932 resultados para INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSMS


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The aim of this work is to present some practical, postmortem biochemistry applications to illustrate the usefulness of this discipline and reassert the importance of carrying out biochemical investigations as an integral part of the autopsy process. Five case reports are presented pertaining to diabetic ketoacidosis in an adult who was not known to suffer from diabetes and in presence of multiple psychotropic substances; fatal flecainide intoxication in a poor metabolizer also presenting an impaired renal function; diabetic ketoacidosis showing severe postmortem changes; primary aldosteronism presented with intracranial hemorrhage and hypothermia showing severe postmortem changes. The cases herein presented can be considered representative examples of the importance of postmortem biochemistry investigations, which may provide significant information useful in determining the cause of death in routine forensic casework or contribute to understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in the death process.


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Purpose of reviewThis review provides information and an update on stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) equipment, with a focus on intracranial lesions and brain neoplasms.Recent findingsGamma Knife radiosurgery represents the gold standard for intracranial radiosurgery, using a dedicated equipment, and has recently evolved with a newly designed technology, Leksell Gamma Knife Perfexion. Linear accelerator-based radiosurgery is more recent, and originally based on existing systems, either adapted or dedicated to radiosurgery. Equipment incorporating specific technologies, such as the robotic CyberKnife system, has been developed. Novel concepts in radiation therapy delivery techniques, such as intensity-modulated radiotherapy, were also developed; their integration with computed tomography imaging and helical delivery has led to the TomoTherapy system. Recent data on the management of intracranial tumors with radiosurgery illustrate the trend toward a larger use and acceptance of this therapeutic modality.SummarySRS has become an important alternative treatment for a variety of lesions. Each radiosurgery system has its advantages and limitations. The 'perfect' and ubiquitous system does not exist. The choice of a radiosurgery system may vary with the strategy and needs of specific radiosurgery programs. No center can afford to acquire every technology, and strategic choices have to be made. Institutions with large neurosurgery and radiation oncology programs usually have more than one system, allowing optimization of the management of patients with a choice of open neurosurgery, radiosurgery, and radiotherapy. Given its minimally invasive nature and increasing clinical acceptance, SRS will continue to progress and offer new advances as a therapeutic tool in neurosurgery and radiotherapy.


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Autosomal recessive cutis laxa type I (ARCL type I) is characterized by generalized cutis laxa with pulmonary emphysema and/or vascular complications. Rarely, mutations can be identified in FBLN4 or FBLN5. Recently, LTBP4 mutations have been implicated in a similar phenotype. Studying FBLN4, FBLN5, and LTBP4 in 12 families with ARCL type I, we found bi-allelic FBLN5 mutations in two probands, whereas nine probands harbored biallelic mutations in LTBP4. FBLN5 and LTBP4 mutations cause a very similar phenotype associated with severe pulmonary emphysema, in the absence of vascular tortuosity or aneurysms. Gastrointestinal and genitourinary tract involvement seems to be more severe in patients with LTBP4 mutations. Functional studies showed that most premature termination mutations in LTBP4 result in severely reduced mRNA and protein levels. This correlated with increased transforming growth factor-beta (TGFβ) activity. However, one mutation, c.4127dupC, escaped nonsense-mediated decay. The corresponding mutant protein (p.Arg1377Alafs(*) 27) showed reduced colocalization with fibronectin, leading to an abnormal morphology of microfibrils in fibroblast cultures, while retaining normal TGFβ activity. We conclude that LTBP4 mutations cause disease through both loss of function and gain of function mechanisms.


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INTRODUCTION: Hereditary retinoblastoma survivors have an increased risk for cranio-facial second primary tumours (SPT), especially after treatment with external beam radiotherapy (EBRT). This multicentre study evaluates the clinical and imaging characteristics and outcomes of cranio-facial SPTs in irradiated retinoblastoma survivors. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Clinical and radiological data of 42 hereditary retinoblastoma patients with 44 second and third malignancies were reviewed. Radiological data included anatomic location and computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) characteristics. Cox regression and likelihood ratio chi-square test were used to evaluate differences in patients' survival rates. RESULTS: Cranio-facial SPTs were diagnosed at a median age of 13 years. Histological types included osteosarcomas (43%), rhabdomyosarcomas (20%) (57% embryonal, 43% alveolar) and a variety of other types of SPT (37%). Predilection sites were: temporal fossa (39%), ethmoid sinus (23%), orbit (18%), maxillary sinus (16%) and intracranial dura mater (4%). Most of the osteosarcomas (78%) and rhabdomyosarcomas (80%) occurred in patients treated with EBRT in the first year-of-life. Treatment of SPTs with a microscopically complete surgical resection led to a significantly better 5-year overall survival (OS) (P=0.017) and event-free survival (EFS) (P=0.012) compared to patients treated without surgery or incomplete resection (OS: 83% versus 52%; EFS: 80% versus 47%). CONCLUSIONS: Osteosarcomas and rhabdomyosarcomas are the most common cranio-facial SPTs in irradiated hereditary retinoblastoma survivors, which develop in specific locations and occur predominantly in patients irradiated in their first year-of-life. Microscopically complete surgical resection of SPTs is a major prognostic factor, suggesting the potential benefit of early detection by imaging.


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Introduction: The Fragile X - associated Tremor Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS) is a recently described, and under-diagnosed, late onset (≈ 60y) neurodegenerative disorder affecting male carriers of a premutation in the Fragile X Mental Retardation 1 (FMR1) gene. The premutation is an CGG (Cytosine-Guanine-Guanine) expansion (55 to 200 CGG repeats) in the proximal region of the FMR1 gene. Patients with FXTAS primarily present with cerebellar ataxia and intention tremor. Neuroradiological features of FXTAS include prominent white matter disease in the periventricular, subcortical, middle cerebellar peduncles and deep white matter of the cerebellum on T2-weighted or FLAIR MR imaging (Jacquemmont 2007, Loesch 2007, Brunberg 2002, Cohen 2006). We hypothesize that a significant white matter alteration is present in younger individuals many years prior to clinical symptoms and/or the presence of visible lesions on conventional MR sequences and might be detectable by magnetization transfer (MT) imaging. Methods: Eleven asymptomatic premutation carriers (mean age = 55 years) and seven intra-familial controls participated to the study. A standardized neurological examination was performed on all participants and a neuropsychological evaluation was carried out before MR scanning performed on a 3T Siemens Trio. The protocol included a sagittal T1-weighted 3D gradient-echo sequence (MPRAGE, 160 slices, 1 mm^3 isotropic voxels) and a gradient-echo MTI (FA 30, TE 15, matrix size 256*256, pixel size 1*1 mm, 36 slices (thickness 2mm), MT pulse duration 7.68 ms, FA 500, frequency offset 1.5 kHz). MTI was performed by acquiring consecutively two set of images; first with and then without the MT saturation pulse. MT images were coregistered to the T1 acquisition. The MTR for every intracranial voxel was calculated as follows: MTR = (M0 - MS)/M0*100%, creating a MTR map for each subject. As first analysis, the whole white matter (WM) was used to mask the MTR image in order to create an histogram of the MTR distribution in the whole tissue class over the two groups examined. Then, for each subject, we performed a segmentation and parcellation of the brain by means of Freesurfer software, starting from the high resolution T1-weighted anatomical acquisition. Cortical parcellations was used to assign a label to the underlying white matter by the construction of a Voronoi diagram in the WM voxels of the MR volume based on distance to the nearest cortical parcellation label. This procedure allowed us to subdivide the cerebral WM in 78 ROIs according to the cortical parcellation (see example in Fig 1). The cerebellum, by the same procedure, was subdivided in 5 ROIs (2 per each hemisphere and one corresponding to the brainstem). For each subject, we calculated the mean value of MTR within each ROI and averaged over controls and patients. Significant differences between the two groups were tested using a two sample T-test (p<0.01). Results: Neurological examination showed that no patient met the clinical criteria of Fragile X Tremor and Ataxia Syndrome yet. Nonetheless, premutation carriers showed some subtle neurological signs of the disorder. In fact, premutation carriers showed a significant increase of tremor (CRST, T-test p=0.007) and increase of ataxia (ICARS, p=0.004) when compared to controls. The neuropsychological evaluation was normal in both groups. To obtain general characterizations of myelination for each subject and premutation carriers, we first computed the distribution of MTR values across the total white matter volume and averaged for each group. We tested the equality of the two distributions with the non parametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and we rejected the null-hypothesis at a p=0.03 (fig. 2). As expected, when comparing the asymptomatic permutation carriers with control subjects, the peak value and peak position of the MTR values within the whole WM were decreased and the width of the distribution curve was increased (p<0.01). These three changes point to an alteration of the global myelin status of the premutation carriers. Subsequently, to analyze the regional myelination and white matter integrity of the same group, we performed a ROI analysis of MTR data. The ROI-based analysis showed a decrease of mean MTR value in premutation carriers compared to controls in bilateral orbito-frontal and inferior frontal WM, entorhinal and cingulum regions and cerebellum (Fig 3). The detection of these differences in these regions failed with other conventional MR techniques. Conclusions: These preliminary data confirm that in premutation carriers, there are indeed alterations in "normal appearing white matter" (NAWM) and these alterations are visible with the MT technique. These results indicate that MT imaging may be a relevant approach to detect both global and local alterations within NAWM in "asymptomatic" carriers of premutations in the Fragile X Mental Retardation 1 (FMR1) gene. The sensitivity of MT in the detection of these alterations might point towards a specific physiopathological mechanism linked to an underlying myelin disorder. ROI-based analyses show that the frontal, parahippocampal and cerebellar regions are already significantly affected before the onset of symptoms. A larger sample will allow us to determine the minimum CGG expansion and age associated with these subclinical white matter alterations.


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BACKGROUND: Acute treatment of ischemic stroke patients presenting more than eight-hours after symptom onset remains limited and largely unproven. Partial aortic occlusion using the NeuroFlo catheter can augment cerebral perfusion in animals. We investigated the safety and feasibility of employing this novel catheter to treat ischemic stroke patients eight-hours to 24 h following symptom onset. METHODS: A multicenter, single-arm trial enrolled ischemic stroke patients at nine international academic medical centers. Eligibility included age 18-85 years old, National Institutes of Health stroke scale (NIHSS) score between four and 20, within eight-hours to 24 h after symptom onset, and perfusion-diffusion mismatch confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging. The primary outcome was all adverse events occurring from baseline to 30 days posttreatment. Secondary outcomes included stroke severity on neurological indices through 90 days. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00436592. RESULTS: A total of 26 patients were enrolled. Of these, 25 received treatment (one excluded due to aortic morphology); five (20%) died. Favorable neurological outcome at 90 days (modified Rankin score 0-2 vs. 3-6) was associated with lower baseline NIHSS (P < 0·001) and with longer duration from symptom discovery to treatment. There were no symptomatic intracranial hemorrhages or parenchymal hematomas. Asymptomatic intracranial hemorrhage was visible on computed tomography in 32% and only on microbleed in another 20%. CONCLUSIONS: Partial aortic occlusion using the NeuroFlo catheter, a novel collateral therapeutic strategy, appears safe and feasible in stroke patients eight-hours to 24 h after symptom onset.


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The involvement of the central nervous system (CNS) by schistosomes may or may not determine clinical manifestations. When symptomatic, neuroschistosomiasis (NS) is one of the most severe presentations of schistosomal infection. Considering the symptomatic form, cerebral involvement is almost always due to Schistosoma japonicum and the spinal cord disease, caused by S. mansoni or S. haematobium. Available evidence suggests that NS depends basically on the presence of parasite eggs in the nervous tissue and on the host immune response. The patients with cerebral NS usually have the clinical manifestations of increased intracranial pressure associated with focal neurological signs; and those with schistosomal myeloradiculopathy (SMR) present rapidly progressing symptoms of myelitis involving the lower cord, usually in association with the involvement of the cauda esquina roots. The diagnosis of cerebral NS is established by biopsy of the nervous tissue and SMR is usually diagnosed according to a clinical criterion. Antischistosomal drugs, corticosteroids and surgery are the resourses available for treating NS. The outcome is variable and is better in cerebral disease.


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Acute subdural haematoma (ASDH) is one of the conditions most strongly associated with severe brain injury. Reports prior to 1980 describe overall mortality rates for acute subdural haematomas (SDH's) ranging from 40% to 90% with poor outcomes observed in all age groups. Recently, improved results have been reported with rapid diagnosis and surgical treatment. The elderly are predisposed to bleeding due to normal cerebral atrophy related to aging, stretching the bridging veins from the dura. Prognosis in ASDH is associated with age, time from injury to treatment, presence of pupillary abnormalities, Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) or motor score on admission, immediate coma or lucid interval, computerized tomography findings (haematoma volume, degree of midline shift, associated intradural lesion, compression of basal cisterns), post-operative intracranial pressure and type of surgery. Advancing age is known to be a determinant of outcome in head injury. The authors present the results of a retrospective study carried out in Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Ireland's national neurosurgical centre. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of age on outcome in patients with ASDH following severe head injury. Only cases with acute subdural haematoma requiring surgical evacuation were recruited.


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For patients with brain tumors identification of diagnostic and prognostic markers in easy accessible biological material, such as plasma or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), would greatly facilitate patient management. MIC-1/GDF15 (growth differentiation factor 15) is a secreted protein of the TGF-beta superfamily and emerged as a candidate marker exhibiting increasing mRNA expression during malignant progression of glioma. Determination of MIC-1/GDF15 protein levels by ELISA in the CSF of a cohort of 94 patients with intracranial tumors including gliomas, meningioma and metastasis revealed significantly increased concentrations in glioblastoma patients (median, 229 pg/ml) when compared with control cohort of patients treated for non-neoplastic diseases (median below limit of detection of 156 pg/ml, p < 0.0001, Mann-Whitney test). However, plasma MIC-1/GDF15 levels were not elevated in the matching plasma samples from these patients. Most interestingly, patients with glioblastoma and increased CSF MIC-1/GDF15 had a shorter survival (p = 0.007, log-rank test). In conclusion, MIC-1/GDF15 protein measured in the CSF may have diagnostic and prognostic value in patients with intracranial tumors.


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An unusual association of a meningioma and an arteriovenous malformation is reported. A 68-year-old man developed left homonymous hemianopsia, left hemiparesis, and gaze palsy. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a right occipital mass lesion containing multiple signal-void areas with tubular and honeycomb appearance, suggesting a marked vascular component. An angiogram showed abnormal vasculature in the mass supplied by the posterior cerebral artery and a dural arteriovenous malformation on the tentorium. Neuropathological examination after total removal of the mass revealed a meningothelial meningioma including major portions of an arteriovenous malformation that extended from the dura and leptomeninges, through the meningioma, and into the occipital lobe, where the tumor was located.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: A new clinical construct termed embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS) was recently introduced, but no such population has been described yet. Our aim is to provide a detailed descriptive analysis of an ESUS population derived from a large prospective ischemic stroke registry using the proposed diagnostic criteria. METHODS: The criteria proposed by the Cryptogenic Stroke/ESUS International Working Group were applied to the Athens Stroke Registry to identify all ESUS patients. ESUS was defined as a radiologically confirmed nonlacunar brain infarct in the absence of (a) extracranial or intracranial atherosclerosis causing ≥50% luminal stenosis in arteries supplying the ischemic area, (b) major-risk cardioembolic source, and (c) any other specific cause of stroke. RESULTS: Among 2735 patients admitted between 1992 and 2011, 275 (10.0%) were classified as ESUS. In the majority of ESUS (74.2%), symptoms were maximal at onset. ESUS were of moderate severity (median National Institute Health Stroke Scale score, 5). The most prevalent risk factor was arterial hypertension (64.7%), and 50.9% of patients were dyslipidemic. Among potential causes of the ESUS, covert atrial fibrillation (AF) was the most prevalent: in 30 (10.9%) patients, AF was diagnosed during hospitalization for stroke recurrence, whereas in 50 (18.2%) patients AF was detected after repeated ECG monitoring during follow-up. Also, covert AF was strongly suggested in 38 patients (13.8%) but never recorded. CONCLUSIONS: About 10% of patients with first-ever ischemic stroke met criteria for ESUS; covert paroxysmal AF seems to be a frequent cause of ESUS.


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BACKGROUND: Both systolic and diastolic dysfunction have been observed in patients with anterolateral myocardial infarction. Diastolic dysfunction is related to disturbances in relaxation and diastolic filling. OBJECTIVE: To analyse cardiac rotation, regional shortening and diastolic relaxation in patients with anterolateral infarction. METHODS: Cardiac rotation and relaxation in controls and patients with chronic anterolateral infarction were assessed by myocardial tagging. Myocardial tagging is based on magnetic resonance imaging and allows us to label specific myocardial regions for imaging cardiac motion (rotation, translation and radial displacement). A rectangular grid was placed on the myocardium (basal, equatorial and apical short-axis plane) of each of 18 patients with chronic anterolateral infarction and 13 controls. Cardiac rotation, change in area and shortening of circumference were determined in each case. RESULTS: The left ventricle in controls performs a systolic wringing motion with a clockwise rotation at the base and a counterclockwise rotation at the apex when viewed from the apex. During relaxation a rotational motion in the opposite direction (namely untwisting) can be observed. In patients with anterolateral infarction, there is less systolic rotation at the apex and diastolic untwisting is delayed and prolonged in comparison with controls. In the presence of a left ventricular aneurysm (n = 4) apical rotation is completely lost. There is less shortening of circumference in infarcted and remote regions. CONCLUSIONS: The wringing motion of the myocardium might be an important mechanism involved in maintaining normal cardiac function with minimal expenditure of energy. This mechanism no longer operates in patients with left ventricular aneurysms and operates significantly less than normal in those with anterolateral hypokinaesia. Diastolic untwisting is significantly delayed and prolonged in patients with anterolateral infarction, which could explain the occurrence of diastolic dysfunction in these patients.


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In this article we describe a 41-year-old man who, following an operation to repair a ruptured anterior communicating artery aneurysm, manifested the "hallmark" features of a dysexecutive memory impairment. Of particular note was the patient's apparently normal level of recognition memory but impaired recall on tasks matched for difficulty in control subjects. However, further testing revealed that the patient's recognition memory was not normal under all circumstances. Implications of these data for the interpretation and further investigation of the dysexecutive deficit are discussed.


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OBJECTIVES: To characterize the pathogenesis and clinical features of optic disc edema associated with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (SAS). METHODS: A series of 4 patients with SAS and papilledema (PE) underwent complete neuro-ophthalmologic evaluation and lumbar puncture. In 1 patient, continuous 24-hour intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring was also performed. RESULTS: All 4 patients had bilateral PE that was asymmetric in 2. Three patients had optic nerve dysfunction, asymmetric in 1, unilateral in 2. Daytime cerebrospinal fluid pressure measurements were within normal range. Nocturnal monitoring performed in one patient, however, demonstrated repeated episodes of marked ICP elevation associated with apnea and arterial oxygen desaturation. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that PE in SAS is due to episodic nocturnal hypoxemia and hypercarbia resulting in increased ICP secondary to cerebral vasodilation. In these individuals, intermittent ICP elevation is sufficient to cause persistent disc edema. These patients may be at increased risk for developing visual loss secondary to PE compared with patients with obesity-related pseudotumor cerebri because of associated hypoxemia. The diagnosis of SAS PE may not be appreciated because daytime cerebrospinal fluid pressure measurements are normal and because patients tend to present with visual loss rather than with symptoms of increased ICP.