931 resultados para High Speed Vehicles


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tThe main purpose of this work is to present and to interpret the change of electrical properties of TaxNyOzthin films, produced by DC reactive magnetron sputtering. Some parameters were varied during deposi-tion: the flow of the reactive gases mixture (N2and O2, with a constant concentration ratio of 17:3); thesubstrate voltage bias (grounded, −50 V or −100 V) and the substrate (glass, (1 0 0) Si or high speed steel).The obtained films exhibit significant differences. The variation of the deposition parameters inducesvariations of the composition, microstructure and morphology. These differences cause variation of theelectrical resistivity essentially correlated with the composition and structural changes. The gradualdecrease of the Ta concentration in the films induces amorphization and causes a raise of the resistivity.The dielectric characteristics of some of the high resistance TaxNyOzfilms were obtained in the sampleswith a capacitor-like design (deposited onto high speed steel, with gold pads deposited on the dielectricTaxNyOzfilms). Some of these films exhibited dielectric constant values higher than those reported forother tantalum based dielectric films.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Optometria Avançada


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შრომაში განხილულია ოზონის საერთო რაოდენობის (ოსრ) სეზონური ვარიაციების ხასიათის დაზუსტება მზე-დედამიწის კავშირების პრობლემის ასპექტში. ამისათვის ოსრ-ის წლიური ვარიაციები დაყოფილ იქნა ორ ნაწილად: 1. „ნორმალური“, რომელიც გამოსახულია სონუსიოდალური ტალღის სახით. 2. „ანომალური“ , როცა ოსრ-ის წლიური ვარიაცია არსებითად განსხვავებულია „ნორმალური“ ფიზიკური რეჟიმისაგან.


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In this paper we investigate various algorithms for performing Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT)/Inverse Fast Fourier Transformation (IFFT), and proper techniques for maximizing the FFT/IFFT execution speed, such as pipelining or parallel processing, and use of memory structures with pre-computed values (look up tables -LUT) or other dedicated hardware components (usually multipliers). Furthermore, we discuss the optimal hardware architectures that best apply to various FFT/IFFT algorithms, along with their abilities to exploit parallel processing with minimal data dependences of the FFT/IFFT calculations. An interesting approach that is also considered in this paper is the application of the integrated processing-in-memory Intelligent RAM (IRAM) chip to high speed FFT/IFFT computing. The results of the assessment study emphasize that the execution speed of the FFT/IFFT algorithms is tightly connected to the capabilities of the FFT/IFFT hardware to support the provided parallelism of the given algorithm. Therefore, we suggest that the basic Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)/Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) can also provide high performances, by utilizing a specialized FFT/IFFT hardware architecture that can exploit the provided parallelism of the DFT/IDF operations. The proposed improvements include simplified multiplications over symbols given in polar coordinate system, using sinе and cosine look up tables, and an approach for performing parallel addition of N input symbols.


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In this paper we investigate various algorithms for performing Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT)/Inverse Fast Fourier Transformation (IFFT), and proper techniquesfor maximizing the FFT/IFFT execution speed, such as pipelining or parallel processing, and use of memory structures with pre-computed values (look up tables -LUT) or other dedicated hardware components (usually multipliers). Furthermore, we discuss the optimal hardware architectures that best apply to various FFT/IFFT algorithms, along with their abilities to exploit parallel processing with minimal data dependences of the FFT/IFFT calculations. An interesting approach that is also considered in this paper is the application of the integrated processing-in-memory Intelligent RAM (IRAM) chip to high speed FFT/IFFT computing. The results of the assessment study emphasize that the execution speed of the FFT/IFFT algorithms is tightly connected to the capabilities of the FFT/IFFT hardware to support the provided parallelism of the given algorithm. Therefore, we suggest that the basic Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)/Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) can also provide high performances, by utilizing a specialized FFT/IFFT hardware architecture that can exploit the provided parallelism of the DFT/IDF operations. The proposed improvements include simplified multiplications over symbols given in polar coordinate system, using sinе and cosine look up tables,and an approach for performing parallel addition of N input symbols.


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The modern computer systems that are in use nowadays are mostly processor-dominant, which means that their memory is treated as a slave element that has one major task – to serve execution units data requirements. This organization is based on the classical Von Neumann's computer model, proposed seven decades ago in the 1950ties. This model suffers from a substantial processor-memory bottleneck, because of the huge disparity between the processor and memory working speeds. In order to solve this problem, in this paper we propose a novel architecture and organization of processors and computers that attempts to provide stronger match between the processing and memory elements in the system. The proposed model utilizes a memory-centric architecture, wherein the execution hardware is added to the memory code blocks, allowing them to perform instructions scheduling and execution, management of data requests and responses, and direct communication with the data memory blocks without using registers. This organization allows concurrent execution of all threads, processes or program segments that fit in the memory at a given time. Therefore, in this paper we describe several possibilities for organizing the proposed memory-centric system with multiple data and logicmemory merged blocks, by utilizing a high-speed interconnection switching network.


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En aplicaciones como la conformación en frío, donde los metales duros recubiertos con películas de naturaleza cerámica son ampliamente empleados, la existencia de un contacto mecánico repetitivo induce tensiones Hertzianas y origina el fallo por fatiga. En este trabajo, se investigan diversos recubrimientos cerámicos depositados por deposición física desde fase vapor sobre calidades diferentes de metal duro y un acero rápido pulvimetalúrgico para evaluar sus respectivas respuesta al contacto y comportamiento a fatiga. El trabajo experimental incluye la caracterización de los sistemas mediante ensayos de rayado y nanoindentación y la evaluación de las curvas tensión-deformación de indentación esférica de los sustratos, tanto desnudos como recubiertos, poniendo especial atención en determinar las tensiones de contacto críticas asociadas a la deformación plástica y a la aparición de grietas circulares en la superficie recubierta. A este estudio, le siguen numerosos ensayos a fatiga a cargas inferiores a aquéllas identificadas como críticas bajo carga monotónica y para un número de ciclos comprendido entre 1.000 y 1.000.000 de ciclos. Los resultados experimentales indican que las películas cerámicas no parecen desempeñar un papel relevante en la aparición de la cedencia plástica, siendo la deformación plástica global controlada por la deformación del sustrato. No obstante, para tensiones elevadas de indentación durante el régimen plástico, existe la aparición de grietas circulares en los recubrimientos cerámicos. Además, la aparición de las mismas es sensible a la fatiga por contacto. Este análisis mecánico se complementa con una inspección detallada del daño generado en profundidad y superficie.


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El uso intensivo y prolongado de computadores de altas prestaciones para ejecutar aplicaciones computacionalmente intensivas, sumado al elevado número de elementos que los componen, incrementan drásticamente la probabilidad de ocurrencia de fallos durante su funcionamiento. El objetivo del trabajo es resolver el problema de tolerancia a fallos para redes de interconexión de altas prestaciones, partiendo del diseño de polí­ticas de encaminamiento tolerantes a fallos. Buscamos resolver una determinada cantidad de fallos de enlaces y nodos, considerando sus factores de impacto y probabilidad de aparición. Para ello aprovechamos la redundancia de caminos de comunicación existentes, partiendo desde enfoques de encaminamiento adaptativos capaces de cumplir con las cuatro fases de la tolerancia a fallos: detección del error, contención del daño, recuperación del error, y tratamiento del fallo y continuidad del servicio. La experimentación muestra una degradación de prestaciones menor al 5%. En el futuro, se tratará la pérdida de información en tránsito.


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Transmission electon microscopy has been employed for the rapid detection of mycoplasma in sera and cell cultures. High speed centrifugation of sera or low speed centrifugation of cell debris, followed by negative staining of the resuspended pellet, detected mycoplasma contamination more frequently than a culture method followed by direct fluorescence (DAPI), which was used as a control procedure. The appearance of the mycoplasma cell border and content gives some information about particle viability.


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This paper analyzes both theoretically and empirically the relationship between distance and frequency of scheduled transportation services. We study the interaction between a monopoly firm providing high-speed scheduled service and personal trans- portation (i.e., car). Most interestingly, the carrier chooses to increase frequency of service on longer routes when competing with personal transportation because provid- ing a higher frequency (at extra cost) it can also charge higher fares that can boost its profits. However, when driving is not a relevant option, frequency of service de- creases for longer flights consistently with prior studies. An empirical application of our analysis to the European airline industry con?rms the predictions of our theoretical model.


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El entorno aéreo es, a día de hoy, uno de los escenarios más complicados a la hora de establecer enlaces de comunicación fiables. Esto es debido, principalmente, a las altas velocidades a las que circulan los aviones, que propician una gran degradación del rendimiento des sistema si no se estima de forma continua el canal. Además el entorno aéreo es susceptible a sufrir muchos otros efectos que provocan la degradación de la señal, como la difracción, la reflexión, etc. Por este motivo en este proyecto se hace un estudio de dos escenarios típicos de vuelo: arrival (aterrizaje) y on route (vuelo en ruta). En el escenario on route los aviones circulan a más de el doble de velocidad que en el escenario arrival, de esta manera se podrá ver el efecto de sufrir un doppler mayor. Para realizar el estudio se utiliza un sistema multiportadora con solapamiento de subcanales, OFDM, y se toman inicialmente parámetros típicos de la tecnología WiMAX, que se variarán con el objetivo de mejorar el rendimiento del sistema.


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Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, from March until June 2007. In the first part, the impact of important geometrical parameters such as source and drain thickness, fin spacing, spacer width, etc. on the parasitic fringing capacitance component of multiple-gate field-effect transistors (MuGFET) is deeply analyzed using finite element simulations. Several architectures such as single gate, FinFETs (double gate), triple-gate represented by Pi-gate MOSFETs are simulated and compared in terms of channel and fringing capacitances for the same occupied die area. Simulations highlight the great impact of diminishing the spacing between fins for MuGFETs and the trade-off between the reduction of parasitic source and drain resistances and the increase of fringing capacitances when Selective Epitaxial Growth (SEG) technology is introduced. The impact of these technological solutions on the transistor cut-off frequencies is also discussed. The second part deals with the study of the effect of the volume inversion (VI) on the capacitances of undoped Double-Gate (DG) MOSFETs. For that purpose, we present simulation results for the capacitances of undoped DG MOSFETs using an explicit and analytical compact model. It monstrates that the transition from volume inversion regime to dual gate behaviour is well simulated. The model shows an accurate dependence on the silicon layer thickness,consistent withtwo dimensional numerical simulations, for both thin and thick silicon films. Whereas the current drive and transconductance are enhanced in volume inversion regime, our results show thatintrinsic capacitances present higher values as well, which may limit the high speed (delay time) behaviour of DG MOSFETs under volume inversion regime.


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This paper presents a theoretical and empirical analysis of the relationship be- tween frequency of scheduled transportation services and their substitutability with personal transportation (using distance as a proxy). We study the interaction between a monopoly firm providing a high-speed scheduled service and private transportation (i.e., car). Interestingly, the carrier chooses to increase the frequency of service on longer routes when competing with personal transportation because by providing higher frequency (at extra cost) it can also charge higher fares which can boost its profits. However, in line with the results of earlier studies, frequency decreases for longer flights when driving is not a viable option. An empirical application of our analysis to the European airline industry confirms the predictions of our theoretical model. Keywords: short-haul routes; long-haul routes; flight frequency; distance JEL Classification Numbers: L13; L2; L93


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High Performance Computing is a rapidly evolving area of computer science which attends to solve complicated computational problems with the combination of computational nodes connected through high speed networks. This work concentrates on the networks problems that appear in such networks and specially focuses on the Deadlock problem that can decrease the efficiency of the communication or even destroy the balance and paralyze the network. Goal of this work is the Deadlock avoidance with the use of virtual channels, in the switches of the network where the problem appears. The deadlock avoidance assures that will not be loss of data inside network, having as result the increased latency of the served packets, due to the extra calculation that the switches have to make to apply the policy.


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PURPOSE: This study investigated maximal cardiometabolic response while running in a lower body positive pressure treadmill (antigravity treadmill (AG)), which reduces body weight (BW) and impact. The AG is used in rehabilitation of injuries but could have potential for high-speed running, if workload is maximally elevated. METHODS: Fourteen trained (nine male) runners (age 27 ± 5 yr; 10-km personal best, 38.1 ± 1.1 min) completed a treadmill incremental test (CON) to measure aerobic capacity and heart rate (V˙O2max and HRmax). They completed four identical tests (48 h apart, randomized order) on the AG at BW of 100%, 95%, 90%, and 85% (AG100 to AG85). Stride length and rate were measured at peak velocities (Vpeak). RESULTS: V˙O2max (mL·kg·min) was similar across all conditions (men: CON = 66.6 (3.0), AG100 = 65.6 (3.8), AG95 = 65.0 (5.4), AG90 = 65.6 (4.5), and AG85 = 65.0 (4.8); women: CON = 63.0 (4.6), AG100 = 61.4 (4.3), AG95 = 60.7 (4.8), AG90 = 61.4 (3.3), and AG85 = 62.8 (3.9)). Similar results were found for HRmax, except for AG85 in men and AG100 and AG90 in women, which were lower than CON. Vpeak (km·h) in men was 19.7 (0.9) in CON, which was lower than every other condition: AG100 = 21.0 (1.9) (P < 0.05), AG95 = 21.4 (1.8) (P < 0.01), AG90 = 22.3 (2.1) (P < 0.01), and AG85 = 22.6 (1.6) (P < 0.001). In women, Vpeak (km·h) was similar between CON (17.8 (1.1) ) and AG100 (19.3 (1.0)) but higher at AG95 = 19.5 (0.4) (P < 0.05), AG90 = 19.5 (0.8) (P < 0.05), and AG85 = 21.2 (0.9) (P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The AG can be used at maximal exercise intensities at BW of 85% to 95%, reaching faster running speeds than normally feasible. The AG could be used for overspeed running programs at the highest metabolic response levels.