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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.
Dissertação de natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Edificações
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, 18 de Março de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.
O aço inoxidável é um material de alta durabilidade e resistência, utilizado nos mais diversos setores comerciais. O conhecimento das suas características e propriedades é essencial para uma escolha mais seletiva e vantajosa. Pretende‐se com este trabalho, estudar as propriedades mecânicas, a resistência ao desgaste e o comportamento, em ambientes mais agressivos de três tipos de aços inoxidáveis duplex, produzidos pela OUTOKUMPU e comercialmente conhecidos pelas designações LDX 2101, SAF 2507 e o SAF 2205. Para tal efeito foram realizados ensaios de Dureza Vickers, antes e após dobragem; ensaios de tracção em duas diferentes situações: seguindo a norma NP EN 10002‐ 1:2006 e após a realização de alguns ciclos de carga e descarga; ensaio de Impacto à temperatura ambiente e após arrefecimento criogénico; ensaio de resistência à corrosão. Também foi feito o estudo de resistência ao desgaste com base na técnica de micro‐abrasão por esfera rotativa e o estudo metalográfico. Foi também objetivo deste trabalho, relacionar o uso dos referidos aços duplex e as consequências que esse uso tem para o meio ambiente, bem como o seu comportamento quando exposto a condições extremas. Para tal, foram colocadas amostras dos referidos aços, em dois tipos de solos com condições de humidade e acidez diferentes analisando o seu estado após imersão em solo com condições controladas durante 272 dias.
The study of agent diffusion in biological tissues is very important to understand and characterize the optical clearing effects and mechanisms involved: tissue dehydration and refractive index matching. From measurements made to study the optical clearing, it is obvious that light scattering is reduced and that the optical properties of the tissue are controlled in the process. On the other hand, optical measurements do not allow direct determination of the diffusion properties of the agent in the tissue and some calculations are necessary to estimate those properties. This fact is imposed by the occurrence of two fluxes at optical clearing: water typically directed out of and agent directed into the tissue. When the water content in the immersion solution is approximately the same as the free water content of the tissue, a balance is established for water and the agent flux dominates. To prove this concept experimentally, we have measured the collimated transmittance of skeletal muscle samples under treatment with aqueous solutions containing different concentrations of glucose. After estimating the mean diffusion time values for each of the treatments we have represented those values as a function of glucose concentration in solution. Such a representation presents a maximum diffusion time for a water content in solution equal to the tissue free water content. Such a maximum represents the real diffusion time of glucose in the muscle and with this value we could calculate the corresponding diffusion coefficient.
It is known that the fibrous structure of muscle causes light scattering. This phenomenon occurs due to the refractive index discontinuities located between muscle fibers and interstitial fluid. To study the possibility of reducing light scattering inside muscle, we consider its spectral transmittance evolution during an immersion treatment with an optical clearing solution containing ethanol, glycerol, and distilled water. Our methodology consists of registering spectral transmittance of muscle samples while immersed in that solution. With the spectral data collected, we represent the transmittance evolution for some wavelengths during the treatment applied. Additionally, we study the variations that the treatment has caused on the samples regarding tissue refractive index and mass. By analyzing microscopic photographs of tissue cross section, we can also verify changes in the internal arrangement of muscle fibers caused by the immersion treatment. Due to a mathematical model that we develop, we can explain the variations observed in the studied parameters and estimate the amount of optical clearing agent that has diffused into the tissue samples during the immersion treatment. At the end of the study, we observe and explain the improvement in tissue spectral transmittance, which is approximately 65% after 20 min.
Pizgrischite, (Cu,Fe)Cu14PbBi17S35, is a new mineral species named after the type locality, Piz Grisch Mountain, Val Ferrera, Graubunden, Switzerland. This sulfosalt occurs as thin, striated, metallic lead-grey blades measuring up to I cm in length, embedded in quartz and associated with tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, emplectite and derivatives of the aikinite-bismuthinite series. In plane-polarized light, the new species is brownish grey with no perceptible pleochroism; under crossed nicols in oil immersion, it presents a weak anisotropy with dark brown tints. Minimum and maximum reflectance values (in %) in air are: 40.7-42.15 (470 nm), 41.2-43.1 (546 nm), 41.2-43.35 (589 nm) and 40.7-43.3 (650 nm). Cleavage is perfect along 001 I and well developed on {010}. Abundant polysynthetic twinning is observed on (010). The mean micro-indentation hardness is 190 kg/mm(2) (Mohs hardness 3.3), and the calculated density is 6.58 g/cm(3). Electron-microprobe analyses yield (wt%; mean result of seven analyses): Cu 16.48, Pb 2.10, Fe 0.77, Bi 60.70, Sb 0.35, S 19.16, Se 0.04, total 99.60. The resulting empirical chemical formula is (Cu15.24Fe0.80Pb0.60)(Sigma 16.64)(Bi17.07Sb0.17)(Sigma 17.24)(S35.09Se0.03)(Sigma 35.12), in accordance with the formula derived from the single-crystal refinement of the structure, (Cu,Fe)Cu14PbBi17S35. Pizgrischite is monoclinic, space group C2/m, with the following unit-cell parameters: a 35.054(2), b3.91123(I), c43.192(2) angstrom, beta 96.713(4)degrees, V5881.24 angstrom(3), Z=4. The strongest seven X-ray powder-diffraction lines [d in angstrom (I)(hkl)] are: 5.364(40)((6) over bar 04), 4.080(50)((8) over bar 05), 3.120(40)(118), 3.104(68)((3) over bar 18), 2.759(53) ((9) over bar 11),2.752(44)(910) and 1.956(100)(020). The crystal structure is an expanded monoclinic derivative of kupcikite. Pizgrischite belongs to the cuprobismutite series of bismuth sulfosalts but, sensu stricto, it is not a homologue of cuprobismutite. At the type locality. pizarischite is the result of the Alpine metamorphism under greenschist-facies conditions of pre-Tertiary hydrothermal Cu-Bi mineralization.
Teräksenvalmistajilta edellytetään jatkuvasti panostusta laadun ja laadunvarmistuksen kehittämiseen. Teräksen laatu ja puhtaus korostuvat varsinkin silloin, kun terästä käytetään vaativiin käyttökohteisiin, kuten autoteollisuuden tarpeisiin. Ultraäänitarkastusmenetelmää käytetään laadun-varmistuksessa teräksen sisävikojen etsimiseen. Ultraäänitarkastuksessa lähetetään suuritaajuuksista ääntä kappaleeseen. Ääni etenee materiaalissa ja heijastuu erilaisista epäjatkuvuuskohdista. Luotaimeen palaavaa ääntä analysoimalla saadaan tietoa teräksestä ja sen sisävioista. Ultraäänitarkastuksen ongelmana on vian tyypin määrittäminen hankaluus sekä herkkyys tutkittavan materiaalin aineominaisuuksille. Työn tavoitteena oli immersioultraäänitarkastuksen kehittäminen sovellettuna teräksenvalmistajan tarpeisiin. Materiaalin aineominaisuuksista tutkittiin seostuksen vaikutusta. Teräslajit tarkastettiin valssitilaisena, karkaistuna ja normalisoituna. Lisäksi tutkittiin kappaleen pinnankarheuden ja -muodon vaikutusta tarkastukseen. Vikatyyppien tunnistamisen mahdollisuuksia ultra-äänitarkastuksessa selvitettiin käyttäen FFT- taajuusanalyysiä. Erilailla lämpökäsitellyillä teräslajeilla näytti eniten tuloksiin vaikuttavan terästen raekoko. Valssitilaisilla teräksillä raekoko on suuri, jolloin ultraääni vaimenee voimakkaasti teräksessä. Huomattavaa kuitenkin oli, että mikäli lämpö-käsittelyillä ei teräksen raekokoa saada juuri pienennettyä, ei myöskään vaimeneminen vähene. Tämän vuoksi lämpökäsittely ei välttämättä ole aina tarpeellinen valmisteltaessa ultraääninäytteitä. Fourier’n taajuusanalyysissä huomattiin olevan eroavaisuuksia verrattaessa huokosista ja sulkeumista palaavien kaikujen taajuusspektrejä. Näiden tulosten perusteella näyttäisi olevan mahdollista käyttää FFT- menetelmää ultraääni-tarkastuksessa vikojen luokitteluun.
Basal body temperature (BBT) and thermoeffector thresholds increase following ovulation in
many women. This study investigated if solely central thermoregulatory alterations are responsible.
Seven females in a non-contraceptive group (NCG) were compared with 5 monophasic contraceptive
users (HCG) on separate accounts: pre-ovulation (Trial I; d 2-5) and post-ovulation (Trial 2; 4-8 d
post-positive ovulation) for NCG, and active phase for HCG (d 2-5, d 18-21). During immersion in
28°C water to the axilla, participants exercised for 20-30 min on an underwater ergometer. After
steadily sweating, immersion continued until metabolism increased two-fold due to shivering. Rectal
(Tre) BBT was not different between trials for neither NCG (1: 37.34±0.16°C; 2: 37.35±0.27°C) nor
HCG. At exercise termination, Tre forehead sweating cessation increased (P<0.05) in trial 2
irrespective of group (1: 37.55±0.39°C; 2: 37.90±0,46°C). Tre shivering onset did not increase
(P>0.05) in trial 2 (1: 36.91±0.50°C; 2: 37.07±0,45°C). The widths of the interthreshold zone
increased (P<0.05) in trial 2 (1: 0.64±0.22°C; 2: 0.82±0.37°C) due to the increased sweating threshold
only. HCG cooled quicker (1: -l.15±0,43°C; 2: -1.00±0.50°C) than NCG participants (1: -
0.58±0.22°C; 2: -0.52±O.29°C), and tympanic (Tty) sweat thresholds were significantly (P<0.05)
decreased (1: 34.76±0.54°C; 2: 35.39±0.61°C) versus NCG (l: 35.57±0.77°C; 2: 35.89±1.04°C).
Lastly, Tre and Tty thresholds were significantly different (P
3-alkyl-2-methoxypyrazines (MPs) are grape- and insect-derived odor-active compounds responsible for vegetative percepts that are detrimental to wine quality when elevated. This study tested both the effect of closure/packaging types and light/temperature storage conditions on MPs (isopropyl-, secbutyl-, and isobutyl-MP) in wine. An MP-emiched wine rapidly (after 140 hours) and significantly decreased in MP concentration after natural and synthetic cork contact (immersion of closures in wine). This decrease was greatest with synthetic closures (70% - 89% reduction) and secbutyl-MP. Subsequently storage trials tested the effects of commercial closure/packaging options (natural cork, agglomerate cork, synthetic corks, screwcaps and TetraPak® cartons) on MPs in MP-emiched Riesling and Cabernet Franc over 18 months. Regardless of packaging, isobutyl-MP was the most altered from bottling. Notably, all MP levels tended to decrease to the greatest extent in TetraPak® cartons (~34% for all MPs) and there was evidence of contribution ofisoproyl- and secbutyl-MP from cork-based closures (i.e. ~30% increase in secbutyl-MP after 6 months) or from an unidentified wine constituent. To test the effects of various light/temperature conditions (light exposed at ambient temperature in three different bottle hues, light excluded at ambient temperature and light excluded at a "cellar" temperature (14°C)), MP-emiched Riesling and Cabernet Franc were also analyzed for MP concentrations over 12 months. MPs did not vary consistently with light or temperature. Other odorants and physico-chemical properties were tested in all wines during storage trials and closely agree with previous literature. These results provide novel insights into MPs during ageing, interactions with packaging and storage conditions, and assist in the selection of storage conditions/packaging for optimal wine quality.
The human neuromuscular system is susceptible to changes within the thermal environment. Cold extrinsic temperatures can significantly reduce muscle and nervous system function and communication, which can have consequences for motor performance. A repeated measures design protocol exposed participants to a 12°C cold water immersion (CWI) up to the ankle, knee, and hip to determine the effect that reduced skin and muscle temperature had on balance and strength task execution. Although a linear reduction in the ability to perform balance tasks was seen from the control condition through to the hip CWI, results from the study indicated a significant reduction in dynamic balance (Star Excursion Balance Test reach distance) performance from only the hip CWI (P<0.05). This reduced performance could have been due to an increase in joint stiffness, increased agonist-antagonist co-contraction, and/or reduced isokinetic muscular strength. Reduced physical performance due to cold temperature could negatively impact outdoor recreational athletics.
The increasing variety and complexity of video games allows players to choose how to behave and represent themselves within these virtual environments. The focus of this dissertation was to examine the connections between the personality traits (specifically, HEXACO traits and psychopathic traits) of video game players and player-created and controlled game-characters (i.e., avatars), and the link between traits and behavior in video games. In Study 1 (n = 198), the connections between player personality traits and behavior in a Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game (World of Warcraft) were examined. Six behavior components were found (i.e., Player-versus-Player, Social Player-versus-Environment, Working, Helping, Immersion, and Core Content), and each was related to relevant personality traits. For example, Player-versus-Player behaviors were negatively related to Honesty-Humility and positively related to psychopathic traits, and Immersion behaviors (i.e., exploring, role-playing) were positively related to Openness to Experience. In Study 2 (n = 219), the connections between player personality traits and in-game behavior in video games were examined in university students. Four behavior components were found (i.e., Aggressing, Winning, Creating, and Helping), and each was related to at least one personality trait. For example, Aggressing was negatively related to Honesty-Humility and positively related to psychopathic traits. In Study 3 (n = 90), the connections between player personality traits and avatar personality traits were examined in World of Warcraft. Positive player-avatar correlations were observed for all personality traits except Extraversion. Significant mean differences between players and avatars were observed for all traits except Conscientiousness; avatars had higher mean scores on Extraversion and psychopathic traits, but lower mean scores on the remaining traits. In Study 4, the connections between player personality traits, avatar traits, and observed behaviors in a life-simulation video game (The Sims 3) were examined in university students (n = 93). Participants created two avatars and used these avatars to play The Sims 3. Results showed that the selection of certain avatar traits was related to relevant player personality traits (e.g., participants who chose the Friendly avatar trait were higher in Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, and Agreeableness, and lower in psychopathic traits). Selection of certain character-interaction behaviors was related to relevant player personality traits (e.g., participants with higher levels of psychopathic traits used more Mean and fewer Friendly interactions). Together, the results of the four studies suggest that individuals generally behave and represent themselves in video games in ways that are consistent with their real-world tendencies.
L'eugénol (2-methoxy-4-(2-propenyl) phénol), produit dérivé du clou de girofle (Eugenia aromatica), fut tout d’abord utilisé en application topique à des fins d’analgésie dentaire. Il produit également une anesthésie chirurgicale lorsque administré en immersion chez les poissons. L’eugénol agit sur les récepteurs vanilloïdes, sensibles à la chaleur, aux protons et à certaines molécules lipidiques. Ces récepteurs jouent un rôle important dans le mécanisme de l’inflammation et de l’hyperalgésie. L’eugénol pourrait également produire ses effets par antagonisme des récepteurs glutamaergiques (NMDA) et par son activation des récepteurs GABAergiques. Considérant que l’eugénol produit des effets analgésiques et anesthésiques, des études de pharmacocinétique et de pharmacodynamie furent réalisées chez la grenouille (Xenopus laevis), le poisson (Oncorhynchus mykiss) et le rat (Rattus norvegicus). Les résultats démontrent que l’eugénol administré par immersion à une dose efficace permet d’atteindre une anesthésie chirurgicale chez les grenouilles (350 mg/L) et les poissons (75 mg/L). Suite à des analyses plasmatiques par LC/MS/MS, la pharmacocinétique des grenouilles, des poissons et des rats montre que la drogue est éliminée et qu’il pourrait y avoir une recirculation entérohépathique plus importante chez la grenouille et le rat. La longue demi-vie chez le rat suggère aussi une accumulation dans les tissus après des administrations répétées. Suite à l’administration intraveineuse d’une dose de 20 mg/kg chez le rat, l’eugénol induit une anesthésie chirurgicale pour une très courte période de temps variant autour de 167 s. Les résultats de sensibilité thermique confirment l’efficacité de l’eugénol pour réduire l’hyperalgésie induite chez des rats neuropathiques. L’effet pharmacologique de l’eugénol a démontré une augmentation progressive constante de l’analgésie sur une période de cinq jours de traitements journaliers. En conclusion, l’eugénol possède des propriétés analgésiques et anesthésiques chez la grenouille africaine à griffes (Xenopus laevis), le poisson (Oncorhynchus mykiss) et le rat (Rattus norvegicus).
L’électrofilage est un procédé permettant de préparer des fibres possédant un diamètre de l’ordre du micromètre ou de quelques centaines de nanomètres. Son utilisation est toutefois limitée par le manque de contrôle sur la structure et les propriétés des fibres ainsi produites. Dans ce travail, des fibres électrofilées à partir de mélanges de polystyrène (PS) et de poly(vinyl méthyl éther) (PVME) ont été caractérisées. La calorimétrie différentielle à balayage (DSC) a montré que les fibres du mélange PS/PVME sont miscibles (une seule transition vitreuse) lorsque préparées dans le benzène, alors qu'une séparation de phases a lieu lorsque le chloroforme est utilisé. Les fibres immiscibles sont néanmoins malléables, contrairement à un film préparé par évaporation du chloroforme qui a des propriétés mécaniques médiocres. Des clichés en microscopies optique et électronique à balayage (MEB) ont permis d’étudier l'effet de la composition et du solvant sur le diamètre et la morphologie des fibres. Des mesures d’angles de contact ont permis d’évaluer l’hydrophobicité des fibres, qui diminue avec l’ajout de PVME (hydrophile); les valeurs sont de 60° supérieures à celles des films de composition équivalente. Un retrait sélectif du PVME a été réalisé par l’immersion des fibres dans l’eau. La spectroscopie infrarouge a montré que la composition passe de 70 à 95% de PS pour une fibre immiscible mais seulement à 75% pour une fibre miscible. Ces résultats indiquent que la phase riche en PVME se situe presque uniquement à la surface des fibres immiscibles, ce qui a été confirmé par microscopie à force atomique (AFM) et MEB. Finalement, l’effet du mélange des deux solvants, lors de l’électrofilage du mélange PS/PVME, a été étudié. La présence du chloroforme, même en quantité réduite, provoque une séparation de phases similaire à celle observée avec ce solvant pur.