806 resultados para Internet of things, Mqtt, domotica, Raspberry Pi
Thesis submitted in the fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master in Electronic and Telecomunications Engineering
Tese para obter o grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrónica e Telecomunicações
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Redes de Comunicação e Multimédia
Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores
BACKGROUND: The synthesis of published research in systematic reviews is essential when providing evidence to inform clinical and health policy decision-making. However, the validity of systematic reviews is threatened if journal publications represent a biased selection of all studies that have been conducted (dissemination bias). To investigate the extent of dissemination bias we conducted a systematic review that determined the proportion of studies published as peer-reviewed journal articles and investigated factors associated with full publication in cohorts of studies (i) approved by research ethics committees (RECs) or (ii) included in trial registries. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Four bibliographic databases were searched for methodological research projects (MRPs) without limitations for publication year, language or study location. The searches were supplemented by handsearching the references of included MRPs. We estimated the proportion of studies published using prediction intervals (PI) and a random effects meta-analysis. Pooled odds ratios (OR) were used to express associations between study characteristics and journal publication. Seventeen MRPs (23 publications) evaluated cohorts of studies approved by RECs; the proportion of published studies had a PI between 22% and 72% and the weighted pooled proportion when combining estimates would be 46.2% (95% CI 40.2%-52.4%, I2 = 94.4%). Twenty-two MRPs (22 publications) evaluated cohorts of studies included in trial registries; the PI of the proportion published ranged from 13% to 90% and the weighted pooled proportion would be 54.2% (95% CI 42.0%-65.9%, I2 = 98.9%). REC-approved studies with statistically significant results (compared with those without statistically significant results) were more likely to be published (pooled OR 2.8; 95% CI 2.2-3.5). Phase-III trials were also more likely to be published than phase II trials (pooled OR 2.0; 95% CI 1.6-2.5). The probability of publication within two years after study completion ranged from 7% to 30%. CONCLUSIONS: A substantial part of the studies approved by RECs or included in trial registries remains unpublished. Due to the large heterogeneity a prediction of the publication probability for a future study is very uncertain. Non-publication of research is not a random process, e.g., it is associated with the direction of study findings. Our findings suggest that the dissemination of research findings is biased.
Cette thèse traite de la résistance du VIH-1 aux antirétroviraux, en particulier de l'activité antivirale de plusieurs inhibiteurs non nucléosidiques de la transcriptase inverse (INNTI) ainsi que des inhibiteurs de protéase (IP). Nous avons exploré l’émergence et la spécificité des voies de mutations qui confèrent la résistance contre plusieurs nouveaux INNTI (étravirine (ETR) et rilpivirine (RPV)) (chapitres 2 et 3). En outre, le profil de résistance et le potentiel antirétroviral d'un nouvel IP, PL-100, est présenté dans les chapitres 4 et 5. Pour le premier projet, nous avons utilisé des sous-types B et non-B du VIH-1 pour sélectionner des virus résistants à ETR, et ainsi montré que ETR favorise l’émergence des mutations V90I, K101Q, E138K, V179D/E/F, Y181C, V189I, G190E, H221H/Y et M230L, et ce, en 18 semaines. Fait intéressant, E138K a été la première mutation à émerger dans la plupart des cas. Les clones viraux contenant E138K ont montré un faible niveau de résistance phénotypique à ETR (3,8 fois) et une diminution modeste de la capacité de réplication (2 fois) par rapport au virus de type sauvage. Nous avons également examiné les profils de résistance à ETR et RPV dans les virus contenant des mutations de résistance aux INNTI au début de la sélection. Dans le cas du virus de type sauvage et du virus contenant la mutation unique K103N, les premières mutations à apparaître en présence d’ETR ou de RPV ont été E138K ou E138G suivies d’autres mutations de résistance aux INNTI. À l’inverse, dans les mêmes conditions, le virus avec la mutation Y181C a évolué pour produire les mutations V179I/F ou A62V/A, mais pas E138K/G. L'ajout de mutations à la position 138 en présence de Y181C n'augmente pas les niveaux de résistance à ETR ou RPV. Nous avons également observé que la combinaison de Y181C et E138K peut conduire à un virus moins adapté par rapport au virus contenant uniquement Y181C. Sur la base de ces résultats, nous suggérons que les mutations Y181C et E138K peuvent être antagonistes. L’analyse de la résistance au PL-100 des virus de sous-type C et CRF01_AE dans les cellules en culture est décrite dans le chapitre 4. Le PL-100 sélectionne pour des mutations de résistance utilisant deux voies distinctes, l'une avec les mutations V82A et L90M et l'autre avec T80I, suivi de l’addition des mutations M46I/L, I54M, K55R, L76F, P81S et I85V. Une accumulation d'au moins trois mutations dans le rabat protéique et dans le site actif est requise dans chaque cas pour qu’un haut niveau de résistance soit atteint, ce qui démontre que le PL-100 dispose d'une barrière génétique élevée contre le développement de la résistance. Dans le chapitre 5, nous avons évalué le potentiel du PL-100 en tant qu’inhibiteur de protéase de deuxième génération. Les virus résistants au PL-100 émergent en 8-48 semaines alors qu’aucune mutation n’apparaît avec le darunavir (DRV) sur une période de 40 semaines. La modélisation moléculaire montre que la haute barrière génétique du DRV est due à de multiples interactions avec la protéase dont des liaison hydrogènes entre les groupes di-tétrahydrofuranne (THF) et les atomes d'oxygène des acides aminés A28, D29 et D30, tandis que la liaison de PL-100 est principalement basée sur des interactions polaires et hydrophobes délocalisées à travers ses groupes diphényle. Nos données suggèrent que les contacts de liaison hydrogène et le groupe di-THF dans le DRV, ainsi que le caractère hydrophobe du PL-100, contribuent à la liaison à la protéase ainsi qu’à la haute barrière génétique contre la résistance et que la refonte de la structure de PL-100 pour inclure un groupe di-THF pourrait améliorer l’activité antivirale et le profil de résistance.
La radiothérapie stéréotaxique corporelle (SBRT) est une technique couramment employée pour le traitement de tumeurs aux poumons lorsque la chirurgie n’est pas possible ou refusée par le patient. Une complication de l’utilisation de cette méthode provient du mouvement de la tumeur causé par la respiration. Dans ce contexte, la radiothérapie asservie à la respiration (RGRT) peut être bénéfique. Toutefois, la RGRT augmente le temps de traitement en raison de la plus petite proportion de temps pour laquelle le faisceau est actif. En utilisant un faisceau de photons sans filtre égalisateur (FFF), ce problème peut être compensé par le débit de dose plus élevé d’un faisceau FFF. Ce mémoire traite de la faisabilité d’employer la technique de RGRT en combinaison avec l’utilisation un faisceau FFF sur un accélérateur Synergy S (Elekta, Stockholm, Suède) avec une ceinture pneumatique, le Bellows Belt (Philips, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas), comme dispositif de suivi du signal respiratoire. Un Synergy S a été modifié afin de pouvoir livrer un faisceau 6 MV FFF. Des mesures de profils de dose et de rendements en profondeur ont été acquises en cuve à eau pour différentes tailles de champs. Ces mesures ont été utilisées pour créer un modèle du faisceau 6 MV FFF dans le système de planification de traitement Pinnacle3 de Philips. Les mesures ont été comparées au modèle à l’aide de l’analyse gamma avec un critère de 2%, 2 mm. Par la suite, cinq plans SBRT avec thérapie en arc par modulation volumétrique (VMAT) ont été créés avec le modèle 6 MV du Synergy S, avec et sans filtre. Une comparaison des paramètres dosimétriques a été réalisée entre les plans avec et sans filtre pour évaluer la qualité des plans FFF. Les résultats révèlent qu’il est possible de créer des plans SBRT VMAT avec le faisceau 6 MV FFF du Synergy S qui sont cliniquement acceptables (les crières du Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 0618 sont respectés). Aussi, une interface physique de RGRT a été mise au point pour remplir deux fonctions : lire le signal numérique de la ceinture pneumatique Bellows Belt et envoyer une commande d’irradiation binaire au linac. L’activation/désactivation du faisceau du linac se fait par l’entremise d’un relais électromécanique. L’interface comprend un circuit électronique imprimé fait maison qui fonctionne en tandem avec un Raspberry Pi. Un logiciel de RGRT a été développé pour opérer sur le Raspberry Pi. Celui-ci affiche le signal numérique du Bellows Belt et donne l’option de choisir les limites supérieure et inférieure de la fenêtre d’irradiation, de sorte que lorsque le signal de la ceinture se trouve entre ces limites, le faisceau est actif, et inversement lorsque le signal est hors de ces limites. Le logiciel envoie donc une commande d’irradiation au linac de manière automatique en fonction de l’amplitude du signal respiratoire. Finalement, la comparaison entre la livraison d’un traitement standard sans RGRT avec filtre par rapport à un autre plan standard sans RGRT sans filtre démontre que le temps de traitement en mode FFF est réduit en moyenne de 54.1% pour un arc. De la même manière, la comparaison entre la livraison d’un traitement standard sans RGRT avec filtre par rapport à un plan de RGRT (fenêtre d’irradiation de 75%) sans filtre montre que le temps de traitement de RGRT en mode FFF est réduit en moyenne de 27.3% par arc. Toutefois, il n’a pas été possible de livrer des traitements de RGRT avec une fenêtre de moins de 75%. Le linac ne supporte pas une fréquence d’arrêts élevée.
The contemporary explanations and discussions of the relationship between medicine and health, and society centre around assumptions that can be broadly classified into three setsl. The first set considers health and illness as predominantly ‘biological’ and therefore, having nothing to do with the social and economic environment in which it occurs. The struggle to combat illness therefore, lies entirely within the purview of modern medicine which is neutral to economic or social change. The second considers practice of medicine as a natural science. It allows the doctor to separate himself from his subject matter, the patient, in the samelway as the natural scientist is assumed to separate himself from his subject matter, the natural world. As a 'science' and with the scientific method, it can produce unchallengable and autonomous body of knowledge which is free from the wider social and economic context. The third, different from the above, recognises the relationship between health, medicine and society. Social and environmental aspects as determinants of illness or of health comes to sharp focus here and it assigns to medicine the status of a mediator, the only viable mediator, between people and diseases. In this scheme of things the usefulness of medicine is unquestionable but the problem lies in not having enough of it to go arounds.
This is an idea list of things you might wish to talk about with your personal tutees in the first few tutorials. It originates from ECS (Dave de Roure and Hugh Davis in particular) so some of the ideas might be particular to that School. If you have suggestions you would wish to have added please email them to hcd@ecs.soton.ac.uk, or please feel free to copy any parts of the document and make a list specific to your school. Please enter the new list in EdShare!
Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej: Instytut Filologii Polskiej
Recent years have seen an increasing number of academics attempt to write more process-oriented and 'nonrepresentational' accounts of landscape. Drawing upon this literature, I discuss a number of the movements, materialities, and practices entailed in constructing England's M1 motorway in the late 1950s. The performances, movements and durability of a diverse range of things-including earth-moving machines, public relations brochures, maps, helicopters, senior engineers, aggregate and labourers-are shown to be important to the construction and ordering of the motorway and spaces of the construction company in different times and spaces, with people's experiences or understandings of construction, both now and in the past, emerging through memories, talk and embodied encounters with architectures, texts and artefacts which are assembled, circulated and/or archived. Aerial perspectives assumed a prominent role in depictions of construction, while journalists and engineers frequently drew upon a military vocabulary and alluded to the military nature of the project when discussing the motorway. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The purpose of life is its continuation: survival is the reason things live. Here we explore this 'basic' of biology, by reference to the extraordinary life-cycle of the aphid-like pest phylloxera, and the complexity of its relationship with its host the grapevine. The effort and ingenuity that phylloxera employs to continue itself leads to a doubt that survival alone is sufficient reason. It has frequently been suggested that the reduction of life to a catalogue of facts (by science) creates this doubt, because it robs existence of its essence (which is something other than its mechanics). The part that science is said to steal is what Robert Pirsig calls Quality-the harmonious balance of things. Pirsig seems to imply that this is something inherent in things-and independent from us. A more mundane explanation is that the difference between facts and the complete reality is us-the tendency of mind to connect freely between different kinds of information. This possibility is briefly illustrated here by a myth based on the facts of phylloxera.
Bonding, photochemical and electrochemical properties of the clusters [Ru-3(CO)(8)(mu-CO)(2)(alpha-diimine)] (alpha-diimine=2,2'-bipyridine (1), 4,4'-dimethyl-2,2'-bipyridine (2) and 2,2'-bipyrimidine (3)) are strongly influenced by the presence of bridging carbonyl ligands. Irradiation at 471 nm initially results in the population of a sigma(Ru-3)pi*(alpha-diimine) excited state. From this state, fast decay takes place to the optically hardly directly accessible pi(Ru/mu-CO) pi*(alpha-diimine) lowest excited state. These assignments agree with theoretical (TD-DFT) results, resonance Raman and picosecond time-resolved infrared spectra. The involvement of the bridging carbonyl ligands in the electron transfer increases the energetic barrier for the formation of open-structure photoproducts such as biradicals and zwitterions. Zwitterions were therefore only obtained in strongly coordinating media such as pyridine at 250 K. The bridging carbonyl ligands also stabilize the radical anions produced upon one-electron reduction of the clusters [Ru-3(CO)(8)(mu-CO)(2)(alpha-diimine)] and observed with cyclic voltammetry, EPR and IR spectroelectrochemistry (for alpha-diimine=2,2'-bipyrimidine). In contrast, open-triangle intermediates formed along the reduction path to [Ru(CO)(2)(alpha-diimine)](n) and [Ru-2(CO)(8)](2-) are more reactive than their triosmium analogues.
This study has investigated the influence of dietary fatty acid composition on mammary tumour incidence in N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)-treated rats and has compared the susceptibility to dietary fatty acid modification of the membrane phospholipids phosphatidyliuositol (PI) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) from normal and tumour tissue of rat mammary gland. The incidence of mammary tumours was significantly lower in fish oil- (29%), compared with olive oil- (75%; P < 0.04) but not maize oil- (63%; P < 0.1) fed animals. No differences in PI fatty acid composition were found in normal or tumour tissue between rats fed on maize oil, olive oil or fish oil in diets from weaning. When normal and tumour tissue PI fatty acids were compared, significantly higher amounts of stearic acid (18:O) were found in tumour than normal tissue in rats given olive oil (P < 0.05). A similar trend was found in animals fed on maize oil, although differences between normal and tumour tissue did not reach a level of statistical significance (P < 0.1). In mammary PE, maize oil-fed control animals had significantly higher levels of linoleic acid (18:2n-6) than either olive oil- or fish oil-fed animals (P < 0.05, both cases) and levels of arachidonic acid were also higher in maize oil- compared with fish oil-fed animals (P < 0.05). In tumourbearing animals no differences in PE fatty acid composition were found between the three dietary groups. When normal and tumour tissue PE fatty acids were compared, significantly lower amounts of liuoleic acid (18:2n-6; P < 0.01) and significantly greater amounts of arachidonic acid (20:4n-6; P < 0.05) were found in tumour than normal tissue of rats fed on maize oil. The present study shows that the fatty acid composition of PI from both normal and tumour tissue of the mammary gland is resistant to dietary fatty acid modification. The PE fraction is more susceptible to dietary modification and in this fraction there is evidence of increased conversion of linoleic acid to arachidonic acid in tumour compared with normal tissue. Lower tumour incidence rates in rats given fish oils may in part be due to alteration in prostanoid metabolism secondary to displacement of arachidonic acid by eicosapentaenoic acid, but PE rather than PI would appear to be the most likely locus for diet-induced alteration in prostanoid synthesis in this tissue. Effects of dietary fatty acids other than on the balance of n-6 and n-3 fatty acids, and on prostanoid metabolism, should also be considered. The significance of increased stearic acid content of PI in tumours of olive oil-fed animals and the possible influence of dietary fatty acids on the capacity for stearic acid accumulation requires further study.
Four new cadmium(II) complexes [Cd-2(bz)(4)(H2O)(4)(mu 2-hmt)]center dot Hbz center dot H2O (1), [Cd-3(bz)(6)(H2O)(6)(mu 2-hmt)(2)]center dot 6H(2)O (2), [Cd(pa)(2)(H2O)(mu(2)-hmt)](n) (3), and {[Cd-3(ac)(6)(H2O)(3)(mu(3)-hmt)(2)]center dot 6H(2)O}(n) (4) with hexamine (hmt) and monocarboxylate ions, benzoate (bz), phenylacetate (pa), or acetate (ac) have been synthesized and characterized structurally. Structure determinations reveal that 1 is dinuclear, 2 is trinuclear, 3 is a one-dimensional (1D) infinite chain, and 4 is a two-dimensional (2D) polymer with fused hexagonal rings consisting of Cd-II and hmt. All the Cd-II atoms in the four complexes (except one CdII in 2) possess seven-coordinate pentagonal bipyramidal geometry with the various chelating bidentate carboxylate groups in equatorial sites. One of the CdII ions in 2, a complex that contains two monodentate carboxylates is in a distorted octahedral environment. The bridging mode of hmt is mu 2- in complexes 1-3 but is mu 3- in complex 4. In all complexes, there are significant numbers of H-bonds, C-H/pi, and pi-pi interactions which play crucial roles in forming the supramolecular networks. The importance of the noncovalent interactions in terms of energies and geometries has been analyzed using high level ab initio calculations. The effect of the cadmium coordinated to hmt on the energetic features of the C-H/pi interaction is analyzed. Finally, the interplay between C-H/pi and pi-pi interactions observed in the crystal structure of 3 is also studied.