895 resultados para Major depessive disorder
Objective: The objective is to evaluate the prevalence and associated clinical characteristics of eating disorders (ED) in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Method: This is a cross-sectional study comparing 815 patients with OCD. Participants were assessed with structured interviews and scales: SCID-I, Y-BOCS, Dimensional Y-BOCS, BABS, Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories. Results: Ninety-two patients (11.3%) presented the following EDs: binge-eating disorders [= 59 (7.2%)], bulimia nervosa [= 16 (2.0%)], or anorexia nervosa [= 17 (2.1%)]. Compared to OCD patients without ED (OCD-Non-ED), OCD-ED patients were more likely to be women with previous psychiatric treatment. Mean total scores in Y-BOCS, Dimensional Y-BOCS, and BABS were similar within groups. However, OCD-ED patients showed higher lifetime prevalence of comorbid conditions, higher anxiety and depression scores, and higher frequency of suicide attempts than did the OCD-Non-ED group. Primarily diagnosed OCD patients with comorbid ED may be associated with higher clinical severity. Discussion: Future longitudinal studies should investigate dimensional correlations between OCD and ED. (C) 2009 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are generally thought to have impaired attentional and executive function upon which all their cognitive and behaviour functions are based. Mental Rotation is a recognized visuo-spatial task, involving spatial working memory, known to involve activation in the fronto-parietal networks. To elucidate the functioning of fronto-parietal networks in ASD, the aim of this study was to use fMRI techniques with a mental rotation task, to characterize the underlying functional neural system. Sixteen male participants (seven highfunctioning autism or Asperger's syndrome; nine ageand performance IQ-matched controls) underwent fMRI. Participants were presented with 18 baseline and 18 rotation trials, with stimuli rotated 3- dimensionaUy (45°-180°). Data were acquired on a 3- Tesla scanner. The most widely accepted area reported to be involved in processing of visuo-spatial information. Posterior Parietal Cortex, was found to be activated in both groups, however, the ASD group showed decreased activation in cortical and subcortical frontal structures that are highly interconnected, including lateral and medial Brodmann area 6, frontal eye fields, caudate, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate. The suggested connectivity between these regions indicates that one or more circuits are impaired as a result of the disorder. In future it is hoped that we are able to identify the possible point of origin of this dysfunction, or indeed if the entire network is dysfunctional.
Objective: To evaluate the prevalence and clinical associated factors of alcohol use disorders (AUD) comorbidity in a large clinical sample of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Methods: A cross-sectional study including 630 DSM-IV OCD patients from seven Brazilian university services, comparing patients with and without AUD comorbidity. The instruments of assessment used were a demographic and clinical questionnaire including evaluation of suicidal thoughts and acts and psychiatric treatment, the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I disorders (SCID-I), the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, the Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, the Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale, the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories and the Clinical Global Impression Scale. Current or past alcohol and other psychoactive substances use, abuse and dependence were assessed using the SCID-I (section E) and corroborated by medical and familial history questionnaires. Results: Forty-seven patients (7.5%) presented AUD comorbidity. Compared to OCD patients without this comorbidity they were more likely to be men, to have received previous psychiatric treatment, to present: lifetime suicidal thoughts and attempts and to have higher scores in the hoarding dimension. They also presented higher comorbidity with generalized anxiety and somatization disorders, and compulsive sexual behavior. Substance use was related to the appearance of the first O.C. symptoms and symptom amelioration. Conclusions: Although uncommon among OCD treatment seeking samples, AUD comorbidity has specific clinical features, such as increased risk for suicidality, which deserve special attention from mental health professionals. Future studies focused on the development of specific interventions for these patients are warranted. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
A 50-year-old woman presented with pancreatitis, fluctuant jaundice, weight loss, and abdominal pain. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography and abdominal ultrasound showed slight dilatation of the biliary tree and gallbladder without calculi. Endoscopy demonstrated a tumor protruding from the papilla of Vater. First endoscopically biopsy diagnosed no tumor, and a second biopsy diagnosed as papillary adenocarcinoma. The patient underwent duodenopancreatectomy. The specimen was fixed in formalin (10%). The tissue was processed routinely, and paraffin sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and periodic acid Schiff. Gross examination showed two tumors seen as prolapsed nodules growing isolated from the minor and major duodenal papillae measuring 1.5 and 1.0 cm, respectively, both covered by duodenal mucosa and the histologic study of both lesions demonstrated a moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, which invaded duodenal wall. After surgery, she is alive 24 months without evidence of recurrence.
This paper examines upper-body movement kinematics in individuals with high-functioning autism (HFA) and Asperger's disorder (AD). In general, the results indicate that HFA is more consistently associated with impaired motoric preparation/initiation than AD. The data further suggest that this quantitative difference in motor impairment is not necessarily underpinned by greater executive dysfunction vulnerability in autism relative to AD. Quantitative motoric dissociation between autism and AD may have down-stream effects on later stages of movement resulting in qualitative differences between these disorder groups, e.g. motor clumsiness in AD versus abnormal posturing in autism. It will be important for future research to map the developmental trajectory of motor abnormalities in these disorder groups.
Background: The potential involvement of SRY in abnormal gonadal development in 45,X/46,X,der(Y) patients was proposed following the identification of SRY mutations in a few patients with Turner syndrome (TS). However, its exact etiological role in gonadal dysgenesis in patients with Y chromosome mosaicisms has not yet been clarified. Aims: It was the aim of this study to screen for allelic variation in SRY in a large cohort of patients with disorders of sex development due to chromosomal abnormalities with 45, X/46, X, der(Y) karyotype. Patients: Twenty-seven patients, 14 with TS and 13 with mixed gonadal dysgenesis (MGD), harboring 45, X/46, X, der(Y) karyotypes were selected. Methods: Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes of all patients and from gonadal tissue in 4 cases. The SRY coding region was PCR amplified and sequenced. Results: We identified only 1 polymorphism (c.561C -> T) in a 45,X/46,XY MGD patient, which was detected in blood and in gonadal tissue. Conclusion: Our results indicate that mutations in SRY are rare findings in patients with Y chromosome mosaicisms. Therefore, a significant role of mutated SRY in the etiology of gonadal dysgenesis in patients harboring 45, X/46, XY karyotype and variants seems very unlikely. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
In the present study, the authors sought to determine whether the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT) for panic disorder could be improved by adjunctive computer-assisted therapy. Eighteen participants who met Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd ed., revised; American Psychiatric Association, 1987) criteria for panic disorder were randomly assigned to a 12-session CBT (CBT12) condition (D. H. Barlow & M. G. Craske, 1989) or to a 4-session computer-assisted CBT (CBT4-CA) condition. Palmtop computers, with a program developed to incorporate basic principles of CBT, were used by CBT4-CA clients whenever they felt anxious or wanted to practice the therapy techniques and were used by all participants as a momentary assessment tool. CBT4-CA clients carried the computer at all times and continued to use it for 8 weeks after termination of therapy. Analyses of clinically significant change showed superiority of CBT12 at posttest on some measures; however, there were no differences at follow-up.
The class II major histocompatibility complex molecule I-A(g7) is strongly linked to the development of spontaneous insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in non obese diabetic mice and to the induction of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in Biozzi AB/H mice. Structurally, it resembles the HLA-DQ molecules associated with human IDDM, in having a non-Asp residue at position 57 in its beta chain. To identify the requirements for peptide binding to I-A(g7) and thereby potentially pathogenic T cell epitopes, we analyzed a known I-A(g7)-restricted T cell epitope, hen egg white lysozyme (HEL) amino acids 9-27. NH2- and COOH-terminal truncations demonstrated that the minimal epitope for activation of the T cell hybridoma 2D12.1 was M12-R21 and the minimum sequence for direct binding to purified I-A(g7) M12-Y20/K13-R21. Alanine (A) scanning revealed two primary anchors for binding at relative positions (p) 6 (L) and 9 (Y) in the HEL epitope. The critical role of both anchors was demonstrated by incorporating L and Y in poly(A) backbones at the same relative positions as in the HEL epitope. Well-tolerated, weakly tolerated, and nontolerated residues were identified by analyzing the binding of peptides containing multiple substitutions at individual positions. Optimally, p6 was a large, hydrophobic residue (L, I, V, M), whereas p9 was aromatic and hydrophobic (Y or F) or positively charged (K, R). Specific residues were not tolerated at these and some other positions. A motif for binding to I-A(g7) deduced from analysis of the model HEL epitope was present in 27/30 (90%) of peptides reported to be I-A(g7)-restricted T cell epitopes or eluted from I-A(g7). Scanning a set of overlapping peptides encompassing human proinsulin revealed the motif in 6/6 good binders (sensitivity = 100%) and 4/13 weak or non-binders (specificity = 70%). This motif should facilitate identification of autoantigenic epitopes relevant to the pathogenesis and immunotherapy of IDDM.
Speech disorder in monolingual Cantonese- or English-speaking children has been well described in the literature. There appear to be no reports, however, that describe speech-disordered children who have been exposed to both languages. Here we report on the error patterns of two preschool speech-disordered children who were learning two languages. Both children's first language was Cantonese, but they were also exposed to English through the media and child care. Their disorders were of unknown aetiology. The following questions were asked of the data: (a) Do bilingual children, suspected of having speech problems, make errors in Cantonese and English that reflect delay or disorder when compared with normative data on monolingual speech development in each language? (b) How does the children's speech differ from other bilingual children from the same language learning background? (c) Are the children's speech difficulties apparent in both languages? (d) Is the pattern of errors the same in both languages or do language-specific processes operate? The results bear on theories of acquisition, disorder and bilingualism; they also have clinical implications for speech-language pathologists whose caseloads include bilingual preschool children.
It has been claimed that the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be ameliorated by eye-movement desensitization-reprocessing therapy (EMD-R), a procedure that involves the individual making saccadic eye-movements while imagining the traumatic event. We hypothesized that these eye-movements reduce the vividness of distressing images by disrupting the function of the visuospatial sketchpad (VSSP) of working memory, and that by doing so they reduce the intensity of the emotion associated with the image. This hypothesis was tested by asking non-PTSD participants to form images of neutral and negative pictures under dual task conditions. Their images were less vivid with concurrent eye-movements and with a concurrent spatial tapping task that did not involve eye-movements. In the first three experiments, these secondary tasks did not consistently affect participants' emotional responses to the images. However, Expt 4 used personal recollections as stimuli for the imagery task, and demonstrated a significant reduction in emotional response under the same dual task conditions. These results suggest that, if EMD-R works, it does so by reducing the vividness and emotiveness of traumatic images via the VSSP of working memory. Other visuospatial tasks may also be of therapeutic value.
Objective The objective of the study was to investigate whether depression is a predictor of postdischarge smoking relapse among patients hospitalized for myocardial infarction (MI) or unstable angina (ILIA), in a smoke-free hospital. Methods Current smokers with MI or UA were interviewed while hospitalized; patients classified with major depression (MD) or no humor disorder were reinterviewed 6 months post discharge to ascertain smoking status. Potential predictors of relapse (depression; stress; anxiety; heart disease risk perception; coffee and alcohol consumption; sociodemographic, clinical, and smoking habit characteristics) were compared between those with MD (n = 268) and no humor disorder (n = 135). Results Relapsers (40.4%) were more frequently and more severely depressed, had higher anxiety and lower self-efficacy scale scores, diagnosis of UA, shorter hospitalizations, started smoking younger, made fewer attempts to quit, had a consort less often, and were more frequently at the `precontemplation` stage of change. Multivariate analysis showed relapse-positive predictors to be MD [odds ratio (OR): 2.549; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.519-4.275] (P<0.001); `precontemplation` stage of change (OR: 7.798; 95% CI: 2.442-24.898) (P<0.001); previous coronary bypass graft surgery (OR: 4.062; 95% CI: 1.356-12.169) (P=0.012); and previous anxiolytic use (OR: 2.365; 95% CI: 1.095-5.107) (P=0.028). Negative predictors were diagnosis of MI (OR: 0.575; 95% CI: 0.361-0.916) (P=0.019); duration of hospitalization (OR: 0.935; 95% CI: 0.898-0.973) (P=0.001); smoking onset age (OR: 0.952; 95% CI: 0.910-0.994) (P=0.028); number of attempts to quit smoking (OR: 0.808; 95% CI: 0.678-0.964) (P=0.018); and `action` stage of change (OR: 0.065; 95% CI: 0.008-0.532) (P= 0.010). Conclusion Depression, no motivation, shorter hospitalization, and severity of illness contributed to postdischarge resumption of smoking by patients with acute coronary syndrome, who underwent hospital-initiated smoking cessation.
A postal survey was conducted of all hospitals in Australia known to have a department of anaesthesia and an intensive care or high dependency unit. Each hospital was asked to report the anaesthetic and postoperative analgesic techniques used for the last ten cases of four common major surgical procedures-aorto-femoral bypass, repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm, hemicolectomy and anterior resection of the rectum. Half of 76 hospitals sent a survey form completed and returned it. Responding hospitals were larger on average, than non-responding ones, but otherwise typical of them in terms of university affiliation and metropolitan versus rural location. For each of the procedures studied the proportion of cases in which epidural block was used intra- or postoperatively varied from 0% to 100%. Depending on the procedure, between 65% and 85% of hospitals used epidural block sometimes, with between 10% and 90% of patients in these hospitals being managed with this technique. There is wide variation in the use of epidural block, intra- and postoperatively, in Australia, variation that is unlikely to be explained by systematic differences between institutions in the patients seen or their suitability for one or other technique. This pattern of practice mirrors the lack of agreement about the proper place for epidural techniques evident in the recent literature. There is a widespread belief among clinicians that this is a question of great importance. Accordingly, we believe that anaesthetists and surgeons share an ethical responsibility to enter suitable patients in an appropriately designed randomized controlled trial in order to resolve this question.