959 resultados para Hybrids
O sagui-da-serra-escuro (Callithrix aurita) (É.Geoffroy, 1812) é uma espécie endêmica da Mata Atlântica e ameaçada de extinção, considerada em perigo. Callithrix jacchus e C. penicillata são espécies invasoras no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, que competem com C. aurita pelos mesmos recursos, além de formarem híbridos. Nesse contexto, avaliamos a distribuição espacial das espécies de saguis (nativa e invasoras) no interior e entorno do Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos (PARNASO), RJ, Brasil, através do método de playback, entrevistas, e a modelagem de ocupação e detecção. Além disso, comparamos os dados de distribuição atual com os registros de ocorrência anteriores a esse estudo. Os resultados mostraram que a população de saguis nativos e invasores presentes no interior no parque possuem probabilidade de ocupação (0,20 e 0,22), detecção (0,22 e 0,26) e abundância (12,65 e 13,68 grupos) semelhantes. A ocupação de C. aurita está relacionada às áreas do parque mais afastadas da estrada e com menor interferência humana, provavelmente pelo efeito da elevada altitude nessas regiões. Enquanto que a ocupação dos saguis invasores está relacionada à proximidade dos limites do parque e a maior interferência humana, tanto em maiores altitudes quanto em menores. Registramos o processo de hibridação entre saguis nativos e invasores, e a formação de grupos mistos entre eles, em diversos pontos da região de Petrópolis, inclusive no interior do parque, evidenciando as consequências do processo de invasão. Concluímos que a população de Callithrix aurita no PARNASO é pequena, restrita a uma única região do parque, e parte dela possui contato com grupos de saguis invasores, ou está bem próxima deles. As espécies de saguis invasores ocorrem em alguns locais no interior do parque e por todo o seu entorno. Portanto, há uma pressão dos saguis invasores em direção ao interior do PARNASO. Diante deste processo de extinção local de uma espécie endêmica, ameaçada de extinção, e com uma restrita distribuição geográfica, alertamos para a urgente necessidade de iniciar um eficiente programa de manejo das espécies de saguis invasores, juntamente com a reintrodução de grupos de Callithrix aurita.
Intergeneric hybridization between the epinepheline serranids Cephalopholis fulva and Paranthias furcifer in waters off Bermuda was investigated by using morphological and molecular characters. Putative hybrids, as well as members of each presumed parent species, were analyzed for 44 morphological characters and screened for genetic variation at 16 nuclear allozyme loci, two nuclear (n)DNA loci, and three mitochondrial (mt)DNA gene regions. Four of 16 allozyme loci, creatine kinase (CK-B*), fumarase (FH*), isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH-S*), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH-B*), were unique in C. fulva and P. furcifer. Restriction fragments of two nuclear DNA intron regions, an actin gene intron and the second intron in the S7 ribosomal protein gene, also exhibited consistent differences between the two presumed parent species. Restriction fragments of three mtDNA regions—ND4, ATPase 6, and 12S/16S ribosomal RNA—were analyzed to identify maternal parentage of putative hybrids. Both morphological data and nuclear genetic data were found to be consistent with the hypothesis that the putative hybrids were the result of interbreeding between C. fulva and P. furcifer. Mean values of 38 morphological characters were different between presumed parent species, and putative hybrids were intermediate to presumed parent species for 33 of these characters. A principal component analysis of the morphological and meristic data was also consistent with hybridization between C. fulva and P. furcifer. Thirteen of 15 putative hybrids were heterozygous at all diagnostic nuclear loci, consistent with F1 hybrids. Two putative hybrids were identified as post-F1 hybrids based on homozygosity at one nuclear locus each. Mitochondrial DNA analysis showed that the maternal parent of all putative hybrid individuals was C. fulva. A survey of nuclear and mitochondrial loci of 57 C. fulva and 37 P. furcifer from Bermuda revealed no evidence of introgression between the parent species mediated by hybridization.
本文以我国不同年代推出的玉米品种为试验材料,深入研究玉米品种更替中产量提高和光合效率改良的演变特征及生理机制,以及环境胁迫影响各年代玉米品种光合效率及产量的生理机制,在此基础上分析光合改良与产量提高的关系。 对各年代玉米品种花后光合效率的变化及其与产量形成的关系的研究发现:虽然新品种的光合速率在开花前并不比老品种高,但是它们能够迅速扩大叶面积,形成较多的籽粒,为接下来的生长准备了比较大的源和库。花后茎秆的功能由‘库’转为了‘源’,即能够从茎秆中转移一些同化物到籽粒中。而且新品种能够在花后维持较高的光合速率,衰老较慢,光合有效期较长,这样就能够为籽粒灌浆提供较多的新同化产物。因此新品种具有很强的调节光合器官功能和优化分配同化产物的能力,能够使各部位叶片的光合生产,植株的生长和发育以及干物质的分配与再分配都有利于籽粒产量的形成。新品种在花后能够维持较高的光合活性主要是因为它们能够在老品种叶片可逆性衰老的时候维持较高的叶绿素含量和可溶性蛋白质含量,从而未像老品种那样进入不可逆转的衰老阶段。对各年代玉米品种光合特性日变化的研究也发现新品种的光化学效率比较高。老品种光合作用的午间降低是由严重的光抑制引起的。 对于N素缺乏和水分胁迫对各年代玉米品种产量及光合效率的影响机制的研究发现新品种一方面能够在胁迫条件下维持较高的光合速率,另一方面仍能维持较长的光合有效期。即新品种能够在胁迫条件下维持较高的光合生产能力,从而能够形成较大的生物产量和籽粒产量。新品种在缺N情况下能够保持较高的光合活性是因为它们能够维持较高的PEPCase活性、叶绿素含量和可溶性蛋白质含量,也就是说新品种能够在缺N情况下维持叶绿体结构组分的完整性和功能性,从而维持较高的光合效率。而玉米新品种在水分胁迫时能够保持较高的光合活性是因为它们能够在水分胁迫时维持较高的叶片水势,使光合器官的功能得到良好的保护,复水时光合也能够比较迅速和完全的恢复。
本文以中国不同年代主要的玉米品种为试验材料,深入研究了玉米品种更替过程中新老品种的生理生态特征和竞争力差异,分析了差异形成的原因并进行了理论探讨。 玉米新老品种竞争力差异的研究采用了单作和混作两种方式,设高低两个密度。生长过程中全面测量了生物量、形态、生理和群体指标,运用了生长分析的方法来研究竞争,整合了各水平参数来解释竞争结果,并用本研究数据检验了生长冗余理论。 玉米新老品种对比研究发现新品种的生理生态特征普遍优于老品种。这些优势不仅体现在较高的生物量积累、较大的籽粒库容和较强的再分配能力上,而且体现在高的叶面积指数、衰老过程中仍维持较高的叶绿素含量、可溶性蛋白含量和光合效率上,同时新品种的群体特性还具有更低的感病率和更少的无效分蘖。玉米新老品种竞争结果表明在混作条件下,相对总产量这一指标反映出新老品种间明显的互利效应,且这种效应随发育阶段而降低。新品种对老品种的相对竞争力则随着发育阶段波动,并且密度和发育阶段两因子对品种竞争力的影响有明显的相互作用。相对于新品种,老品种的确存在叶片和根系的生长冗余部分,但老品种并没有在混作竞争中获得明显的竞争优势,即玉米品种选育并不完全符合生长冗余理论,因此在理解植物竞争力方面仍需要其他层面更深入的探讨。 同时,玉米品种选育不完全符合生长冗余理论的结论在农学实践上并非毫无价值。因为新品种总生物量的提高,不仅增加了籽粒产量,而且增加了秸秆产量,提供了更多可利用的生物质资源。相对于仅仅关注粮食产量,综合利用中国农村巨大的生物质资源具有更重要的生态意义。
转基因植物与野生亲缘种间的基因流动是目前生物安全的研究热点。甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus 以下简称油菜)及其亲缘种是基因流研究中的模式植物体系,油菜的亲缘种之一野芥菜(B. juncea)在中国分布广泛,是常见的农田杂草。本文以转基因抗虫油菜和野芥菜为研究材料,分别用综合适合度(基于生长和生殖)和适合度(仅基于种子产量)的指标来评估其杂交种在模拟农田情况下的适合度,揭示转基因在自然环境中的命运,以期为中国的油菜基因流的管理和控制提供参考。主要结果如下: 由于杂种优势和亲本效应的影响,转基因杂交种在不同的种植季节的生长与长势较好的亲本相近。因而转基因杂交种的综合适合度介于双亲之间,或与表现较好的亲本相似。因结实较差,从种子产量上来看,转基因杂交种的适合度较低。杂交种的后代因母本效应保留了一定的休眠特性,这有助于杂交种在种子库中持续存在。野芥菜和杂交种秋播时在冬季覆大棚条件下的适合度较高,在全球变暖的情况下,野芥菜和杂交种有可能在原先较冷不适宜的地区生长,从而促进转基因的散布。 杂交实验表明,转基因花粉与野芥菜的亲和性略高于非转基因花粉,但不显著;在两种花粉发生竞争时,转基因花粉的亲和性显著较高。混合花粉授粉的结实率高于单种花粉的结实率。可见在转基因花粉在授粉阶段不存在适合度代价。同时两季秋播田间实验表明,转基因油菜与非转基因油菜的适合度没有明显差异,即在植株的生长结实阶段,当没有竞争和虫害选择压力时,转基因没有适合度代价。也证明转基因散布的潜在可能性较大。此外,转基因杂交种的开花量很大,而回交实验中转基因杂交种花粉的育性高于胚珠的育性。转基因有可能通过持续的回交逃逸。 油菜的种子较大,野菜芥的种子较小,转基因油菜与野芥菜的杂交种基本都是小种子,其种子直径低于双亲。种子大小影响了发芽率、出苗率和营养生长期。小种子出苗率和发芽率较低,营养生长期较长。在没有竞争的条件下,春播实验中,种子大小对植物的适合度及综合适合度没有影响。秋播实验中种子大小对除转基因油菜外的所有植物基因型的综合适合度有显著影响。但对于依据种子产量计算的适合度指标来说,种子大小仅对野芥菜有影响,而对其它基因型影响不大。竞争扩大了种子大小之间生长表现的差异。竞争条件下,不同种子级别间的生长变异系数大于无竞争的情况。 总之,转基因花粉较强的竞争能力和其与野芥菜的亲和性使转基因杂交种的产生成为可能。来自母本的休眠特性有助于杂种种子在种子库中存在并在条件适宜时萌发、开花,有助于转基因的进一步扩散。转基因杂交种具有较高的综合适合度,虽然结实率很低,但其开花量比较大,可能会产生大量可育的花粉,在与野生亲本的持续回交过程中,转基因有可能逃逸。同时,转基因杂交种的种子级别偏小有可能会加剧这种逃逸。
较系统地比较研究了超高产杂交稻两优培九培矮64S 93-11和华安3号X07S 紫恢100与多年来大规模推广种植的杂交稻品种汕优63珍汕97A 明恢63的光合生理特性结果表明 1 从苗期到抽穗期超高产杂交稻两优培九和华安3号的净光合速率Pn都比汕优63高而在苗期的午间强光条件下和分蘖期的早晨以及抽穗期的早晚相对弱光条件下其Pn的差别尤为显著说明超高产杂交稻两优培九和华安3号不仅有较高的Pn和较强的抗光抑制能力而且还能充分利用早晨和傍晚较弱的光照条件有效地进行光合作用 2 超高产杂交稻剑叶具有较高的光合色素含量和Chla/b比值同时也具有较高的水分利用效率WUE较高的Chla/b比值表明超高产杂交稻剑叶能够更有效地利用太阳能而较高的WUE则有利于后期节约稻田用水 3 两优培九和华安3号类囊体膜的77K荧光光谱在不同发育时期均高于对照汕优63对其进行Gaussan分析发现这两个超高产杂交稻的反应中心以及天线复合物的发射峰均优于汕优63表明超高产杂交稻具有更强光能吸收能力并且能够将所吸收的光能高效地应用于光合电子传递 4 超高产杂交稻在苗期和分蘖期的净光合速率Pn都明显高于对照可以为群体的扩大后期的生长发育和高产奠定坚实的物质基础 5 三个杂交稻品种抽穗期剑叶的净光合速率相差不大但两优培九和华安3号具有较汕优63高得多的表观量子效率和羧化效率即超高产杂交稻能够高效地利用光能和田间二氧化碳首次提出对光能和二氧化碳的高效利用是两优培九和华安3号高产地重要原因 在对杂交稻净光合速率日变化的研究中发现超高产杂交稻两优培九和华安3号在午间强光条件下具有较对照汕优63更高的净光合速率表明超高产杂交稻具有更强的抗光抑制能力为了研究其光保护机理进一步研究了杂交稻对光抑制的响应结果表明 1超高产杂交稻两优培九和华安3号较对照品种汕优63具有更强的抗光抑制及光保护能力同时在光抑制结束后又能够更迅速地恢复光合功能较强的抗光抑制能力和较高的恢复能力可能是其高产的重要生理原因之一 2光抑制过程中超高产杂交稻叶黄素循环玉米黄素积累速率和积累量都明显高于对照并且在其后的恢复过程中其恢复速率和恢复程度也明显高于汕优63发现叶黄素循环的脱环化作用在光抑制处理30min时即基本接近最大值并未随着光抑制的进一步加重而不断上升认为叶黄素循环在杂交稻光保护中的重要作用可能在于玉米黄素的快速积累对光保护作用的启动 3在对自然条件下光抑制的研究中发现汕优63比超高产杂交稻两优培九和华安3号更容易受到午间光抑制的伤害 4午间光抑制条件下叶黄素循环的玉米黄素Z和环氧玉米黄素A大量积累而叶黄素循环库则没有什么变化认为是叶黄素循环脱环化组分A和Z的积累而不是叶黄素循环库对水稻在中午强光条件下的光保护起重要作用 5在所研究水稻品种的午间光抑制实验中叶绿素荧光的非光化学猝灭系数和叶黄素循环的脱环化状态DES之间没有正比例关系进一步推论环式电子传递可能在杂交稻的光保护中起重要作用 6对用不同试剂处理的杂交稻叶片进行光抑制处理研究发现ASAVDE酶底物其含量可以有效地调节活性处理对杂交稻的抗光抑制能力并没有带来多大改善而DTTVDE酶的特异抑制剂处理也没有使其光抑制大大加重而用DBMIB环式电子传递抑制剂处理则使杂交稻受到比对照强得多的光抑制对qN解析的结果发现强光下qE并未上升反而下降而qT却在光抑制条件下表现出上升现象这些实验结果首次阐明叶黄素循环的热耗散在杂交稻的光保护中不起关键作用而环式电子传递则对于杂交稻的光保护起至关重要的作用其机理可能在于强光条件下环式磷酸化的加剧生成大量ATP用于光破坏的修复作用同时避免类囊体膜的过度酸化从而导致强光下qN的下降这也是光抑制条件下qE下降和qT上升的原因所在此外在研究中发现光抑制处理导致Chla/b比值的上升并且提出这种上升的原因可能在于强光条件下光合系统对LHCII需求减少从而导致对Chlb需求减少最终使得部分Chlb向Chla转化这种转化可能是杂交稻在光抑制条件下的一种保护性响应 7对超高产杂交稻华安3号冠层不同衰老程度叶片的光合功能比较研究的结果表明剑叶的光合功能最强第二叶次之第三叶具有一定的光合功能第四和第五叶则相当衰老基本上丧失光合能力而光合机构的衰老可能始于反应中心的衰老天线系统的衰老要迟于反应中心的衰老叶片衰老进程中Chla和Chlb同步降解但是Chlb先还原为Chla导致Chla/b比值的上升并且认为衰老过程中的这种Chlb的还原是Chlb降解的一个早期的和不可避免的步骤
The present experiment was designed to observe whether the nuclear volume and area are affected by the ploidy and hybrid status of the individual. Polyploidy was induced by heat shock treatment given at 44 ± 0.5°C for 30 seconds and 45 seconds which was found to be most effective (64.7%) for induction of triploidy in Cyprinus carpio. Cell and nuclear volume and cell and nuclear area varied significantly in triploid fishes as compared to those of controls. Triploid fishes showed significantly higher growth compared to diploid counterparts. It was also observed that catla x rohu hybrid and its parents showed significant difference in the nuclear volume and area of their erythrocytes. Except nuclear volume, all the parameters were significantly different between catla and catla x rohu hybrid. The hybrids showed a closer relationship with catla as compared to rohu.
Feeding habits of many animals have been used widely in animal classifications. This is so, because the type of diet an organism requires demands structural specialisation which will utilise the available resource. Many animals may however have many structural modifications to enable them to be described as omnivourous or generalised feeders such as H. empodisma and H. riponianus (GREENWOOD 1960) which may show varying degrees of structural and adaptational intermediacy between two trophic groups. Generally, however, the diet of many animals including fish changes as the animal grow larger. The change in structural modifications is usually correlated with changes in the diet. In fishes the change may involve change from tricuspid to biscuspid and finally to unicuspid type of teeth. The degree of modification in the structure depends on the diet, thus Haplochromis that feeds on soft tissues of snails only requires modifications in oral dentition while Haplochromis that feeds on both soft tissues and shells of snails require modification in the lower pharyngeal bone for grinding purposes. Other modifications connected with food utilisation may be located in the alimentary canal. (I) The fish species that are commercially exploited are Protopterus aethiopicus, Clarias mossambicus, Tilapia esculenta, Tilapia amphimelas and Tilapia hybrids. The other fish species present in the lake but not commercially exploited are: Gnathonemus sp. Alestes sp. Labeo sp., Barbus paludinoses, Barbus jacksoni, Barbus lineomaculatus, Barbus regersi, Leptogrlanis sp., Schilbe sp., Haplochromis spp. and Hemihaplochromis sp. (2) Protopterus sp. and Clarias sp. are mostly caught with hooks on long lines. There has been a steady increase in number of hooks on the lake. Since the stocks of Protopterus and C/arias in the lake have a limit, we should control the number of hooks used by each of the fishermen in order to avoid overharvesting. (3) All the previous studies on Lake Kitangiri fisheries suggested the use of gill nets with mesh size greater than 88.9 mm in order to avoid the capture of immature Ti/apia spp. But if the fishermen are to obtain economic gains from the fishery, the optimum mesh size for use is 88.9 -101.6 mm. (4) The gillnet is a passive gear with very beneficial selective characteristics. Unfortunately the drive-in fishery which exists on Lake Kitangiri more or less destroys the gillnet selectivity characteristics. It is therefore recommended that the beating of water with poles be discouraged and stopped. (5) There is need for provision of stable fishing canoes to replace the unstable bottle palm dug-out canoes which are currently being used and which are very risky to operate. (6) The fish processing facilities on Lake Kitangiri are still inadequate. Most of the fish is sun dried, Since sun drying is very difficult during the rainy season, most fishermen carry out intensive fishing during the dry season, Concentrating most of the fishing effort in anyone season instead of spreading evenly this effort over the whole year could damage the age structure of the exploitable stocks. (7) There are considerable fluctuations in the volume of water of the lake. The feasibility of regulating the water loss through the effluent Sibiti river should be investigated by the Water Development Department. (8) Damming the Sibiti river is an expensive undertaking and therefore, the Rural Development Bank of Tanzania should be asked to assess the economic feasibility of such a project.
Hybridization between yak Poephagus grunniens and taurine Bos taurus or indicine B. indicus cattle has been widely practiced throughout the yak geographical range, and gene flow is expected to have occurred between these species. To assess the impact of cattle admixture on domestic yak, we examined 1076 domestic yak from 29 populations collected in China, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and Russia using mitochondrial DNA and 17 autosomal microsatellite loci. A cattle diagnostic marker-based analysis reveals cattle-specific mtDNA and/or autosomal microsatellite allele introgression in 127 yak individuals from 22 populations. The mean level of cattle admixture across the populations, calculated using allelic information at 17 autosomal microsatellite loci, remains relatively low (mY(cattle) = 2.66 +/- 0.53% and Q(cattle) = 0.69 +/- 2.58%), although it varies a lot across populations as well as among individuals within population. Although the level of cattle admixture shows a clear geographical structure, with higher levels of admixture in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Mongolian and Russian regions, and lower levels in the Himalayan and Pamir Plateau region, our results indicate that the level of cattle admixture is not significantly correlated with the altitude across geographical regions as well as within geographical region. Although yak-cattle hybridization is primarily driven to produce F-1 hybrids, our results show that the subsequent gene flow between yak and cattle took place and has affected contemporary genetic make-up of domestic yak. To protect yak genetic integrity, hybridization between yak and cattle should be tightly controlled.
As a part of an overall project on fishculture development techniques in Tanzania, hybridization between Tilapia zillii and Tilapia andersonii was carried out at the Freshwater Fisheries Institute, Nyegezi, Tanzania. T. andersonii, a plankton feeder, is not indigenous to Tanzania but was introduced in 1968 from Zambia for certain specific purpose. T. zillii, a macrovegetation feeder, is present locally and is common. In the present studies T. zillii (245.0 mm/260.0 g) female was hybridized with T. andersonii (288.0 mm/350.0 g) male. Under cement cistern conditions it was only after about four months of acclimatization that hybridization between the two occurred. About 1,637 interspecific hybrid fry were produced in a single brood. Eggs were adhesive and parental care shown by the female, the male being driven away. Growth under cistern conditions was slow, attaining a size of 134.8 mm/44.3 g in 10 months. But this growth rate need not be taken as ideal. In body shape, colouration and other morphometric characters the hybrids had inherited from both parents. The number of gill rakers among the hybrids was eighteen which was intermediate between T. zillii (12) and T. andersonii (27). Among one hundred and seventy two specimens (106.0 mm - 168.0 mm) cut and examined the sex ration was hundred per cent males and all of them were between II and IV stages of maturity. This is the first report of fish hybridization from Tanzania and possibly the first report on hybridization between T. zillii and T. andersonii. The full significanoe of the findings and its role in African fishculture is discussed.
We quantify the conditions that might trigger wide spread adoption of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) to support energy policy. Empirical review shows that early adopters are heterogeneous motivated by financial benefits, environmental appeal, new technology, and vehicle reliability. A probabilistic Monte Carlo simulation model is used to assess consumer heterogeneity for early and mass market adopters. For early adopters full battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are competitive but unable to surpass diesels or hybrids due to purchase price premium and lack of charging availability. For mass adoption, simulations indicate that if the purchase price premium of a BEV closes to within 20% of an in-class internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle, combined with a 60% increase in refuelling availability relative to the incumbent system, BEVs become competitive. But this depends on a mass market that values the fuel economy and CO2 reduction benefits associated with BEVs. We also find that the largest influence on early adoption is financial benefit rather than pro-environmental behaviour suggesting that AFVs should be marketed by appealing to economic benefits combined with pro-environmental behaviour to motivate adoption. Monte Carlo simulations combined with scenarios can give insight into diffusion dynamics for other energy demand-side technologies. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.
We use a resistive-pulse technique to analyze molecular hybrids of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) wrapped in either single-stranded DNA or protein. Electric fields confined in a glass capillary nanopore allow us to probe the physical size and surface properties of molecular hybrids at the single-molecule level. We find that the translocation duration of a macromolecular hybrid is determined by its hydrodynamic size and solution mobility. The event current reveals the effects of ion exclusion by the rod-shaped hybrids and possible effects due to temporary polarization of the SWNT core. Our results pave the way to direct sensing of small DNA or protein molecules in a large unmodified solid-state nanopore by using nanofilaments as carriers. © 2013 American Chemical Society.
Artificial interspecific hybrids between large scale loach P. dabryanus and tetraploid pond loach M. anguillicaudatus (Cobitidae, Cypriniformes) are viable. To detect the occurrence of possible natural hybridization, genetic analyses by using microsatellite markers were performed for natural populations of large scale loach and pond loach, the reciprocal laboratory hybrids, and "supposed hybrids" with ambiguous morphology. The fertility of the artificial hybrids was also tested. At one diagnostic microsatellite (Mac50), one out of 20 "supposed hybrids" was identified to be F-1 hybrid between the two loach species because it had the same genotype as that of the laboratory hybrids. The triploid hybrids between the two species were confirmed to be female-sterile. The results show that rare hybridization has occurred between diploid large scale loach and tetraploid pond loach in nature although it may have little effect in genetic introgression. This study is helpful for fish conservation and encourages further investigation on natural hybridization and introgression of loaches.
This work analysed the cost-effectiveness of avoiding carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions using advanced internal combustion engines, hybrids, plug-in hybrids, fuel cell vehicles and electric vehicles across the nine UK passenger vehicles segments. Across all vehicle types and powertrain groups, minimum installed motive power was dependent most on the time to accelerate from zero to 96.6km/h (60mph). Hybridising the powertrain reduced the difference in energy use between vehicles with slow (t z - 60 > 8 s) and fast acceleration (t z - 60 < 8 s) times. The cost premium associated with advanced powertrains was dependent most on the powertrain chosen, rather than the performance required. Improving non-powertrain components reduced vehicle road load and allowed total motive capacity to decrease by 17%, energy use by 11%, manufacturing cost premiums by 13% and CO2 emissions abatement costs by 15%. All vehicles with advanced internal combustion engines, most hybrid and plug-in hybrid powertrains reduced net CO2 emissions and had lower lifetime operating costs than the respective segment reference vehicle. Most powertrains using fuel cells and all electric vehicles had positive CO2 emissions abatement costs. However, only vehicles using advanced internal combustion engines and parallel hybrid vehicles may be attractive to consumers by the fuel savings offsetting increases in vehicle cost within two years. This work demonstrates that fuel savings are possible relative to today's fleet, but indicates that the most cost-effective way of reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions is by advanced combustion technologies and hybridisation with a parallel topology. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.
The authors reviewed the aquacultural history of Acipenseriformes in China, related the legal status and examined the current status of the cultured species or hybrids, origins of seedlings, quantities of production, geographic distribution in farming, and the sustainability for both restocking programmes and human consumption. The census shows that since 2000, the production of cultured sturgeons in China appears to have become the largest in the world. As of 2000, the rapid growth of sturgeon farming in China mainly for commercial purposes has shifted harvests in the Amur River from caviar production to the artificial culture of sturgeon seedlings. This dramatic development has also caused a series of extant and potential problems, including insufficient market availability and the impact of exotic sturgeons on indigenous sturgeon species. Annual preservation of sufficient higher-age sturgeons should be a national priority in order to establish a sustainable sturgeon-culture industry and to preserve a gene pool of critically endangered sturgeon species to prevent their extinction.