998 resultados para Langage de balisage XML


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This paper reports on a first step towards the implementation of a framework for remote experimentation of electric machines ? the RemoteLabs platform. This project was focused on the development of two main modules: the user Web-based and the electric machines interfaces. The Web application provides the user with a front-end and interacts with the back-end ? the user and experiment persistent data. The electric machines interface is implemented as a distributed client server application where the clients, launched by the Web application, interact with the server modules located in platforms physically connected the electric machines drives. Users can register and authenticate, schedule, specify and run experiments and obtain results in the form of CSV, XML and PDF files. These functionalities were successfully tested with real data, but still without including the electric machines. This inclusion is part of another project scheduled to start soon.


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A Geografia tem a ver com o lugar, com a localização, com a sociedade, com o ambiente, com o espaço e com a região. Uma vez que no ciberespaço algumas destas variáveis são difíceis de definir, o campo de pesquisa da geografia virtual terá que ser aprofundado,. Este novo domínio da análise geográfica apresenta-se como uma forma de percepcionar a representação do(s) espaço(s) físico(s) no espaço virtual da Internet. Este artigo pretende mostrar um exemplo de um ‘interface’ de cartografia digital, disponível on-line, que pelas suas características inovadoras representa ‘o estado da arte’ na análise dos espaços reais ou geográficos, no espaço virtual da Internet. A sua escolha prende-se com o facto desta ferramenta utilizar conceitos e fundamentos da Geografia, aos quais foram aplicadas as modernas tecnologias de programação para ambientes da www, como as linguagens VRML, XML, Java e Flash.


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O objectivo deste trabalho é a criação de um modelo do mercado energético da pequena geração dispersa através de serviços Web, agentes m´oveis e leilões. Neste cenário, o mercado, supervisionado pelo leiloeiro, ´e constituído basicamente por dois tipos de actores: os vendedores – com uma determinada carteira de pequenos produtores de energia, equipados com diversos tipos de geradores, e os compradores – entidades que distribuem e comercializam energia, bem como grandes consumidores. Apresenta-se a arquitectura adoptada, composta por agentes estáticos e agentes m´oveis, assim como a metodologia de desenvolvimento integrado elegida. Esta metodologia especifica uma abordagem, suportada pela tecnologia XML, que permite, a partir da informação relativa aos intervenientes, criar uma ontologia comum de representação do conhecimento do domínio, gerar automaticamente os agentes que modelam os intervenientes e, por ultimo, ´ transformá-los em serviços Web. Os agentes compradores e vendedores participam no mercado através de agentes m´oveis, a quem delegam a sua representação durante o leilão. O trabalho, que está em curso, encontra-se na fase do desenvolvimento dos agentes/serviços Web.


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Develop a client-server application for a mobile environment can bring many challenges because of the mobile devices limitations. So, in this paper is discussed what can be the more reliable way to exchange information between a server and an Android mobile application, since it is important for users to have an application that really works in a responsive way and preferably without any errors. In this discussion two data transfer protocols (Socket and HTTP) and three serialization data formats (XML, JSON and Protocol Buffers) were tested using some metrics to evaluate which is the most practical and fast to use.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Informática - Área de Especialização em Tecnologias do Conhecimento e Decisão


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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This paper studies several topics related with the concept of “fractional” that are not directly related with Fractional Calculus, but can help the reader in pursuit new research directions. We introduce the concept of non-integer positional number systems, fractional sums, fractional powers of a square matrix, tolerant computing and FracSets, negative probabilities, fractional delay discrete-time linear systems, and fractional Fourier transform.


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Discussions under this title were held during a special session in frames of the International Conference “Fractional Differentiation and Applications” (ICFDA ’14) held in Catania (Italy), 23-25 June 2014, see details at http://www.icfda14.dieei.unict.it/. Along with the presentations made during this session, we include here some contributions by the participants sent afterwards and also by few colleagues planning but failed to attend. The intention of this special session was to continue the useful traditions from the first conferences on the Fractional Calculus (FC) topics, to pose open problems, challenging hypotheses and questions “where to go”, to discuss them and try to find ways to resolve.


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Near real time media content personalisation is nowadays a major challenge involving media content sources, distributors and viewers. This paper describes an approach to seamless recommendation, negotiation and transaction of personalised media content. It adopts an integrated view of the problem by proposing, on the business-to-business (B2B) side, a brokerage platform to negotiate the media items on behalf of the media content distributors and sources, providing viewers, on the business-to-consumer (B2C) side, with a personalised electronic programme guide (EPG) containing the set of recommended items after negotiation. In this setup, when a viewer connects, the distributor looks up and invites sources to negotiate the contents of the viewer personal EPG. The proposed multi-agent brokerage platform is structured in four layers, modelling the registration, service agreement, partner lookup, invitation as well as item recommendation, negotiation and transaction stages of the B2B processes. The recommendation service is a rule-based switch hybrid filter, including six collaborative and two content-based filters. The rule-based system selects, at runtime, the filter(s) to apply as well as the final set of recommendations to present. The filter selection is based on the data available, ranging from the history of items watched to the ratings and/or tags assigned to the items by the viewer. Additionally, this module implements (i) a novel item stereotype to represent newly arrived items, (ii) a standard user stereotype for new users, (iii) a novel passive user tag cloud stereotype for socially passive users, and (iv) a new content-based filter named the collinearity and proximity similarity (CPS). At the end of the paper, we present off-line results and a case study describing how the recommendation service works. The proposed system provides, to our knowledge, an excellent holistic solution to the problem of recommending multimedia contents.


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In this paper we study several natural and man-made complex phenomena in the perspective of dynamical systems. For each class of phenomena, the system outputs are time-series records obtained in identical conditions. The time-series are viewed as manifestations of the system behavior and are processed for analyzing the system dynamics. First, we use the Fourier transform to process the data and we approximate the amplitude spectra by means of power law functions. We interpret the power law parameters as a phenomenological signature of the system dynamics. Second, we adopt the techniques of non-hierarchical clustering and multidimensional scaling to visualize hidden relationships between the complex phenomena. Third, we propose a vector field based analogy to interpret the patterns unveiled by the PL parameters.


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Atmospheric temperatures characterize Earth as a slow dynamics spatiotemporal system, revealing long-memory and complex behavior. Temperature time series of 54 worldwide geographic locations are considered as representative of the Earth weather dynamics. These data are then interpreted as the time evolution of a set of state space variables describing a complex system. The data are analyzed by means of multidimensional scaling (MDS), and the fractional state space portrait (fSSP). A centennial perspective covering the period from 1910 to 2012 allows MDS to identify similarities among different Earth’s locations. The multivariate mutual information is proposed to determine the “optimal” order of the time derivative for the fSSP representation. The fSSP emerges as a valuable alternative for visualizing system dynamics.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Desenvolvimento Curricular).


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L'objectif de la thèse est de rendre compte d'une pratique langagière particulière, le débat, et d'opérer ce travail à la fois à un niveau théorique - en tant qu'analyser la pratique du débat pose certaines questions aux sciences du langage - et à un niveau pratique - dans la mesure où la spécificité du débat repose sur certains observables qu'il s'agit d'identifier et de décrire et qui permettent à chacun de distinguer le débat d'autres formes de comportement, telles que l'anecdote, la dispute ou encore la réunion de travail.¦La thèse part du constat que la pratique du débat constitue un fait social attesté et reconnaissable comme tel, et ce aussi bien par les agents qui s'engagent dans son accomplissement que par un observateur externe. Le fait qu'aucune règle ne vienne pour autant décrire «ce qui fait débat» plaide pour l'adoption d'une perspective ethnométhodologique, sensible à la manière dont les agents pourvoient eux-mêmes, en agissant de façon méthodique et routinière, à la reconnaissabilité (accountability) des pratiques dans lesquelles ils s'engagent.¦La thèse questionne le caractère reconnaissable de la pratique du débat à partir de données originales. Le corpus est constitué de huit événements publics s'étant déroulés à l'Université de Lausanne et ayant été vidéo-enregistrés pour l'occasion. Ces rencontres ne relèvent donc pas d'événements télédiffusés, par exemple des débats de sociétés organisés par des chaînes de télévision. Il s'agit de confrontations verbales (de types « débats publics » ou « conférence-discussion ») où tous les participants, public compris, sont réunis en un même lieu et dans une même tranche temporelle.¦La thèse organise la réflexion en trois parties. Intitulée la parole en interaction médiatisée, la première partie est consacrée à la présentation et à la problématisation, grâce à divers extraits du corpus, des différentes dimensions analytiques mobilisées. Par l'articulation d'acquis en linguistique textuelle et énonciative et en analyse conversationnelle, il s'agit d'étudier la matérialité signifiante des actions verbales en lien avec les dynamiques discursives et interactionnelles dans lesquelles cette matérialité s'inscrit et prend sens. En d'autres termes, on considère la manière dont les unités linguistiques participent à l'accomplissement d'activités pratiques et les pressions que ces activités pratiques sont susceptibles d'exercer sur l'usage de ces unités. L'analyse du débat est en outre inscrite dans une approche multimodale des pratiques, qui entend dépasser l'analyse de la seule verbalité pour donner une place aux ressources corporelles, qu'il s'agisse de gestes, de mimiques ou de la répartition des participants dans l'espace.¦Une fois les différentes dimensions analytiques posées, les deux autres parties examinent chacune une composante - autrement dit un observable - qui spécifie le débat en tant que pratique langagière particulière. Mobilisant une approche dialogale de la pratique de l 'argumentation, la deuxième partie entend montrer que le débat gagne à être abordé comme un mode particulier de gestion du désaccord, fondé sur l'usage de ressources argumentatives. La troisième partie s'intéresse finalement à la problématique de l'inscription de l'identité dans le langage et dans l'interaction et considère la manière dont les traits identitaires que les agents s'attribuent, respectivement ou réciproquement, lorsqu'ils s'engagent dans un débat, participent à assurer le caractère reconnaissable de cette pratique.