818 resultados para Machine learning,Keras,Tensorflow,Data parallelism,Model parallelism,Container,Docker


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The diagnosis, grading and classification of tumours has benefited considerably from the development of DCE-MRI which is now essential to the adequate clinical management of many tumour types due to its capability in detecting active angiogenesis. Several strategies have been proposed for DCE-MRI evaluation. Visual inspection of contrast agent concentration curves vs time is a very simple yet operator dependent procedure, therefore more objective approaches have been developed in order to facilitate comparison between studies. In so called model free approaches, descriptive or heuristic information extracted from time series raw data have been used for tissue classification. The main issue concerning these schemes is that they have not a direct interpretation in terms of physiological properties of the tissues. On the other hand, model based investigations typically involve compartmental tracer kinetic modelling and pixel-by-pixel estimation of kinetic parameters via non-linear regression applied on region of interests opportunely selected by the physician. This approach has the advantage to provide parameters directly related to the pathophysiological properties of the tissue such as vessel permeability, local regional blood flow, extraction fraction, concentration gradient between plasma and extravascular-extracellular space. Anyway, nonlinear modelling is computational demanding and the accuracy of the estimates can be affected by the signal-to-noise ratio and by the initial solutions. The principal aim of this thesis is investigate the use of semi-quantitative and quantitative parameters for segmentation and classification of breast lesion. The objectives can be subdivided as follow: describe the principal techniques to evaluate time intensity curve in DCE-MRI with focus on kinetic model proposed in literature; to evaluate the influence in parametrization choice for a classic bi-compartmental kinetic models; to evaluate the performance of a method for simultaneous tracer kinetic modelling and pixel classification; to evaluate performance of machine learning techniques training for segmentation and classification of breast lesion.


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In questa tesi vengono valutati gli effetti sui modelli di regressione lineare da parte di troncature deterministiche dei dati analizzati, e viene proposto un metodo alternativo per effettuare queste regressioni, che rimuova queste distorsioni. In particolare vengono discussi questi effetti nel campo della ricerca biologica, come nel progetto Mark-Age. Il progetto Mark-Age ha come obiettivo quello di ottenere un set di biomarcatori per l'invecchiamento, attraverso l'uso di metodi di data learning in analisi di tipo trasversale; elaborando cioè diverse variabili misurate sulle popolazioni esaminate riguardanti più sistemi fisiologici contemporaneamente e senza escludere interazioni locali fra queste. E' necessario tenere conto in queste analisi che questi dati sono deterministicamente troncati per via dei criteri di selezione sull’età dei partecipanti, e che questo ha un effetto rilevante sui metodi di analisi standard, i quali invece ipotizzano che non vi sarebbe alcuna relazione fra l’assenza di un dato ed il suo valore, se questo fosse misurato. In questa tesi vengono studiati gli effetti di questa troncatura sia per quanto riguarda la selezione di modelli ottimali, che della stima dei parametri per questi modelli. Vengono studiati e caratterizzati questi effetti nell'ambito di un toy model, che permette di quantificare la distorsione e la perdita di potenza dovuta alla troncatura. Viene inoltre introdotto un appropriato metodo di regressione, chiamato Tobit, che tenga conto di questi effetti. Questo metodo viene infine applicato ad un sottoinsieme dati del progetto Mark-Age, dimostrando una notevole riduzione del bias di predizione, ottenendo anche una stima della precisione di queste predizioni.


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La tesi da me svolta durante questi ultimi sei mesi è stata sviluppata presso i laboratori di ricerca di IMA S.p.a.. IMA (Industria Macchine Automatiche) è una azienda italiana che naque nel 1961 a Bologna ed oggi riveste il ruolo di leader mondiale nella produzione di macchine automatiche per il packaging di medicinali. Vorrei subito mettere in luce che in tale contesto applicativo l’utilizzo di algoritmi di data-mining risulta essere ostico a causa dei due ambienti in cui mi trovo. Il primo è quello delle macchine automatiche che operano con sistemi in tempo reale dato che non presentano a pieno le risorse di cui necessitano tali algoritmi. Il secondo è relativo alla produzione di farmaci in quanto vige una normativa internazionale molto restrittiva che impone il tracciamento di tutti gli eventi trascorsi durante l’impacchettamento ma che non permette la visione al mondo esterno di questi dati sensibili. Emerge immediatamente l’interesse nell’utilizzo di tali informazioni che potrebbero far affiorare degli eventi riconducibili a un problema della macchina o a un qualche tipo di errore al fine di migliorare l’efficacia e l’efficienza dei prodotti IMA. Lo sforzo maggiore per riuscire ad ideare una strategia applicativa è stata nella comprensione ed interpretazione dei messaggi relativi agli aspetti software. Essendo i dati molti, chiusi, e le macchine con scarse risorse per poter applicare a dovere gli algoritmi di data mining ho provveduto ad adottare diversi approcci in diversi contesti applicativi: • Sistema di identificazione automatica di errore al fine di aumentare di diminuire i tempi di correzione di essi. • Modifica di un algoritmo di letteratura per la caratterizzazione della macchina. La trattazione è così strutturata: • Capitolo 1: descrive la macchina automatica IMA Adapta della quale ci sono stati forniti i vari file di log. Essendo lei l’oggetto di analisi per questo lavoro verranno anche riportati quali sono i flussi di informazioni che essa genera. • Capitolo 2: verranno riportati degli screenshoot dei dati in mio possesso al fine di, tramite un’analisi esplorativa, interpretarli e produrre una formulazione di idee/proposte applicabili agli algoritmi di Machine Learning noti in letteratura. • Capitolo 3 (identificazione di errore): in questo capitolo vengono riportati i contesti applicativi da me progettati al fine di implementare una infrastruttura che possa soddisfare il requisito, titolo di questo capitolo. • Capitolo 4 (caratterizzazione della macchina): definirò l’algoritmo utilizzato, FP-Growth, e mostrerò le modifiche effettuate al fine di poterlo impiegare all’interno di macchine automatiche rispettando i limiti stringenti di: tempo di cpu, memoria, operazioni di I/O e soprattutto la non possibilità di aver a disposizione l’intero dataset ma solamente delle sottoporzioni. Inoltre verranno generati dei DataSet per il testing di dell’algoritmo FP-Growth modificato.


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In recent years, Deep Learning techniques have shown to perform well on a large variety of problems both in Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing, reaching and often surpassing the state of the art on many tasks. The rise of deep learning is also revolutionizing the entire field of Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition pushing forward the concepts of automatic feature extraction and unsupervised learning in general. However, despite the strong success both in science and business, deep learning has its own limitations. It is often questioned if such techniques are only some kind of brute-force statistical approaches and if they can only work in the context of High Performance Computing with tons of data. Another important question is whether they are really biologically inspired, as claimed in certain cases, and if they can scale well in terms of "intelligence". The dissertation is focused on trying to answer these key questions in the context of Computer Vision and, in particular, Object Recognition, a task that has been heavily revolutionized by recent advances in the field. Practically speaking, these answers are based on an exhaustive comparison between two, very different, deep learning techniques on the aforementioned task: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Hierarchical Temporal memory (HTM). They stand for two different approaches and points of view within the big hat of deep learning and are the best choices to understand and point out strengths and weaknesses of each of them. CNN is considered one of the most classic and powerful supervised methods used today in machine learning and pattern recognition, especially in object recognition. CNNs are well received and accepted by the scientific community and are already deployed in large corporation like Google and Facebook for solving face recognition and image auto-tagging problems. HTM, on the other hand, is known as a new emerging paradigm and a new meanly-unsupervised method, that is more biologically inspired. It tries to gain more insights from the computational neuroscience community in order to incorporate concepts like time, context and attention during the learning process which are typical of the human brain. In the end, the thesis is supposed to prove that in certain cases, with a lower quantity of data, HTM can outperform CNN.


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Dall'analisi dei big data si possono trarre degli enormi benefici in svariati ambiti applicativi. Uno dei fattori principali che contribuisce alla ricchezza dei big data, consiste nell'uso non previsto a priori di dati immagazzinati in precedenza, anche in congiunzione con altri dataset eterogenei: questo permette di trovare correlazioni significative e inaspettate tra i dati. Proprio per questo, il Valore, che il dato potenzialmente porta con sè, stimola le organizzazioni a raccogliere e immagazzinare sempre più dati e a ricercare approcci innovativi e originali per effettuare analisi su di essi. L’uso fortemente innovativo che viene fatto dei big data in questo senso e i requisiti tecnologici richiesti per gestirli hanno aperto importanti problematiche in materia di sicurezza e privacy, tali da rendere inadeguati o difficilmente gestibili, gli strumenti di sicurezza utilizzati finora nei sistemi tradizionali. Con questo lavoro di tesi si intende analizzare molteplici aspetti della sicurezza in ambito big data e offrire un possibile approccio alla sicurezza dei dati. In primo luogo, la tesi si occupa di comprendere quali sono le principali minacce introdotte dai big data in ambito di privacy, valutando la fattibilità delle contromisure presenti all’attuale stato dell’arte. Tra queste anche il controllo dell’accesso ha riscontrato notevoli sfide causate dalle necessità richieste dai big data: questo elaborato analizza pregi e difetti del controllo dell’accesso basato su attributi (ABAC), un modello attualmente oggetto di discussione nel dibattito inerente sicurezza e privacy nei big data. Per rendere attuabile ABAC in un contesto big data, risulta necessario l’ausilio di un supporto per assegnare gli attributi di visibilità alle informazioni da proteggere. L’obiettivo di questa tesi consiste nel valutare fattibilità, caratteristiche significative e limiti del machine learning come possibile approccio di utilizzo.


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Robust and accurate identification of intervertebral discs from low resolution, sparse MRI scans is essential for the automated scan planning of the MRI spine scan. This paper presents a graphical model based solution for the detection of both the positions and orientations of intervertebral discs from low resolution, sparse MRI scans. Compared with the existing graphical model based methods, the proposed method does not need a training process using training data and it also has the capability to automatically determine the number of vertebrae visible in the image. Experiments on 25 low resolution, sparse spine MRI data sets verified its performance.


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This is the first part of a study investigating a model-based transient calibration process for diesel engines. The motivation is to populate hundreds of parameters (which can be calibrated) in a methodical and optimum manner by using model-based optimization in conjunction with the manual process so that, relative to the manual process used by itself, a significant improvement in transient emissions and fuel consumption and a sizable reduction in calibration time and test cell requirements is achieved. Empirical transient modelling and optimization has been addressed in the second part of this work, while the required data for model training and generalization are the focus of the current work. Transient and steady-state data from a turbocharged multicylinder diesel engine have been examined from a model training perspective. A single-cylinder engine with external air-handling has been used to expand the steady-state data to encompass transient parameter space. Based on comparative model performance and differences in the non-parametric space, primarily driven by a high engine difference between exhaust and intake manifold pressures (ΔP) during transients, it has been recommended that transient emission models should be trained with transient training data. It has been shown that electronic control module (ECM) estimates of transient charge flow and the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) fraction cannot be accurate at the high engine ΔP frequently encountered during transient operation, and that such estimates do not account for cylinder-to-cylinder variation. The effects of high engine ΔP must therefore be incorporated empirically by using transient data generated from a spectrum of transient calibrations. Specific recommendations on how to choose such calibrations, how many data to acquire, and how to specify transient segments for data acquisition have been made. Methods to process transient data to account for transport delays and sensor lags have been developed. The processed data have then been visualized using statistical means to understand transient emission formation. Two modes of transient opacity formation have been observed and described. The first mode is driven by high engine ΔP and low fresh air flowrates, while the second mode is driven by high engine ΔP and high EGR flowrates. The EGR fraction is inaccurately estimated at both modes, while EGR distribution has been shown to be present but unaccounted for by the ECM. The two modes and associated phenomena are essential to understanding why transient emission models are calibration dependent and furthermore how to choose training data that will result in good model generalization.


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The advances in computational biology have made simultaneous monitoring of thousands of features possible. The high throughput technologies not only bring about a much richer information context in which to study various aspects of gene functions but they also present challenge of analyzing data with large number of covariates and few samples. As an integral part of machine learning, classification of samples into two or more categories is almost always of interest to scientists. In this paper, we address the question of classification in this setting by extending partial least squares (PLS), a popular dimension reduction tool in chemometrics, in the context of generalized linear regression based on a previous approach, Iteratively ReWeighted Partial Least Squares, i.e. IRWPLS (Marx, 1996). We compare our results with two-stage PLS (Nguyen and Rocke, 2002A; Nguyen and Rocke, 2002B) and other classifiers. We show that by phrasing the problem in a generalized linear model setting and by applying bias correction to the likelihood to avoid (quasi)separation, we often get lower classification error rates.


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The primary visual cortex (V1) is pre-wired to facilitate the extraction of behaviorally important visual features. Collinear edge detectors in V1, for instance, mutually enhance each other to improve the perception of lines against a noisy background. The same pre-wiring that facilitates line extraction, however, is detrimental when subjects have to discriminate the brightness of different line segments. How is it possible to improve in one task by unsupervised practicing, without getting worse in the other task? The classical view of perceptual learning is that practicing modulates the feedforward input stream through synaptic modifications onto or within V1. However, any rewiring of V1 would deteriorate other perceptual abilities different from the trained one. We propose a general neuronal model showing that perceptual learning can modulate top-down input to V1 in a task-specific way while feedforward and lateral pathways remain intact. Consistent with biological data, the model explains how context-dependent brightness discrimination is improved by a top-down recruitment of recurrent inhibition and a top-down induced increase of the neuronal gain within V1. Both the top-down modulation of inhibition and of neuronal gain are suggested to be universal features of cortical microcircuits which enable perceptual learning.


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The developmental processes and functions of an organism are controlled by the genes and the proteins that are derived from these genes. The identification of key genes and the reconstruction of gene networks can provide a model to help us understand the regulatory mechanisms for the initiation and progression of biological processes or functional abnormalities (e.g. diseases) in living organisms. In this dissertation, I have developed statistical methods to identify the genes and transcription factors (TFs) involved in biological processes, constructed their regulatory networks, and also evaluated some existing association methods to find robust methods for coexpression analyses. Two kinds of data sets were used for this work: genotype data and gene expression microarray data. On the basis of these data sets, this dissertation has two major parts, together forming six chapters. The first part deals with developing association methods for rare variants using genotype data (chapter 4 and 5). The second part deals with developing and/or evaluating statistical methods to identify genes and TFs involved in biological processes, and construction of their regulatory networks using gene expression data (chapter 2, 3, and 6). For the first part, I have developed two methods to find the groupwise association of rare variants with given diseases or traits. The first method is based on kernel machine learning and can be applied to both quantitative as well as qualitative traits. Simulation results showed that the proposed method has improved power over the existing weighted sum method (WS) in most settings. The second method uses multiple phenotypes to select a few top significant genes. It then finds the association of each gene with each phenotype while controlling the population stratification by adjusting the data for ancestry using principal components. This method was applied to GAW 17 data and was able to find several disease risk genes. For the second part, I have worked on three problems. First problem involved evaluation of eight gene association methods. A very comprehensive comparison of these methods with further analysis clearly demonstrates the distinct and common performance of these eight gene association methods. For the second problem, an algorithm named the bottom-up graphical Gaussian model was developed to identify the TFs that regulate pathway genes and reconstruct their hierarchical regulatory networks. This algorithm has produced very significant results and it is the first report to produce such hierarchical networks for these pathways. The third problem dealt with developing another algorithm called the top-down graphical Gaussian model that identifies the network governed by a specific TF. The network produced by the algorithm is proven to be of very high accuracy.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether algorithms developed for the World Wide Web can be applied to the biomedical literature in order to identify articles that are important as well as relevant. DESIGN AND MEASUREMENTS A direct comparison of eight algorithms: simple PubMed queries, clinical queries (sensitive and specific versions), vector cosine comparison, citation count, journal impact factor, PageRank, and machine learning based on polynomial support vector machines. The objective was to prioritize important articles, defined as being included in a pre-existing bibliography of important literature in surgical oncology. RESULTS Citation-based algorithms were more effective than noncitation-based algorithms at identifying important articles. The most effective strategies were simple citation count and PageRank, which on average identified over six important articles in the first 100 results compared to 0.85 for the best noncitation-based algorithm (p < 0.001). The authors saw similar differences between citation-based and noncitation-based algorithms at 10, 20, 50, 200, 500, and 1,000 results (p < 0.001). Citation lag affects performance of PageRank more than simple citation count. However, in spite of citation lag, citation-based algorithms remain more effective than noncitation-based algorithms. CONCLUSION Algorithms that have proved successful on the World Wide Web can be applied to biomedical information retrieval. Citation-based algorithms can help identify important articles within large sets of relevant results. Further studies are needed to determine whether citation-based algorithms can effectively meet actual user information needs.


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Approximate models (proxies) can be employed to reduce the computational costs of estimating uncertainty. The price to pay is that the approximations introduced by the proxy model can lead to a biased estimation. To avoid this problem and ensure a reliable uncertainty quantification, we propose to combine functional data analysis and machine learning to build error models that allow us to obtain an accurate prediction of the exact response without solving the exact model for all realizations. We build the relationship between proxy and exact model on a learning set of geostatistical realizations for which both exact and approximate solvers are run. Functional principal components analysis (FPCA) is used to investigate the variability in the two sets of curves and reduce the dimensionality of the problem while maximizing the retained information. Once obtained, the error model can be used to predict the exact response of any realization on the basis of the sole proxy response. This methodology is purpose-oriented as the error model is constructed directly for the quantity of interest, rather than for the state of the system. Also, the dimensionality reduction performed by FPCA allows a diagnostic of the quality of the error model to assess the informativeness of the learning set and the fidelity of the proxy to the exact model. The possibility of obtaining a prediction of the exact response for any newly generated realization suggests that the methodology can be effectively used beyond the context of uncertainty quantification, in particular for Bayesian inference and optimization.


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Information on how species distributions and ecosystem services are impacted by anthropogenic climate change is important for adaptation planning. Palaeo data suggest that Abies alba formed forests under significantly warmer-than-present conditions in Europe and might be a native substitute for widespread drought-sensitive temperate and boreal tree species such as beech (Fagus sylvatica) and spruce (Picea abies) under future global warming conditions. Here, we combine pollen and macrofossil data, modern observations, and results from transient simulations with the LPX-Bern dynamic global vegetation model to assess past and future distributions of A. alba in Europe. LPX-Bern is forced with climate anomalies from a run over the past 21 000 years with the Community Earth System Model, modern climatology, and with 21st-century multimodel ensemble results for the high-emission RCP8.5 and the stringent mitigation RCP2.6 pathway. The simulated distribution for present climate encompasses the modern range of A. alba, with the model exceeding the present distribution in north-western and southern Europe. Mid-Holocene pollen data and model results agree for southern Europe, suggesting that at present, human impacts suppress the distribution in southern Europe. Pollen and model results both show range expansion starting during the Bølling–Allerød warm period, interrupted by the Younger Dryas cold, and resuming during the Holocene. The distribution of A. alba expands to the north-east in all future scenarios, whereas the potential (currently unrealized) range would be substantially reduced in southern Europe under RCP8.5. A. alba maintains its current range in central Europe despite competition by other thermophilous tree species. Our combined palaeoecological and model evidence suggest that A. alba may ensure important ecosystem services including stand and slope stability, infrastructure protection, and carbon sequestration under significantly warmer-than-present conditions in central Europe.


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We present a novel surrogate model-based global optimization framework allowing a large number of function evaluations. The method, called SpLEGO, is based on a multi-scale expected improvement (EI) framework relying on both sparse and local Gaussian process (GP) models. First, a bi-objective approach relying on a global sparse GP model is used to determine potential next sampling regions. Local GP models are then constructed within each selected region. The method subsequently employs the standard expected improvement criterion to deal with the exploration-exploitation trade-off within selected local models, leading to a decision on where to perform the next function evaluation(s). The potential of our approach is demonstrated using the so-called Sparse Pseudo-input GP as a global model. The algorithm is tested on four benchmark problems, whose number of starting points ranges from 102 to 104. Our results show that SpLEGO is effective and capable of solving problems with large number of starting points, and it even provides significant advantages when compared with state-of-the-art EI algorithms.