997 resultados para LP simples
This report presents an overview of the current work performed by us in the context of the efficient parallel implementation of traditional logic programming systems. The work is based on the &-Prolog System, a system for the automatic parallelization and execution of logic programming languages within the Independent And-parallelism model, and the global analysis and parallelization tools which have been developed for this system. In order to make the report self-contained, we first describe the "classical" tools of the &-Prolog system. We then explain in detail the work performed in improving and generalizing the global analysis and parallelization tools. Also, we describe the objectives which will drive our future work in this area.
Documentación entregada a los alumnos del Master en Estructuras de los Edificios y su rehabilitación impartido en EUATM, en relación a la introducción del programa SAP2000 de análisis estructural. PARTE 1.
This paper analyzes issues which appear when supporting pruning operators in tabled LP. A version of the once/1 control predicate tailored for tabled predicates is presented, and an implementation analyzed and evaluated. Using once/1 with answer-on-demand strategies makes it possible to avoid computing unneeded solutions for problems which can benefit from tabled LP but in which only a single solution is needed, such as model checking and planning. The proposed version of once/1 is also directly applicable to the efficient implementation of other optimizations, such as early completion, cut-fail loops (to, e.g., prune at the top level), if-then-else, and constraint-based branch-and-bound optimization. Although once/1 still presents open issues such as dependencies of tabled solutions on program history, our experimental evaluation confirms that it provides an arbitrarily large efficiency improvement in several application areas.
Es una aplicación del método de los elementos finitos (M.E.F) al cálculo de losas delgadas isotrópicas. Es pues un desarrollo de la función solución en suma de funciones a trozos. Dentro del M.E.F se utilizan como funciones interpolantes polinomios (integración numérica sencilla). La continuidad conseguida es C elevado a 1 (para el caso planteado representa convergencia monotónica ). Son elementos simples (de fácil extensión a láminas) y que forman una familia jerárquica (distintos grados de aproximación sin cambiar la malla). El primer elemento de la familia es el clough- felippa. Al final se dan resultados comparativos de algunas placas con otro tipo de elementos y la solución exacta.
Inclui notas bibliográficas.