999 resultados para Independência administrativa


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A Província de Sergipe ganhou autonomia em relação à Província da Bahia em 1820, por decisão de D. João VI, que então já havia transferido a Corte portuguesa para o Brasil. Dois anos depois o Brasil se tornava uma nação soberana, separando-se de Portugal. Esses dois acontecimentos, que guardam proximidade temporal e política, instigaram a historiadora Edna Maria Matos Antônio a estudar a presença da corte portuguesa no Brasil e os significados das transformações institucionais aplicadas pelo governo joanino às regiões distantes do Rio de Janeiro, então sede política da nação. A autora aborda as reformas econômicas e administrativas promovidas pelo estado metropolitano, iniciadas na fase pombalina em meados do século XVIII e continuadas com a chegada de D. João VI ao Rio de Janeiro. E avalia as distintas conseqüências de tais reformas para o desenvolvimento regional do Brasil, além da influência que teriam exercido sobre o movimento da independência brasileira. Tomando como referência a Revolução Pernambucana de 1817, que ao contestar a política joanina e exigir reformas recebeu adesão de parte das elites locais e desencadeou conflitos na relação com o poder monárquico, o livro analisa o processo de independência da capitania de Sergipe. A autonomia teria sido concedida em reconhecimento da Coroa à participação dos representantes do poder sergipano no combate à revolta de Pernambuco. A investigação desses fatos permitiu à autora expor a natureza desses conflitos e seus desdobramentos dentro da crise do colonialismo em terras brasileiras. O momento exigia que os grupos sociais e políticos da Colônia tomassem decisões sobre formatos políticos institucionais vistos como soluções para melhorar e modificar a realidade. De acordo com a autora, Diferentes concepções e perspectivas sobre Estado e sociedade acabaram por definir os rumos da configuração governativa e estrutura política da nação...


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O autor realiza uma detalhada análise da repercussão do processo de independência cubana na imprensa brasileira, por meio do exame dos periódicos Jornal do Commercio e O Estado de S. Paulo no período compreendido entre 1895 e 1902. Os posicionamentos e opiniões emitidos pelos jornais foram observados a partir de uma perspectiva comparada e com base na configuração política e ideológica de cada veículo. O livro também investiga, ainda levando em conta o posicionamento desses jornais, as propostas ou opiniões acerca da inserção do Brasil no âmbito das relações políticas internacionais, sobretudo no que diz respeito aos Estados Unidos. À época, este país começavam a despontar como uma das grandes potências políticas e econômicas do planeta e a consolidar um papel hegemônico nas Américas. A história da independência cubana é a mais longa do continente, e uma das mais dramáticas: Cuba chegou tarde à independência, em comparação com os outros países hispano-americanos e mesmo assim não a conquistou por completo, pois ficou por um longo período sob a tutela política dos Estados Unidos. O extenso processo de independência de Cuba culminou com mudanças importantes para a América Latina, marcando o fim da presença colonial espanhola no continente e abrindo caminho para uma nova fase da política externa dos EUA para a região, de caráter francamente imperialista


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Introduction: Parkinson’s disease is a chronic disease of the nervous system that leads to a clinical picture of resting tremor, bradykinesia, muscular rigidity and postural instability. These symptoms, in turn, directly influence the functional independence of the individual. Objective: To analyze the influence of muscle strengthening on functional independence of individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Method: A total of ten subjects of both genders participated in this study. We evaluated the functional independence, strength of lower limbs, grip strength testing and 1 repetition maximum. After the evaluation was performed muscle building program for 12 weeks. Results: There was improvement of functional independence (p = 0.007) and lower limb strength (p = 0.01), as well as an increase in grip strength, both of the dominant hand (p = 0.007) and the non-dominant one (p = 0.02). Conclusion: The muscle strength improved the functional independence of individuals with PD.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study aims to examine rural development in the State of São Paulo, comparing the administrative regions of Campinas, Registro, and São Jose dos Campos. In addition, it will be studied new concepts and new actors in rural Brazil together with actions and changes in the European Union regarding the rural development, as well as structural and social changes of the old dichotomy CITY – COUNTRYSIDE


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The natural resource intensive industries have moved from center to periphery in Brazil. This shift is related to the environmental impacts generated by this type of industry, as occur biggest benefits to these industries in small towns as tax exemptions and donations of land, and local institutional capacity is lower in pollution control. In the 1970s began, in the state of São Paulo, a process of industrial deconcentration of Metropolitan Region of São Paulo to the inside of state, which generated an intense industrialization of the region of Campinas, Ribeirão Preto, Sorocaba e São José dos Campos. This process of industrial deconcentration had support in state policies restricting new industries in the Metropolitan Region and the creation and financing of infrastructure and improvement of road. This research project aims to verify whether there has been a shift of natural resource intensive industries for the Administrative Region of Ribeirão Preto, as well as aspects of the sustainability of this process


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The dynamics of the health services sector can be seen in studies of geographical features as analysis on the quantity and quality of médical and hospital services provided and the demand or need sensed by the population, whether the public sector, whether private sector within a defined portion of space, in analysis in this study, the Administrative Region of Barretos, State of São Paulo. This study seeks to better understand the dynamics of the health services sector (Public and Private) in the production of urban space of the Administrative Region of Barretos, for it will be reviewed, in particular, the Cities Health Centers, Bebedouro and Barretos. Also proposes through this, try to clarify the central regional Barretos and Bebedouro in the context of health services


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper analyzes the growth and development of Singapore after its independence. For this, we made a historical analysis of the country, attributing importance in their geographic, economic, demographic, cultural and social. Singapore does not have a representative agricultural sector; its economy is based on manufacturing and the financial sector. The development of such activities was through strong planning policies and stringent regulatory institutions. Singapore economy has evolved from a trading post to a major financial center worldwide. Shows high rates of GDP per capita, which is $ 50,000 in 2011. This country has the world's busiest port for container handling. Thus, industries are based on activities with high added value and attraction of foreign companies was due to the stability of the country, which helped the growth of it


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This work has as main objetive to analyze fiscal/tax collection of municipalities after the political-administrative decentralization in Brazil and its new role in this scenario, bringing up the competition for Decasa Sugar and Alcohol between the municipalities of Caiuá and Maraba Paulista in the context of expansion sugarcane cultivation in the Presidente Prudente Geographic Micro Region. The analysis has considered the geographic scales, in order to highlight the power relations on local/regional territory, determined by the Agroenergy Policy Guidelines in Brazil (2006-2011). The two municipalities have from the point of view economic dynamics, irrelevence, proven through the São Paulo Index of Social Responsibility (IPRS), maximizing the importance of the constitutional transfers, such as Participation Fund of Municipalities (FPM). Given this situation, we analyze the four taxes raised by the experts as the most impactful for municipal tax collection before the presence of sugarcane activity: the Territorial Urban Property Tax (IPTU), the Tax on Services of any Nature (ISSQN), the Tax Vehicles owned Motor (IPVA) and the Operations tax on the Circulation of Goods and on Transport Services Rendered Interstate and Intermunicipal (ICMS). It was verified, that only the ISSQN can be seen as an indicator increase in fiscal/tax collection before the presence sugarcane activity...


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Sectores tradicionales de la historiografía brasileña, siguiendo la idea de la cordialidad de ese pueblo, defendida por importantes intelectuales, suelen presentar la independencia del país como un proceso pacífico. El siete de septiembre de 1822, el hijo del rey de Portugal, que entonces vivía en Brasil, proclama la independencia del nuevo país e instaura un régimen monárquico que perdura hasta 1889 y mantiene unido en esa corona la inmensa extensión territorial que constituye actualmente el país. En realidad el proceso de construcción del estado brasileño no fue tan pacífico como cuentan los manuales de historia ni tampoco dejó de cosechar conflictos a lo largo de casi un siglo. En las últimas décadas historiadores y novelistas se han encargado de apuntar fisuras y disensiones en dicho proceso. La historia aparece así reescrita en varias novelas, desde paradigmas escriturales diversos. En ese sentido, el presente trabajo muestra como tres escritores trataron de aspectos de las guerras de independencia en el país en novelas históricas. La lectura de Viva o povo brasileiro (1984), de João Ubaldo Ribeiro; Lealdade (1997), de Márcio Souza e Anita (1999), de Flávio Aguiar, muestra como la literatura puede leer de modo privilegiado los signos de la historia.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The paper presents the results of a doctoral dissertation that covered the analysis of knowledge involving the everyday teaching and administrative practices of school managers who worked with the proposed construction of a citywide system of inclusive e ducation, while an educational policy. The aim was to follow the school management towards the proposed inclusive educationin three elementary schools in a medium-sized city in the state of São Paulo. The data were collected at the earlier school, a middle-aged one and another recently opened. The stages of the study were: 1) review of literature on: a) qualitative ethnographic research applied to education, b) principles of autonomy, planning, decentralization, c) the education of the school manager and d) relationship between school management and inclusive school; 2) data collection in schools, 3) description and categorization of data and 4) analysis and interpretation of results. To develop the methodology were used observations of the participants, semi-structured interviews, analysis of official documents of the school (internal and external). It was concluded that there is a lack of political-pedagogical project collectively built, a difficulty in developing coordinated actions aimed at the realitiy, problems in interpersonal relationships; a gap gulf between the proposed policy, the discourse about it and the daily practice. The school management is responsible for the construction of an inclusive school, but in the reality studied it was directed at administrative issues at the expense of the pedagogic ones.


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The article presents survey of public servants of a Higher Education Institution (HEI) that aimed to diagnose the presence of stress in this population, the stress phase in which individuals find themselves and the prevalence of symptoms, whether physical or psychological. This study aimed to characterize the symptomatology of the population experiencing stress and major stressors of the work context where participants act. The survey revealed that 46.6% of the participants are experiencing stress, mostly found in the resistance phase with predominantly psychological symptoms. Among the major stressors of work contexts, stood the physical environment of the workplace, sector infrastructure work, the process of professional performance evaluation adopted by IES, low recognition given to the work done and the small number of servers in certain sectors . The results revealed the presence of stress advancement of this sample and the need for appropriate policy actions and management practices of people who aim to act to minimize this phenomenon.