427 resultados para Inconsistency


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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This work aims to analyze risks related to information technology (IT) in procedures related to data migration. This is done considering ALEPH, Integrated Libray System (ILS) that migrated data to the Library Module present in the software called Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Atividades Acadêmicas (SIGAA) at the Zila Mamede Central Library at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in Natal/Brazil. The methodological procedure used was of a qualitative exploratory research with the realization of case study at the referred library in order to better understand this phenomenon. Data collection was able once there was use of a semi-structured interview that was applied with (11) subjects that are employed at the library as well as in the Technology Superintendence at UFRN. In order to examine data Content analysis as well as thematic review process was performed. After data migration the results of the interview were then linked to both analysis units and their system register with category correspondence. The main risks detected were: data destruction; data loss; data bank communication failure; user response delay; data inconsistency and duplicity. These elements point out implication and generate disorders that affect external and internal system users and lead to stress, work duplicity and hassles. Thus, some measures were taken related to risk management such as adequate planning, central management support, and pilot test simulations. For the advantages it has reduced of: risk, occurrence of problems and possible unforeseen costs, and allows achieving organizational objectives, among other. It is inferred therefore that the risks present in data bank conversion in libraries exist and some are predictable, however, it is seen that librarians do not know or ignore and are not very worried in the identification risks in data bank conversion, their acknowledge would minimize or even extinguish them. Another important aspect to consider is the existence of few empirical research that deal specifically with this subject and thus presenting the new of new approaches in order to promote better understanding of the matter in the corporate environment of the information units


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Cette étude qualitative visait à décrire l’expérience de mères québécoises vivant une grossesse à risque élevé dans le contexte d’une hospitalisation prolongée avec alitement et leur appréciation des soins reçus, deux aspects peu étudiés jusqu’à maintenant. Des entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées ont été effectuées auprès de huit mères hospitalisées et alitées depuis 30 jours en moyenne. Un devis qualitatif d’inspiration phénoménologique (Giorgi 1997, 2009) a été utilisé pour l’analyse des données, d’où a émergé 24 sous-thèmes, sept thèmes et deux énoncés descriptifs. Les résultats de recherche mettent en évidence la réalité évolutive et complexe des mères dans laquelle elles rapportent : 1) Passer du choc à l’ennui, du chaos à la réorganisation et de l’incompréhension à la compréhension ; 2) Avoir une nouvelle vie remplie de contraintes, de difficultés et de craintes ; 3) Vivre essentiellement des émotions négatives ; 4) Être orientée vers le futur tout en persévérant dans le présent. Les mères qualifient les soins prénataux reçus de techniques routinières, peu nombreuses et faciles à exécuter. Ils comportent deux principales lacunes : les oublis occasionnels et l’absence d’activités prénatales éducatives. Le manque de régularité et de constance dans l’assignation des infirmières aux mères hospitalisées est aussi relevé. Toutefois, à travers ces lacunes, les participantes soulignent les grandes forces du personnel soignant : l’humanisme, la gentillesse et la compétence. Les résultats de cette étude offrent une description approfondie de l’expérience subjective de huit mères, laquelle permet de perfectionner les connaissances des professionnels de la santé et de les sensibiliser davantage à ce vécu. Ces retombées peuvent contribuer à humaniser et à améliorer les soins périnataux actuels.


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O sector avícola enfrenta atualmente dois desafios muito estimulantes. O primeiro decorre do aumento, que se prevê continuar a crescer, nos níveis de procura de carne de aves no mercado interno e internacional; o segundo decorre do facto da criação avícola ter adotado métodos de produção mais intensivos (kg peso vivo/m2/ano) e em maior escala, i.e. com maior concentração animal na mesma exploração. Este carácter vincadamente “industrial” tem merecido uma natural atenção das sociedades e das autoridades pecuárias no sentido desta economia de escala passar a ter num conjunto de instrumentos legais e técnicos o devido contrapeso para a salvaguarda das aves enquanto ser vivo. O presente trabalho tem como ponto de partida a Directiva 2007/43/CE do Conselho de 28 de Junho, relativa ao estabelecimento de regras mínimas para a proteção de frangos de carne. Em virtude de não existir ainda informação suficiente sobre a forma como a qualidade do maneio animal pode ser monitorizada, ao nível do abate, por médicos veterinários e auxiliares oficiais, em frangos de criação especial segundo os modelos definidos no Regulamento (CE) n.º 543/2008, urge realizar estudos neste domínio. O principal objetivo da realização do presente trabalho de campo foi o estudo da ocorrência das dermatites de contacto plantar (pododermatites) e da bolsa sinovial préesternal em frangos produzidos em sistemas de produção considerados “protetores” do bem-estar animal, designadamente os seguintes: i) ar livre; e, ii) extensivo de interior. O estudo foi efetuado num centro de abate de frangos do campo, em Oliveira de Frades, entre Maio de 20012 e Março de 2013. Os animais abatidos foram criados em explorações com contratos de integração situadas no Distrito de Viseu. Os dados foram recolhidos em 39 bandos diferentes da espécie Gallus domesticus, dos quais 1021 carcaças foram avaliadas após evisceração, o que correspondeu ao exame de uma a cada quinze aves da linha de abate. Para a avaliação da pododermatite foi utilizado o método adaptado pela DGAV, enquanto para a avaliação da bursite esternal foi efetuada tendo em conta o modelo aplicado em perus por Berk em 2002. Apesar do modelo estatístico desenvolvido para a análise dos resultados obtidos no presente trabalho exigir um maior número de observações, foi possível identificar com grande precisão alguns fatores de risco que devem ser realçados pela sua relevância no contexto dos sistemas produtivos escrutinados ou no mecanismo fisiopatológico da dermatite de contacto, nomeadamente os seguintes: (i) a idade das aves que, apesar de não ter sido identificada uma relação directa com os scores de pododermatite e bursite, verificou-se que a idade elevada que os animais tipicamente atingem nos sistemas de produção extensivos está associada a uma taxa superior de rejeições pela inspecção sanitária; (ii) o peso pré-abate que, independentemente da inconsistência defendida por diversos autores em relação à influência do peso vivo do frango industrial sobre a dermatite de contacto, nos animais produzidos em regime extensivo, esta variável pode desempenhar um fator chave para a ocorrência desta lesão. De facto, há que realçar que o peso destes animais tem uma importância fulcral na modelação da biomecânica da ave, incluindo na pressão exercida sobre a superfície plantar; (iii) o tipo de sistema de abeberamento, tendo ficado demonstrado que a selecção do tipo de bebedouro tem uma importância peculiar sobre a ocorrência de pododermatite em “frango de campo”, algo que está provavelmente relacionado com a influência exercida sobre o teor de humidade da cama. Globalmente, as frequências de pododermatite e bursite apuradas neste trabalho devem ser consideradas inquietantes. Esta preocupação eleva-se quando se toma consciência que as aves provieram de regimes considerados “amigáveis” e “sustentáveis”, pelo que urge monitorizar adequadamente aqueles sistemas produtivos, melhorar as suas condições e reanalisar os benefícios ao nível do bem-estar animal.


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Résumé : Le vieillissement démographique est statistiquement indiscutable au Québec. Ce singulier trompeur masque les différentes manières de vieillir. Pour ceux qui ne parviennent pas à vieillir en santé, les solidarités familiales, comme les solidarités institutionnelles, c’est à dire publiques viennent en principe compenser ce qu’il est convenu de désigner de perte d’autonomie. Les politiques de santé publique au Québec organisent les services de soutien à domicile sous condition d’avoir estimé la situation de la personne avec l’outil d’évaluation multiclientèle (OEMC). Il est en usage dans l’ensemble du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux, et utilisé par les professionnels dont les travailleuses et les travailleurs sociaux (TS). Or, la gérontologie est peu soutenue dans la formation initiale des TS. Nous nous sommes interrogée sur les savoirs mobilisés par les TS quand ils évaluent. S’agissant des savoirs inscrits dans la pratique, nous avons orienté la recherche dans les théories de l’activité, la didactique professionnelle et le cadre conceptuel de la médiation. Nous avons étudié l’activité de professionnels en travail social expérimentés afin d’identifier certains des savoirs mobilisés pour les rendre disponibles à la formation des étudiant (e)s en travail social au Québec. Cent-cinquante heures d’observations et vingt-deux entretiens individuels et collectifs ont été réalisés avec des intervenants volontaires du service de soutien à domicile. Les résultats préliminaires de la recherche ont été présentés lors de groupes de discussion avec les TS ayant participé à la recherche, puis avec des enseignants en travail social. Nos résultats permettent de décrire les procédures de l’évaluation dans l’organisation du service d’aide à domicile et d’en différencier le processus de l’activité par laquelle le TS évalue l’autonomie fonctionnelle de la personne. Nous constatons que les savoirs mobilisés par les TS reposent premièrement sur une connaissance fine du territoire, de l’outil d’évaluation et des institutions. Un deuxième registre de savoir concerne la conceptualisation de l’autonomie fonctionnelle par l’outil OEMC comme objet et domaine d’intervention des TS. Enfin, un troisième registre se réfère aux savoirs mobilisés pour entrer en relation avec les personnes âgées, avec leur entourage. Or, ces trois registres de savoir n’apparaissent pas dans le discours des TS et résultent de notre propre analyse sur leur pratique. L’évaluation de l’autonomie fonctionnelle analysée par le concept de médiation est révélatrice du rapport aux savoirs du TS. S’agissant de savoirs de la pratique, nous constatons que leur classification entre les catégories usuelles de savoirs théoriques ou pratiques était inopérante. Nous empruntons le vocabulaire de la didactique professionnelle : celui des invariants opératoires reliés à l’autonomie fonctionnelle et celui des schèmes d’activité reliés à l’activité d’évaluation. C’est ainsi que nous avons identifié deux moments dans l’évaluation. Le premier assemble la collecte des informations et l’analyse des données. L’autonomie fonctionnelle se décline dans des conditions d’existence de la personne sur l’axe allant de la mobilité à la cognition avec comme balises d’intervention la sécurité et l’intégrité de la personne. Dans ce processus itératif, le TS identifie avec la personne ce qui nuit à son quotidien. L’évaluation formule comment résoudre cette incidence, comment la perte d’autonomie pourrait être compensée. La collecte d’information et le raisonnement du TS est alors un mouvement itératif, les deux éléments du processus sont liés et en continu. Le second moment de l’évaluation apparait si, dans le processus itératif, le TS perçoit une dissonance. Il est essentiel d’en identifier la nature pour la prendre en compte et maintenir la finalité de l’activité qui consiste à évaluer l’autonomie fonctionnelle à des fins compensatrices. Le TS doit identifier l’objet de la dissonance pour pouvoir cerner avec la personne le besoin inhérent à la perte d’autonomie et envisager d’y remédier. La prise en compte de cette dissonance vient ralentir le déroulement de l’activité. Le raisonnement qui, jusque-là, était relié à la collecte d’informations s’en dissocie pour analyser ce qui vient faire obstacle à l’activité d’évaluation à partir de la situation. Les composantes qui génèrent la dissonance paraissent reliées à la quotidienneté, aux conditions de vie à domicile de la personne (cohérence/incohérence, refus de services, autonégligence, maltraitance, agressivité). La dissonance génère une activité plus complexe pour évaluer la situation. L’autonomie fonctionnelle se décline toujours sur l’axe mobilité/cognition avec comme balises d’intervention la sécurité et l’intégrité de la personne. Or, pour ce faire, les TS raisonnent selon trois schèmes. Dans les situations où, pour décider de la suite du dossier, il faut en référer à une norme (de service, de profession, etc.) le raisonnement est déontologique. Il est aussi des situations où le TS agit au regard de valeurs et de représentations qui relèvent de sa sphère personnelle. Nous désignons ce raisonnement d’instinctuel. Enfin, le TS peut naviguer entre ces deux orientations et choisir la voie du raisonnement clinique que nous qualifions d’éthique et se rapproche alors des pratiques prudentielles qui sont marquées par l’incertitude.


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Kratom is a popular ‘legal high’ mainly constituted by alkaloids extracted from the Mitragyna speciosa plant with mitragynine (MG) as the dominant active substance. The increasing use of Kratom for recreational purposes has alerted risk assessment bodies of the lack of information on the real composition and its potential health risks. The present study aimed to determine and compare the MG composition of 13 commercial products of Kratom sold online and in “smartshops”, by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. For the first time, the cytotoxicity induced by pure MG and Kratom, extracts was evaluated in in vitro models of human intestinal (Caco-2) and neuronal (SH-SY5Y) cells after 6 and 24 h. Genotoxicity was also evaluated in intestinal Caco-2 cells following 24 h of exposure to subtoxic concentrations using the comet assay. The obtained results revealed an inconsistency between the information (‘power’) provided in labels and the MG content. Cytotoxicity tests revealed a concentration-dependent decrease in cell viability in both cellular models, with the SH-SY5Y cells being more sensitive to the Kratom extracts. The resin and the ‘powered extracts’ were the most cytotoxic samples, with IC50 values significantly lower than the leaf extracts and pure MG (P < 0.0001 vs. leaf extracts and MG). In addition, significant DNA damage was observed in Caco-2 cells exposed to these extracts but not to pure MG, which suggests that other substances present in the extracts or interactions involving Kratom components might be responsible for the observed effects.


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Simplifying the Einstein field equation by assuming the cosmological principle yields a set of differential equations which governs the dynamics of the universe as described in the cosmological standard model. The cosmological principle assumes the space appears the same everywhere and in every direction and moreover, the principle has earned its position as a fundamental assumption in cosmology by being compatible with the observations of the 20th century. It was not until the current century when observations in cosmological scales showed significant deviation from isotropy and homogeneity implying the violation of the principle. Among these observations are the inconsistency between local and non-local Hubble parameter evaluations, baryon acoustic features of the Lyman-α forest and the anomalies of the cosmic microwave background radiation. As a consequence, cosmological models beyond the cosmological principle have been studied vastly; after all, the principle is a hypothesis and as such should frequently be tested as any other assumption in physics. In this thesis, the effects of inhomogeneity and anisotropy, arising as a consequence of discarding the cosmological principle, is investigated. The geometry and matter content of the universe becomes more cumbersome and the resulting effects on the Einstein field equation is introduced. The cosmological standard model and its issues, both fundamental and observational are presented. Particular interest is given to the local Hubble parameter, supernova explosion, baryon acoustic oscillation, and cosmic microwave background observations and the cosmological constant problems. Explored and proposed resolutions emerging by violating the cosmological principle are reviewed. This thesis is concluded by a summary and outlook of the included research papers.


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This work aims to analyze risks related to information technology (IT) in procedures related to data migration. This is done considering ALEPH, Integrated Libray System (ILS) that migrated data to the Library Module present in the software called Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Atividades Acadêmicas (SIGAA) at the Zila Mamede Central Library at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in Natal/Brazil. The methodological procedure used was of a qualitative exploratory research with the realization of case study at the referred library in order to better understand this phenomenon. Data collection was able once there was use of a semi-structured interview that was applied with (11) subjects that are employed at the library as well as in the Technology Superintendence at UFRN. In order to examine data Content analysis as well as thematic review process was performed. After data migration the results of the interview were then linked to both analysis units and their system register with category correspondence. The main risks detected were: data destruction; data loss; data bank communication failure; user response delay; data inconsistency and duplicity. These elements point out implication and generate disorders that affect external and internal system users and lead to stress, work duplicity and hassles. Thus, some measures were taken related to risk management such as adequate planning, central management support, and pilot test simulations. For the advantages it has reduced of: risk, occurrence of problems and possible unforeseen costs, and allows achieving organizational objectives, among other. It is inferred therefore that the risks present in data bank conversion in libraries exist and some are predictable, however, it is seen that librarians do not know or ignore and are not very worried in the identification risks in data bank conversion, their acknowledge would minimize or even extinguish them. Another important aspect to consider is the existence of few empirical research that deal specifically with this subject and thus presenting the new of new approaches in order to promote better understanding of the matter in the corporate environment of the information units


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PPARα ligands evoke a profound mitogenic response in rodent liver, and the aim of this study was to characterise the kinetics of induction of DNA synthesis. The CAR ligand, 1,4-bis[2-(3,5- dichoropyridyloxy)]benzene, caused induction of hepatocyte DNA synthesis within 48 hours in 129S4/SvJae mice, but the potent PPARα ligand, ciprofibrate, induced hepatocyte DNA synthesis only after 3 or 4 days dosing; higher or lower doses did not hasten the DNA synthesis response. This contrasted with the rapid induction (24 hours) reported by Styles et al. (Carcinogenesis 9:1647-1655). C57BL/6 and DBA/2J mice showed significant induction of DNA synthesis after 4, but not 2, days ciprofibrate treatment. Alderley Park and 129S4/SvJae mice dosed with methylclofenapate induced hepatocyte DNA synthesis at 4, but not 2, days after dosing, and proved that inconsistency with prior work was not due to a difference in mouse strain or PPARα ligand. Ciprofibrate-induced liver DNA synthesis and growth was absent in PPARα- null mice, and are PPARα-dependent. In the Fisher344 rat, hepatocyte DNA synthesis was induced at 24 hours after dosing, with a second peak at 48 hours. Lobular localisation of hepatocyte DNA synthesis showed preferential periportal induction of DNA synthesis in rat, but panlobular zonation of hepatocyte DNA synthesis in mouse. These results characterise a markedly later hepatic induction of panlobular DNA synthesis by PPARα ligands in mouse, compared to rapid induction of periportal DNA synthesis in rat.


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Background Some studies have reported a ceiling effect in EQ-5D-3L, especially in healthy and/or young individuals. Recently, two further levels have been included in its measurement model (EQ-5D-5L). The purposes of this study were (1) to assess the properties of the EQ-5D-5L in comparison with the standard EQ-5D-3L in a sample of young adults, (2) to foreground the importance of collecting qualitative data to confirm, validate or refine the EQ-5D questionnaire items and (3) to raise questions pertaining to the wording in these questionnaire items. Methods The data used came from a sample of respondents aged 30 or under (n = 624). They completed both versions of the EQ-5D, which were compared in terms of feasibility, level of inconsistency and ceiling effect. Agreement between the instruments was assessed using correlation coefficients and Bland-Altman plots. Known-groups validity of the EQ-5D-5L was also assessed using non-parametric tests. The discriminative properties were compared using receiver operating characteristic curves. Finally, four interviews were conducted for retrospective reports to elicit respondents’ understanding and perceptions of the format, instructions, items, and responses. Results Quantitative results show a ceiling effect reduction of 25.3 % and a high level agreement between both indices. Known-groups validity was confirmed for the EQ-5D-5L. Explorative interviews indicated ambiguity and low degree of certainty in regards to conceptualizing differences between levels moderate-slight across three dimensions. Conclusions The EQ-5D-5L performed better than the EQ-5D-3L. However, the explorative interviews demonstrated several limitations in the EQ-5D questionnaire wording and high context-dependent answers point to lack of illnesses’ experience amongst young adults.


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We compare the pore size distribution of a well-characterized activated carbon derived from model-dependent, adsorption integral equation (AIE) methods with those from model-independent, immersion calorimetry and isosteric heat analyses. The AIE approach applied to nitrogen gave a mean pore width of 0.57 nm; the CO2 distribution exhibited wider dispersion. Spherical model application to CO2 and diffusion limitations for nitrogen and argon were proposed as primary reasons for inconsistency. Immersion enthalpy revealed a sharp decrease in available area equivalent to a cut-off due to molecular exclusion when the accessible surface was assessed against probe kinetic diameter. Mean pore width was identified as 0.58 ± 0.02 nm, endorsing the underlying assumptions for the nitrogen-based AIE approach. A comparison of the zero-coverage isosteric heat of adsorption for various non-polar adsorptives by the porous test sample was compared with the same adsorptives in contact with a non-porous reference adsorbent, leading to an energy ratio or adsorption enhancement factor. A linear relationship between the energy ratio and probe kinetic diameter indicated a primary pore size at 0.59 nm. The advantage of this enthalpy, model-independent methods over AIE were due to no assumptions regarding probe molecular shape, and no assumptions for pore shape and/or connectivity.


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In Australia, a supreme court has a supervisory role over the statutory adjudication process that has been established within the security of payment legislation. In this role, the courts have quashed many adjudication determinations on the grounds of jurisdictional error in recent years. This is a problem as the courts’ involvement in statutory adjudication is contrary to the object of the legislation. When reviewing adjudication determinations, the courts have adopted different approaches with respect to determining the role of adjudicators and the essential jurisdictional facts that must exist in order for an adjudicator to have jurisdiction to hear a referred disputed matter. This diversification of judicial interpretation with respect to jurisdictional error is confusing, not only to construction professionals, but also to many lawyers. Via a desktop study– where the evidence is mainly garnered from case law, governmental reports and commentaries – this paper reviews the legal complexities involved in diagnosing jurisdictional errors. In doing so, the paper aims to answer the question as to why the adjudication process has become bogged down in the quagmire of judicial review. The paper concludes that the evolving inconsistency of case law in relation to statutory adjudication is a crucial factor contributing to the erosion of the object of the security of payment legislation in Australia. Moving forward, the paper argues that establishing a legislative review mechanism of jurisdictional challenges may be sufficient to address this problem.


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Requirements captured by requirements engineers (REs) are commonly inconsistent with their client’s intended requirements and are often error prone. There is limited tool support providing end-to-end support between the REs and their client for the validation and improvement of these requirements. We have developed an automated tool called MaramaAIC (Automated Inconsistency Checker) to address these problems. MaramaAIC provides automated requirements traceability and visual support to identify and highlight inconsistency, incorrectness and incompleteness in captured requirements. MaramaAIC provides an end-to-end rapid prototyping approach together with a patterns library that helps to capture requirements and check the consistency of requirements that have been expressed in textual natural language requirements and then extracted to semi-formal abstract interactions, essential use cases (EUCs) and user interface prototype models. It helps engineers to validate the correctness and completeness of the EUCs modelled requirements by comparing them to “best-practice” templates and generates an abstract prototype in the form of essential user interface prototype models and concrete User Interface views in the form of HTML. We describe its design and implementation together with results of evaluating our tool’s efficacy and performance, and user perception of the tool’s usability and its strengths and weaknesses via a substantial usability study. We also present a qualitative study on the effectiveness of the tool’s end-to-end rapid prototyping approach in improving dialogue between the RE and the client as well as improving the quality of the requirements.


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Our jury system is predicated upon the expectation that jurors engage in systematic processing when considering evidence and making decisions. They are instructed to interpret facts and apply the appropriate law in a fair, dispassionate manner, free of all bias, including that of emotion. However, emotions containing an element of certainty (e.g., anger and happiness, which require little cognitive effort in determining their source) can often lead people to engage in superficial, heuristic-based processing. Compare this to uncertain emotions (e.g., hope and fear, which require people to seek out explanations for their emotional arousal), which instead has the potential to lead them to engage in deeper, more systematic processing. The purpose of the current research is in part to confirm past research (Tiedens & Linton, 2001; Semmler & Brewer, 2002) that uncertain emotions (like fear) can influence decision-making towards a more systematic style of processing, whereas more certain emotional states (like anger) will lead to a more heuristic style of processing. Studies One, Two, and Three build upon this prior research with the goal of improving methodological rigor through the use of film clips to reliably induce emotions, with awareness of testimonial details serving as measures of processing style. The ultimate objective of the current research was to explore this effect in Study Four by inducing either fear, anger, or neutral emotion in mock jurors, half of whom then followed along with a trial transcript featuring eight testimonial inconsistencies, while the other participants followed along with an error-free version of the same transcript. Overall rates of detection for these inconsistencies was expected to be higher for the uncertain/fearful participants due to their more effortful processing compared to certain/angry participants. These expectations were not fulfilled, with significant main effects only for the transcript version (with or without inconsistencies) on overall inconsistency detection rates. There are a number of plausible explanations for these results, so further investigation is needed.


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Existing parsers for textual model representation formats such as XMI and HUTN are unforgiving and fail upon even the smallest inconsistency between the structure and naming of metamodel elements and the contents of serialised models. In this paper, we demonstrate how a fuzzy parsing approach can transparently and automatically resolve a number of these inconsistencies, and how it can eventually turn XML into a human-readable and editable textual model representation format for particular classes of models.