983 resultados para Leonardo Sciascia
O e-Sispaf é um sistema de informação que promove a consolidação e a disseminação de conhecimentos relativos ao mapeamento da produção e informações da comercialização e do mercado de produtos convencionais, orgânicos e artesanais para agricultura familiar. O objetivo do sistema é facilitar as transações entre produtores e consumidores, promovendo, assim a execução de ações efetivas para o crescimento da renda do segmento. Através do sistema, produtor e consumidor podem trocar informações e negociar suas produções diretamente, sem nenhum intermediário. O sistema é importante porque auxilia na tomada de decisões de todos os seus possíveis usuários (produtores, comerciantes e governos), que passam a contar com instrumentos decisivos para o planejamento das políticas agrícolas. O e-Sispaf foi Implementado utilizando-se software livre (osCommerce) para o ambiente web, eliminando assim custos para operacionalização. Baseia-se nos pressupostos do comércio eletrônico (e-commerce) e oferece aos usuários - que podem ser produtores rurais, cooperativas, associações ou organizações públicas ou privadas - a oportunidade de expor seus produtos e trocar dados, obtidos junto aos produtores, às cooperativas, às associações, aos órgãos do governo e/ou órgãos privados localizados na região de abrangência do e-Sispaf. Este guia contém um conjunto de informações, distribuídas em sessões, com o objetivo de facilitar a instalação e configuração do e-Sispaf. Algumas das opções de configuração disponibilizadas não foram utilizadas na atual versão do e-Sispaf. Elas fazem parte do software osCommerce e são configuradas para aquisição de produtos de forma on-line, o que não ocorre no e-Sispaf.
Diante da natureza multidisciplinar das pesquisas agrícolas, em especial as pesquisas em Agricultura de Precisão, da crescente produção de dados digitais em diferentes formatos e padrões, e da necessidade crescente de recuperação com qualidade e intercâmbio desses dados, torna-se necessário o estabelecimento de estratégias para sua gestão. Dentre essas estratégias, destaca-se a definição clara das normalizações e dos padrões de metadados a serem adotados.
Diante da natureza multidisciplinar das pesquisas agrícolas, em especial as pesquisas em Agricultura de Precisão, da crescente produção de dados digitais em diferentes formatos e padrões, e da necessidade crescente de recuperação com qualidade e intercâmbio desses dados, torna-se necessário o estabelecimento de estratégias para sua gestão. Dentre essas estratégias, destaca-se a definição clara das normalizações e dos padrões de metadados a serem adotados.
A demanda por esta oleaginosa está aumentando no RS, de forma que os produtores estão expandindo a área e a época de plantio, com isso surge um interesse especial no período de plantio janeiro/fevereiro (safrinha). Visando atender esta demanda, foram realizados ensaios com quatro datas de semeadura e em seis locais, a fim de determinar a viabilidade técnica deste cultivo no período da safrinha 2007 no RS. Os ensaios foram instalados nos seguintes locais / instituições do RS: Pelotas (Embrapa Clima Temperado); Passo Fundo (Embrapa Trigo); Bagé (Embrapa Pecuária Sul); Fortaleza dos Valos (COTRIMAIO); Santa Rosa (COOPERMIL); Rio Pardo (AFUBRA).
AIM: To evaluate the suitability of reference genes in gastric tissue samples and cell lines.METHODS: the suitability of genes ACTB, B2M, GAPDH, RPL29, and 18S rRNA was assessed in 21 matched pairs of neoplastic and adjacent nonneoplastic gastric tissues from patients with gastric adenocarcinoma, 27 normal gastric tissues from patients without cancer, and 4 cell lines using reverse transcription quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). the ranking of the best single and combination of reference genes was determined by NormFinder, geNorm (TM), BestKeeper, and DataAssist (TM). in addition, GenEx software was used to determine the optimal number of reference genes. To validate the results, the mRNA expression of a target gene, DNMT1, was quantified using the different reference gene combinations suggested by the various software packages for normalization.RESULTS: ACTB was the best reference gene for all gastric tissues, cell lines and all gastric tissues plus cell lines. GAPDH + B2M or ACTB + B2M was the best combination of reference genes for all the gastric tissues. On the other hand, ACTB + B2M was the best combination for all the cell lines tested and was also the best combination for analyses involving all the gastric tissues plus cell lines. According to the GenEx software, 2 or 3 genes were the optimal number of references genes for all the gastric tissues. the relative quantification of DNMT1 showed similar patterns when normalized by each combination of reference genes. the level of expression of DNMT1 in neoplastic, adjacent non-neoplastic and normal gastric tissues did not differ when these samples were normalized using GAPDH + B2M (P = 0.32), ACTB + B2M (P = 0.61), or GAPDH + B2M + ACTB (P = 0.44).CONCLUSION: GAPDH + B2M or ACTB + B2M is the best combination of reference gene for all the gastric tissues, and ACTB + B2M is the best combination for the cell lines tested. (C) 2013 Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited. All rights reserved.
Monografia apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa para obtenção do grau Licenciada em Ciências Farmacêuticas
The human urge to represent the three-dimensional world using two-dimensional pictorial representations dates back at least to Paleolithic times. Artists from ancient to modern times have struggled to understand how a few contours or color patches on a flat surface can induce mental representations of a three-dimensional scene. This article summarizes some of the recent breakthroughs in scientifically understanding how the brain sees that shed light on these struggles. These breakthroughs illustrate how various artists have intuitively understand paradoxical properties about how the brain sees, and have used that understanding to create great art. These paradoxical properties arise from how the brain forms the units of conscious visual perception; namely, representations of three-dimensional boundaries and surfaces. Boundaries and surfaces are computed in parallel cortical processing streams that obey computationally complementary properties. These streams interact at multiple levels to overcome their complementary weaknesses and to transform their complementary properties into consistent percepts. The article describes how properties of complementary consistency have guided the creation of many great works of art.
This paper studies several applications of genetic algorithms (GAs) within the neural networks field. After generating a robust GA engine, the system was used to generate neural network circuit architectures. This was accomplished by using the GA to determine the weights in a fully interconnected network. The importance of the internal genetic representation was shown by testing different approaches. The effects in speed of optimization of varying the constraints imposed upon the desired network were also studied. It was observed that relatively loose constraints provided results comparable to a fully constrained system. The type of neural network circuits generated were recurrent competitive fields as described by Grossberg (1982).
Genetic Algorithms (GAs) make use of an internal representation of a given system in order to perform optimization functions. The actual structural layout of this representation, called a genome, has a crucial impact on the outcome of the optimization process. The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of different internal representations in a GA, which generates neural networks. A second GA was used to optimize the genome structure. This structure produces an optimized system within a shorter time interval.
This cultural history of Argentine crime fiction involves a comprehensive analysis of the literary and critical traditions within the genre, paying particular attention to the series of ‘aesthetic campaigns’ waged by Jorge Luis Borges and others during the period between 1933 and 1977. The methodological approach described in the introductory chapter builds upon the critical insight that in Argentina, generic discourse has consistently been the domain, not only of literary critics in the traditional mould, but also of prominent writers of fiction and specialists from other disciplines, effectively transcending the traditional tripartite ‘division of labour’ between writers, critics and readers. Chapter One charts the early development of crime fiction, and contextualises the evolution of the classical and hardboiled variants that were to provide a durable conceptual framework for discourse in the Argentine context. Chapter Two examines a number of pioneering early works by Argentine authors, before analysing Borges’ multi-faceted aesthetic campaign on behalf of the ‘classical’ detective story. Chapter Three examines a transitional period for the Argentine crime genre, book-ended by the three Vea y Lea magazine-sponsored detective story competitions that acted as a vital stimulus to innovation among Argentine writers. It includes a substantial treatment of the work of Rodolfo Walsh, documenting his transition from crime writer and anthologist to pioneer of the non-fiction novel and investigative journalism traditions. Chapter Four examines the period in which the novela negra came to achieve dominance in Argentina, in particular the aesthetic counter-campaigns conducted by Ricardo Piglia and others on behalf of the hard-boiled variant. The study concludes with a detailed analysis of Pablo Leonardo’s La mala guita (1976), which is considered as a paradigmatic example of crime fiction in Argentina in this period. The final chapter presents conclusions and a summary of the dissertation, and recommendations for further research.
The study of a score by a serious performer is a fundamental step in the process of arriving at a knowledgeable and deeply informed approach to performing a piece of music. In order to obtain this knowledge numerous aspects of the score must be taken into consideration. It is the intent of this dissertation to gather and analyze the information concerning Naturale, a work written by Luciano Berio in 1985 for viola, percussion and recorded voice, based on Sicilian folk songs. All the aspects surrounding Naturale’s existence are taken into consideration in this study. First, it is important to reflect on Berio’s compositional style and traits, the manner in which he relates his works one to another, what he sees in folk music and his own personal desire to intertwine art music and folk music. For Berio Naturale is not an isolated venture into the realm of mixing folk music and his own avant-garde style; it is instead one of many works resulting from his long-standing relationship with folk music. Another essential aspect in this case is the study of Sicilian folk music itself, and the sources used by Berio to find the songs by which he was inspired. The work is examined section by section with figures showing both excerpts of Naturale as well as the original songs with their translations. An analysis containing harmonic, thematic and formal aspects of the score was developed in order to arrive at a better understanding of the structure and pacing of the piece. For this research the author went to Italy to conduct an interview with Maestro Aldo Bennici, the Sicilian violist for whom Naturale was composed. This interview helped in the discovery of two more songs used by Berio that have not to this point been identified in any other document. Bennici’s outstanding testimony portrayed the expressive character of this music and the evocative imagery behind this score. I hope to bring this knowledge to other performers, that they may fully understand and appreciate the unique beauty and power of Berio’s Naturale.