711 resultados para Klein, Melanie
We examine the evaporation of a small black hole on a brane in a world with large extra dimensions. Since the masses of many Kaluza-Klein modes are much smaller than the Hawking temperature of the black hole, it has been claimed that most of the energy is radiated into these modes. We show that this is incorrect. Most of the energy goes into the modes on the brane. This raises the possibility of observing Hawking radiation in future high energy colliders if there are large extra dimensions.
We consider vacuum solutions in M theory of the form of a five-dimensional Kaluza-Klein black hole cross T6. In a certain limit, these include the five-dimensional neutral rotating black hole (cross T6). From a type-IIA standpoint, these solutions carry D0 and D6 charges. We show that there is a simple D-brane description which precisely reproduces the Hawking-Bekenstein entropy in the extremal limit, even though supersymmetry is completely broken.
Ground-state instability to bond alternation in long linear chains is considered from the point of view of valence-bond (VB) theory. This instability is viewed as the consequence of a long-range order (LRO) which is expected if the ground state is reasonably described in terms of the Kekulé states (with nearest-neighbor singlet pairing). It is argued that the bond alternation and associated LRO predicted by this simple, VB picture is retained for certain linear Heisenberg models; many-body VB calculations on spin s=1 / 2 and s=1 chains are carried out in a test of this argument.
The short-range resonating-valence-bond (RVB) wave function with nearest-neighbor (NN) spin pairings only is investigated as a possible description for the Heisenberg model on a square-planar lattice. A type of long-range order associated to this RVB Ansatz is identified along with some qualitative consequences involving lattice distortions, excitations, and their coupling.
Distortions of polyacene polymers are studied within a many-body valence-bond framework using a powerful transfer-matrix technique for the valence-bond (or Heisenberg) model of the system. The computations suggest that the ground-state geometry is either totally symmetric or possibly exhibits a slight (A2 or B2 symmetry) bond-alternation distortion. The lowest-energy (nonsymmetric, in-plane) distortions are the A2 and B2 modes, which, within our approximations, are degenerate.
The safe and responsible development of engineered nanomaterials (ENM), nanotechnology-based materials and products, together with the definition of regulatory measures and implementation of "nano"-legislation in Europe require a widely supported scientific basis and sufficient high quality data upon which to base decisions. At the very core of such a scientific basis is a general agreement on key issues related to risk assessment of ENMs which encompass the key parameters to characterise ENMs, appropriate methods of analysis and best approach to express the effect of ENMs in widely accepted dose response toxicity tests. The following major conclusions were drawn: Due to high batch variability of ENMs characteristics of commercially available and to a lesser degree laboratory made ENMs it is not possible to make general statements regarding the toxicity resulting from exposure to ENMs. 1) Concomitant with using the OECD priority list of ENMs, other criteria for selection of ENMs like relevance for mechanistic (scientific) studies or risk assessment-based studies, widespread availability (and thus high expected volumes of use) or consumer concern (route of consumer exposure depending on application) could be helpful. The OECD priority list is focussing on validity of OECD tests. Therefore source material will be first in scope for testing. However for risk assessment it is much more relevant to have toxicity data from material as present in products/matrices to which men and environment are be exposed. 2) For most, if not all characteristics of ENMs, standardized methods analytical methods, though not necessarily validated, are available. Generally these methods are only able to determine one single characteristic and some of them can be rather expensive. Practically, it is currently not feasible to fully characterise ENMs. Many techniques that are available to measure the same nanomaterial characteristic produce contrasting results (e.g. reported sizes of ENMs). It was recommended that at least two complementary techniques should be employed to determine a metric of ENMs. The first great challenge is to prioritise metrics which are relevant in the assessment of biological dose response relations and to develop analytical methods for characterising ENMs in biological matrices. It was generally agreed that one metric is not sufficient to describe fully ENMs. 3) Characterisation of ENMs in biological matrices starts with sample preparation. It was concluded that there currently is no standard approach/protocol for sample preparation to control agglomeration/aggregation and (re)dispersion. It was recommended harmonization should be initiated and that exchange of protocols should take place. The precise methods used to disperse ENMs should be specifically, yet succinctly described within the experimental section of a publication. 4) ENMs need to be characterised in the matrix as it is presented to the test system (in vitro/ in vivo). 5) Alternative approaches (e.g. biological or in silico systems) for the characterisation of ENMS are simply not possible with the current knowledge. Contributors: Iseult Lynch, Hans Marvin, Kenneth Dawson, Markus Berges, Diane Braguer, Hugh J. Byrne, Alan Casey, Gordon Chambers, Martin Clift, Giuliano Elia1, Teresa F. Fernandes, Lise Fjellsbø, Peter Hatto, Lucienne Juillerat, Christoph Klein, Wolfgang Kreyling, Carmen Nickel1, and Vicki Stone.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Onset-to-reperfusion time (ORT) has recently emerged as an essential prognostic factor in acute ischemic stroke therapy. Although favorable outcome is associated with reduced ORT, it remains unclear whether intracranial bleeding depends on ORT. We therefore sought to determine whether ORT influenced the risk and volume of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) after combined intravenous and intra-arterial therapy. METHODS: Based on our prospective registry, we included 157 consecutive acute ischemic stroke patients successfully recanalized with combined intravenous and intra-arterial therapy between April 2007 and October 2011. Primary outcome was any ICH within 24 hours posttreatment. Secondary outcomes included occurrence of symptomatic ICH (sICH) and ICH volume measured with the ABC/2. RESULTS: Any ICH occurred in 26% of the study sample (n=33). sICH occurred in 5.5% (n=7). Median ICH volume was 0.8 mL. ORT was increased in patients with ICH (median=260 minutes; interquartile range=230-306) compared with patients without ICH (median=226 minutes; interquartile range=200-281; P=0.008). In the setting of sICH, ORT reached a median of 300 minutes (interquartile range=276-401; P=0.004). The difference remained significant after adjustment for potential confounding factors (adjusted P=0.045 for ICH; adjusted P=0.002 for sICH). There was no correlation between ICH volume and ORT (r=0.16; P=0.33). CONCLUSIONS: ORT influences the rate but not the volume of ICH and appears to be a critical predictor of symptomatic hemorrhage after successful combined intravenous and intra-arterial therapy. To minimize the risk of bleeding, revascularization should be achieved within 4.5 hours of stroke onset.
Este artigo problematiza processos de produção e veiculação de representações de maternidade, tomando por base políticas de inclusão social no Brasil contemporâneo. Ancora-se na noção de "politização do feminino e da maternidade", que se refere a uma rede discursiva que delineia pedagogias que, ao educarem mulheres como mães, as situam ao lado do Estado, corresponsabilizando-as no enfrentamento de questões estruturais da pobreza, uma vez que são apresentadas como parceiras estratégicas que devem agir de forma decisiva na resolução de problemas sociais mais amplos. Dessa forma, as mulheres-mães são posicionadas em inúmeras políticas de inclusão social como agentes fundamentais para a resolução de problemas sociais.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy of coulomb-controlled iontophoresis (CCI) for delivery of riboflavin prior to corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL). METHODS: The eyes of 20 8-week-old Lewis rats, subject to epithelium-ON (epi-ON, n = 20 eyes) or epithelium-OFF (epi-OFF, n = 20 eyes) conditions, were used to evaluate the in vivo delivery of two riboflavin solutions: 0.1% riboflavin-20% dextran T500 solution (riboflavin-dextran) and 0.1% riboflavin 5'-phosphate (riboflavin-phosphate). After systemic intramuscular anesthesia, 0.25 mL of the photosensitizing agent was delivered by either instillation or CCI (2.11 mA/cm(2) for 4 or 10 minutes) into either epithelial condition. The CCI probe on the eye without current served as control. Confocal microscopy of flat-mounted corneas was used to analyze intracorneal penetration and fluorometry was used to quantify riboflavin in the aqueous within 30 minutes of treatment. RESULTS: Instillation and CCI allowed for uniform delivery of riboflavin-dextran throughout the stroma after epithelial debridement. Transepithelial delivery of riboflavin-dextran was not efficacious. Riboflavin-phosphate was successfully delivered in both epithelium conditions. Complete saturation of the cornea was achieved using CCI after removing the epithelium, the epi-ON case allowed for limited diffusion. Increasing the time from 4 to 10 minutes greatly increased the amount of riboflavin detected in the cornea and aqueous humor. CONCLUSIONS: Coulomb-controlled iontophoresis is an effective technique for transepithelial delivery of riboflavin-phosphate into the cornea. This drug delivery method would allow clinicians to significantly shorten the time required for the CXL procedure, with or without epithelial debridement. Whether efficient crosslinking can be achieved through an intact epithelium remains to be demonstrated.
We have previously demonstrated that measurement of tissue concentration of the novel secretogranin II-derived peptide EM66 may help to discriminate between benign and malignant pheochromocytomas. The aim of the present study was to characterize EM66 in plasma and urine of healthy volunteers and pheochromocytoma patients, in order to further evaluate the usefulness of this peptide as a circulating marker for the management of the tumors. HPLC analysis of plasma and urine samples demonstrated that the EM66-immunoreactive material coeluted with the recombinant peptide. In healthy volunteers, plasma and urinary EM66 levels were, respectively, 2.6 (1.9-3.7) ng/ml and 2.9 (1.9-4.6) ng/ml. In patients with pheochromocytoma, plasma EM66 levels were 10-fold higher than those of healthy volunteers (26.9 (7.3-44) ng/ml), and returned to normal values after removal of the tumor. In contrast, urinary EM66 levels were not significantly different from those of healthy volunteers (3.2 (2.2-3.9) ng/ml). Measurement of total or free plasma metanephrines and 24 hr urinary metanephrines in our series of patients revealed that these tests, taken separately, are less sensitive than the EM66 determination. Pheochromocytes in primary culture secreted high levels of EM66, suggesting that the chromaffin tumor was actually responsible for the increased plasma peptide concentrations in the patients. These data indicate that EM66 is secreted in the general circulation and that elevated plasma EM66 levels are correlated with the occurrence of pheochromocytoma. Thus, EM66 is a sensitive plasma marker that should be considered as a complementary tool in the management of pheochromocytoma.