594 resultados para Laparoscopic segmentectomy
An isolated hepatic caudate lobectomy was performed in a fifty-seven-year-old white woman presenting a colo-rectal metastasis to hepatic segment I. The resection was performed under total liver vascular exclusion due to the proximity to hepatic veins. The patient presented an uneventful hospitalization being discharged on day seven.
Perforation of the gallbladder during laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be associated with intraperitoneal gallstone spillage. Several complications secondary to lost gallstones in the abdominal cavity have been described. We report a rare complication of abdominal abscess secondary to two gallstones left in the abdominal cavity. A 75-year-old female presented with spontaneous drainage of pus through the umbilicus five years after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. An ultrasonographic evaluation of the abdomen revealed a solid mass of 56x26 mm of diameter, with acoustic shadow, localized distal to the umbilicus. At laparotomy, an abscess with two biliary calculi was drained. The patient had good recovery, with no complication.
Our objective is to report a case of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a patient with duplicated cystic duct. A 34 year old male presented with episodic pain in the upper rigth quadrant of the abdomen. Murphy' s sign was not present. Ultrassonography showed gallbladder with multiple calculi and a thickened wall. At laparoscopic cholecystectomy, a duplicated cystic duct was found. Careful dissection and intraoperative cholangiography were performed to rule out common bile duct injury.
In the last few years, there has been an increase in the indication of lumbar sympathectomy for plantar hyperhidroses. There are few reports of the laparoscopic access for this operation, even when it seems to be a very apropriate method. A case of a left lumbar sympathectomy through the retroperitoneal endoscopic approach is presented. The total control of left plantar hiperhidroses was achieved, showing the effectiveness of this operation, completely feasible through extraperitoneal endoscopic route.
Incisional hernia is an uncommon complication in laparoscopic surgery. The majority of the hernias are located in the umbilical site. Nevertheless, they can occur in the lateral trocar site, although they are rarely diagnosed. We report a case of a 55 year-old patient who underwent a videolaparoscopic hysterectomy and developed small bowel obstruction on the third postoperative day. This initially gave rise to the diagnosis of paralytic ileum. The definitive diagnosis of incarcerated hernia in the lateral trocar site was established after an abdominal computed tomography was performed.
In the last fifty years evolution of scientific knowledge on the spleen provoked an entirely new approach to splenic surgery. It was shown that virulence may emerge as a significant consequence of environmental and evolutionary changes of some microbial communities, and devastating pathogenetic results of these changes become visible in human hosts without the splenic function. In other words: the spleen plays a pivotal role in the dynamic balance between biodiversity, microorganisms and immunogenecity in human hosts. Therefore, to preserve the "splenic immunologic repertoire" became an increasing commitment among surgeons. Understanding the integration of these multiple information on spleen, seems central to understand the new splenic surgery. Partial splenectomies (Réglées) - based on anatomical, experimental and clinical studies, developed at the University of Minas Gerais since the fifties - were successfully applied initially to treat the traumatic injuries of the spleen; in a following step, partial splenectomy were used to control hematological diseases. "Réglées" techniques on the spleen have conquered "ethical support, consilience status and clinical governance" to give birth to surgical therapeutic decisions on the spleen, in order to spare the structural integrity of the immune system. Splenic réglées procedures became a seminal achievement of splenic surgical practice. Initial results of "Partial splenectomies" - with conventional surgical armamentaria and techniques - were confirmed and improved by the introduction of techniques based on laparoscopic and endovascular approaches. And current usage of surgical splenic saving procedures propitiated the emergence of an appropriate lexicon for medical communication and became an "end point" of a "long-standing surgical inhibition" over the spleen.
Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction or Ogilvie’s Syndrome is characterized by signs and symptoms of large bowel obstruction without evidence of mechanical cause. The authors report two cases of patients with acute obstructive abdomen who were previously submitted to clinical treatment with no sucess. Later on one of them was submitted to laparoscopic cecostomy and the other to colonoscopic cecostomy The results showed that only the interventionist methods were successful.
Although laparoscopic surgery is a safe and effective procedure, it is not exempt from risks of complications and death. Complication rates have decreased in various procedures, with means of 1%, 3.9% and 9.2%, for those considered easy, difficult and very difficult, respectively, while death rates have ranged from zero to 0.09%. To analyze the characteristics and the incidence of complications regarding the technique, the patient, the surgeon and the various types of laparoscopic procedures used in urology. A literature review between January 1990 and June 2002 in Medline and Lilacs was undertaken, including approximately 22,000 patients submitted to laparoscopic surgery, classified according to the type of procedure. The complications were considered as major or minor in accordance with various criteria adopted by the authors for appraising their seriousness. The complications regarded as minor ones occurred mainly in the phases of access and insufflation, and were more common in the postoperative period. The ones considered as major were associated with the dissection phase, with more serious characteristics, with vascular lesions predominating over visceral ones. The laparoscopic urological procedures proved to be well tolerated by pediatric and obese patients. Complications rates with this technique were inversely proportional to theexperience of the surgeon; they were associated with the complexity of the procedures and were similar to those of the corresponding procedures performed through an open approach. Over ten years, in spite of the increasing complexity of laparoscopic procedures, complications rates have fallen to figures comparable to those of the corresponding open techniques.
The first application of laparoscopic liver surgery consisted of wedge liver biopsies or resection of peripheral lesions, mostly benign. More recently, reports of anatomic left and right hepatectomy have been seen in the literature. Expertise in some centers has evolved to such an extent that even living related donor hepatectomy has been performed. The aim of this paper is to report a laparoscopic right hepatectomy and describe in detail the surgical technique employed. To our knowledge this is the first case performed in Brazil totally laparoscopically. The surgery followed four distinct phases: complete mobilization of the liver; hilum dissection with encircling of right portal vein and right hepatic artery, caval dissection using linear vascular stapler to divide right hepatic vein and parenchymal transection with harmonic shears and firings of linear staplers are used to divide segmental 5 and 8 branches of middle hepatic vein. The liver specimen was removed by Pfannenstiel incision. Intraoperative blood loss was estimated in 120 ml with no need for blood transfusion. Hospital stay was 5 days. Laparoscopic right hepatectomy is feasible, technically demanding but can be safely accomplished by surgeons who have experience in advanced laparoscopic procedures and open hepatic surgery. In Brazil laparoscopic liver surgery is still in its first years and there is a lack of technical description of this complex procedure.
Worldwide experience with laparoscopic radical cystectomy is increasing in the last few years. We describe a 29-year-old female who underwent a laparoscopic radical cystectomy with ileal reservoir for a bladder sarcoma. Operative time was 405 minutes and estimated blood loss was 500 mL. She had an uneventful postoperative course and was discharged in the fifth postoperative day. Key-words: bladder, cystectomy, laparoscopy, urinary diversion, bladder neoplasms.
The authors report a case of a parastomal hernia that incarcerated a wandering spleen. We present a very rare case of an 85-year-old woman with a giant parastomal hernia. Computed tomography revealed a parastomal hernia with a wandering spleen inside. We introduce a different and simple alternative approach, with the smallest inconvenience as possible to solve the trouble. We carried out the treatment with a prosthetic repair closing the defect with ePTFE mesh, performed through a laparoscopic approach, intraperitoneal, like a tie and move the spleen back to its anatomical place. The result was excellent.
Access to the gastric remnant and duodenum is lost after Roux-en-Y gastric bypasses for morbid obesity. Laparoscopic transgastric endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography has recently been described to manage biliary problems in such cases. We describe the first brazilian case of management of choledocholithiasis after a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass using this approach.
Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) is an emerging experimental alternative to conventional surgery that eliminates abdominal incisions and incision-related complications by combining endoscopic and laparoscopic techniques to diagnose and treat abdominal pathology. Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery refers to the method of accessing the abdominal cavity through a natural orifice under endoscopic visualization. Since its introduction in 2004, numerous reports have been published describing different surgical interventions. Recently, a group of expert laparoscopic surgeons and endoscopists outlined the limitations of this approach and issued recommendations for progress toward human trials. Transluminal surgery is a new method for accessing the abdomen under direct endoscopic visualization. Preliminary studies have demonstrated the feasibility of this technique in animal models; however, further research is warranted to validate its safety in humans.
Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia is a benign and rare intravascular process thought to arise from an organizing thrombus. Involvement of the adrenal gland is extremely rare, with only one case reported in the literature. We report a case of this vascular lesion in the adrenal gland, treated with laparoscopic adrenalectomy.
Laparoscopic resection of the left lateral segment of the liver in donors of living liver transplantation. The authors present a case of laparoscopic resection of the left lateral segment of the liver in a donor of living liver transplantation. The procedure was done in six hours and the left lateral segment of the liver was removed through a 15 cm right subcostal incision. The patient was discharged on the 5th post-operative day. A 40 mL intrabdominal collection of bile was percutaneously drained guided by ultra-sonography. The drain was removed after five days. Afterwards, the patient had good recovery with no other complication.