974 resultados para Island of Elba,Fluid inclusions,Petrography,Torre di Rio skarn,Iron ore deposits
The stable isotope records of four stalagmites dated by 19 TIMS uranium series ages are combined to produce master chronologies for delta(18)O and delta(13)C The delta(18)O records display good overall coherence, but considerable variation in detail. Variability in the delta(13)C records is greater, but general trends can still be discerned. This implies that too fine an interpretation of the structure of individual isotopic records can be unreliable. Speleothem delta(18)O values are demonstrated to show a positive relationship with temperature by comparing trends with other proxy records, but also to respond negatively to rainfall amount. Speleothem delta(13)C is considered to be most influenced by rainfall. The postglacial thermal optimum occur-red around 10.8 ka BP, which is similar in timing to Antarctica but up to 2000 years earlier than most Northern Hemisphere sites. Increasingly negative delta(18)O values after 7.5 ka BP indicate that temperatures declined to a late mid-Holocene minimum centred around 3 ka BP, but more positive values followed to mark a warm peak about 750 years ago which coincided with the 'Mediaeval Warm Period' of Europe. Low 5110 values at 325 years BP suggest cooling coincident with the 'Little Ice Age'. A marked feature of the delta(13)C record is an asymmetric periodicity averaging c. 2250 years and amplitude of c. 1.9parts per thousand. It is concluded that this is mainly driven by waterbalance variations with negative swings representing particularly wet intervals. The 5110 record shows a higher-frequency cyclicity with a period of c. 500 years and an amplitude of c. 0.25 parts per thousand. This is most likely to be temperature-driven, but some swings may have been amplified by precipitation.
Background: Intravenous (IV) fluid administration is an integral component of clinical care. Errors in administration can cause detrimental patient outcomes and increase healthcare costs, although little is known about medication administration errors associated with continuous IV infusions. Objectives: ( 1) To ascertain the prevalence of medication administration errors for continuous IV infusions and identify the variables that caused them. ( 2) To quantify the probability of errors by fitting a logistic regression model to the data. Methods: A prospective study was conducted on three surgical wards at a teaching hospital in Australia. All study participants received continuous infusions of IV fluids. Parenteral nutrition and non-electrolyte containing intermittent drug infusions ( such as antibiotics) were excluded. Medication administration errors and contributing variables were documented using a direct observational approach. Results: Six hundred and eighty seven observations were made, with 124 (18.0%) having at least one medication administration error. The most common error observed was wrong administration rate. The median deviation from the prescribed rate was 247 ml/h (interquartile range 275 to + 33.8 ml/ h). Errors were more likely to occur if an IV infusion control device was not used and as the duration of the infusion increased. Conclusions: Administration errors involving continuous IV infusions occur frequently. They could be reduced by more common use of IV infusion control devices and regular checking of administration rates.
The Testisin gene (PRSS21) encodes a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked serine protease that exhibits testis tissue-specific expression. Loss of Testisin has been implicated in testicular tumorigenesis, but its role in testis biology and tumorigenesis is not known. Here we have investigated the role of CpG methylation in Testisin gene inactivation and tested the hypothesis that Testisin may act as a tumour suppressor for testicular tumorigenesis. Using sequence analysis of bisulphite-treated genomic DNA, we find a strong relationship between hypermethylation of a 385 bp 50 CpG rich island of the Testisin gene, and silencing of the Testisin gene in a range of human tumour cell lines and in 100% (eight/eight) of testicular germ cell tumours. We show that treatment of Testisin-negative cell lines with demethylating agents and/or a histone deacetylase inhibitor results in reactivation of Testisin gene expression, implicating hypermethylation in Testisin gene silencing. Stable expression of Testisin in the Testisin-negative Tera-2 testicular cancer line suppressed tumorigenicity as revealed by inhibition of both anchorage-dependent cell growth and tumour formation in an SCID mouse model of testicular tumorigenesis. Together, these data show that loss of Testisin is caused, at least in part, by DNA hypermethylation and histone deacetylation, and suggest a tumour suppressor role for Testisin in testicular tumorigenesis.
Thixotropy is the characteristic of a fluid to form a gelled structure over time when it is not subjected to shearing, and to liquefy when agitated. Thixotropic fluids are commonly used in the construction industry (e.g., liquid concrete and drilling fluids), and related applications include some forms of mud flows and debris flows. This paper describes a basic study of dam break wave with thixotropic fluid. Theoretical considerations were developed based upon a kinematic wave approximation of the Saint-Venant equations down a prismatic sloping channel. A very simple thixotropic model, which predicts the basic theological trends of such fluids, was used. It describes the instantaneous state of fluid structure by a single parameter. The analytical solution of the basic flow motion and theology equations predicts three basic flow regimes depending upon the fluid properties and flow conditions, including the initial degree of jamming of the fluid (related to its time of restructuration at rest). These findings were successfully compared with systematic bentonite suspension experiments. The present work is the first theoretical analysis combining the basic principles of unsteady flow motion with a thixotropic fluid model and systematic laboratory experiments.
Solvation. pressure due to adsorption of fluids in porous materials is the cause of elastic deformation of an adsorbent, which is accessible to direct experimental measurements. Such a deformation contributes to the Helmholtz free energy of the whole adsorbent-adsorbate system due to accumulation of compression or tension energy by the solid. It means that in the general case the solid has to be considered as not solely a source of the external potential field for the fluid confined in the pore volume, but also as thermodynamically nonmert component of the solid-fluid system. We present analysis of nitrogen adsorption isotherms and heat of adsorption in slit graphitic pores accounting for the adsorption deformation by means of nonlocal density functional theory. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Investigations into the modelling techniques that depict the transport of discrete phases (gas bubbles or solid particles) and model biochemical reactions in a bubble column reactor are discussed here. The mixture model was used to calculate gas-liquid, solid-liquid and gasliquid-solid interactions. Multiphase flow is a difficult phenomenon to capture, particularly in bubble columns where the major driving force is caused by the injection of gas bubbles. The gas bubbles cause a large density difference to occur that results in transient multi-dimensional fluid motion. Standard design procedures do not account for the transient motion, due to the simplifying assumptions of steady plug flow. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can assist in expanding the understanding of complex flows in bubble columns by characterising the flow phenomena for many geometrical configurations. Therefore, CFD has a role in the education of chemical and biochemical engineers, providing the examples of flow phenomena that many engineers may not experience, even through experimentation. The performance of the mixture model was investigated for three domains (plane, rectangular and cylindrical) and three flow models (laminar, k-e turbulence and the Reynolds stresses). mThis investigation raised many questions about how gas-liquid interactions are captured numerically. To answer some of these questions the analogy between thermal convection in a cavity and gas-liquid flow in bubble columns was invoked. This involved modelling the buoyant motion of air in a narrow cavity for a number of turbulence schemes. The difference in density was caused by a temperature gradient that acted across the width of the cavity. Multiple vortices were obtained when the Reynolds stresses were utilised with the addition of a basic flow profile after each time step. To implement the three-phase models an alternative mixture model was developed and compared against a commercially available mixture model for three turbulence schemes. The scheme where just the Reynolds stresses model was employed, predicted the transient motion of the fluids quite well for both mixture models. Solid-liquid and then alternative formulations of gas-liquid-solid model were compared against one another. The alternative form of the mixture model was found to perform particularly well for both gas and solid phase transport when calculating two and three-phase flow. The improvement in the solutions obtained was a result of the inclusion of the Reynolds stresses model and differences in the mixture models employed. The differences between the alternative mixture models were found in the volume fraction equation (flux and deviatoric stress tensor terms) and the viscosity formulation for the mixture phase.
This work presents significant development into chaotic mixing induced through periodic boundaries and twisting flows. Three-dimensional closed and throughput domains are shown to exhibit chaotic motion under both time periodic and time independent boundary motions, A property is developed originating from a signature of chaos, sensitive dependence to initial conditions, which successfully quantifies the degree of disorder withjn the mixing systems presented and enables comparisons of the disorder throughout ranges of operating parameters, This work omits physical experimental results but presents significant computational investigation into chaotic systems using commercial computational fluid dynamics techniques. Physical experiments with chaotic mixing systems are, by their very nature, difficult to extract information beyond the recognition that disorder does, does not of partially occurs. The initial aim of this work is to observe whether it is possible to accurately simulate previously published physical experimental results through using commercial CFD techniques. This is shown to be possible for simple two-dimensional systems with time periodic wall movements. From this, and subsequent macro and microscopic observations of flow regimes, a simple explanation is developed for how boundary operating parameters affect the system disorder. Consider the classic two-dimensional rectangular cavity with time periodic velocity of the upper and lower walls, causing two opposing streamline motions. The degree of disorder within the system is related to the magnitude of displacement of individual particles within these opposing streamlines. The rationale is then employed in this work to develop and investigate more complex three-dimensional mixing systems that exhibit throughputs and time independence and are therefore more realistic and a significant advance towards designing chaotic mixers for process industries. Domains inducing chaotic motion through twisting flows are also briefly considered. This work concludes by offering possible advancements to the property developed to quantify disorder and suggestions of domains and associated boundary conditions that are expected to produce chaotic mixing.
The principal aim of this work was to determine the role of non-metallic inclusions in the process of hydrogen stepwise cracking (SWC). Additionally, the influence of inclusions upon the notch ductility of hydrogen charged (HC) and uncharged (UN) tensile specimens was examined. To obtain a basis for experiment a series of low carbon-manganese steels were prepared by induction melting. In order to produce variations in the composition, morphology, volume fraction, size and distribution of the inclusions the steel chemistry was adjusted prior to casting by additions of deoxidiser and Ca-Si injection. Sections of each ingot were hot rolled. Metallography, image analysis, mechanical tests and hydrogen SWC tests were then carried out. The volume fraction, morphology, and shape of inclusions influenced the tensile ductility of the steels. Marked anisotropy was found in the steels containing type II MnS inclusions at all rolling temperatures, whereas the fully Ca treated steel was isotropic. It was found that several inclusion parameters (projected length PL, mean free distance MFD, nearest-neighbour distance NND) correlated with fracture strain. An increase in inclusion volume fraction and/or the dimension of inclusions on a plane parallel to the plane of fracture led to a decrease in fracture strain. The inclusion parameters did not correlate with the fracture strains for the HC tensile specimens. However, large or clusters of inclusions acted as the principal sites for crack initiation. `Fisheyes' or areas of `flat' fracture were often found on these fracture surfaces. The criteria for SWC initiation was found to be either large inclusions or clusters of inclusions. As the PL of inclusions increased the probability of large SWCs occurring increased. SWC initiation at inclusions was believed to occur at a critical concentration of hydrogen. Factors which assisted the concentration of hydrogen at inclusions were discussed. None of the proposed mechanisms of hydrogen embrittlement could be identified as the single cause of SWC.
Neuronal intermediate filament inclusion disease (NIFID), a rare form of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), is characterized neuropathologically by focal atrophy of the frontal and temporal lobes, neuronal loss, gliosis, and neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI) containing epitopes of ubiquitin and neuronal intermediate filament proteins. Recently, the 'fused in sarcoma' (FUS) protein (encoded by the FUS gene) has been shown to be a component of the inclusions of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with FUS mutation, NIFID, basophilic inclusion body disease, and atypical FTLD with ubiquitin-immunoreactive inclusions (aFTLD-U). To further characterize FUS proteinopathy in NIFID, and to determine whether the pathology revealed by FUS immunohistochemistry (IHC) is more extensive than a-internexin, we have undertaken a quantitative assessment of ten clinically and neuropathologically well-characterized cases using FUS IHC. The densities of NCI were greatest in the dentate gyrus (DG) and in sectors CA1/2 of the hippocampus. Anti-FUS antibodies also labeled glial inclusions (GI), neuronal intranuclear inclusions (NII), and dystrophic neurites (DN). Vacuolation was extensive across upper and lower cortical layers. Significantly greater densities of abnormally enlarged neurons and glial cell nuclei were present in the lower compared with the upper cortical laminae. FUS IHC revealed significantly greater numbers of NCI in all brain regions especially the DG. Our data suggest: (1) significant densities of FUS-immunoreactive NCI in NIFID especially in the DG and CA1/2; (2) infrequent FUS-immunoreactive GI, NII, and DN; (3) widely distributed vacuolation across the cortex, and (4) significantly more NCI revealed by FUS than a-internexin IHC.