944 resultados para MARROW STROMAL CELLS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The regeneration of bone defects with loss of substance remains as a therapeutic challenge in the medical field. There are basically four types of grafts: autologous, allogenic, xenogenic and isogenic. It is a consensus that autologous bone is the most suitable material for this purpose, but there are limitations to its use, especially the insufficient amount in the donor. Surveys show that the components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) are generally conserved between different species and are well tolerated even in xenogenic recipient. Thus, several studies have been conducted in the search for a replacement for autogenous bone scaffold using the technique of decellularization. To obtain these scaffolds, tissue must undergo a process of cell removal that causes minimal adverse effects on the composition, biological activity and mechanical integrity of the remaining extracellular matrix. There is not, however, a conformity among researchers about the best protocol for decellularization, since each of these treatments interfere differently in biochemical composition, ultrastructure and mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix, affecting the type of immune response to the material. Further down the arsenal of research involving decellularization bone tissue represents another obstacle to the arrival of a consensus protocol. The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of decellularization methods in the production of biological scaffolds from skeletal organs of mice, for their use for grafting. This was a laboratory study, sequenced in two distinct stages. In the first phase 12 mice hemi-calvariae were evaluated, divided into three groups (n = 4) and submitted to three different decellularization protocols (SDS [group I], trypsin [Group II], Triton X-100 [Group III]). We tried to identify the one that promotes most efficient cell removal, simultaneously to the best structural preservation of the bone extracellular matrix. Therefore, we performed quantitative analysis of the number of remaining cells and descriptive analysis of the scaffolds, made possible by microscopy. In the second stage, a study was conducted to evaluate the in vitro adhesion of mice bone marrow mesenchymal cells, cultured on these scaffolds, previously decellularized. Through manual counting of cells on scaffolds there was a complete cell removal in Group II, Group I showed a practically complete cell removal, and Group III displayed cell remains. The findings allowed us to observe a significant difference only between Groups II and III (p = 0.042). Better maintenance of the collagen structure was obtained with Triton X-100, whereas the decellularization with Trypsin was responsible for the major structural changes in the scaffolds. After culture, the adhesion of mesenchymal cells was only observed in specimens deccelularized with Trypsin. Due to the potential for total removal of cells and the ability to allow adherence of these, the protocol based on the use of Trypsin (Group II) was considered the most suitable for use in future experiments involving bone grafting decellularized scaffolds


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Aims-To evaluate the prevalence of pseudoangiomatous hyperplasia of mammary stroma in gynaecomastia and its immunohistochemical profile in this setting.Methods-Eighty eight cases of gynaecomastia recovered from the files of the department of pathology, Botucatu School of Medicine from 1976 to 1996 were studied. In the cases associated with pseudoangiomatous hyperplasia of mammary stroma, immunoreactivity for cytokeratins (CAM 5.2), vimentin, CD34, factor VIII related antigen, and the oestrogen and progesterone receptors were studied.Results-Pseudoangiomatous hyperplasia of mammary stroma was found in 21 of 88 cases of gynaecomastia (23.8%). In all cases, the cells lining the spaces were positive for vimentin, whereas CAM 5.2 and factor VIII related antigen were consistently negative. Nineteen of the 21 cases showed immunoreactivity for CD34. Ductal epithelial cells were positive for both the oestrogen receptor and the progesterone receptor, whereas stromal cells were negative.Conclusions-Pseudoangiomatous hyperplasia of mammary stroma was present in approximately one quarter of the cases of gynaecomastia. This immunohistochemical study confirms the mesenchymal origin of the stromal cells that line the pseudovascular spaces, as has been found in female cases of pseudoangiomatous hyperplasia of mammary stroma.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a expressão das metaloproteinases 2 (MMP-2) e 9 (MMP-9) em próstatas caninas normais e com desordens proliferativas, verificando o papel dessas enzimas na remodelação da matriz extracelular (MEC) e no processo de invasão tecidual. Um total de 355 amostras prostáticas foram obtidas, sendo 36 (10,1%) normais, 46 (13,0%) com hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB), 128 (36,1%) com atrofia inflamatória proliferativa (PIA), 74 (20,8%) com neoplasia intraepitelial prostática (PIN) e 71 (20,0%) com carcinoma prostático (CP). Houve diferença de imunomarcação citoplasmática para MMP-2 e MMP-9 entre o epitélio acinar e o estroma periacinar, quanto aos diferentes diagnósticos. Observou-se correlação entre a expressão de MMP-2 e MMP-9 em relação ao número de células marcadas no epitélio acinar e estroma periacinar, bem como para a intensidade de marcação das células estromais periacinares em próstatas caninas com PIA. Conclui-se que há variação na expressão de MMP-2 e MMP-9 em próstatas caninas de acordo com a lesão, com menor expressão em próstatas caninas normais e com HPB, e maior naquelas com PIA, PIN e CP. Ainda, o microambiente inflamatório na PIA influencia a atividade de ambas as enzimas.


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Avaliaram-se, por método imunoistoquímico, a expressão e distribuição das metaloproteinases (MMP) 2 e 9 em amostras de endométrio hígido e de éguas portadoras de endometrite crônica. Foram utilizadas 60 biópsias endometriais. A MMP-2 foi observada na parede vascular, nas células estromais e no epitélio glandular, e a imunorreatividade mais intensa foi obtida nas células do epitélio glandular nas endometrites da categoria III e na parede vascular nos endométrios da categoria I. A marcação imunoistoquímica para MMP-9 mostrou-se difusa pelo endométrio e foi observada no epitélio luminal e glandular, na região da parede vascular, nas células estromais, endoteliais e do infiltrado inflamatório. Houve diminuição da marcação imunoistoquímica na região da parede vascular conforme aumentou o grau das lesões endometriais concomitante à diminuição da intensidade da reação. Não houve relação na expressão imunoistoquímica das metaloproteinases estudadas com o tipo de endometrite


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A terapia celular poderia ser conceituada de forma ampla e genérica como o emprego de células para tratamento de doenças. Apesar de um número não tão expressivo de relatos tendo o pulmão como objeto de estudo na terapia celular em pacientes humanos, há dados consistentes da literatura, tanto em humanos, quanto em modelos animais,que evidenciam a migração de células-tronco da medula óssea para o pulmão,em diferentes situações experimentais. Esses resultados forneceram o embasamento experimental para o emprego de células-tronco na regeneração do tecido pulmonar em modelos animais. em nosso laboratório, vários projetos de pesquisa têm sido conduzidos com a finalidade de avaliar a resposta pulmonar (morfológica e funcional) ao tratamento com células-tronco adultas em camundongos com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) induzida experimentalmente. Os resultados obtidos, aliados àqueles de outros grupos de pesquisa, permitem aventar a possibilidade de aplicação, a curto prazo, da terapia celular em pacientes com DPOC. em outra patologia pulmonar, fibrose cística (FC), cuja abordagem terapêutica com células-tronco apresenta aspectos particulares em relação às patologias pulmonares crônico-degenerativas, há avanços promissores e potencialmente interessantes; no entanto, os resultados podem ser considerados incipientes e deve-se assinalar, portanto, que a associação da terapia gênica e celular apresenta-se como uma alternativa possível, mas ainda muito distante quanto à sua consolidação e incorporação como opção terapêutica segura e eficaz em FC. Por outro lado, tendo por embasamento os resultados obtidos em modelos experimentais, é possível postular que a terapia celular com células-tronco hematopoéticas (ou de outras fontes) encerra perspectivas consistentes de aplicação em diversas outras patologias pulmonares humanas, especialmente em DPOC.


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Estrogen seems to have an essential role in the fibromuscular growth characteristic of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This paper describes the effects of chronic estradiol treatment on Guinea pig prostatic stroma at different ages. Tissues from experimental animals were studied by histological and histochemical procedures, morphometric-stereological analysis and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Marked fibromuscular hypertrophy was observed after estradiol treatment in animals of pre-pubertal and adult ages. Increases in the density and thickness of the collagen and elastic fibers were observed by histochemistry. TEM revealed wide distributions of collagen fibrils and large elastic fibers adjacent to the epithelial basal lamina and between the stromal cells, establishing contacts between them. These results indicate that the Guinea pig prostate simulates the stromal modifications observed in BPH in some aged animals after estrogen treatment at different ages, making it a good model for this disease. (c) 2005 International Federation for Cell Biology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Stroma-epithelium relationships are of great relevance in prostatic morphogenesis and physiology, However, little knowledge exists about either stromal cells or extracellular matrix composition and arrangement in this system, Ultrastructural analysis revealed the existence of a microfibrillar system which occupies large areas of the rat prostatic stroma, In this work, we have applied immunocytochemistry and an ATP treatment for the ultrastructural identification of collagen type VI microfibrils, aiming at examining its participation in the prostatic microfibrillar network. Immunocytochemistry was also extended to a human case of prostatic nodular hyperplasia, Both methods succeeded in identifying collagen type VI in the rat ventral prostate, Collagen type VI is evenly distributed throughout the stroma but mainly associated with the basal lamina, collagen fibrils, and around the stromal cells, the use of ATP treatment allowed for the discrimination between collagen type VI and elastin-associated microfibrils, and demonstrated that these two classes of microfibrils establish an extended, mixed, and open network. The same aspects of association with the basal lamina, with stromal cells (particularly with smooth muscle cells), and with fibrillar components of the stroma were observed in the human tissue, We suggest that the collagen type VI and elastin-associated microfibril system may be involved in the control of some aspects of cellular behavior and may also play a structural role, maintaining the organ integrity after the deformations occurring under smooth muscle contraction.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study aims to evaluate the diabetic influence on the choroidal vessels morphology. Twenty Wistar rats were divided into a control (CG) and a diabetic group (DG). The animals had the diabetes induced by an intra-venous injection of Alloxan (42 mg/kg). Transmission electron microscopy analysis focusing the choroidal vessels was done one (T2) and twelve (T3) months after the diabetes induction. The CG rats in T3 showed vesicles and dense bodies in the endothelial and pericytic cells; the same structures were observed in the DG at T2. The DG rats in T3 had even more and intense changes than the T2DG rats. The morphological evaluation indicates that the choroidal vessels are affected in diabetes and the disease accelerates degenerative processes in the rat choroidal vasculature.


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The Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus, Gerbilinae: Muridae) is useful for prostate studies, because both males and females spontaneously develop prostatic disorders with age. Estrogens regulate prostate homeostasis via two estrogen receptors, ER alpha (ESR1) and ER beta (ESR2), but the cellular distribution and regulation of these receptors in the gerbil prostate has not been described. Both receptors were localized by immunohistochemistry in the ventral prostate of intact male and female gerbils, in males 7 and 21 days after castration, and in females treated with testosterone for 7 and 21 days. In male and female adult gerbils, ER alpha was detected mainly in prostatic stromal cells, whereas ER beta was present mostly in secretory and basal cells. More ER alpha-positive stromal cells were found in females than in males, as was a reduction toward the male value in females treated with testosterone. Castration did not alter ER alpha expression. Testosterone was necessary for maintenance of ER beta in the male prostate epithelium: ER beta expression declined markedly in prostates of males older than 1 yr, and castration of 4-mo-old males caused a reduction in ER beta to levels seen in 1-yr-old males. Because ER beta is an antiproliferative receptor, its loss with age may predispose the aging gerbil to proliferative diseases of the prostate. © 2013 by the Society for the Study of Reproduction, Inc.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)