893 resultados para Law Reform
This document provides a practical guide to Northern Ireland child care law.
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The Programme for Government promises the most fundamental reform of our health services in the history of the State. Future Health – A Srategic Framework for Reform of the Health Service 2012 – 2015 details the actions that we will take to deliver on this promise. The need for change in the health service is unquestionable. The current system is unfair to patients; it often fails to meet their needs fast enough; and it does not deliver value for money.  Click here to download
 This Composite Report on the work of the Action Committees established for Phase I of the Health Reform Programme sets out a brief summary of the issues raised and conclusions reached during Phase I. It is intended as an input to the planning of subsequent phases and should not be regarded as binding in any respect. Click here to download PDF
The Press Service of the European Court of Human Rights published in June 2014 a factsheet on the Court’s case-law on the human rights of older people. This collection shows that even though the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) does not explicitly refer to older persons nor to age discrimination, the Strasbourg Court can play an important role as a guardian of the rights of older people. Read more here.
Law and science have partnered together in the recent past to solve major public health issues, ranging from asbestos to averting the threat of a nuclear holocaust. This paper travels to a legal and health policy frontier where no one has gone before, examining the role of precautionary principles under international law as a matter of codified international jurisprudence by examining draft terminology from prominent sources including the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (UK), the Swiss Confederation, the USA (NIOSH) and the OECD. The research questions addressed are how can the benefits of nanotechnology be realized, while minimizing the risk of harm? What law, if any, applies to protect consumers (who comprise the general public, nanotechnology workers and their corporate social partners) and other stakeholders within civil society from liability? What law, if any, applies to prevent harm?
Ireland has a strong reputation for delivery of high-quality education services both to our own citizens and those who come here from abroad. A degree from an Irish university, Institute of Technology or high-quality private sector provider is an indicator of significant educational achievement, highly valued by our students and employers alike. Ireland is also a specialist in high-quality English Language tuition. Many thousands of students from the EU and around the world come to Ireland for full-time or short-term programmes.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Mit der vorliegenden Dokumentation werden die wichtigsten sozialen Ordnungen im Europa des 16. Jahrhunderts in unserer Gegenwartssprache publiziert und Lehrenden wie Studierenden als Arbeitsbuch an die Hand gegeben. Im gegenwärtigen Ringen um soziale Reformen angesichts der Krisen und neuen Herausforderungen, aber auch um Konvergenzen zwischen den gewachsenen nationalen Sozialordnungen in Europa ist es unabdingbar, deren sozialgeschichtliche Ausgangsbedingungen zu beleuchten. Damit soll ein zentraler Bestand des gemeinsamen sozial-kulturellen Erbes in Europa ans Licht und in unser heutiges Bewusstsein gehoben werden.