965 resultados para Ifn-gamma


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The purpose of this work was to elucidate the ontogeny of interleukin-10 (IL-10) secretion from newborn mononuclear cells (MCs), and to examine its relation to the secretion of interferon-g (IFN-g) and immunoglobulins (Igs). The initial hypothesis was that the decreased immunoglobulin (Ig) synthesis of newborn babies was the result of immature cytokine synthesis regulation, which would lead to excessive IL-10 production, leading in turn to suppressed IFN-g secretion. Altogether 57 full-term newborns and 34 adult volunteers were enrolled. Additionally, surface marker compositions of 29 premature babies were included. Enzyme-linked immunoassays were used to determine the amount of secreted IL-10, IFN-g, and Igs, and the surface marker composition of MC were analyzed with a FACScan flow cytometer. The three most important findings were: 1. Cord blood MC, including CD5+ B cells, are able to secrete IL-10. However, when compared with adults, the secretion of IL-10 was decreased. This indicates that reasons other than excessive IL-10 secretion are responsible of reduced IFN-g secretion in newborns. 2. As illustrated by the IL-10 and IFN-g secretion pattern, newborn cytokine profile was skewed towards the Th2 type. However, approximately 25% of newborns had an adult like cytokine profile with both good IL10 and IFN-g secretion, demonstrating that fullterm newborns are not an immunologically homogenous group at the time of birth. 3. There were significant differences in the surface marker composition of MCs between individual neonates. While gestational age correlated with the proportion of some MC types, it is evident that there are many other maternal and fetal factors that influence the maturity and nature of lymphocyte subpopulations in individual neonates. In conclusion, the reduced ability of neonates to secrete Ig and IFN-g is not a consequence of high IL-10 secretion. However, individual newborns differ significantly in their ability to secrete cytokines as well as Igs.


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Thymic atrophy is known to occur during infections; however, there is limited understanding of its causes and of the cross-talk between different pathways. This study investigates mechanisms involved in thymic atrophy during a model of oral infection by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S.typhimurium). Significant death of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes, but not of single-positive thymocytes or peripheral lymphocytes, is observed at later stages during infection with live, but not heat-killed, bacteria. The death of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes is Fas-independent as shown by infection studies with lpr mice. However, apoptosis occurs with lowering of mitochondrial potential and higher caspase-3 activity. The amounts of cortisol, a glucocorticoid, and interferon- (IFN-), an inflammatory cytokine, increase upon infection. To investigate the functional roles of these molecules, studies were performed using Ifn/ mice together with RU486, a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist. Treatment of C57BL/6 mice with RU486 does not affect colony-forming units (CFU), amounts of IFN- and mouse survival; however, there is partial rescue in thymocyte death. Upon infection, Ifn/ mice display higher CFU and lower survival but more surviving thymocytes are recovered. However, there is no difference in cortisol amounts in C57BL/6 and Ifn/ mice. Importantly, the number of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes is significantly higher in Ifn/ mice treated with RU486 along with lower caspase-3 activity and mitochondrial damage. Hence, endogenous glucocorticoid and IFN--mediated pathways are parallel but synergize in an additive manner to induce death of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes during S.typhimurium infection. The implications of this study for host responses during infection are discussed.


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Wydział Biologii: Instytut Biologii Molekularnej i Biotechnologii Zakład Genetyki Molekularnej Człowieka


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Background:Diagnosis of childhood active tuberculosis (aTB) or latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection (LTBI) remains a challenge, and replacement of tuberculin skin tests (TST) by commercialized interferon-gamma release assays (IGRA) is not currently recommended.Methods:266 children between 1 month and 15 years of age, 214 being at risk of recent Mtb infection and 51 being included as controls, were prospectively enrolled. According results of clinical evaluation, TST, chest X-Ray and microbiology, children were classified as non-infected, LTBI or aTB. Long-incubation time PPD-, ESAT-6-, and CFP-10-IGRA were performed and evaluated for their accuracy to correctly classify the children.Results:Whereas both TST and PPD-IGRA were suboptimal to detect aTB, combining CFP-10-IGRA with TST or with PPD-IGRA allowed us to detect all the children with aTB, with 96% specificity for children who were positive for CFP-10-IGRA. Moreover, combination of CFP-10- and PPD-IGRA also detected 96% of children classified as LTBI, but a strong IFN-γ response to CFP-10 (>500 pg/ml) was highly suggestive of aTB at least among children less than 3 years old.Conclusions:Long-incubation time CFP-10- and PPD-IGRA should help the clinicians to identify quickly aTB or LTBI in young children.


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Most individuals infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis develop latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). Some may progress to active disease and would benefit from preventive treatment yet no means currently exists to predict who will reactivate. Here, we provide an approach to stratify LTBI based on IFN-γ responses to two antigens, the recombinant Early-Secreted Antigen Target-6 (rESAT-6) and the latency antigen Heparin-Binding Haemagglutinin (HBHA).


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Tuberculosis-associated immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (TB-IRIS) remains a poorly understood complication in HIV-TB patients receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART). TB-IRIS could be associated with an exaggerated immune response to TB-antigens. We compared the recovery of IFNγ responses to recall and TB-antigens and explored in vitro innate cytokine production in TB-IRIS patients.


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L’injection de cellules immunologiquement compétentes à un hôte histo-incompatible amène une réaction qui peut se traduire par la maladie du greffon-contre-l’hôte (GVHD). La GVHD demeure une barrière importante à une utilisation plus répandue de la greffe allogénique de cellules hématopoïétiques (AHCT), pourtant un traitement efficace pour traiter de nombreuses maladies. Une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes qui sous-tendent cette pathologie pourrait en faciliter le traitement et la prévention. L’Interféron-gamma (IFN-γ) et le Transforming Growth Factor-béta (TGF-β) sont deux cytokines maîtresses de l’immunité impliquées dans la fonction et l’homéostasie des cellules greffées. Nous démontrons chez la souris que l’IFN-γ limite la reconstitution lympho-hématopoïétique de façon dose-dépendante en mobilisant des mécanismes d’apoptose et en inhibant la prolifération cellulaire. Le TGF-β est quant à lui généralement connu comme un immunosuppresseur qui contrôle l’immunité en utilisant plusieurs voies de signalisation. Le rôle relatif de ces voies en AHCT est inconnu. Nous avons étudié une de ces voies en greffant des cellules provenant de donneurs déficients pour le gène SMAD3 (SMAD3-KO), un médiateur central de la voie canonique du TGF-β, à des souris histo-incompatibles. Bien que l’absence de SMAD3 ne cause aucune maladie chez nos souris donneuses, l’injection de cellules SMAD3-KO amène une GVHD du colon sévère chez le receveur. Cette atteinte est caractérisée par une différenciation Th1 et une infiltration massive de granulocytes témoignant d’un rôle central de SMAD3 dans la physiologie des lymphocytes T CD4 et des cellules myéloïdes. Nous avons focalisé ensuite nos efforts sur le rôle de SMAD3 chez les lymphocytes T CD4 en sachant que SMAD3 était actif chez les lymphocytes T CD4 tolérants. Nous avons découvert que SMAD3 était rapidement inactivé après une activation des cellules T, suggérant que l’inactivation de SMAD3 était fonctionnellement importante pour briser l’état de tolérance. Des études de micro-puces d’ADNc nous ont montré que SMAD3 contrôlait en effet l’expression de nombreux transcrits de gènes connus comme étant reliés à la tolérance et/ou à des processus biologiques dont les rôles dans le maintien de la tolérance sont plausibles.


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Odontogenic cysts are pathologic cavities covered by odontogenic epithelium and filled by liquid, desquamated cells or other materials. The intraosseous lesions, such as radicular cyst and dentigerous cyst, present a potential of expansion capable of promoting the destruction of the surrounding osseous tissue. The mechanisms related to this process of expansion are the proliferation of cystic epithelium, the increase of the osmolarity of the cystic fluid and the synthesis of reabsorption factors such as IFN-γ and TGF-β1. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the immunohistochemical expression of IFN-γ and TGF-β1 between radicular cysts and dentigerous cysts in order to understand the role and behavior of these proteins in the expansion of these cysts. We selected 20 cases of radicular cyst and 20 cases of dentigerous cyst chosen from the files of UFRN s Laboratory of Oral Pathology. After analyzing the clinical data, the cases underwent the routine staining technique (HE) and immunohistochemistry for the appearance of IFN-γ and TGF-β1 in the epithelium and capsule of these cysts. The statistical analysis using the Mann-Whitney test revealed no statistically significant difference in immunoexpression of IFN-γ between the epithelium (p = 0.565) and capsules (p = 0.414) of radicular cysts and dentigerous cysts. Moreover, there was no statistically significant difference of immunoexpression of TGF-β1 between the epithelium (p = 0.620) and capsules (p = 0.056) of radicular cysts and dentigerous cysts. The Wilcoxon test revealed no statistically significant difference between IFN-γ and TGF-β1 imunoexpressions in the epithelium (p = 0.225) and capsules (p = 0.370) of radicular cysts. There was no statistically significant difference between IFN-γ and TGF-β1 imunoexpressions in the epithelium (p = 0.361) of dentigerous cysts. However, there was a statistically significant difference between IFN-γ and TGF-β1 immunoexpressions in the capsule (p = 0.001) of dentigerous cysts, being TGF-β1 the factor which presented the most significant immunoexpression. Given these results, we conclude that there was no difference in immunohistochemical expression of IFN-γ and TGF-β1 between radicular and dentigerous cysts and that TGF-β1 was more significant than the IFN-γ in the capsule of dentigerous cysts


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Considerando a importância do interferon gama (IFN-γ) na imunidade protetora contra o Mycobacterium tuberculosis e o papel funcional do polimorfismo de nucleotídeo único (SNP) IFNG +874T/A na produção de IFN-γ, no presente estudo investigamos a relação desse polimorfismo genético com suscetibilidade à tuberculose. Fizeram parte do estudo um total de 129 pacientes com tuberculose pulmonar (TBP), 33 com tuberculose extrapulmonar (TBEP) e em 156 profissionais da saúde, negativos para tuberculose, com resultados tuberculínicos (PPD+ e PPD-) dos quais foi coletada uma amostra de 5 mL de sangue total. As concentrações séricas de IFN-g foram mensuradas usando um ensaio imunoenzimático. O polimorfismo na posição +874A no gene IFN-g foi investigado por meio da técnica de ASO-PCR (allele specific oligonucleotide – polymerase chain reaction). Verificamos uma associação entre a presença do alelo +874A e do genótipo +874AA com a tuberculose ativa (p<0.0001, CI=95%, 1.64 - 3.22), ao mesmo tempo em que o alelo +874Te genótipo +874TT estiveram em maior freqüência nos indivíduos do grupo controle. A média das concentrações plasmáticas de IFN-g nos pacientes com tuberculose foi significativamente menor que aquela observada no grupo controle, como também foi menor no grupo com TBEP do que no grupo com TBP, sugerindo uma relação dos baixos níveis séricos dessa citocina na tuberculose ativa, bem como na progressão para as formas mais graves da doença. Ademais, foi observada a associação dos genótipos +874TT e +874AA com altas e baixas concentrações de IFN-γ, respectivamente, tanto nos pacientes com tuberculose quanto no grupo controle. Assim sendo, os resultados sugerem uma associação do polimorfismo do gene IFNG +874T/A com suscetibilidade à infecção pelo M. tuberculosis na população estudada.


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A insuficiência renal aguda (IRA) é uma patologia que apresenta alta incidência na população e elevada morbimortalidade. Apesar de todos os avanços terapêuticos já obtidos, essas taxas ainda continuam elevadas. Uma possível alternativa, atualmente sugerida, seria o transplante de células-tronco. O processo regenerativo das células-tronco mesenquimais (CTMs) já foi demonstrado em diversos modelos experimentais e em alguns ensaios clínicos. O mecanismo de ação mais sugerido é a ação parácrina das CTMs na área lesada. Ainda, sabe-se que nesse ambiente, citocinas pró-inflamatórias, como TNF-α e IFNγ, ativam as CTMs para seu papel reparador. O presente estudo busca analisar o papel do IFNγ na ativação das CTMs em modelos renais. As CTMs de animais nocautes para receptor de IFNγ (IFNγR KO) e de animais selvagens (controle/ C57/Bl6) foram isoladas do tecido adiposo. Essas células foram caracterizadas por imunofenotipagem e diferenciação em adipócitos e osteócitos. A lesão renal aguda foi obtida através do clampeamento dos pedículos renais de camundongos machos C57/Bl6, por 45 min. Após 4hs da lesão isquêmica, as CTMs IFNγR KO e CTMs controles foram administradas intraperitonealmente, e 24hs após a cirurgia os animais foram sacrificados. O tratamento com CTMs selvagens apresentou significativa redução dos níveis de uréia e creatinina sérica. No entanto, a redução desses níveis séricos com CTMs IFNγR KO foi menos intensa. Com relação à análise da resposta inflamatória do rim, os dados demonstram que a expressão de RNAm de IL-6 é maior nos animais tratados com CTMs IFNγR KO quando comparada ao tratamento com CTMs selvagens; porém, os dois tratamentos apresentam expressão reduzida em comparação aos animais não tratados. Já a expressão de RNAm de IL-10 é maior em animais tratados com CTMs em comparação aos não tratados... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Numerous steatotic livers are discarded for transplantation because of their poor tolerance to ischemia-reperfusion (I/R). We examined whether tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA), a known inhibitor of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, protects steatotic and nonsteatotic liver grafts preserved during 6 h in University of Wisconsin (UW) solution and transplanted. The protective mechanisms of TUDCA were also examined. Neither unfolded protein response (UPR) induction nor ER stress was evidenced in steatotic and nonsteatotic liver grafts after 6 h in UW preservation solution. TUDCA only protected steatotic livers grafts and did so through a mechanism independent of ER stress. It reduced proliferator-activated receptor-gamma(PPAR gamma) and damage. When PPAR gamma was activated, TUDCA did not reduce damage. TUDCA, which inhibited PPAR gamma, and the PPAR gamma antagonist treatment up-regulated toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), specifically the TIR domain-containing adaptor inducing IFN beta (TRIF) pathway. TLR4 agonist treatment reduced damage in steatotic liver grafts. When TLR4 action was inhibited, PPAR gamma antagonists did not protect steatotic liver grafts. In conclusion, TUDCA reduced PPAR gamma and this in turn up-regulated the TLR4 pathway, thus protecting steatotic liver grafts. TLR4 activating-based strategies could reduce the inherent risk of steatotic liver failure after transplantation.


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Interleukin-18 (IL-18) and interferon-gamma (IFN-?) exert important functions in both innate and adaptive immune responses against intracellular pathogens and viruses. Previous studies suggested that host genetic factors, including cytokines gene polymorphisms, could be involved in the pathogenesis of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1)-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). Thus, we analyzed -137C/G and -607A/C of the IL-18 promoter and +874T/A of the IFN-? in DNA samples from 98 HTLV-1-infected individuals exhibiting or not clinical symptoms and 150 healthy control individuals. The IL-18 promoter -607CC genotype was significantly lower in HTLV-1 asymptomatic carriers (HAC) and HTLV-1-infected individuals (HAC + HAM/TSP) than healthy control group. In contrast, the -607AC genotype was significantly higher in HAC and HTLV-1-infected individuals group compared to the healthy control group. The -137G/-607A IL-18 haplotype was higher in infected group than healthy control group, and the -137C/-607C IL-18 haplotype was increased in the healthy control group compared to the others. Finally, the IFN-? polymorphism analysis showed that the HTLV-1-infected individuals with +874AT genotype presented higher proviral load than +874AA genotype. These data indicate that the IL-18-607AC genotype and -137G/-607A haplotype could be a risk factor for HTLV-1 infection, whereas the protective effect could be conferred by -607CC genotype and -137C/-607C haplotype. Also, the IFN-? could be implicated on the proviral load levels.


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Bestimmte humane Papillomviren sind an der Entstehung von Zervixkarzinomen beteiligt. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, daß maligne HPV-positive Zellen ihre Fähigkeit zur Induktion von endogenem IFN-beta nach TNF-alpha verloren haben. Durch Infektion mit Encephalomyocarditis Virus (EMCV) oder Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV) wurde die Induzierbarkeit des endogenen IFN-beta durch TNF-alpha in nicht-tumorigenen Zellen bestätigt. Alle malignen Zellinien zeigten eine intakte IFN Signaltransduktion, wenn Typ I oder Typ II Interferone exogen supplementiert wurden. Dies zeigt, daß in tumorigenen Zervixkarzinomzellen die Kommunikation zwischen TNF-alpha und IFN-beta


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The present study examined cellular mechanisms involved in the production and secretion of human (gamma)IFN. The hypothesis of this investigation was that (gamma)IFN is an export glycoprotein whose synthesis in human T lymphocytes is dependent on membrane stimulation, polypeptide synthesis in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, packaging in the Golgi complex, and release from the cell by exocytosis.^ The model system for this examination utilized T lymphocytes from normal donors and patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) induced in vitro with the tumor promoter, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and the lectin, phytohemagglutinin (PHA) to produce (gamma)IFN. This study reconfirmed the ability of PMA and PHA to synergistically induce (gamma)IFN production in normal T lymphocytes, as measured by viral inhibition assays and radio-immunoassays for (gamma)IFN. The leukemic T cells were demonstrated to produce (gamma)IFN in response to treatment with PHA. PMA treatment also induced (gamma)IFN production in the leukemic T cells, which was much greater than that observed in similarly treated normal T cells. In these same cells, however, combined treatment of the agents was shown to be ineffective at inducing (gamma)IFN production beyond the levels stimulated by the individual agents. In addition, the present study reiterated the synergistic effect of PMA/PHA on the stimulation of growth kinetics in normal T cells. The cell cycle of the leukemic T cells was also responsive to treatment with the agents, particularly with PMA treatment. A number of morphological alterations were attributed to PMA treatment including the acquisition of an elongated configuration, nuclear folds, and large cytoplasmic vacuoles. Many of the effects were observed to be reversible with dilution of the agents, and reversion to this state occurred more rapidly in the leukemic T cells. Most importantly, utilization of a thin section immuno-colloidal gold labelling technique for electron microscopy provided, for the first time, direct evidence of the cellular mechanism of (gamma)IFN production and secretion. The results of this latter study support the idea that (gamma)IFN is produced in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, transferred to the Golgi complex for accumulation and packaging, and released from the T cells by exocytosis. ^