846 resultados para JAIRO Cloud
Triglycerides are reacted in a liquid phase reaction with methanol and a homogeneous basic catalyst. The reaction yields a spatially separated two phase result with an upper located non-polar phase consisting principally of non-polar methyl esters and a lower located phase consisting principally of glycerol and residual methyl esters. The glycerol phase is passed through a strong cationic ion exchanger to remove anions, resulting in a neutral product which is flashed to remove methanol and which is reacted with isobutylene in the presence of a strong acid catalyst to produce glycerol ethers. The glycerol ethers are then added back to the upper located methyl ethyl ester phase to provide an improved biodiesel fuel.
Despite the quantum nature of the process, collective scattering by dense cold samples of two-level atoms can be interpreted classically describing the sample as a macroscopic object with a complex refractive index. We demonstrate that resonances in Mie theory can be easily observable in the cooperative scattering by tuning the frequency of the incident laser field or the atomic number. The solution of the scattering problem is obtained for spherical atomic clouds who have the parabolic density characteristic of BECs, and the cooperative radiation pressure force calculated exhibits resonances in the cloud displacement for dense clouds. At odds with uniform clouds which show a complex structure including narrow peaks, these densities show resonances, yet only under the form of quite regular and contrasted oscillations. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2012
Large fine mode-dominated aerosols (submicron radius) in size distributions retrieved from the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) have been observed after fog or low-altitude cloud dissipation events. These column-integrated size distributions have been obtained at several sites in many regions of the world, typically after evaporation of low-altitude cloud such as stratocumulus or fog. Retrievals with cloud-processed aerosol are sometimes bimodal in the accumulation mode with the larger-size mode often similar to 0.4-0.5 mu m radius (volume distribution); the smaller mode, typically similar to 0.12 to similar to 0.20 mu m, may be interstitial aerosol that were not modified by incorporation in droplets and/or aerosol that are less hygroscopic in nature. Bimodal accumulation mode size distributions have often been observed from in situ measurements of aerosols that have interacted with clouds, and AERONET size distribution retrievals made after dissipation of cloud or fog are in good agreement with particle sizes measured by in situ techniques for cloud-processed aerosols. Aerosols of this type and large size range (in lower concentrations) may also be formed by cloud processing in partly cloudy conditions and may contribute to the "shoulder" of larger-size particles in the accumulation mode retrievals, especially in regions where sulfate and other soluble aerosol are a significant component of the total aerosol composition. Observed trends of increasing aerosol optical depth (AOD) as fine mode radius increased suggests higher AOD in the near-cloud environment and higher overall AOD than typically obtained from remote sensing owing to bias toward sampling at low cloud fraction.
Cloud point extraction (CPE) was employed for separation and preconcentration prior to the determination of nickel by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS), flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) or UV-Vis spectrophotometry. Di-2-pyridyl ketone salicyloylhydrazone (DPKSH) was used for the first time as a complexing agent in CPE. The nickel complex was extracted from the aqueous phase using the Triton X-114 surfactant. Under optimized conditions, limits of detection obtained with GFAAS, FAAS and UV-Vis spectrophotometry were 0.14, 0.76 and 1.5 mu g L-1, respectively. The extraction was quantitative and the enrichment factor was estimated to be 27. The method was applied to natural waters, hemodialysis concentrates, urine and honey samples. Accuracy was evaluated by analysis of the NIST 1643e Water standard reference material.
The development of cloud computing services is speeding up the rate in which the organizations outsource their computational services or sell their idle computational resources. Even though migrating to the cloud remains a tempting trend from a financial perspective, there are several other aspects that must be taken into account by companies before they decide to do so. One of the most important aspect refers to security: while some cloud computing security issues are inherited from the solutions adopted to create such services, many new security questions that are particular to these solutions also arise, including those related to how the services are organized and which kind of service/data can be placed in the cloud. Aiming to give a better understanding of this complex scenario, in this article we identify and classify the main security concerns and solutions in cloud computing, and propose a taxonomy of security in cloud computing, giving an overview of the current status of security in this emerging technology.
The automatic extraction of biometric descriptors of anonymous people is a challenging scenario in camera networks. This task is typically accomplished making use of visual information. Calibrated RGBD sensors make possible the extraction of point cloud information. We present a novel approach for people semantic description and re-identification using the individual point cloud information. The proposal combines the use of simple geometric features with point cloud features based on surface normals.
La rapida crescita di Internet e del numero di host connessi sta portando sempre di più alla nascita di nuove forme di tecnlogie ed applicazioni serverside, facendo del client un thin-client. Il Cloud Computing offre una valida piattaforma a queste nuove tecnologie, ma esso si deve confrontare con diverse problematiche, fra cui la richiesta energetica sempre più crescente, che si ripercuote su un'inevitabile aumento dei gas serra prodotti indirettamente. In questa tesi analizzeremo i problemi energetici legati al Cloud Computing e le possibili soluzioni, andando infine a creare una tassonomia fra i diversi Cloud Computing più importanti sul mercato attuale.
Nel corso di questa tesi analizzeremo che cos'è il cloud computing, illustrando i contratti di service level agreement e le soluzioni presenti nel mercato.
La tesi si colloca nell'ambito del Cloud Computing, un modello in grado di abilitare l’accesso in rete in maniera condivisa, pratica e on-demand, di diverse risorse computazionali, come potenza di calcolo o memoria di massa. Questo lavoro ha come scopo la realizzazione di una Cloud privata, per la fornitura di servizi, basata su un’architettura P2P. L’elaborato vuole studiare il caso di un sistema P2P di livello infrastruttura (IaaS) e propone la realizzazione di un prototipo capace di sostenere un insime basilare di API. Verranno utilizzati protocolli di gossip per la costruzione dei servizi fondamentali.