993 resultados para Integrate
Executive Summary and Strategy Document (May 2006) The New Strategic Direction has a set of overarching long-term aims to: • Provide accessible and effective treatment and support for people who are consuming alcohol and/or using drugs in a potentially hazardous, harmful or dependent way. • Reduce the level, breadth and depth of alcohol and drug-related harm to users, their families and/or their carers and the wider community. • Increase awareness on all aspects of alcohol and drug-related harm in all settings and for all age groups. • Integrate those policies which contribute to the reduction of alcohol and drug-related harm into all Government Department strategies. • Develop a competent skilled workforce across all sectors that can respond to the complexities of alcohol and drug use and misuse. • Promote opportunities for those under the age of 18 years to develop appropriate skills, attitudes and behaviours to enable them to resist societal pressures to drink alcohol and/or use illicit drugs, with a particular emphasis on those identified as potentially vulnerable. • Reduce the availability of illicit drugs in Northern Ireland
Polyphosphate (polyP) occurs ubiquitously in cells, but its functions are poorly understood and its synthesis has only been characterized in bacteria. Using x-ray crystallography, we identified a eukaryotic polyphosphate polymerase within the membrane-integral vacuolar transporter chaperone (VTC) complex. A 2.6 angstrom crystal structure of the catalytic domain grown in the presence of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) reveals polyP winding through a tunnel-shaped pocket. Nucleotide- and phosphate-bound structures suggest that the enzyme functions by metal-assisted cleavage of the ATP gamma-phosphate, which is then in-line transferred to an acceptor phosphate to form polyP chains. Mutational analysis of the transmembrane domain indicates that VTC may integrate cytoplasmic polymer synthesis with polyP membrane translocation. Identification of the polyP-synthesizing enzyme opens the way to determine the functions of polyP in lower eukaryotes.
Calcium signalling is fundamental for muscular contractility of Schistosoma mansoni. We have previously described the presence of transport ATPases (Na+,K+-ATPase and (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPase) and calcium channels (ryanodine receptors - RyR) involved in control of calcium homeostasis in this worm. Here we briefly review the main technics (ATPase activity, binding with specific radioligands, fluxes of 45Ca2+ and whole worm contractions) and results obtained in order to compare the distribution patterns of these proteins: thapsigargin-sensitive (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPase activity and RyR co-purified in P1 and P4 fractions mainly, which is compatible with a sarcoplasmic reticulum localization, while basal ATPase (along with Na+,K+-ATPase) and thapsigargin-resistant (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPase have a distinct distribution, indicative of their plasma membrane localization. Finally we attempt to integrate these contributions with data from other groups in order to propose the first synoptic model for control of calcium homeostasis in S. mansoni.
Insulin and leptin are peripheral metabolic factors signaling the body needs in energy to the central nervous system. Because energy homeostasis and reproductive function are closely related phenomena, we investigated the respective roles played by insulin and leptin in the hypothalamic control of GnRH secretion. We observed that increasing circulating insulin levels, by performing hyperinsulinemic clamp studies in male mice, was associated with a significant rise in LH secretion. This effect of insulin is likely mediated at the hypothalamic level, because it was also found to stimulate the secretion and the expression of GnRH by hypothalamic neurons in culture. Leptin was found to potentiate the effect of insulin on GnRH secretion in vitro but was devoid of any effect on its own. These data represent the first evidence of direct insulin sensing by hypothalamic neurons involved in activating the neuroendocrine gonadotrope axis. They also demonstrate that these neurons can integrate different hormonal signals to modulate net hypothalamic GnRH output. We propose that such integration is an essential mechanism for the adaptation of reproductive function to changes in the metabolic status of an individual.
Rhodnius ecuadoriensis infests peridomiciles and colonises houses in rural southern Ecuador. Six out of 84 dwellings (7%) surveyed in a rural village were infested (78 bugs/infested domicile; 279 bugs were collected in a single dwelling). Precipitin tests revealed R. ecuadoriensis fed on birds (65%), rodents (31%), marsupials (8%), and humans (15%) - mixed bloodmeals detected in 37.5% of individual samples. Trypanosoma cruzi from opossums and rodents may thus be introduced into the domestic cycle. Wasp parasitoidism was detected in 6.5% of 995 R. ecuadoriensis eggs (only in peridomestic habitats). Control strategies should integrate insecticide spraying (indoors and peridomestic), better management of poultry, and housing improvements. A possible inefficacy of Malathion is reported.
Cada vez es mayor el número de aplicaciones desarrolladas en el ámbito científico, como en la Bioinformática o en las Geociencias, escritas bajo el modelo MapReduce, empleando herramientas de código abierto como Apache Hadoop. De la necesidad de integrar Hadoop en entornos HPC, para posibilitar la ejecutar aplicaciones desarrolladas bajo el paradigma MapReduce, nace el presente proyecto. Se analizan dos frameworks diseñados para facilitar dicha integración a los desarrolladores: HoD y myHadoop. En este proyecto se analiza, tanto las posibilidades en cuanto a entornos que ofrecen dichos frameworks para la ejecución de aplicaciones MapReduce, como el rendimiento de los clúster Hadoop generados con HoD o myHadoop respecto a un clúster Hadoop físico.
Lisburn YMCA works with at risk young people and adults. Having completed a number of level 2 projects the have now decided to deliver a level three programme. They have built up a good working relationship between themselve and Boots Pharmacy although the pharmacist has changed over the course of the programmes the Pharmacy has a good relationship with the young people of the area and YMCA. The programme will consist of 8 sessions the pharmacist being key to 5 of them. There will be one core group over the course of the three years. Core group two will change, for exampe, in year two they will focus on volunteers, demonstrate how the YMCA is seeking to integrate the work of the pharmacy into all their services an programmes. Fifteen participants will be targeted for each programme. In addition, the pharmacist will take part in ten one stop shop sessions each year and will have the oportunity to sit ona multi agency steering group.
Aquest projecte estudia i porta a terme una metodologia d'usabilitat aplicada a un tipus de pàgines web elàstiques formatives. L'objectiu d'aquesta metodologia és aconseguir que les futures aplicacions implementades en aquesta mena de pàgines integrin en el seu procés de creació l'experiència d'usuari com a punt destacat.
An essential step of the life cycle of retroviruses is the stable insertion of a copy of their DNA genome into the host cell genome, and lentiviruses are no exception. This integration step, catalyzed by the viral-encoded integrase, ensures long-term expression of the viral genes, thus allowing a productive viral replication and rendering retroviral vectors also attractive for the field of gene therapy. At the same time, this ability to integrate into the host genome raises safety concerns regarding the use of retroviral-based gene therapy vectors, due to the genomic locations of integration sites. The availability of the human genome sequence made possible the analysis of the integration site preferences, which revealed to be nonrandom and retrovirus-specific, i.e. all lentiviruses studied so far favor integration in active transcription units, while other retroviruses have a different integration site distribution. Several mechanisms have been proposed that may influence integration targeting, which include (i) chromatin accessibility, (ii) cell cycle effects, and (iii) tethering proteins. Recent data provide evidence that integration site selection can occur via a tethering mechanism, through the recruitment of the lentiviral integrase by the cellular LEDGF/p75 protein, both proteins being the two major players in lentiviral integration targeting.
Estudi detallat del framework JavaServer Faces (d'ara endavant, JSF's) per al desenvolupament de aplicacions web, i mostra com integrar amb altres marcs de treball, específicament, Spring i JPA. Per a això, crearem l'aplicació Web onLineStore, un sistema de catàleg de productes en línia.
Significant progress has been made with regard to the quantitative integration of geophysical and hydrological data at the local scale for the purpose of improving predictions of groundwater flow and solute transport. However, extending corresponding approaches to the regional scale still represents one of the major challenges in the domain of hydrogeophysics. To address this problem, we have developed a regional-scale data integration methodology based on a two-step Bayesian sequential simulation approach. Our objective is to generate high-resolution stochastic realizations of the regional-scale hydraulic conductivity field in the common case where there exist spatially exhaustive but poorly resolved measurements of a related geophysical parameter, as well as highly resolved but spatially sparse collocated measurements of this geophysical parameter and the hydraulic conductivity. To integrate this multi-scale, multi-parameter database, we first link the low- and high-resolution geophysical data via a stochastic downscaling procedure. This is followed by relating the downscaled geophysical data to the high-resolution hydraulic conductivity distribution. After outlining the general methodology of the approach, we demonstrate its application to a realistic synthetic example where we consider as data high-resolution measurements of the hydraulic and electrical conductivities at a small number of borehole locations, as well as spatially exhaustive, low-resolution estimates of the electrical conductivity obtained from surface-based electrical resistivity tomography. The different stochastic realizations of the hydraulic conductivity field obtained using our procedure are validated by comparing their solute transport behaviour with that of the underlying ?true? hydraulic conductivity field. We find that, even in the presence of strong subsurface heterogeneity, our proposed procedure allows for the generation of faithful representations of the regional-scale hydraulic conductivity structure and reliable predictions of solute transport over long, regional-scale distances.
The Traveller community was traditionally protected from drug use by distinct traditional anti-drug norms and potent family networks within their ‘separateness’ from the ‘settled’ community. Estimations of Traveller substance use remain clouded due to lack of ethnic monitoring in drug reporting systems, and poor service utilization by Travellers. This article draws on a Traveller and substance use regional needs analysis in Ireland, comprising 12 Traveller focus groups and 45 interviews with key stakeholders. Drug activity in terms of both drug dealing and drug use among Travellers is increasing in recent years [Van Hout, M.C. (2009a). Substance misuse in the traveller community: A regional needs assessment. Western Regional Drug Task Force. Series 2. ISBN 978-0-9561479-2-9].  Traditional resiliency factors are dissipating in strength due to increased Traveller housing within marginalized areas experiencing drug activity and increased levels of young Travellers encountering youth drug use within school settings, by way of their attempts ‘to fit in’ and integrate with their ‘settled peers’ [Van Hout, M.C. (2009b). Irish travellers and drug use – An exploratory study. Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care, 2(1), 42–49]. Fragmentation of Traveller culture is occurring as Travellers strive to retain their identity within the assimilation process into modern sedentarist Irish society. Treatment and outreach policies need to protect Traveller identity by reducing discriminatory experiences, promoting cultural acceptance with service staff and addressing literacy, implementing peer led approaches and offering flexible therapy modalities.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Fettercairn Growing Community Roots will deliver a range of programmes around exercise and healthy eating to improve, encourage and integrate the target schools into the wider local community through linkages with community based projects e.g. Fettercairn Community Garden. Part of theCFI Programme 2013-2015 Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Dublin 24 Partner Agencies safefood
Dendritic cells (DCs) are antigen presenting cells with an unique ability to induce primary immune responses. Different DCs subsets with an intrinsic capacity to polarise Tcells have been described: myeloid (Th1) and lymphoid (Th2). Plasticity is defined as DCs capacity to polarise T cells independent of the DCs origin. We investigated the potential role played by oxidants such as superoxide anion (·O2-), in the plasticity of DCs, measured by the induction of a specific DCs subset, cytokine release and antigen presentation. Furthermore, we are interested in the amplification of immune response analysed by the exosomes production after oxidative stress and LPS stimulation. Recently, we have demonstrated that exposure of cells to superoxide anions resulted in the activation of DC2 profile. To analyse the role of oxidative stress in DCs subsets, we used BDCA-1 and BDCA-2 antibodies, which identify myeloid and plasmacytoid DCs respectively. Freshly isolated monocytes have shown to be BDCA-1-, but BDCA-2+ populations. During 6 days culture up-regulation of BDCA-1, but a down-regulation of BDCA-2 were observed, giving a clear myeloid population. When DC were stimulated with superoxide anions or LPS, we have observed that both down regulate the expression of BDCA-1 when compared to immature DC. Antigen presentation was markedly altered according to the periodicity used, and antigens and oxidants exposures. Using DCs trapped in collagen "matrix" after LPS activation we were able to quantify DCs-exosomes (small membrane vesicles ~50-100 nm in diameter) by reconstruction pictures in three dimensions. Using double vital staining we have found that exosomes from activated DCs can fuse with the membrane of resting DCs. Understanding the capacity of DCs to integrate external signals we will be able to unravel and control Tcells-polarisation triggering a specific immune response or tolerance. We will be able also to understand the amplification role of DCs-exosomes in remote not yet activated DCs.
Avui dia el coneixement s'ha convertit en l'actiu més valuós de qualsevol organització, i la gestió d'aquest actiu, en una necessitat. La competitivitat de les empreses i, per tant, la seva supervivència depenen, en gran manera, del fet que aquest coneixement es pugui preservar i emprar eficientment. Quantes vegades hem perdut el temps innecessàriament cercant documents que nosaltres mateixos hem guardat en algun lloc i que no sabem trobar, o hem desaprofitat la informació d'altres perquè no sabem que existeix, o hem hagut de demanar informació a altres persones perquè nosaltres no la tenim a la nostra disposició o no sabem com trobar-la. Tot això i molt més pot quedar resolt amb una bona gestió del coneixement. Si haguéssim de definir què és la gestió del coneixement, podríem dir que és tot el conjunt d'activitats que tenen com a finalitat fer servir, compartir i desenvolupar els coneixements d'una organització i de les persones que hi treballen per a aconseguir una millora en els seus objectius, ser més precisos en la presa de decisions i poder donar una resposta més ràpida a les necessitats del mercat. Però implantar la gestió del coneixement en una empresa no és una tasca fàcil ni immediata. A banda de comportar un canvi organitzatiu important, cal que hi hagi un suport tecnològic, cosa que implica definir uns processos, abans inexistents i que ara han de ser aplicats i veure com s'integra en el funcionament de l'activitat diària de l'empresa, en aquest cas, el desenvolupament de projectes informàtics.