910 resultados para MSS membranes
OBJECTIVES To evaluate possible differences in periodontal inflammatory, microbiological and clinical parameters between women with preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) and controls with uncomplicated pregnancies. MATERIALS AND METHODS Fifty-six women (32 test (PPROM) and 24 controls (uncomplicated pregnancies)) were examined at three time-points (T1: gestational weeks 20-35, T2: within 48 h after parturition, T3: 4-6 weeks after parturition). The examinations included assessment of the Periodontal Screening Index, collection of gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) and subgingival as well as vaginal bacterial sampling. RESULTS Periodontal inflammation was found to be higher in the test compared with the control group (p < 0.05) and decreased over time in both groups (p < 0.05). Microbiological outcomes showed no intergroup differences (p > 0.05) in prevalence of bacteria, but a decrease in subgingival periodontopathogens from T1 to T2 in the test group (p < 0.05) was observed. Interleukin (IL)-1β levels in GCF at T2 were not different between groups (p > 0.05). In women with PPROM, GCF levels of IL-8 (p < 0.05) and C-reactive protein (p < 0.05) were lower and IL-10 levels higher (p < 0.05) compared with controls. CONCLUSIONS Periodontal inflammation is elevated during pregnancy and seems to be more pronounced in women with PPROM. CLINICAL RELEVANCE The findings of the present study revealed an association between periodontal inflammation and PPROM, thus emphasizing the importance of optimizing self-performed oral hygiene in pregnant women.
Background: The therapy of retained fetal membranes (RFM) is a controversial subject. In Switzerland, intrauterine antibiotics are routinely administered although their effect on fertility parameters is questionable. The objective of this study was to compare the post-partal period after a routine treatment of RFM in 2 groups: one group received a placebo additionally (A), whereas the other group received a phytotherapeutic substance (lime bark) (B) additionally. The routine treatment of RFM included an attempt to manually remove the fetal membranes (for a maximum of 5 min), intramuscular administration of oxytetracycline and intrauterine treatment with tetracycline. In case of an elevated rectal temperature (>39.0°C), an additional non-steroidal inflam-matory drug was allowed. Methods: Cows undergoing caesarean section, suffering from prolapse of the uterus, deep cervical or vaginal injuries, hypocalcaemia, and illnesses during the last 14 days before calving were excluded. Cows had to be more than 265 days pregnant. Only cows that were artificially inseminated after RFM were included. Group stratification was done according to the last number on the ear tag (even/uneven) with (n = 50) cows in group A and (n = 55) cows in group B. Results: The number of treatments after the initial treatment of RFM was not significantly different between groups. The median interval from calving to the first insemination was 77 days in group A compared to 82 days in group B (p = 0.72). The number of AI’s until conception was not significantly different between groups. The median number of days open was 89 days in group A compared to 96 days in group B (p = 0.57). The culling rate was not significantly different between groups. Conclusion: There was neither a difference between the groups concerning therapies within the first 50 days after RFM nor concerning the subsequent fertility variables.
Single-molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS) provides detailed insight into the mechanical (un)folding pathways and structural stability of membrane proteins. So far, SMFS could only be applied to membrane proteins embedded in native or synthetic membranes adsorbed to solid supports. This adsorption causes experimental limitations and raises the question to what extent the support influences the results obtained by SMFS. Therefore, we introduce here SMFS from native purple membrane freely spanning across nanopores. We show that correct analysis of the SMFS data requires extending the worm-like chain model, which describes the mechanical stretching of a polypeptide, by the cubic extension model, which describes the bending of a purple membrane exposed to mechanical stress. This new experimental and theoretical approach allows to characterize the stepwise (un)folding of the membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin and to assign the stability of single and grouped secondary structures. The (un)folding and stability of bacteriorhodopsin shows no significant difference between freely spanning and directly supported purple membranes. Importantly, the novel experimental SMFS setup opens an avenue to characterize any protein from freely spanning cellular or synthetic membranes.
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a powerful imaging technique that allows recording topographical information of membrane proteins under near-physiological conditions. Remarkable results have been obtained on membrane proteins that were reconstituted into lipid bilayers. High-resolution AFM imaging of native disk membranes from vertebrate rod outer segments has unveiled the higher-order oligomeric state of the G protein-coupled receptor rhodopsin, which is highly expressed in disk membranes. Based on AFM imaging, it has been demonstrated that rhodopsin assembles in rows of dimers and paracrystals and that the rhodopsin dimer is the fundamental building block of higher-order structures.
The aim of the study was to obtain the diagnostic and therapeutic approach among Swiss practitioners in cows with puerperal metritis and clinical endometritis (part 2). All members of the Association for ruminant health were contacted per email via the newsletter. The survey was completed by 128 veterinarians, partially responded by 140 veterinarians. The following main symptoms of puerperal metritis were stated by the practitioners: purulent vaginal discharge, fever and reduced appetite. A vaginal and rectal examination was performed to diagnose the disease. Usually, an intrauterine treatment with tetracycline or cefapirin was done. Parenteral administration of tetracycline or penicillin was often combined with PGF(2α), NSAIDS or cortisone. Clinical endometritis was also diagnosed by vaginal and rectal examination and the main symptom indicated was purulent vaginal discharge. The therapy consisted of the administration of PGF(2α), uterine infusions predominantly with cefapirin, and rarely with parenteral administration of antibiotics. Further diagnostic tools were not used and normally cows were not rechecked. The success of the therapy of puerperal metritis and clinical endometritis was judged to be satisfactory to excellent.
The aim of this study was to obtain the diagnostic and therapeutic approach among Swiss practitioners in cows with retained fetal membranes (RFM) (part 1). All members of the Association for ruminant health were contacted per email via the newsletter. The survey was completed by 128 veterinarians, partially responded by 140 veterinarians. The manual removal of the fetal membranes is practiced by 129 of the responding veterinarians. Cows with/without fever are treated usually with intrauterine antibiotics. Cows with RFM with/without fever are most commonly treated parenterally with tetracycline or penicillin. The use of cephalosporins and quinolones in cows with fever is more common than in cows without fever. With the present results of the survey veterinarians should critically question the supposed benefits of the manual removal of the placenta and the use of antibiotics in cows with RFM.
The observation that the membranes of flagella are enriched in sterols and sphingolipids has led to the hypothesis that flagella might be enriched in raft-forming lipids. However, a detailed lipidomic analysis of flagellar membranes is not available. Novel protocols to detach and isolate intact flagella from Trypanosoma brucei procyclic forms in combination with reverse-phase liquid chromatography high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry allowed us to determine the phospholipid composition of flagellar membranes relative to whole cells. Our analyses revealed that phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, ceramide and the sphingolipids inositol phosphorylceramide and sphingomyelin are enriched in flagella relative to whole cells. In contrast, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol are strongly depleted in flagella. Within individual glycerophospholipid classes, we observed a preference for ether-type over diacyl-type molecular species in membranes of flagella. Our study provides direct evidence for a preferential presence of raft-forming phospholipids in flagellar membranes of T. brucei.
Lack of linearity and sensitivity, oxygen dependence, biofouling and tissue inflammation hinder the development of implantable biosensors for continuous monitoring of glucose. Herein, we report the development of stacked outer membranes based on LBL/PVA hydrogels that improve sensor sensitivity, linearity, oxygen independence and counter biofouling and inflammation. While the inner LBL membrane affords tunable diffusivity, the outer PVA is capable of releasing anti-inflammatory drugs/tissue response modifying agents to counter acute and chronic inflammation, and to induce neo-angiogenesis at the implant site. Sensors were fabricated by immobilizing GOx enzyme on top of 50 μm platinum wires, followed by deposition of stacked LBL/PVA hydrogel membranes. The response of the sensors at 0.7V to various glucose concentrations was studied. Michelis-Menten analysis was performed to quantify sensor performance in terms of linearity and oxygen dependence. The interplay between sensor performance and inward glucose diffusivity was elucidated using (i) various LBL membranes and (ii) various freeze-thaw (FT) cycles of PVA. Incorporation of LBL/PVA stacked membranes resulted in an 8 fold increase in sensor linearity and a 9 fold decrease in oxygen dependence compared to controls. The enhancement in the sensor performance is attributed to (i) the oxygen storing capability of PVA hydrogel due to the formation of hydrophobic domains during its freezing/ thawing employed for its physical crosslinking and (ii) regulation of glucose flux by the inner LBL membrane. Such membranes offer significant advantages over presently available outer membranes in lieu of (i) their ability to control inflammation, (ii) their modulus that closely matches that of subcutaneous human tissue, (iii) non-necessity of reactive chemical crosslinking agents, (iv) tunable sensitivity and (v) supplemental storage of oxygen.
Anion exchange membranes (AEMs) are a potential method for determining the plant available N status of soils; however, their capacity for use with turfgrass has not been researched extensively. The main objective of this experiment was to determine the relationship between soil nitrate desorbed from AEMs and growth response and quality of turfgrass managed as a residential lawn. Two field experiments were conducted with a bluegrass-ryegrass-fescue mixture receiving four rates of N fertilizer (0, 98, 196, and 392 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)) with clippings returned or removed. The soils at the two sites were a Paxton fine sandy loam (coarse-loamy, mixed, active, mesic Oxyaquic Dystrudepts) and a variant of a Hinckley gravelly sandy loam (sandy-skeletal, mixed, mesic Typic Udorthents). Anion exchange membranes were inserted into plots and exchanged weekly during the growing seasons of 1998 and 1999. Nitrate-N was desorbed from AEMs and quantified. As N fertilization rates increased, desorbed NO3-N increased. The relationship of desorbed NO3-N from AEMs to clipping yield and turfgrass quality was characterized using quadratic response plateau (QRP) and Cate-Nelson models (C-Ns). Critical levels of desorbed NO3-N ranged from 0.86 to 8.0 microgram cm(-2) d(-1) for relative dry matter yield (DMY) and from 2.3 to 12 microgram cm(-2) d(-1) for turfgrass quality depending upon experimental treatment. Anion exchange membranes show promise of indicating the critical levels of soil NO3-N desorbed from AEMs necessary to achieve maximum turfgrass quality and yield without overapplication of N.
Nutrient leaching studies are expensive and require expertise in water collection and analyses. Less expensive or easier methods that estimate leaching losses would be desirable. The objective of this study was to determine if anion-exchange membranes (AEMs) and reflectance meters could predict nitrate (NO3-N) leaching losses from a cool-season lawn turf. A two-year field study used an established 90% Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.)-10% creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) turf that received 0 to 98 kg N ha-1 month-1, from May through November. Soil monolith lysimeters collected leachate that was analyzed for NO3-N concentration. Soil NO3-N was estimated with AEMs. Spectral reflectance measurements of the turf were obtained with chlorophyll and chroma meters. No significant (p > 0.05) increase in percolate flow-weighted NO3-N concentration (FWC) or mass loss occurred when AEM desorbed soil NO3-N was below 0.84 µg cm-2 d-1. A linear increase in FWC and mass loss (p < 0.0001) occurred, however, when AEM soil NO3-N was above this value. The maximum contaminant level (MCL) for drinking water (10 mg L-1 NO3-N) was reached with an AEM soil NO3-N value of 1.6 µg cm-2 d-1. Maximum meter readings were obtained when AEM soil NO3 N reached or exceeded 2.3 µg cm-2 d-1. As chlorophyll index and hue angle (greenness) increased, there was an increased probability of exceeding the NO3-N MCL. These data suggest that AEMs and reflectance meters can serve as tools to predict NO3-N leaching losses from cool-season lawn turf, and to provide objective guides for N fertilization.
Conductive membranes were prepared by magnetic alignment of graphite-coated iron nanoparticles (GCINs) in a polyisobutylene (PIB) matrix, which was cast onto an interdigitated surface electrode. Toluene and tetrahydrofuran (THF) were used as solvents for the casting solution. Different molecular weights of PIB and solutions with concentrations ranging from 0.05- to 50-wt% were explored to optimize the mechanical and physical properties of the membrane. The amount of GCINs used in the membranes ranged from 0.1- to 2.5-wt%, and a sonicator was used to disperse the particles in the membrane. Sedimentation and surfactant studies were conducted to investigate the dispersion of GCINs in solutions. Progresses were made to find an optimal combination of various parameters in order to attain thin homogenous membranes for fast response.
Ideal nitrogen (N) management for turfgrass supplies sufficient N for high-quality turf without increasing N leaching losses. A greenhouse study was conducted during two 27-week periods to determine if in situ anion exchange membranes (AEMs) could predict nitrate (NO3-N) leaching from a Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) turf grown on intact soil columns. Treatments consisted of 16 rates of N fertilizer application, from 0 to 98 kg N ha-1 mo-1. Percolate water was collected weekly and analysed for NO3-N. Mean flow-weighted NO3-N concentration and cumulative mass in percolate were exponentially related (pseudo-R2=0.995 and 0.994, respectively) to AEM desorbed soil NO3-N, with a percolate concentration below 10 mg NO3-N L-1 corresponding to an AEM soil NO3-N value of 2.9 micro g cm-2 d-1. Apparent N recovery by turf ranged from 28 to 40% of applied N, with a maximum corresponding to 4.7 micro g cm-2 d-1 AEM soil NO3-N. Turf colour, growth, and chlorophyll index increased with increasing AEM soil NO3-N, but these increases occurred at the expense of increases in NO3-N leaching losses. These results suggest that AEMs might serve as a tool for predicting NO3-N leaching losses from turf.
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