919 resultados para Jung, Dora
The alpha-1 adrenergic receptors (alpha(1)ARs) are critical in sympathetically mediated vasoconstriction. The specific role of each alpha(1)AR subtype in regulating vasoconstriction remains highly controversial. Limited pharmacological studies suggest that differential alpha(1)AR responses may be the result of differential activation of junctional versus extrajunctional receptors. We tested the hypothesis that the alpha(1B)AR subtype is critical in mediating sympathetic junctional neurotransmission. We measured in vivo integrated cardiovascular responses to a hypotensive stimulus (induced via transient bilateral carotid occlusion [TBCO]) in alpha(1B)AR knockout (KO) mice and their wild-type (WT) littermates. In WT mice, after dissection of the carotid arteries and denervation of aortic baroreceptor buffering nerves, TBCO produced significant pressor and positive inotropic effects. Both responses were markedly attenuated in alpha(1B)AR KO mice (change systolic blood pressure 46+/-8 versus 11+/-2 mm Hg; percentage change in the end-systolic pressure-volume relationship [ESPVR] 36+/-7% versus 12+/-2%; WT versus KO; P<0.003). In vitro alpha(1)AR mesenteric microvascular contractile responses to endogenous norepinephrine (NE; elicited by electrical field stimulation 10 Hz) was markedly depressed in alpha(1B)AR KO mice compared with WT (12.4+/-1.7% versus 21.5+/-1.2%; P<0.001). In contrast, responses to exogenous NE were similar in alpha(1B)AR KO and WT mice (22.4+/-7.3% versus 33.4+/-4.3%; NS). Collectively, these results demonstrate a critical role for the alpha(1B)AR in baroreceptor-mediated adrenergic signaling at the vascular neuroeffector junction. Moreover, alpha(1B)ARs modulate inotropic responses to baroreceptor activation. The critical role for alpha(1B)AR in neuroeffector regulation of vascular tone and myocardial contractility has profound clinical implications for designing therapies for orthostatic intolerance.
Medulloblastoma, the most common malignant paediatric brain tumour, is currently treated with nonspecific cytotoxic therapies including surgery, whole-brain radiation, and aggressive chemotherapy. As medulloblastoma exhibits marked intertumoural heterogeneity, with at least four distinct molecular variants, previous attempts to identify targets for therapy have been underpowered because of small samples sizes. Here we report somatic copy number aberrations (SCNAs) in 1,087 unique medulloblastomas. SCNAs are common in medulloblastoma, and are predominantly subgroup-enriched. The most common region of focal copy number gain is a tandem duplication of SNCAIP, a gene associated with Parkinson's disease, which is exquisitely restricted to Group 4α. Recurrent translocations of PVT1, including PVT1-MYC and PVT1-NDRG1, that arise through chromothripsis are restricted to Group 3. Numerous targetable SCNAs, including recurrent events targeting TGF-β signalling in Group 3, and NF-κB signalling in Group 4, suggest future avenues for rational, targeted therapy.
Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a utilização de sistemas de informação enquanto instrumento para a tomada de decisão no exercício da gerência. Apresenta resultados da pesquisa realizada com os coordenadores e gerentes das unidades funcionais do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Baseada em pesquisa descritiva, a análise dos dados revela que o modelo de gerência fundamentado em unidades funcionais é um passo importante para a reorganização institucional. Demonstra que os sistemas de informação são instrumentos importantes para o exercício da gerência. Aponta subsídios para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação, bem como para sua automação.
El seu article parteix de l'afirmació que el destí de les dones al segle XIX està marcat, en la ficció, pel "bovarysme", malaltia que proposa que les dones s'emmalalteixen i moren perquè llegeixen malament. El treball analitza aquest problema de la "mala lectura" traçant un recorregut que va des de Fernán Caballero fins a Freud i es comenten alguns episodis de lectura que apareixen en la "Autobiografía" de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, Clemencia, Amalia, Madame Bovary, María, La regenta i El caso Dora. Her article departs from the statement that the destiny of women in the 19th century is determined, in fiction, by "bovarysm", an illness which proposes that women get sick and die because they read incorrectly. The work analyzes this problem of "bad reading" tracing a journey from Fernán Caballero to Freud, and comments on several episodes about the act of reading, from Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda's "Autobiography", Clemencia, Amalia, Madame Bovary, María, La Regenta and Dora's Case.
Novel therapeutic agents targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) have improved outcomes for patients with colorectal carcinoma. However, these therapies are effective only in a subset of patients. Activating mutations in the KRAS gene are found in 30-40% of colorectal tumors and are associated with poor response to anti-EGFR therapies. Thus, KRAS mutation status can predict which patient may or may not benefit from anti-EGFR therapy. Although many diagnostic tools have been developed for KRAS mutation analysis, validated methods and standardized testing procedures are lacking. This poses a challenge for the optimal use of anti-EGFR therapies in the management of colorectal carcinoma. Here we review the molecular basis of EGFR-targeted therapies and the resistance to treatment conferred by KRAS mutations. We also present guideline recommendations and a proposal for a European quality assurance program to help ensure accuracy and proficiency in KRAS mutation testing across the European Union.
El seu article parteix de l'afirmació que el destí de les dones al segle XIX està marcat, en la ficció, pel "bovarysme", malaltia que proposa que les dones s'emmalalteixen i moren perquè llegeixen malament. El treball analitza aquest problema de la "mala lectura" traçant un recorregut que va des de Fernán Caballero fins a Freud i es comenten alguns episodis de lectura que apareixen en la "Autobiografía" de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, Clemencia, Amalia, Madame Bovary, María, La regenta i El caso Dora. Her article departs from the statement that the destiny of women in the 19th century is determined, in fiction, by "bovarysm", an illness which proposes that women get sick and die because they read incorrectly. The work analyzes this problem of "bad reading" tracing a journey from Fernán Caballero to Freud, and comments on several episodes about the act of reading, from Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda's "Autobiography", Clemencia, Amalia, Madame Bovary, María, La Regenta and Dora's Case.
The bioavailability of nitric oxide (NO) within the vascular wall is limited by superoxide anions (O2.-). The relevance of extracellular superoxide dismutase (ecSOD) for the detoxification of vascular O2.- is unknown. We determined the involvement of ecSOD in the control of blood pressure and endothelium-dependent responses in angiotensin II-induced hypertension and renovascular hypertension induced by the two-kidney, one-clip model in wild-type mice and mice lacking the ecSOD gene. Blood pressure was identical in sham-operated ecSOD+/+ and ecSOD-/- mice. After 6 days of angiotensin II-treatment and 2 and 4 weeks after renal artery clipping, blood pressure was significantly higher in ecSOD-/- than ecSOD+/+ mice. Recombinant ecSOD selectively decreased blood pressure in hypertensive ecSOD-/- mice, whereas ecSOD had no effect in normotensive and hypertensive ecSOD+/+ mice. Compared with sham-operated ecSOD+/+ mice, sham-operated ecSOD-/- mice exhibited attenuated acetylcholine-induced relaxations. These responses were further depressed in vessels from clipped animals. Vascular O2.-, as measured by lucigenin chemiluminescence, was higher in ecSOD-/- compared with ecSOD+/+ mice and was increased by clipping. The antioxidant tiron normalized relaxations in vessels from sham-operated and clipped ecSOD-/-, as well as from clipped ecSOD+/+ mice. In contrast, in vivo application of ecSOD selectively enhanced endothelium-dependent relaxation in vessels from ecSOD-/- mice. These data reveal that endogenous ecSOD is a major antagonistic principle to vascular O2.-, controlling blood pressure and vascular function in angiotensin II-dependent models of hypertension. ecSOD is expressed in such an abundance that even in situations of high oxidative stress no relative lack of enzyme activity occurs.
OBJECTIVE: To assess health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in abatacept-treated children/adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). METHODS: In this phase III, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, subjects with active polyarticular course JIA and an inadequate response/intolerance to ≥1 disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (including biologics) received abatacept 10 mg/kg plus methotrexate (MTX) during the 4-month open-label period (period A). Subjects achieving the American College of Rheumatology Pediatric 30 criteria for improvement (defined "responders") were randomized to abatacept or placebo (plus MTX) in the 6-month double-blind withdrawal period (period B). HRQOL assessments included 15 Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ) health concepts plus the physical (PhS) and psychosocial summary scores (PsS), pain (100-mm visual analog scale), the Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire, and a daily activity participation questionnaire. RESULTS: A total of 190 subjects from period A and 122 from period B were eligible for analysis. In period A, there were substantial improvements across all of the CHQ domains (greatest improvement was in pain/discomfort) and the PhS (8.3 units) and PsS (4.3 units) with abatacept. At the end of period B, abatacept-treated subjects had greater improvements versus placebo in all domains (except behavior) and both summary scores. Similar improvement patterns were seen with pain and sleep. For participation in daily activities, an additional 2.6 school days/month and 2.3 parents' usual activity days/month were gained in period A responders with abatacept, and further gains were made in period B (1.9 versus 0.9 [P = 0.033] and 0.2 versus -1.3 [P = 0.109] school days/month and parents' usual activity days/month, respectively, in abatacept- versus placebo-treated subjects). CONCLUSION: Improvements in HRQOL were observed with abatacept, providing real-life tangible benefits to children with JIA and their parents/caregivers.
Little is known of the relations between psychosis, religion and suicide. One hundred and fifteen outpatients with schizophrenia or schizo-affective disorder and 30 inpatients without psychotic symptoms were studied using a semi-structured interview assessing religiousness/spirituality. Their past suicide attempts were examined. Additionally, they were asked about the role (protective or incentive) of religion in their decision to commit suicide. Forty-three percent of the patients with psychosis had previously attempted suicide. Religiousness was not associated with the rate of patients who attempted suicide. Twenty-five percent of all subjects acknowledged a protective role of religion, mostly through ethical condemnation of suicide and religious coping. One out of ten patients reported an incentive role of religion, not only due to negatively connotated issues but also to the hope for something better after death. There were no differences between groups (i.e. psychotic vs. non-psychotic patients). Religion may play a specific role in the decisions patients make about suicide, both in psychotic and non-psychotic patients. This role may be protective, a finding particularly important for patients with psychosis who are known to be at high risk of severe suicide attempts. Interventions aiming to lower the number of suicide attempts in patients with schizophrenia should take these data into account.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar capacidades de combinação por meio de análise multivariada de genótipos de maracujazeiro-doce, de modo a orientar as melhores combinações para cruzamentos. Foram cruzados 12 genótipos, 6 genitores femininos e 6 genitores masculinos, na forma de dialelo parcial, e as populações segregantes foram conduzidas em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições sem a inclusão dos genitores. Os caracteres aferidos foram: peso do fruto, peso da polpa, espessura da casca, teor de sólidos solúveis totais e rendimento de polpa. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância, análise dialélica parcial e análise de variância multivariada dialélica. Posteriormente, foi utilizado o índice de seleção da distância ao ideótipo para seleção dos genitores. Os melhores genitores femininos foram M4 e M2 e os masculinos foram P5 e P6 e as melhores combinações de genitores são M4 x P6 e M2 x P2. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que a utilização conjunta da análise dialélica e análise multivariada pode ser útil a programas de melhoramento genético, em especial na orientação das melhores combinações para cruzamentos, quando o objetivo é obter ganho genético em vários caracteres simultaneamente.
Le but de ce travail doctoral était le développement de méthodes analytiques pour la détermination dethyl glucuronide et dethyl sulfate. Ces deux substances sont des métabolites directs de lethanol qui peuvent être détectées pendant des heures jusqu'à des jours dans des fluides corporels, après que léthanol ait été complètement éliminé du corps humain. Ce sont donc des marqueurs de consommation récente d'alcool.La majorité des expériences ont été effectuées en utilisant l'électrophorèse capillaire. Il était envisagé de fournir des méthodes utilisables dans des laboratoires de routine. Des méthodes électrophorétiques ont été développées et optimisées pour la détermination dethyl sulfate dans le sérum et l'urine ainsi que pour lethyl glucuronide dans le sérum. Lethyl glucuronide urinaire a pu être déterminé par un immunoassay commerciale qui a en plus été adapté avec succès pour des échantillons de sérum. Avec toutes ces méthodes d'analyse il était possible d'observer les deux marqueurs de consommation d'alcool récente, même une consommation aussi basse qu'un verre de boissons alcooliques.Finalement, une étude englobant plus de 100 échantillons aété effectuée avec l'ambition de déterminer les valeurs de référence pour lethyl glucuronide dans le sérum et l'urine. De plus, la nécessité de normaliser les échantillons d'urine par rapport à la dilution a été investiguée. Grâce à cette étude des valeurs de cut-off et une base statistique pour l'interprétation probabiliste ont pu être proposées.