909 resultados para Irreductible modules
A systematic method to improve the quality (Q) factor of RF integrated inductors is presented in this paper. The proposed method is based on the layout optimization to minimize the series resistance of the inductor coil, taking into account both ohmic losses, due to conduction currents, and magnetically induced losses, due to eddy currents. The technique is particularly useful when applied to inductors in which the fabrication process includes integration substrate removal. However, it is also applicable to inductors on low-loss substrates. The method optimizes the width of the metal strip for each turn of the inductor coil, leading to a variable strip-width layout. The optimization procedure has been successfully applied to the design of square spiral inductors in a silicon-based multichip-module technology, complemented with silicon micromachining postprocessing. The obtained experimental results corroborate the validity of the proposed method. A Q factor of about 17 have been obtained for a 35-nH inductor at 1.5 GHz, with Q values higher than 40 predicted for a 20-nH inductor working at 3.5 GHz. The latter is up to a 60% better than the best results for a single strip-width inductor working at the same frequency.
This study investigated the effectiveness of modules involving standardized patients and role-plays on training communication skills. The first module involved standardized patients and an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE); the second module consisted of peer role-plays and a written examination. A randomized posttest-only control group design with first-year nursing students was used. The intervention group received one-to-one communication training with direct oral feedback from the standardized patient. The control group had training with peer role-playing and mutual feedback. The posttest involved students' rating their self-efficacy, and real patients and clinical supervisors evaluated their communication skills. No significant differences were found between self-efficacy and patient ratings. However, the clinical supervisors rated the intervention group's communication skills to be significantly (p < 0.0001) superior. Assessments by clinical supervisors indicate that communication training modules including standardized patients and an OSCE are superior to communication training modules with peer role-playing.
BACKGROUND: Anaesthesia Databank Switzerland (ADS) is a voluntary data registry introduced in 1996. Its ultimate goal is to promote quality in anaesthesiology. METHODS: The ADS registry analyses routinely recorded adverse events and provides benchmark comparisons between anaesthesia departments. Data collection comprises a set of 31 variables organised into three modules, one mandatory and two optional. RESULTS: In 2010, the database included 2,158,735 anaesthetic procedures. Over time, the proportions of older patients have increased, the largest group being aged 50-64 years. The percentage of patients with American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) status 1 has decreased while the percentage of ASA status 2 or 3 patients has increased. The most frequent comorbidities recorded were hypertension (21%), smoking (16%), allergy (15%) and obesity (12%). Between 1996 and 2010, 125,579 adverse events were recorded, of which 34% were cardiovascular, 7% respiratory, 39% technical and 20% non-specific. The most severe events were resuscitation (50%), oliguria (22%), myocardial ischaemia (17%) and haemorrhage (10%). CONCLUSION: Routine ADS data collection contributes to the monitoring of trends in anaesthesia care in Switzerland. The ADS system has proved to be usable in daily practice, although this remains a constant challenge that is highly dependent on local quality management and quality culture. Nevertheless, success in developing routine regular feedback to users to initiate discussions about anaesthetic events would most likely help strengthen departmental culture regarding safety and quality of care.
DnaSP is a software package for the analysis of DNA polymorphism data. Present version introduces several new modules and features which, among other options allow: (1) handling big data sets (~5 Mb per sequence); (2) conducting a large number of coalescent-based tests by Monte Carlo computer simulations; (3) extensive analyses of the genetic differentiation and gene flow among populations; (4) analysing the evolutionary pattern of preferred and unpreferred codons; (5) generating graphical outputs for an easy visualization of results. Availability: The software package, including complete documentation and examples, is freely available to academic users from: http://www.ub.es/dnasp
En Suisse, l'offre en matière de jeu est très importante. Que ce soit pour les loteries ou les casinos, les revenus bruts des jeux (RBJ) ont augmenté considérablement au cours de ces dix dernières années. Une offre de prévention et de traitement s'est développée en Suisse romande et le nombre de joueurs qui consultent ne cesse d'augmenter. Toutefois, il n'en reste pas moins qu'il s'agit là d'une petite proportion des joueurs problématiques qui font appel aux services d'aide. Le Programme intercantonal de lutte contre la dépendance au jeu (PILDJ) vise en premier lieu à sensibiliser la population au problème du jeu excessif. Il prévoit pour cela, notamment, de faciliter l'accès à l'information et au traitement. Par ailleurs, il a aussi pour objectif de sensibiliser les professionnels, afin d'améliorer la détection et la prise en charge des joueurs pathologiques. Le PILDJ entend finalement centraliser les informations relatives aux actions menées dans les cantons afin d'améliorer l'échange d'expériences. La coordination de ce Programme a été confiée au Groupement romand d'études des addictions (GREA). Le PILDJ comprend la mise sur pied de 4 modules parmi lesquels figure l'Etude romande sur le jeu. Ce rapport présente les résultats des volets couverts par l'Etude romande sur le jeu. [résumé, p. 5]
El artículo pasa sucintamente revista a las principales teorías sobre la naturaleza dela mente, desde la Antigüedad clásica hasta nuestros días, y toma partido por una concepción monista materialista que, sin embargo, preserva la especificidad de la mente (el yo) como nudo relaciona1 y centro irreductible de perspectiva que, precisamente por eso, no puede nunca adquirir una visión objetiva de sí mismo como puro sujeto.
Online teaching of inflammatory skin pathology by a French-speaking international university network
Introduction: Developments in technology, webbased teaching and whole slide imaging have broadened the teaching horizon in anatomic pathology. Creating online learning material including many types of media like radiologic images, videos, clinical and macroscopic photographs and whole slides imaging is now accessible to almost every university. Unfortunately, a major limiting factor to maintain and update the learning material is the amount of work, time and resources needed. In this perspective, a French national university network was initiated in 2011 to build mutualised online teaching pathology modules with clinical cases and tests. This network has been extended to an international level in 2012-2014 (Quebec, Switzerland and Ivory Coast). Method: One of the first steps of the international project was to build a learning module on inflammatory skin pathology intended for interns and residents of pathology and dermatology. A pathology resident from Quebec spent 6 weeks in France and Switzerland to develop the contents and build the module on an e-learning Moodle platform (http: //moodle.sorbonne-paris-cite.fr) under the supervision of two dermatopathologists (BV, MB). The learning module contains text, interactive clinical cases, tests with feedback, whole slides images (WSI), images and clinical photographs. For that module, the virtual slides are decentralized in 2 universities (Bordeaux and Paris 7). Each university is responsible of its own slide scanning, image storage and online display with virtual slide viewers. Results: The module on inflammatory skin pathology includes more than 50 web pages with French original content, tests and clinical cases, links to over 45 WSI and more than 50 micro and clinical photographs. The whole learning module is currently being revised by four dermatopathologists and two senior pathologists. It will be accessible to interns and residents in spring 2014. The experience and knowledge gained from that work will be transferred to the next international fellowship intern whose work will be aimed at creating lung and breast pathology learning modules. Conclusion: The challenges of sustaining a project of this scope are numerous. The technical aspect of whole-slide imaging and storage needs to be developed by each university or group. The content needs to be regularly updated, completed and its use and existence needs to be promoted by the different actors in pathology. Of the great benefits of that kind of project are the international partnerships and connections that have been established between numerous Frenchspeaking universities and pathologists with the common goals of promoting education in pathology and the use of technology including whole slide imaging. * The Moodle website is hosted by PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité, and financial supports for hardware have been obtained from UNF3S (http://www.unf3s.org/) and PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité. Financial support for international fellowships has been obtained from CFQCU (http://www.cfqcu.org/).
The Staphylococcus aureus fibronectin (Fn) -binding protein A (FnBPA) is involved in bacterium-endothelium interactions which is one of the crucial events leading to infective endocarditis (IE). We previously showed that the sole expression of S. aureus FnBPA was sufficient to confer to non-invasive Lactococcus lactis bacteria the capacity to invade human endothelial cells (ECs) and to launch the typical endothelial proinflammatory and procoagulant responses that characterize IE. In the present study we further questioned whether these bacterium-EC interactions could be reproduced by single or combined FnBPA sub-domains (A, B, C or D) using a large library of truncated FnBPA constructs expressed in L. lactis. Significant invasion of cultured ECs was found for L. lactis expressing the FnBPA subdomains CD (aa 604-877) or A4(+16) (aa 432-559). Moreover, this correlates with the capacity of these fragments to elicit in vitro a marked increase in EC surface expression of both ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 and secretion of the CXCL8 chemokine and finally to induce a tissue factor-dependent endothelial coagulation response. We thus conclude that (sub)domains of the staphylococcal FnBPA molecule that express Fn-binding modules, alone or in combination, are sufficient to evoke an endothelial proinflammatory as well as a procoagulant response and thus account for IE severity.
Developmental constraints have been postulated to limit the space of feasible phenotypes and thus shape animal evolution. These constraints have been suggested to be the strongest during either early or mid-embryogenesis, which corresponds to the early conservation model or the hourglass model, respectively. Conflicting results have been reported, but in recent studies of animal transcriptomes the hourglass model has been favored. Studies usually report descriptive statistics calculated for all genes over all developmental time points. This introduces dependencies between the sets of compared genes and may lead to biased results. Here we overcome this problem using an alternative modular analysis. We used the Iterative Signature Algorithm to identify distinct modules of genes co-expressed specifically in consecutive stages of zebrafish development. We then performed a detailed comparison of several gene properties between modules, allowing for a less biased and more powerful analysis. Notably, our analysis corroborated the hourglass pattern at the regulatory level, with sequences of regulatory regions being most conserved for genes expressed in mid-development but not at the level of gene sequence, age, or expression, in contrast to some previous studies. The early conservation model was supported with gene duplication and birth that were the most rare for genes expressed in early development. Finally, for all gene properties, we observed the least conservation for genes expressed in late development or adult, consistent with both models. Overall, with the modular approach, we showed that different levels of molecular evolution follow different patterns of developmental constraints. Thus both models are valid, but with respect to different genomic features.
La formation et le maintien d'idées délirantes, qui sont des symptômes clé de la psychose, s'expliquent en partie par la présence de biais cognitifs. La faisabilité, l'adhérence au traitement, l'utilité subjective et également l'efficacité d'un entraînement métacognitif (EMC) permettant de corriger ces biais cognitifs ont été démontrées chez des adultes souffrant de schizophrénie. Par contre, aucune étude ne s'est intéressée à ces aspects dans une population adolescente atteinte de psychose. La présente étude évalue la faisabilité d'un EMC et son effet bénéfique sur les symptômes psychotiques et dépressifs, le fonctionnement social et l'estime de soi chez 5 adolescents, de 16 à 18 ans, souffrant de psychose. L'intervention effectuée est un EMC en groupe correspondant à 2x8 modules, de 45 à 60 minutes, une fois par semaine. La mesure de l'efficacité des modules emploie des échelles mesurant la sévérité de la symptomatologie psychotique, le fonctionnement social global, l'estime de soi, la dépression et la santé mentale globale. Les résultats de ces 5 patients semblent indiquer que L'EMC est praticable et efficace. Toutefois, l'adhérence au traitement est mitigée. Le calendrier des séances nécessite une adaptation selon la disponibilité des participants. Globalement, L'EMC s'accompagne d'une réduction des symptômes psychotiques et dépressifs et d'une amélioration du fonctionnement social et de l'estime de soi. En conclusion, l'EMC représente une alternative intéressante et/ou un bon complément de traitement. De futures études à plus large échelle devraient être entreprises afin de confirmer cette conclusion et étoffer les données spécifiques à cette population exclue des précédentes études sur l'EMC.
PURPOSE: To select and propose a set of knowledge, attitudes, and skills essential for the care of adolescents; to encourage the development of adolescent health multidisciplinary networks; and to set up training programs in as many European countries as possible. METHODS: The curriculum was developed by 16 physicians from 11 European countries with various professional specializations. In line with modern guidelines in medical education, it is a modular, flexible instrument which covers the main teaching areas in the field, such as basic skills (i.e. setting, rights and confidentiality, gender and cultural issues) as well as specific themes (i.e. sexual and reproductive health, eating disorders, chronic conditions). It consists of 17 thematic modules, each containing detailed objectives, learning approaches, examples, and evaluation methods. RESULT: Two international one-week summer schools were used to assess the feasibility and appropriateness of the curriculum. The overall evaluation was good, with most of the items surpassing three on a four-point Likert scale. However, it pointed to several aspects (process and content) which will need to be refined in the future, such as an increase in interactive sessions (role playing), and a better mix of clinical and public health issues.
The athlete biological passport (ABP) was recently implemented in anti-doping work and is based on the individual and longitudinal monitoring of haematological or urine markers. These may be influenced by illicit procedures performed by some athletes with the intent to improve exercise performance. Hence the ABP is a valuable tool in the fight against doping. Actually, the passport has been defined as an individual and longitudinal observation of markers. These markers need to belong to the biological cascade influenced by the application of forbidden hormones or more generally, affected by biological manipulations which can improve the performance of the athlete. So far, the haematological and steroid profile modules of the ABP have been implemented in major sport organisations, and a further module is under development. The individual and longitudinal monitoring of some blood and urine markers are of interest, because the intraindividual variability is lower than the corresponding interindividual variability. Among the key prerequisites for the implementation of the ABP is its prospect to resist to the legal and scientific challenges. The ABP should be implemented in the most transparent way and with the necessary independence between planning, interpretation and result management of the passport. To ensure this, the Athlete Passport Management Unit (APMU) was developed and the WADA implemented different technical documents associated to the passport. This was carried out to ensure the correct implementation of a profile which can also stand the challenge of any scientific or legal criticism. This goal can be reached only by following strictly important steps in the chain of production of the results and in the management of the interpretation of the passport. Various technical documents have been then associated to the guidelines which correspond to the requirements for passport operation. The ABP has been completed very recently by the steroid profile module. As for the haematological module, individual and longitudinal monitoring have been applied and the interpretation cascade is also managed by a specific APMU in a similar way as applied in the haematological module. Thus, after exclusion of any possible pathology, specific variation from the individual norms will be then considered as a potential misuse of hormones or other modulators to enhance performance.
This research project strives to help the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) fully achieve the full benefits of pavement preservation through training on proper selection, design, and application of pavement preservation treatments. In some cases, there is a lack of training when conducting one of these steps and the objective of applying pavement preservation techniques is compromised. Extensive amounts of literature on pavement preservation exist, but a structured approach on how to train staff in selecting, designing, and applying pavement preservation techniques is lacking. The objective of this project was to develop a training-oriented learning management system to address pavement preservation treatments (chip seals, fog seals, slurry systems, and crack seals and fills) as they are dealt with during the phases of selection, design, and construction. Early in the project, it was critical to identify the staff divisions to be trained and the treatments to be included. Through several meetings with the Iowa DOT, three staff divisions were identified: maintenance staff (in charge of selection), design staff, and construction staff. In addition, the treatments listed above were identified as the focus of the study due to their common use. Through needs analysis questionnaires and meetings, the knowledge gap and training needs of the agency were identified. The training modules developed target the gap from the results of the needs analysis. The concepting (selection) training focuses on providing the tools necessary to help make proper treatment selection. The design training focuses on providing the information necessary on the treatment materials (mostly binders and aggregates) and how to make proper material selection. Finally, the construction training focuses on providing equipment calibration procedures, inspection responsibilities, and images of poor and best practices. The research showed that it is important to train each division staff (maintenance, design, and construction) separately, as each staff division has its own needs and interests. It was also preferred that each treatment was covered on an individual basis. As a result of the research, it is recommended to evaluate the performance of pavement preservation treatments pre- and post-training continuously to compare results and verify the effectiveness of the learning management system.
INTRODUCTION: Breast cancer subtyping and prognosis have been studied extensively by gene expression profiling, resulting in disparate signatures with little overlap in their constituent genes. Although a previous study demonstrated a prognostic concordance among gene expression signatures, it was limited to only one dataset and did not fully elucidate how the different genes were related to one another nor did it examine the contribution of well-known biological processes of breast cancer tumorigenesis to their prognostic performance. METHOD: To address the above issues and to further validate these initial findings, we performed the largest meta-analysis of publicly available breast cancer gene expression and clinical data, which are comprised of 2,833 breast tumors. Gene coexpression modules of three key biological processes in breast cancer (namely, proliferation, estrogen receptor [ER], and HER2 signaling) were used to dissect the role of constituent genes of nine prognostic signatures. RESULTS: Using a meta-analytical approach, we consolidated the signatures associated with ER signaling, ERBB2 amplification, and proliferation. Previously published expression-based nomenclature of breast cancer 'intrinsic' subtypes can be mapped to the three modules, namely, the ER-/HER2- (basal-like), the HER2+ (HER2-like), and the low- and high-proliferation ER+/HER2- subtypes (luminal A and B). We showed that all nine prognostic signatures exhibited a similar prognostic performance in the entire dataset. Their prognostic abilities are due mostly to the detection of proliferation activity. Although ER- status (basal-like) and ERBB2+ expression status correspond to bad outcome, they seem to act through elevated expression of proliferation genes and thus contain only indirect information about prognosis. Clinical variables measuring the extent of tumor progression, such as tumor size and nodal status, still add independent prognostic information to proliferation genes. CONCLUSION: This meta-analysis unifies various results of previous gene expression studies in breast cancer. It reveals connections between traditional prognostic factors, expression-based subtyping, and prognostic signatures, highlighting the important role of proliferation in breast cancer prognosis.
Colour polymorphism is common in wild population. One of the main questioning of evolutionary biologists is to understand how different colour variants could have evolved and be maintained in fluctuating environments, a selective process that forces individuals to constantly adapt their strategies in order to survive. This issue is particularly true for traits that are genetically inherited. Natural selection erodes genotypes with lowest fitness (less adapted), reducing in turn global genetic variation within population. In this context, the study of the evolution and maintenance of melanin- based coloration is relevant since inter-individual variation in the deposition of these pigments is common in animal and plant kingdoms and is under strong genetic control. In this thesis, I focus on the specific case of the tawny owl (Strix aluco), a species displaying continuous variation in reddish pheomelanin-based coloration. Interestingly, empirical studies highlighted covariations between melanin-based coloration and important behavioural, physiological and life history traits. Recently, a genetic model pointed out the melanocortin system and their pleiotropic effects as a potential regulator of these covariations. Accordingly, this PhD thesis further investigates colour-specific behavioural, physiological, or life history strategies, while examining the proximate mechanisms underlying these reaction norms. We found that differently coloured tawny owls differently resolve fundamental trade-off between offspring number and quality (Chapter 1), light melanic individuals producing many low- quality offspring and dark, melanic ones producing few high-quality offspring. These reproductive strategies are likely to induce alternative physiological constraints. Indeed, we demonstrated that light melanic individuals produced higher levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS, Chapter 2), but also expressed higher levels of antioxidant (GSH, Chapters 2 & 3). Interestingly, we showed that light melanic breeding females could modulate their POMC prohormone levels according to the environmental conditions, while dark reddish ones produced constant levels of this prohormone {Chapter 4). Finally, we highlighted colour-specific patterns of prohormone convertase 1 (PCI) gene expression (Chapter 5), an enzyme responsible for POMC prohormone processing to ACTH and a- MSH, for instance. Altogether, these results provide strong evidence of colour-specific strategies, light and melanic tawny owls better coping with stressful and relaxed environments, respectively. Variation in melanin-based coloration is likely to be maintained by the heterogeneity of our study area and strong environmental stochasticity within and between years, these process favouring differently coloured tawny owls at different periods of time. From a proximate point of view, this PhD thesis supports the hypothesis that covariations between phenotypic traits and melanin-based coloration stems from the melanocortin system, especially the fundamental role of POMC gene expression and its processing to melanocortin peptides. - Le polymorphisme de couleur est une variation phénotypique très fréquente dans la nature. En biologie évolutive, une des problématiques clés est donc de comprendre comment différent morphes de couleur peuvent être apparus et maintenus au cours du temps dans des environnements aussi variables que les nôtres, surtout que ces fluctuations forcent ces morphes à s'adapter constamment pour assurer leur survie. Cette thématique est particulièrement réelle lorsque les variations phénotypiques sont héréditaires et donc sous forte influence génétique. La sélection naturelle a en effet le pouvoir d'éroder rapidement la variation génétique en éliminant les génotypes mal adaptés. Dans ce sens, l'étude de l'évolution, et de la maintenance de la coloration mélanique est donc tout à fait pertinente car la variation de coloration entre individus est très répandue à travers les règnes animal et végétal et sous forte influence génétique. Dans cette thèse, je me suis concentré sur le cas spécifique de la chouette hulotte (Strix aluco), une espèce présentant une variation continue dans la déposition de pigments pheomélaniques roux. De précédentes études ont déjà montré que cette variation de coloration était associée avec des variations de traits comportementaux, physiologiques ou d'histoire de vie. Récemment, une étude a souligné l'importance du système des mélanocortines et de leurs effets pléiotropes dans la régulation de ces covariations. En conséquence, cette thèse de doctoral a pour but d'étudier un peu plus les stratégies comportementales, physiologiques ou d'histoire de vie spécifiques à chaque morphe de couleur, tout en examinant un peu plus les mécanismes proximaux potentiellement à la base de ces normes de réactions. Nous constatons tout d'abord que les morphes de couleurs étaient associés à différentes stratégies dans la résolution de compromis telle que la production de beaucoup de jeunes ou des jeunes de qualité (Chapitre 1). Les morphes gris (dit peu mélaniques) ont tendance à produire beaucoup de jeunes mains de moindre qualité, alors que les morphes roux (dit fortement mélaniques) produisent moins de jeunes mais de meilleure qualité. Ces stratégies sont susceptibles alors d'induire certaines contraintes physiologiques. Par exemple, nous montrons que les morphes gris produisent plus de dérivés réactifs de l'oxygène (ROS, Chapitre 2), mais aussi plus d'antioxydants (GSH, Chapitres 2 & 3). Nous montrons ensuite que les femelles grises ont une plus grande capacité à moduler leur niveau de POMC prohormone dans le sang en fonction des conditions environnementales, alors que les femelles rousses gardent un niveau constant (Chapitre 4). Finalement, nous démontrons que les patterns d'expression du gène codant pour la prohormone convertase 1 varient chez des jeunes issus de parents gris ou roux (Chapitre 5). Ceci est particulièrement intéressant car cette enzyme permet de scinder la POMC prohormone en plusieurs peptides importants tels que l'ACTH ou l'a-MSH. En conclusion, ces résultats démontrent qu'il y a bel et bien des stratégies évolutives différentes entre les morphes de couleurs, les chouettes hulottes grises et rousses étant respectivement plus adaptés à des environnements stressants ou favorables. L'hétérogénéité de notre zone d'étude et la stochasticité environnementale qui caractérise ses habitats pourraient donc agir comme une source de sélection temporelle, laquelle favoriserait les différents morphes de couleurs à diverses périodes. D'un point de vue plus proximale maintenant, cette thèse de doctorat soutient l'hypothèse que les covariations observées entre la coloration mélanique et des traits phénotypiques importants sont modulées par les effets pléiotropes du système des mélanocortines, et met en avant le rôle prépondérant que pourrait jouer l'expression du gène POMC et sa post traduction en mélanocortines.