (CREB) and phosphorylated CREB (pCREB) have been reported after repeated cocaine administration in animal models. We compared the behavioral effects of cocaine and abstinence in adolescent and adult mice and investigated possible age-related differences in CREB and pCREB levels. Adolescent and adult male Swiss mice received one daily injection of saline or cocaine (10 mg/kg, i.p.) for 8 days. On day 9, the mice received a saline injection to evaluate possible environmental conditioning. After 9 days of withdrawal, the mice were tested in the elevated plus maze to evaluate anxiety-like behavior. Twelve days after the last saline/cocaine injection, the mice received a challenge injection of either cocaine or saline, and locomotor activity was assessed. One hour after the last injection, the brains were extracted, and CREB and pCREB levels were evaluated using Western blot in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and hippocampus. The cocaine-pretreated mice during adolescence exhibited a greater magnitude of the expression of behavioral sensitization and greater cocaine withdrawal-induced anxiety-like behavior compared with the control group. Significant increases in CREB levels in the PFC and hippocampus and pCREB in the hippocampus were observed in cocaine-abstinent animals compared with the animals treated with cocaine in adulthood. Interestingly, significant negative correlations were observed between cocaine sensitization and CREB levels in both regions. These results suggest that the behavioral and neurochemical consequences of psychoactive substances in a still-developing nervous system can be more severe than in an already mature nervous system
Cancer är en av de sjukdomar som ökar mest för tillfället. En av orsakerna till ökningen är att medellivslängden blivit högre. Den ökade medellivslängden är något positivt i sig, men det innebär också att sjukdomen hinner drabba fler människor. Cancer är en sjukdom som påverkar många personer direkt eller indirekt och det är inte bara de som har cancer som är sjuka, utan hela familjen blir sjuk. Syftet med denna fallstudie var att belysa en persons upplevelse av att vara närstående till en svårt sjuk familjemedlem. Metoden som användes var manifest innehållsanalys av en skönlitterär självbiografisk bok, skriven av Conny Palmqvist med titeln ”Hejdå, allihopa!”. Analysen resulterade i fyra kategorier; maktlöshet, relationer, kärlek och sorg. Det är svårt att stå bredvid och se på när en familjemedlem sakta tynar bort och att inte kunna göra något för att förhindra detta. Att som patient känna kärlek och närhet är en förutsättning för att kunna känna hopp och orka kämpa. Efter att ha analyserat boken har vi fått en ökad förståelse för den närståendes upplevelse vid palliativ vård. Att kunna bemöta och ge god omvårdnad till patienter och närstående anser vi är en förutsättning vid arbete inom vård.
In dieser Arbeit wurde die elektromagnetische Pionproduktion unter der Annahme der Isospinsymmetrie der starken Wechselwirkung im Rahmen der manifest Lorentz-invarianten chiralen Störungstheorie in einer Einschleifenrechnung bis zur Ordnung vier untersucht. Dazu wurden auf der Grundlage des Mathematica-Pakets FeynCalc Algorithmen zur Berechnung der Pionproduktionsamplitude entwickelt. Bis einschließlich der Ordnung vier tragen insgesamt 105 Feynmandiagramme bei, die sich in 20 Baumdiagramme und 85 Schleifendiagramme unterteilen lassen. Von den 20 Baumdiagrammen wiederum sind 16 als Polterme und vier als Kontaktgraphen zu klassifizieren; bei den Schleifendiagrammen tragen 50 Diagramme ab der dritten Ordnung und 35 Diagramme ab der vierten Ordnung bei. In der Einphotonaustauschnäherung lässt sich die Pionproduktionsamplitude als ein Produkt des Polarisationsvektors des (virtuellen) Photons und des Übergangsstrommatrixelements parametrisieren, wobei letzteres alle Abhängigkeiten der starken Wechselwirkung beinhaltet und wo somit die chirale Störungstheorie ihren Eingang findet. Der Polarisationsvektor hingegen hängt von dem leptonischen Vertex und dem Photonpropagator ab und ist aus der QED bekannt. Weiterhin lässt sich das Übergangsstrommatrixelement in sechs eichinvariante Amplituden zerlegen, die sich im Rahmen der Isospinsymmetrie jeweils wiederum in drei Isospinamplituden zerlegen lassen. Linearkombinationen dieser Isospinamplituden erlauben letztlich die Beschreibung der physikalischen Amplituden. Die in dieser Rechnung auftretenden Einschleifenintegrale wurden numerisch mittels des Programms LoopTools berechnet. Im Fall tensorieller Integrale erfolgte zunächst eine Zerlegung gemäß der Methode von Passarino und Veltman. Da die somit erhaltenen Ergebnisse jedoch i.a. noch nicht das chirale Zählschema erfüllen, wurde die entsprechende Renormierung mittels der reformulierten Infrarotregularisierung vorgenommen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein Verfahren entwickelt, welches die Abzugsterme automatisiert bestimmt. Die schließlich erhaltenen Isospinamplituden wurden in das Programm MAID eingebaut. In diesem Programm wurden als Test (Ergebnisse bis Ordnung drei) die s-Wellenmultipole E_{0+} und L_{0+} in der Schwellenregion berechnet. Die Ergebnisse wurden sowohl mit Messdaten als auch mit den Resultaten des "klassischen" MAID verglichen, wobei sich i. a. gute Übereinstimmungen im Rahmen der Fehler ergaben.
Clinically, it is well known that neuropathic pain often induces comorbid symptoms such as anxiety. In turn, also anxiety has been associated with a heightened experience of pain. Although, the link between pain and anxiety is well recognized in humans, the neurobiological basis of this relationship remains unclear. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to investigate the influence of neuropathic pain on anxiety and vice versa in rats by assessing not only pain-related behaviour but also by discovering possible key substrates which are responsible for the interrelation of pain and anxiety.rnIn rats with a chronic constriction of the sciatic nerve (CCI model) anxiety-like behaviour was observed. Since anxiety behaviour could be completely abolished after the treatment of the pure analgesic drugs gabapentin and morphine, we concluded that anxiety was caused by the strong persistent pain. Furthermore, we found that the neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin were upregulated in the amygdala of CCI rats, and the intra-amygdala treatment of an oxytocin antagonist but not the vasopressin antagonist could reduce anxiety-like behaviour in these animals, while no effect on mechanical hypersensitivity was observed. These data indicate that oxytocin is implicated in the underlying neuronal processes of pain-induced anxiety and helps to elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms of neuropathic pain. rnTo assess the influence of trait anxiety on pain sensation in rats, we determined mechanical hypersensitivity after sciatic nerve lesion (CCI) in animals selectively bred for high anxiety or low anxiety behaviour. The paw withdrawal thresholds were significantly decreased in high anxiety animals in comparison to low anxiety animals 2 and 3 weeks after surgery. In a second model state anxiety was induced by the sub-chronic injection of the anxiogenic drug pentylentetrazol in naive rats. Pain response to mechanical stimuli was increased after pharmacologically-induced anxiety. These results provided evidence for the influence of both trait and state anxiety on pain sensation. rnThe studies contribute to the elucidation of the relationship between pain and anxiety. We investigated that the neuropathic pain model displays sensory as well as emotional factors of peripheral neuropathy. Changes in expression levels of neuropeptides in the central nervous system due to neuropathic pain may contribute to the pathophysiology of neuropathic pain and its related symptoms in animals which might also be relevant for human scenarios. The results of the current study also confirm that anxiety plays an important role in the perception of pain. rnA better understanding of pain behaviour in animals might improve the preclinical profiling of analgesic drugs during development. The study highlights the potential use of the rat model as a new preclinical tool to further investigate the link between pain and anxiety by determining not only the sensory reflexes after painful stimuli but also the more complex pain-related behaviour such as anxiety.rn
The aim of the dissertation was to test the feasibility of a new psychotherapeutic protocol for treating children and adolescents with mood and anxiety disorders: Child-Well-Being Therapy (CWBT). It originates from adult Well-Being Therapy protocol (WBT) and represents a conceptual innovation for treating affective disorders. WBT is based on the multidimensional model of well-being postulated by Ryff (eudaimonic perspective), in sequential combination with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Results showed that eudaimonic well-being was impaired in children with affective disorders in comparison with matched healthy students. A first open investigation aimed at exploring the feasibility of a 8-session CWBT protocol in a group of children with emotional and behavioural disorders has been implemented. Data showed how CWBT resulted associated to symptoms reduction, together with the decrease of externalizing problems, maintained at 1-year follow-up. CWBT triggered also an improvement in psychological well-being as well as an increasing flourishing trajectory over time. Subsequently, a modified and extended version of CWBT (12-sessions) has been developed and then tested in a controlled study with 34 patients (8 to 16 years) affected by mood and anxiety disorders. They were consecutively randomized into 3 different groups: CWBT, CBT, 6-month waiting list (WL). Both treatments resulted effective in decreasing distress and in improving well-being. Moreover, CWBT was associated with higher improvement in anxiety and showed a greater recovery rate (83%) than CBT (54%). Both groups maintained beneficial effects and CWBT group displayed a lower level of distress as well as a higher positive trend in well-being scores over time. Findings need to be interpret with caution, because of study limitations, however important clinical implications emerged. Further investigations should determine whether the sequential integration of well-being and symptom-oriented strategies could play an important role in children and adolescents’ psychotherapeutic options, fostering a successful adaptation to adversities during the growth process.
Pochi studi hanno indagato il profilo dei sintomi non-motori nella malattia di Parkinson associata al gene glucocerebrosidasi (GBA). Questo studio è mirato alla caratterizzazione dei sintomi non-motori, con particolare attenzione alla valutazione delle funzioni neurovegetativa, cognitiva e comportamentale, nel parkinsonismo associato a mutazione del gene GBA con la finalità di verificare se tali sintomi non-motori siano parte dello spettro clinico di questi pazienti. E’ stato condotto su una coorte di pazienti affetti da malattia di Parkinson che erano stati tutti sottoposti ad una analisi genetica per la ricerca di mutazioni in uno dei geni finora associati alla malattia di Parkinson. All’interno di questa coorte omogenea sono stati identificati due gruppi diversi in relazione al genotipo (pazienti portatori della mutazione GBA e pazienti non portatori di nessuna mutazione) e le caratteristiche non-motorie sono state confrontate nei due gruppi. Sono state pertanto indagati il sistema nervoso autonomo, mediante studio dei riflessi cardiovascolari e analisi dei sintomi disautonomici, e le funzioni cognitivo-comportamentali in pazienti affetti da malattia di Parkinson associata a mutazione del gene GBA. I risultati sono stati messi a confronto con il gruppo di controllo. Lo studio ha mostrato che i pazienti affetti da malattia di Parkinson associata a mutazione del gene GBA presentavano maggiore frequenza di disfunzioni ortosimpatiche, depressione, ansia, apatia, impulsività, oltre che di disturbi del controllo degli impulsi rispetto ai pazienti non portatori. In conclusione, i pazienti GBA positivi possono esprimere una sintomatologia non-motoria multidominio con sintomi autonomici, cognitivi e comportamentali in primo piano. Pertanto l’impostazione terapeutica in questi pazienti dovrebbe includere una accurata valutazione dei sintomi non-motori e un loro monitoraggio nel follow up clinico, allo scopo di ottimizzare i risultati e ridurre i rischi di complicazioni.
The association between extra-curricular sport participation and social anxiety symptoms in children
Social anxiety is a common psychological complaint that can have a significant and long-term negative impact on a child’s social and cognitive development. In the current study, the relationship between sport participation and social anxiety symptoms was investigated. Swiss primary school children (N = 201), parents, and teachers provided information about the children’s social anxiety symptoms, classroom behavior, and sport involvement. Gender differences were observed on social anxiety scores, where girls tended to report higher social anxiety symptoms, as well as on sport activity, where boys engaged in more sport involvement. MANCOVAs with gender as covariant showed no differences in social anxiety symptoms between children involved in an extracurricular sport and those not engaged in sport participation. Nevertheless, children engaged in team sports displayed fewer physical social anxiety symptoms than children involved in individual sports.