557 resultados para Hakanen, Marko


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Hintergrund: Taiji ist eine meditative Bewegungsform mit Ursprung in den chinesischen Kampfkünsten. In mehreren Studien konnten positive Effekte von Taiji auf das psychische und körperliche Wohlbefinden nachgewiesen werden. Eine mögliche Wirkkomponente von Taiji könnte die Förderung von Achtsamkeit sein. Studienergebnisse, welche eine Verbesserung der Körperwahrnehmung durch Taiji nahe legen, stützen diese Annahme. Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, inwiefern sich Taiji auf die allgemeine Achtsamkeit im Sinne eines erweiterten multidimensionalen Konzeptes als auch auf den achtsamen Umgang mit sich selbst in belastenden Situationen auswirkt. Methoden: 70 gesunde Versuchspersonen wurden randomisiert einer Taiji-Interventionsgruppe oder zu einer Warteliste-Kontrollgruppe zugeteilt. Die Interventionsgruppe erhielt während drei Monaten zweimal wöchentlich je eine Stunde Taiji-Unterricht. Die allgemeine Achtsamkeit wurde mittels dem Freiburger Fragebogens zur Achtsamkeit (FFA-Kurzform), die Achtsamkeit in belastenden Situationen wurde über die Subskala „Achtsamkeit“ der Self-Compassion-Scale (SCS) vor Beginn und nach Beendigung der Intervention gemessen. Resultate: Die Interventionsgruppe (N=28) wies nach Kursende im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe (N=31) einen signifikanten Anstieg der Achtsam-keitswerte im FFA (F(1, 34.70) = 4.29, p = 0.043) und in der SCS-Subskala (F(1, 3.58) = 4.62, p = 0.036) auf. Schlussfolgerung: Die gegenwärtigen Studienergebnisse sprechen dafür, dass bei gesunden Personen Achtsamkeit im Allgemeinen als auch in schwierigen Lebenslagen durch das Üben von Taiji gefördert werden kann.


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Background: Taiji is a mind-body practice, characterised by gentle and mindful body movements originating from Chinese martial arts. Studies investigating the reasons why people engage into Taiji and maintain their practice routine have emphasised extrinsic motivational outcome related aspects. The relevance of intrinsic motivation (i.e. motivation that comes from inside an individual and is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the performed activity itself) has not yet been examined. The autotelic aspect of intrinsic motivation is an essential precondition for experiencing flow, a state where subjects fully immersed into the performance of an activity report to be highly concentrated, optimally challenged and in control of the action. The aim of our study was to assess to which degree flow was experienced in the course of a 3 month Taiji-beginners class and to examine the relationship between the degree of flow experience at the end of the course and the Taiji practice behaviour. Materials and Methods: 28 healthy subjects participated in a Taiji beginners course (2 x 1h per week for 3 months). Flow values were measured at week 1, 6 and 12 by using the Flow-Kurz-Skala (FKS) questionnaire. Data were analysed by using ANOVA with repeated measurements, students t-Tests for comparison with normative values, and pearson correlation coefficients were calculated. Results: In the course of the 12 weeks Taiji training, mean flow values increased continuously (F(1.34, 8.92) = 19.49; p < .001). The mean value for experienced flow during Taiji practice at week 12 (M = 5.54; SD = ±.77) was significantly above the norm value (t = 3.705; df = 27; p < .01). Since average course attendance rate was high (86.8 %), a ceiling effect is assumed, thus flow values did not correlate with course adherence (r = .236; p = .227). However, a significant correlation was found between flow values at week 12 and practice at home (r = .439; p < .05). Conclusion: Our findings emphasise the potential value of intrinsic motivational aspects inherent in Taiji practice for developing a regular practice routine. The impact of increased flow experience on health related outcome measures, and its relevance in clinical trials is subject of further research.


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Purpose: Acupuncture is one of the complementary medicine therapies with the greatest demand in Switzerland and many other countries in the West and in Asia. Over the past decades, the pool of scientific literature in acupuncture has markedly increased. The diagnostic methods upon which acupuncture treatment is based, have only been addressed sporadically in scientific journals. The goal of this study is to assess the use of different diagnostic methods in the acupuncture practices and to investigate similarities and differences in using these diagnostic methods between physician and non-physician acupuncturists. Methods: 44 physician acupuncturists with certificates of competence in acupuncture – traditional chinese medicine (TCM) from ASA (Assoziation Schweizer Ärztegesellschaften für Akupunktur und Chinesische Medizin: the Association of Swiss Medical Societies for Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine) and 33 non-physician acupuncturists listed in the EMR (Erfahrungsmedizinisches Register: a national register, which assigns a quality label for CAM therapists in complementary and alternative medicine) in the cantons Basel-Stadt and Basel-Land were asked to fill out a questionnaire on diagnostic methods. The responder rate was 46.8% (69.7% non-physician acupuncturists and 29, 5% physician acupuncturists). Results: The results show that both physician and non-physician acupuncturists take patients’ medical history (94%), use pulse diagnosis (89%), tongue diagnosis (83%) and palpation of body and ear acupuncture points (81%) as diagnostic methods to guide their acupuncture treatments. Between the two groups, there were significant differences in the diagnostic tools being used. Physician acupuncturists do examine their patients significantly more often with western medical methods (p<.05) than this is the case for nonphysician acupuncturists. Non-physician acupuncturists use pulse diagnosis more often than physicians (p<.05). A highly significant difference was observed in the length of time spent with collecting patients’ medical history, where nonphysician acupuncturists clearly spent more time (p<.001). Conclusion: Depending on the educational background of the acupuncturist, different diagnostic methods are used for making the diagnosis. Especially the more time consuming methods like a comprehensive anamnesis and pulse diagnosis are more frequently employed by non-physician practitioners. Further studies will clarify if these results are valid for Switzerland in general, and to what extent the differing use of diagnostic methods has an impact on the diagnosis itself and on the resulting treatment methods, as well as on the treatment success and the patients’ satisfaction.


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Background: Stress reducing effects of Taiji, a mindful and gentle form of body movement, have been reported in previous studies, but standardized and controlled experimental studies are scarce. The present study investigates the effect of regular Taiji practice on psychobiological stress response in healthy men and women. Methods: 70 participants were randomly assigned to either Taiji classes or a waiting list. After 3 months, 26 (8 men, 18 women) persons in the Taiji group and 23 (9 men, 14 women) in the waiting control group underwent a standardized psychosocial stress test combining public speaking and mental arithmetic in front of an audience. Salivary cortisol and α-amylase, heart rate, and psychological responses to psychosocial stress were compared between the study groups. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01122706.) Results: Stress induced characteristic changes in all psychological and physiological measures. Compared to controls, Taiji participants exhibited a significantly lower stress reactivity of cortisol (p = .028) and heart rate (p = .028), as well as lower α-amylase levels (p = .049). They reported a lower increase in perceived stressfulness (p = .006) and maintained a higher level of calmness (p = .019) in response to psychosocial stress. Conclusion: Our results consistently suggest that practicing Taiji attenuates psychobiological stress reactivity in healthy subjects. This may underline the role of Taiji as a useful mind–body practice for stress prevention.


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Background: Resonance frequency analysis (RFA) is a noninvasive technique for the quantitative assessment of implant stability. Information on the implant stability quotient (ISQ) of transmucosally inserted implants is limited. Purpose: The aim of this investigation was to compare the ISQ of conventionally inserted implants by raising a muco-periostal flap with implants inserted using a flapless procedure. Materials and Methods: Forty elderly patients with complete edentulous maxilla were consecutively admitted for treatment with implant-supported prostheses. A computer tomography was obtained for the computer-assisted implant planning. One hundred ten implants were placed conventionally in 23 patients (flap-group) and 85 implants in 17 patients by means of the flapless method (flapless-group) using a stereolithographic template. RFA measurements were performed after implant placement (baseline) and after a healing time of 12 weeks (reentry). Results: All implants exhibited clinically and radiographically successful osseointegration. Bone level did not change significantly neither for genders nor type of surgical protocol. Mean ISQ values of the flapless-group were significantly higher at baseline (p < .001) and at reentry (p < .001) compared with the flap-group. The ISQ values were significantly lower at reentry compared with baseline for the flap-group (p = .028) but not for the flapless-group. This group showed a moderate, but insignificant increase. RFA measurements of males resulted in ISQ values that were thoroughly higher as compared with females at both time-points in both groups. Correlation between RFA and bone level was not found. Conclusions: The flapless procedure showed favorable conditions with regard to implant stability and crestal bone level. Some changes of the ISQ values that represent primary (mechanical) and secondary (bone remodeling) implant stability were observed in slight favor of the flapless method and male patients. In properly planned and well-selected cases, the minimal invasive transmucosal technique using a drill-guide is a safe procedure.


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In recent years, Taiji has been frequently investigated and considered as a stress management intervention. Although health care providers' appraisals and consumers' expectations are regarded as essential for treatment outcome, little attention has been drawn to this issue in Taiji research. In our study we have conducted two surveys to explore beginners' (n = 74) expectations and teachers' (n = 136) appraisals of their Taiji courses in general as well as more particularly related to stress management. Qualitative data analysis revealed that beginners mainly expected to learn a new method that is applicable in their daily life to foster peace of mind and to enhance their stress management. Congruently moderate-to-high improvements in stress management have also been found in quantitative analysis, whereby a lower educational level predicted higher expectations (P = 0.016). Taiji-teachers stated body- and mind-related benefits most frequently and appraised moderate-to-high improvements in stress management. Higher appraisals were predicted by a shorter teaching experience (P = 0.024). Our results inform about beginners' expectations and teachers' appraisals related to a Taiji-beginners course and highlight the role of educational background and teaching experience in shaping stress-management-related beginners' expectations and teachers' appraisals.


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Patientinnen und Patienten mit einer schweren Essstörung (Anorexie, Bulimie, weitere) finden einerseits selten Eingang in systematische Studien, sind andererseits aber häufig auf ein stationäres Behandlungssetting in einem tertiären Zentrum angewiesen. Die kürzlich veröffentlichte S3-Leitlinie zur Behandlung von Essstörungen erlaubt eine klarere Einschätzung der Hospitalisationsbedürftigkeit schwer Essgestörter als bisher. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden 26 Patientinnen und Patienten mit einer schweren Essstörung, die konsekutiv auf einer spezialisierten psychosomatisch/internistischen universitären Einrichtung hospitalisiert wurden, retrospektiv hinsichtlich ihrer biologischen, psychologischen und sozialen Merkmale charakterisiert und in Bezug zur S3-Leitlinie gestellt. Die biopsychosozialen Charakteristika der untersuchten Population zeigen, dass die Hospitalisierung schwer Essgestörter im tertiärmedizinischen Setting mit einem multiprofessionellen Behandlungsteam evidenzbasiert erfolgt.


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Hintergrund: Die Nachfrage nach komplementärmedizinischer Behandlung, insbesondere im Bereich der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin (TCM), hat im In-und Ausland im Verlauf der letzten beiden Jahrzehnte stetig zugenommen. Um zukünftige Ärzte kompetenter auf die Patientenbedürfnisse vorzubereiten, wurde von Fachpersonen aus der Forschung, klinischen Praxis, Bildung und Politik eine stärkere Integration der Komplementärmedizin (CAM) in bestehende Ausbildungsprogramme interdisziplinär diskutiert. Mit der vorliegenden Umfragestudie wurde bei Medizinstudierenden im Präklinikum sowohl deren Einstellung gegenüber, Erfahrung mit und Kenntnisstand zu der TCM in Erfahrung gebracht als auch abgeklärt, inwiefern das Interesse an einer Erweiterung ihres Pflicht-Curriculums um TCM-Unterrichtseinheiten vorhanden ist. Material und Methoden: 180 Medizinstudierende des zweiten Studienjahrs an der Universität Bern wurden gebeten, sich an der Fragebogenstudie zu beteiligen (Rücklaufquote 73,3%). Ergebnisse: Für 3,8% der Antwortenden ist die TCM der Schulmedizin ebenbürtig. Die grosse Mehrheit (76,3%) sieht die TCM als eine zur westlichen Medizin komplementäre Behandlungsform. Für 9,2% stellt die TCM eine primär auf dem Placeboeffekt beruhende Behandlungsform dar, und für 10,7% gilt die TCM als veraltet. 46,6% der Antwortenden befürworten die Aufnahme von zusätzlichen TCM-Veranstaltungen in das Pflichtstudium. 17,4% haben sich in der Vergangenheit mit TCM mit überwiegend positiver Rückmeldung behandeln lassen. Die Offenheit für TCM-Behandlungen bei jenen ohne Selbsterfahrung ist gross (76,1%). Eigene TCM-Kenntnisse wurden von 76,5% als kaum vorhanden eingeschätzt. Schlussfolgerungen: Von den Medizinstudierenden im Vorklinikum wird der TCM trotz geringer Vorkenntnisse grosses Interesse entgegengebracht. Möglichkeiten zur stärkeren Einbindung der TCM in das bestehende Medizinstudium sind zu prüfen.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of a clinical trial investigating the effects of acupuncture (AP) and Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) on hot flushes and quality of life in postmenopausal women. METHODS: Forty postmenopausal women reporting at least 20 hot flushes per week were enrolled in a randomized controlled trial. They were randomly allocated to receive traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) AP, sham AP, verum CHM, or placebo CHM for 12 weeks. Follow-up assessment was conducted 12 weeks after intervention. Primary outcome measures included hot flush frequency and severity. As a secondary outcome measure, the severity of menopausal symptoms was assessed using the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) II. RESULTS: TCM AP induced a significant decline in all outcome measures from pretreatment to posttreatment compared with sham AP (hot flush frequency, P = 0.016; hot flush severity, P = 0.013; MRS, P < 0.001). In the TCM AP group, a larger decrease in MRS scores persisted from pretreatment to follow-up (P = 0.048). No significant differences were noted between the verum CHM group and the placebo CHM group. Compared with the verum CHM group, there was a significant decrease in MRS scores (P = 0.002) and a trend toward a stronger decrease in hot flush severity (P = 0.06) in the TCM AP group from pretreatment to posttreatment. CONCLUSIONS: TCM AP is superior to sham AP and verum CHM in reducing menopausal symptoms, whereas verum CHM shows no significant improvements when compared with placebo CHM.


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One in 5 couples is affected by infertility. To increase the effectiveness of assisted reproductive technology (ART) adjuvant acupuncture treatments are frequently administered. However, little is known about acupuncture treatment modalities employed in fertility centers. The aim of our study was to assess modalities of acupuncture treatments in fertility centers and compare them with investigated acupuncture treatments in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) related to ART.