474 resultados para Indentation
In Gesteinen, die bei schwach- bis mittelgradiger Metamorphose deformiert wurden, sind Mikrostrukturen, wie z.B. undulöse Auslöschung, Subkörner und kristallographische Regelungen, typisch. Sie werden i.a. als das Resultat eines kristallplastischen Deformationsprozesses interpretiert. Das häufige Auftreten dieser Strukturen führte zu der Annahme, daß kristallplastische Deformationsprozesse zu den dominierenden duktilen Deformationsmechanismen während der Erdkrustendeformation gehören.Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Experimenten, bei denen die zeitabhängige kata-klastische Deformation polykristalliner, kompaktierter Aggregatproben des sehr gut löslichen, elastisch/spröden Salzes Natriumchlorat (NaClO3) untersucht wurde. Dieses Salz wurde als Analogmaterial gesteinsbildender Minerale wie Quarz und Feldspat ausgewählt. Es wurde nun untersucht, ob und in welcher Weise spröde Deformationsmechanismen in Anwesenheit von Wasser scheinbar kristall-plastische Mikrostrukturen hervorrufen können.Aus den Versuchen ergibt sich nun die Folgerung, daß scheinbar kristallplastisch erzeugte Mikrostrukturen wie Subkörner auch durch spröde zeitunabhängige Risse und subkritische (langsame) Kataklase entstehen können. Diese Erkenntnisse sind wichtig für das rheologische Verhalten der Erdkruste und somit auch für Modellierungen der Erdkrustendeformation. Ihre Betrachtung und Übertragung auf die Deformationsstrukturen der natürlich deformierten kontinentalen, oberkrustalen Gesteine der Erde würde die Interpretation der Mikrostrukturen in diesen Bereichen stark ändern. Dies hätte eine wesentliche Änderung auf den Verlauf der Gesteinsfestigkeitskurven in den Spannungsprofilen der Erdoberkruste zur Folge.
This thesis presents a new method to explore the local mechanical properties such as bending modulus or surface tension of artificial and native pore-spanning membranes. Therefore the elastic response of a free-standing membrane to a local indentation by the means of atomic force microscopy is measured. Starting point are highly hexagonal ordered pores in alumina produced by electrochemical anodization of planar aluminium. The homogeneous pore radius can by tailored in the range of 10 nm up to 200 nm, but radius of 33 nm, 90 nm and 200 nm turned out to be best suited for investigation of the mechanical properties of pore-spanning native or artificial membranes. In this work artificial membrane systems consisting of DODAB as a bilayer in gel phase or DOTAP as a fluide membrane are spreaded by vesicle absorption on hexagonal structured pores after chemisorption of a 3-mercaptopropionic acid monolayer. Centrally indenting these nanodrums with an atomic force microscope tip yields force-indentation curves, which are quantitatively analyzed by solving the corresponding shape equations of continuum curvature elasticity. Since the measured response depends in a known way on the system geometry (pore size, tip radius) and on material parameters (bending modulus, lateral tension, adhesion), this opens the possibility to monitor local elastic properties of lipid membranes in a well-controlled setting. Additionally the locally distributed mechanical properties of pore-spanning artificial membranes are compared to those of native pore-spanning membranes. Therefore the basal membrane of MDCK II cells was prepared on porous alumina assays and their mechanical properties were analyzed by means of atomic force microscopy. Finally the elastic behavior such as the Young modulus of living MDCK II cells under various osmotic pressures is investigated. By changing the osmolarity in the extracellular region of MDCK II cells a volume change is induced according to hydration and dehydration of the cells, respectively. This volume change induces also a change in the elastic behavior of the cell, which is quantified by the means of force spectroscopy.
The research work was aimed at studying, with a deterministic approach, the relationships between the rock’s texture and its mechanical properties determined at the laboratory scale. The experimentation was performed on a monomineralic crystalline rock, varying in texture, i.e. grains shape. Multi-scale analysis has been adopted to determine the elasto-mechanical properties of the crystals composing the rock and its strength and deformability at the macro-scale. This let us to understand how the structural variability of the investigated rock affects its macromechanical behaviour. Investigations have been performed on three different scales: nano-scale (order of nm), micro-scale (tens of m) and macro-scale (cm). Innovative techniques for rock mechanics, i.e. Depth Sensing Indentation (DSI), have been applied, in order to determine the elasto-mechanical properties of the calcite grains. These techniques have also allowed to study the influence of grain boundaries on the mechanical response of calcite grains by varying the indents’ sizes and to quantify the effect of the applied load on the hardness and elastic modulus of the grain (indentation size effect, ISE). The secondary effects of static indentation Berkovich, Vickers and Knoop were analyzed by SEM, and some considerations on the rock’s brittle behaviour and the effect of microcracks can be made.
Membranen spielen eine essentielle Rolle bei vielen wichtigen zellulären Prozessen. Sie ermöglichen die Erzeugung von chemischen Gradienten zwischen dem Zellinneren und der Umgebung. Die Zellmembran übernimmt wesentliche Aufgaben bei der intra- und extrazellulären Signalweiterleitung und der Adhäsion an Oberflächen. Durch Prozesse wie Endozytose und Exozytose werden Stoffe in oder aus der Zelle transportiert, eingehüllt in Vesikel, welche aus der Zellmembran geformt werden. Zusätzlich bietet sie auch Schutz für das Zellinnere. Der Hauptbestandteil einer Zellmembran ist die Lipiddoppelschicht, eine zweidimensionale fluide Matrix mit einer heterogenen Zusammensetzung aus unterschiedlichen Lipiden. In dieser Matrix befinden sich weitere Bausteine, wie z.B. Proteine. An der Innenseite der Zelle ist die Membran über Ankerproteine an das Zytoskelett gekoppelt. Dieses Polymernetzwerk erhöht unter anderem die Stabilität, beeinflusst die Form der Zelle und übernimmt Funktionenrnbei der Zellbewegung. Zellmembranen sind keine homogenen Strukturen, je nach Funktion sind unterschiedliche Lipide und Proteine in mikrsokopischen Domänen angereichert.Um die grundlegenden mechanischen Eigenschaften der Zellmembran zu verstehen wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit das Modellsystem der porenüberspannenden Membranen verwendet.Die Entwicklung der porenüberspannenden Membranen ermöglicht die Untersuchung von mechanischen Eigenschaften von Membranen im mikro- bis nanoskopischen Bereich mit rasterkraftmikroskopischen Methoden. Hierbei bestimmen Porosität und Porengröße des Substrates die räumliche Auflösung, mit welcher die mechanischen Parameter untersucht werdenrnkönnen. Porenüberspannende Lipiddoppelschichten und Zellmembranen auf neuartigen porösen Siliziumsubstraten mit Porenradien von 225 nm bis 600 nm und Porositäten bis zu 30% wurden untersucht. Es wird ein Weg zu einer umfassenden theoretischen Modellierung der lokalen Indentationsexperimente und der Bestimmung der dominierenden energetischen Beiträge in der Mechanik von porenüberspannenden Membranen aufgezeigt. Porenüberspannende Membranen zeigen eine linear ansteigende Kraft mit zunehmender Indentationstiefe. Durch Untersuchung verschiedener Oberflächen, Porengrößen und Membranen unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung war es für freistehende Lipiddoppelschichten möglich, den Einfluss der Oberflächeneigenschaften und Geometrie des Substrates, sowie der Membranphase und des Lösungsmittels auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften zu bestimmen. Es ist möglich, die experimentellen Daten mit einem theoretischen Modell zu beschreiben. Hierbei werden Parameter wie die laterale Spannung und das Biegemodul der Membran bestimmt. In Abhängigkeit der Substrateigenschaften wurden für freitragende Lipiddoppelschichten laterale Spannungen von 150 μN/m bis zu 31 mN/m gefunden für Biegemodulde zwischen 10^(−19) J bis 10^(−18) J. Durch Kraft-Indentations-Experimente an porenüberspannenden Zellmembranen wurde ein Vergleich zwischen dem Modell der freistehenden Lipiddoppelschichten und nativen Membranen herbeigeführt. Die lateralen Spannungen für native freitragende Membranen wurden zu 50 μN/m bestimmt. Weiterhin konnte der Einfluss des Zytoskeletts und der extrazellulä-rnren Matrix auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften bestimmt und innerhalb eines basolateralen Zellmembranfragments kartiert werden, wobei die Periodizität und der Porendurchmesser des Substrates das räumliche Auflösungsvermögen bestimmen. Durch Fixierung der freistehenden Zellmembran wurde das Biegemodul der Membran um bis zu einem Faktor 10 erhöht. Diese Arbeit zeigt wie lokal aufgelöste, mechanische Eigenschaften mittels des Modellsystems der porenüberspannenden Membranen gemessen und quantifiziert werden können. Weiterhin werden die dominierenden energetischen Einflüsse diskutiert, und eine Vergleichbarkeit zurnnatürlichen Membranen hergestellt.rn
As the elastic response of cell membranes to mechanical stimuli plays a key role in various cellular processes, novel biophysical strategies to quantify the elasticity of native membranes under physiological conditions at a nanometer scale are gaining interest. In order to investigate the elastic response of apical membranes, elasticity maps of native membrane sheets, isolated from MDCK II (Madine Darby Canine kidney strain II) epithelial cells, were recorded by local indentation with an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). To exclude the underlying substrate effect on membrane indentation, a highly ordered gold coated porous array with a pore diameter of 1.2 μm was used to support apical membranes. Overlays of fluorescence and AFM images show that intact apical membrane sheets are attached to poly-D-lysine coated porous substrate. Force indentation measurements reveal an extremely soft elastic membrane response if it is indented at the center of the pore in comparison to a hard repulsion on the adjacent rim used to define the exact contact point. A linear dependency of force versus indentation (-dF/dh) up to 100 nm penetration depth enabled us to define an apparent membrane spring constant (kapp) as the slope of a linear fit with a stiffness value of for native apical membrane in PBS. A correlation between fluorescence intensity and kapp is also reported. Time dependent hysteresis observed with native membranes is explained by a viscoelastic solid model of a spring connected to a Kelvin-Voight solid with a time constant of 0.04 s. No hysteresis was reported with chemically fixated membranes. A combined linear and non linear elastic response is suggested to relate the experimental data of force indentation curves to the elastic modulus and the membrane thickness. Membrane bending is the dominant contributor to linear elastic indentation at low loads, whereas stretching is the dominant contributor for non linear elastic response at higher loads. The membrane elastic response was controlled either by stiffening with chemical fixatives or by softening with F-actin disrupters. Overall, the presented setup is ideally suitable to study the interactions of the apical membrane with the underlying cytoskeleton by means of force indentation elasticity maps combined with fluorescence imaging.
The aim of the study was to assess the thickness of softened enamel removed by toothbrushing. Human enamel specimens were indented with a Knoop diamond. Softening was performed with citric acid or orange juice. The specimens were brushed in a brushing machine with a manual soft toothbrush in toothpaste slurry or in artificial saliva. Enamel loss was calculated from the change in indentation depth of the same indent before and after abrasion. Mean surface losses (95% confidence interval) were recorded in treatment groups (in nanometers): (1) citric acid, abrasion with slurry = 339 (280-398); (2) citric acid, abrasion with artificial saliva = 16 (5-27); (3) orange juice, abrasion with slurry = 268 (233-303); (4) orange juice, abrasion with artificial saliva = 14 (5-23); (5) no softening, abrasion with slurry = 28 (10-46). The calculated thickness of the softened enamel varied between 254 and 323 nm, depending on the acid used.
STUDY DESIGN.: Cadaver study. OBJECTIVE.: To determine bone strength in vertebrae by measuring peak breakaway torque or indentation force using custom-made pedicle probes. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA.: Screw performance in dorsal spinal instrumentation is dependent on bone quality of the vertebral body. To date no intraoperative measuring device to validate bone strength is available. Destructive testing may predict bone strength in transpedicular instrumentations in osteoporotic vertebrae. Insertional torque measurements showed varying results. METHODS.: Ten human cadaveric vertebrae were evaluated for bone mineral density (BMD) measurements by quantitative computed tomography. Peak torque and indentation force of custom-made probes as a measure for mechanical bone strength were assessed via a transpedicular approach. The results were correlated to regional BMD and to biomechanical load testing after pedicle screw implementation. RESULTS.: Both methods generated a positive correlation to failure load of the respective vertebrae. The correlation of peak breakaway torque to failure load was r = 0.959 (P = 0.003), therewith distinctly higher than the correlation of indentation force to failure load, which was r = 0.690 (P = 0.040). In predicting regional BMD, measurement of peak torque also performed better than that of indentation force (r = 0.897 [P = 0.002] vs. r = 0.777 [P = 0.017]). CONCLUSION.: Transpedicular measurement of peak breakaway torque is technically feasible and predicts reliable local bone strength and implant failure for dorsal spinal instrumentations in this experimental setting.
SUMMARY The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of surface roughness on surface hardness (Vickers; VHN), elastic modulus (EM), and flexural strength (FLS) of two computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) ceramic materials. One hundred sixty-two samples of VITABLOCS Mark II (VMII) and 162 samples of IPS Empress CAD (IPS) were ground according to six standardized protocols producing decreasing surface roughnesses (n=27/group): grinding with 1) silicon carbide (SiC) paper #80, 2) SiC paper #120, 3) SiC paper #220, 4) SiC paper #320, 5) SiC paper #500, and 6) SiC paper #1000. Surface roughness (Ra/Rz) was measured with a surface roughness meter, VHN and EM with a hardness indentation device, and FLS with a three-point bending test. To test for a correlation between surface roughness (Ra/Rz) and VHN, EM, or FLS, Spearman rank correlation coefficients were calculated. The decrease in surface roughness led to an increase in VHN from (VMII/IPS; medians) 263.7/256.5 VHN to 646.8/601.5 VHN, an increase in EM from 45.4/41.0 GPa to 66.8/58.4 GPa, and an increase in FLS from 49.5/44.3 MPa to 73.0/97.2 MPa. For both ceramic materials, Spearman rank correlation coefficients showed a strong negative correlation between surface roughness (Ra/Rz) and VHN or EM and a moderate negative correlation between Ra/Rz and FLS. In conclusion, a decrease in surface roughness generally improved the mechanical properties of the CAD/CAM ceramic materials tested. However, FLS was less influenced by surface roughness than expected.
The aim of this in vitro study was to compare toothbrush abrasion of softened enamel after brushing with two (soft and hard) toothbrushes. One hundred and fifty-six human enamel specimens were indented with a Knoop diamond. Salivary pellicle was formed in vitro over a period of 3 h. Erosive lesions were produced by means of 1% citric acid. A force-measuring device allowed a controlled toothbrushing force of 1.5 N. The specimens were brushed either in toothpaste slurry or with toothpaste in artificial saliva for 15 s. Enamel loss was calculated from the change in indentation depth of the same indent before and after abrasion. Mean surface losses (95% CI) were recorded in ten treatment groups: (1) soft toothbrush only [28 (17-39) nm]; (2) hard toothbrush only [25 (16-34) nm]; (3) soft toothbrush in Sensodyne MultiCare slurry [46 (27-65) nm]; (4) hard toothbrush in Sensodyne MultiCare slurry [45 (24-66) nm]; (5) soft toothbrush in Colgate sensation white slurry [71 (55-87) nm]; (6) hard toothbrush in Colgate sensation white slurry [85 (60-110) nm]; (7) soft toothbrush with Sensodyne MultiCare [48 (39-57) nm]; (8) hard toothbrush with Sensodyne MultiCare [40 (29-51) nm]; (9) soft toothbrush with Colgate sensation white [51 (37-65) nm]; (10) hard toothbrush with Colgate sensation white [52 (36-68) nm]. Neither soft nor hard toothbrushes produced significantly different toothbrush abrasion of softened human enamel in this model (p > 0.05).
Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) exhibit superior mechanical properties as compared with other conventional materials and have been proposed for numerous engineering and technological applications. Zr/Hf-based BMGs or tungsten reinforced BMG composites are considered as a potential replacement for depleted uranium armor-piercing projectiles because of their ability to form localized shear bands during impact, which has been known to be the dominant plastic deformation mechanism in BMGs. However, in conventional tensile, compressive and bending tests, limited ductility has been observed because of fracture initiation immediately following the shear band formation. To fully investigate shear band characteristics, indentation tests that can confine the deformation in a limited region have been pursued. In this thesis, a detailed investigation of thermal stability and mechanical deformation behavior of Zr/Hf-based BMGs is conducted. First, systematic studies had been implemented to understand the influence of relative compositions of Zr and Hf on thermal stability and mechanical property evolution. Second, shear band evolution under indentations were investigated experimentally and theoretically. Three kinds of indentation studies were conducted on BMGs in the current study. (a) Nano-indentation to determine the mechanical properties as a function of Hf/Zr content. (b) Static Vickers indentation on bonded split specimens to investigate the shear band evolution characteristics beneath the indention. (c) Dynamic Vickers indentation on bonded split specimens to investigate the influence of strain rate. It was found in the present work that gradually replacing Zr by Hf remarkably increases the density and improves the mechanical properties. However, a slight decrease in glass forming ability with increasing Hf content has also been identified through thermodynamic analysis although all the materials in the current study were still found to be amorphous. Many indentation studies have revealed only a few shear bands surrounding the indent on the top surface of the specimen. This small number of shear bands cannot account for the large plastic deformation beneath the indentations. Therefore, a bonded interface technique has been used to observe the slip-steps due to shear band evolution. Vickers indentations were performed along the interface of the bonded split specimen at increasing loads. At small indentation loads, the plastic deformation was primarily accommodated by semi-circular primary shear bands surrounding the indentation. At higher loads, secondary and tertiary shear bands were formed inside this plastic zone. A modified expanding cavity model was then used to predict the plastic zone size characterized by the shear bands and to identify the stress components responsible for the evolution of the various types of shear bands. The applicability of various hardness—yield-strength ( H −σγ ) relationships currently available in the literature for bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) is also investigated. Experimental data generated on ZrHf-based BMGs in the current study and those available elsewhere on other BMG compositions were used to validate the models. A modified expanding-cavity model, employed in earlier work, was extended to propose a new H −σγ relationship. Unlike previous models, the proposed model takes into account not only the indenter geometry and the material properties, but also the pressure sensitivity index of the BMGs. The influence of various model parameters is systematically analyzed. It is shown that there is a good correlation between the model predictions and the experimental data for a wide range of BMG compositions. Under dynamic Vickers indentation, a decrease in indentation hardness at high loading rate was observed compared to static indentation hardness. It was observed that at equivalent loads, dynamic indentations produced more severe deformation features on the loading surface than static indentations. Different from static indentation, two sets of widely spaced semi-circular shear bands with two different curvatures were observed. The observed shear band pattern and the strain rate softening in indentation hardness were rationalized based on the variations in the normal stress on the slip plane, the strain rate of shear and the temperature rise associated with the indentation deformation. Finally, a coupled thermo-mechanical model is proposed that utilizes a momentum diffusion mechanism for the growth and evolution of the final spacing of shear bands. The influence of strain rate, confinement pressure and critical shear displacement on the shear band spacing, temperature rise within the shear band, and the associated variation in flow stress have been captured and analyzed. Consistent with the known pressure sensitive behavior of BMGs, the current model clearly captures the influence of the normal stress in the formation of shear bands. The normal stress not only reduces the time to reach critical shear displacement but also causes a significant temperature rise during the shear band formation. Based on this observation, the variation of shear band spacing in a typical dynamic indentation test has been rationalized. The temperature rise within a shear band can be in excess of 2000K at high strain rate and high confinement pressure conditions. The associated drop in viscosity and flow stress may explain the observed decrease in fracture strength and indentation hardness. The above investigations provide valuable insight into the deformation behavior of BMGs under static and dynamic loading conditions. The shear band patterns observed in the above indentation studies can be helpful to understand and model the deformation features under complex loading scenarios such as the interaction of a penetrator with armor. Future work encompasses (1) extending and modifying the coupled thermo-mechanical model to account for the temperature rise in quasistatic deformation; and (2) expanding this model to account for the microstructural variation-crystallization and free volume migration associated with the deformation.
OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to investigate micromechanical properties of five dual-curing resin cements after different curing modes including light curing through glass ceramic materials. MATERIALS AND METHODS Vickers hardness (VH) and indentation modulus (Y HU) of Panavia F2.0, RelyX Unicem 2 Automix, SpeedCEM, BisCem, and BeautiCem SA were measured after 1 week of storage (37 °C, 100 % humidity). The resin cements were tested following self-curing or light curing with the second-generation light-emitting diode (LED) curing unit Elipar FreeLight 2 in Standard Mode (1,545 mW/cm(2)) or with the third-generation LED curing unit VALO in High Power Mode (1,869 mW/cm(2)) or in XtraPower Mode (3,505 mW/cm(2)). Light curing was performed directly or through glass ceramic discs of 1.5 or 3 mm thickness of IPS Empress CAD or IPS e.max CAD. VH and Y HU were analysed with Kruskal-Wallis tests followed by pairwise Wilcoxon rank sum tests (α = 0.05). RESULTS RelyX Unicem 2 Automix resulted in the highest VH and Y HU followed by BeautiCem SA, BisCem, SpeedCEM, and finally Panavia F2.0. Self-curing of RelyX Unicem 2 Automix and SpeedCEM lowered VH and Y HU compared to light curing whereas self-curing of Panavia F2.0, BisCem, and BeautiCem SA led to similar or significantly higher VH and Y HU compared to light curing. Generally, direct light curing resulted in similar or lower VH and Y HU compared to light curing through 1.5-mm-thick ceramic discs. Light curing through 3-mm-thick discs of IPS e.max CAD generally reduced VH and Y HU for all resin cements except SpeedCEM, which was the least affected by light curing through ceramic discs. CONCLUSIONS The resin cements responded heterogeneously to changes in curing mode. The applied irradiances and light curing times adequately cured the resin cements even through 1.5-mm-thick ceramic discs. CLINICAL RELEVANCE When light curing resin cements through thick glass ceramic restorations, clinicians should consider to prolong the light curing times even with LED curing units providing high irradiances.
A new anisotropic elastic-viscoplastic damage constitutive model for bone is proposed using an eccentric elliptical yield criterion and nonlinear isotropic hardening. A micromechanics-based multiscale homogenization scheme proposed by Reisinger et al. is used to obtain the effective elastic properties of lamellar bone. The dissipative process in bone is modeled as viscoplastic deformation coupled to damage. The model is based on an orthotropic ecuntric elliptical criterion in stress space. In order to simplify material identification, an eccentric elliptical isotropic yield surface was defined in strain space, which is transformed to a stress-based criterion by means of the damaged compliance tensor. Viscoplasticity is implemented by means of the continuous Perzyna formulation. Damage is modeled by a scalar function of the accumulated plastic strain D(κ) , reducing all element s of the stiffness matrix. A polynomial flow rule is proposed in order to capture the rate-dependent post-yield behavior of lamellar bone. A numerical algorithm to perform the back projection on the rate-dependent yield surface has been developed and implemented in the commercial finite element solver Abaqus/Standard as a user subroutine UMAT. A consistent tangent operator has been derived and implemented in order to ensure quadratic convergence. Correct implementation of the algorithm, convergence, and accuracy of the tangent operator was tested by means of strain- and stress-based single element tests. A finite element simulation of nano- indentation in lamellar bone was finally performed in order to show the abilities of the newly developed constitutive model.
Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis rely on understanding of the micromechanical behaviour of bone and its influence on fracture toughness and cell-mediated adaptation processes. Postyield properties may be assessed by nonlinear finite element simulations of nanoindentation using elastoplastic and damage models. This computational study aims at determining the influence of yield surface shape and damage on the depth-dependent response of bone to nanoindentation using spherical and conical tips. Yield surface shape and damage were shown to have a major impact on the indentation curves. Their influence on indentation modulus, hardness, their ratio as well as the elastic-to-total work ratio is well described by multilinear regressions for both tip shapes. For conical tips, indentation depth was not statistically significant (p<0.0001). For spherical tips, damage was not a significant parameter (p<0.0001). The gained knowledge can be used for developing an inverse method for identification of postelastic properties of bone from nanoindentation.
Purpose The better understanding of vertebral mechanical properties can help to improve the diagnosis of vertebral fractures. As the bone mechanical competence depends not only from bone mineral density (BMD) but also from bone quality, the goal of the present study was to investigate the anisotropic indentation moduli of the different sub-structures of the healthy human vertebral body and spondylophytes by means of microindentation. Methods Six human vertebral bodies and five osteophytes (spondylophytes) were collected and prepared for microindentation test. In particular, indentations were performed on bone structural units of the cortical shell (along axial, circumferential and radial directions), of the endplates (along the anterio-posterior and lateral directions), of the trabecular bone (along the axial and transverse directions) and of the spondylophytes (along the axial direction). A total of 3164 indentations down to a maximum depth of 2.5 µm were performed and the indentation modulus was computed for each measurement. Results The cortical shell showed an orthotropic behavior (indentation modulus, Ei, higher if measured along the axial direction, 14.6±2.8 GPa, compared to the circumferential one, 12.3±3.5 GPa, and radial one, 8.3±3.1 GPa). Moreover, the cortical endplates (similar Ei along the antero-posterior, 13.0±2.9 GPa, and along the lateral, 12.0±3.0 GPa, directions) and the trabecular bone (Ei= 13.7±3.4 GPa along the axial direction versus Ei=10.9±3.7 GPa along the transverse one) showed transversal isotropy behavior. Furthermore, the spondylophytes showed the lower mechanical properties measured along the axial direction (Ei=10.5±3.3 GPa). Conclusions The original results presented in this study improve our understanding of vertebral biomechanics and can be helpful to define the material properties of the vertebral substructures in computational models such as FE analysis.
In the course of this study, stiffness of a fibril array of mineralized collagen fibrils modeled with a mean field method was validated experimentally at site-matched two levels of tissue hierarchy using mineralized turkey leg tendons (MTLT). The applied modeling approaches allowed to model the properties of this unidirectional tissue from nanoscale (mineralized collagen fibrils) to macroscale (mineralized tendon). At the microlevel, the indentation moduli obtained with a mean field homogenization scheme were compared to the experimental ones obtained with microindentation. At the macrolevel, the macroscopic stiffness predicted with micro finite element (μFE) models was compared to the experimental stiffness measured with uniaxial tensile tests. Elastic properties of the elements in μFE models were injected from the mean field model or two-directional microindentations. Quantitatively, the indentation moduli can be properly predicted with the mean-field models. Local stiffness trends within specific tissue morphologies are very weak, suggesting additional factors responsible for the stiffness variations. At macrolevel, the μFE models underestimate the macroscopic stiffness, as compared to tensile tests, but the correlations are strong.