991 resultados para HDE URG PED


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En robótica móvil existen diferentes dispositivos que permiten percibir la configuración del entorno. Pueden utilizarse alternativas de gran alcance como por ejemplo los ultrasonidos, pero que tienen la desventaja de consumir un tiempo elevado en la realización de las medidas. En corta distancia destacan los sensores basados en la emisión de luz infrarroja, que responden a muy alta velocidad pero tienen muy poco alcance. La obtención de fotografia, en incluso video, por medio de camaras, permite obtener mucha información del entorno, pero exige un procesado normalmente muy elaborado. Los “Laser Range Finder” son dispositivos basados en la emisión de un haz laser que responden a muy alta velocidad en el entorno de unos cuantos metros alrededor del robot móvil, lo que los hacen especialmente adecuados para un uso continuo que permita obtener de forma rapida un mapa de los obstaculos mas próximos. En el presente proyecto se va a realizar un ejercicio de medida con el laser range finder URG-04LX-UG01 para confirmar su utilidad en el ambito de la robótica móvil. ABSTRACT In mobile robotics there are different devices that allow sense the environment configuration. Powerful alternatives may be used as e.g. ultrasounds, but they have the disadvantage of consuming a large time to perform measurements. In short range highlights the infrared light based sensors, that responds at very high speed but have very low range. The photography obtaining, even video, by cameras, allow acquire many environmental information but normally require a very elaborate processing. The Laser Range Finder are devices based on laser beam broadcasting that respond a very high speed in the vicinity of a few meters around the mobile robot, which make them especially suitable for the continuous use, that allows fast obtain of the nearests obstacles map. In this project we are going to do an measurement exercise with laser range finder URG-04LX-UG01 to confirm its utility in mobile robotics scope.


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The Ped (preimplantation embryo development) gene, whose product is Qa-2 protein, is correlated with a faster rate of preimplantation development (Ped fast phenotype) in mice that express Qa-2 protein compared with mice with an absence of Qa-2 protein (Ped slow phenotype). In the current study, we have used two congenic mouse strains differentially expressing the Ped gene, strain B6.K1 (Ped slow; Qa-2 negative) and strain B6.K2 (Ped fast; Qa-2 positive), to investigate the effects of Ped gene expression on postnatal growth profiles, systolic blood pressure and adult organ allometry. At birth, B6.K1 mice were moderately lighter than B6.K2 mice. B6.K1 mice became heavier during postnatal life (P


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Respiratory infections by bacteria of the Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) remain an important cause of morbidity and mortality among cystic fibrosis patients, highlighting the need for novel therapeutic strategies. In the present work we have studied the B. cenocepacia protein BCAL2958, a member of the OmpA-like family of proteins, demonstrated as highly immunogenic in other pathogens and capable of eliciting strong host immune responses. The encoding gene was cloned and the protein, produced as a 6× His-tagged derivative, was used to produce polyclonal antibodies. Bioinformatics analyses led to the identification of sequences encoding proteins with a similarity higher than 96 % to BCAL2958 in all the publicly available Bcc genomes. Furthermore, using the antibody it was experimentally demonstrated that this protein is produced by all the 12 analyzed strains from 7 Bcc species. In addition, results are also presented showing the presence of anti-BCAL2958 antibodies in sera from cystic fibrosis patients with a clinical record of respiratory infection by Bcc, and the ability of the purified protein to in vitro stimulate neutrophils. The widespread production of the protein by Bcc members, together with its ability to stimulate the immune system and the detection of circulating antibodies in patients with a documented record of Bcc infection strongly suggest that the protein is a potential candidate for usage in preventive therapies of infections by Bcc.


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This systematic review discusses data on the dietary intake of preschool children living in the Mediterranean countries of the European Union, including the comparison with a Mediterranean-like diet and the association with nutritional status. Specifically, data from the multinational European Identification and Prevention on Dietary and life style induced health effects in children and infants (IDEFICS) study and national studies, such as the Estudo do Padrão Alimentar e de Crescimento Infantil (EPACI) study and Geração XXI cohort in Portugal, ALimentando la SAlud del MAñana (ALSALMA) study in Spain, Étude des Déterminants pré-et postnatals précoces du développement et de la santé de l'ENfant (EDEN) cohort in France, Nutrintake 636 study in Italy, and Growth, Exercise and Nutrition Epidemiological Study in preSchoolers (GENESIS) cohort in Greece, were analyzed. In the majority of countries, young children consumed fruit and vegetables quite frequently, but also consumed sugared beverages and snacks. High energy and high protein intakes mainly from dairy products were found in the majority of countries. The majority of children also consumed excessive sodium intake. Early high prevalence of overweight and obesity was found, and both early consumption of energy-dense foods and overweight seemed to track across toddler and preschool ages. Most children living in the analyzed countries showed low adherence to a Mediterranean-like diet, which in turn was associated with being overweight/obese. Unhealthier diets were associated with lower maternal educational level and parental unemployment. Programs promoting adherence of young children to the traditional Mediterranean diet should be part of a multi-intervention strategy for the prevention and treatment of pediatric overweight and obesity.


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Patients with syndromic features frequently suffer from recurrent respiratory infections, but little is known about the spectrum of immunological abnormalities associated with their underlying chromosomal aberrations outside the well-known examples of Down and DiGeorge syndromes. Therefore, we performed this retrospective, observational survey study.


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Ten young rumen-cannulated crossbred steers were randomly divided into two groups: a control group (C; n=4), which was fed a balanced diet for daily weight gain of 900g; and a pronounced energy-deprived group (PED; n=6), receiving 30% less of the required energy for maintenance. After 140 days of these alimentary regimes, rumen fluid and urine samples were collected for biochemical and functional tests, before feeding and at 1, 3, 6, and 9 hours after feeding. The energy-deprivation diet caused a significant reduction in the number of Entodinium, Eodinium, Isotricha, Dasytricha, Eremoplastron, Eudiplodinium, Metadinium, Charonina, Ostracodinium, and Epidinium protozoa. There was no effect of the time of sampling in both groups on the total number of ciliates in rumen fluid. A higher number of protozoan forms in binary division were recorded in the control group, at the 6th and 9th hours after feeding (P<0.019). There was a high positive correlation between the total count of protozoans in rumen fluid and glucose fermentation, ammonia, and urinary allantoin excretion index; and a negative correlation between the total count of protozoa and metilene blue reduction, and a medium correlation between the total count of protozoa and total volatile fatty acids concentration. The determination of the protozoa populations does not imply in the use of complex and hard-to-execute techniques, although it is time consuming and needs practice. This exam particularly helps in clinical expected diagnosis.


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Aims: To evaluate the probiotic properties of strains isolated from smoked salmon and previously identified as bacteriocin producers. Methods and Results: Strains Lactobacillus curvatus ET06, ET30 and ET31, Lactobacillus fermentum ET35, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ET32, Pediococcus acidilactici ET34 and Enterococcus faecium ET05, ET12 and ET88 survived conditions simulating the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and produced bacteriocins active against several strains of Listeria monocytogenes, but presented very low activity against other lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Cell-free supernatants containing bacteriocins, added to 3-h-old cultures of L. monocytogenes 603, suppressed growth over 12 h. Auto-aggregation was strain-specific, and values ranged from 7 center dot 2% for ET35 to 12 center dot 1% for ET05. Various degrees of co-aggregation with L. monocytogenes 603, Lactobacillus sakei ATCC 15521 and Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 19443 were observed. Adherence of the bacteriocinogenic strains to Caco-2 cells was within the range reported for Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, a well-known probiotic. The highest levels of hydrophobicity were recorded for Lact. curvatus (61 center dot 9-64 center dot 6%), Lact. fermentum (78 center dot 9%), Lact. delbrueckii (43 center dot 7%) and Ped. acidilactici (51 center dot 3%), which are higher than the one recorded for Lact. rhamnosus GG (53 center dot 3%). These strains were highly sensitive to several antibiotics and affected by several drugs from different generic groups in a strain-dependent manner. Conclusions: Smoked salmon is a rich source of probiotic LAB. All strains survived conditions simulating the GIT and produced bacteriocins active against various pathogens. Adherence to Caco-2 cells was within the range reported for Lact. rhamnosus GG, a well-known probiotic. In addition, the high hydrophobicity readings recorded define the strains as good probiotics. Significance and Impact of the Study: Smoked salmon contains a number of different probiotic LAB and could be marketed as having a potential beneficial effect.


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Em tempo algum da hist??ria a necessidade de se trabalhar a respeito da miss??o, da lideran??a e do desempenho das organiza????es sem fins lucrativos foi t??o urgente como nos dias atuais. E ?? essa urg??ncia que o presente trabalho, ???Brasil S??culo XXI ??? A constru????o de um Estado eficaz???, quer agregar ?? reflex??o da proposta de reforma do Estado brasileiro


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Trata-se de um projeto de recep????o e atendimento ao p??blico, elaborado a partir da necessidade de humanizar e dinamizar o atendimento m??dico no Posto de Atendimento M??dico do M??ier (PAM-M??IER - Unidade de urg??ncia). O Projeto Vida, desenvolvido por uma equipe multiprofissional, em um ano de atendimento conseguiu: reduzir as filas de espera em 31,1 %, ou seja, um ter??o da clientela foi atendida sem demora nem burocracia; dar prioridade a casos graves e resolver de forma r??pida os casos simples e/ou que n??o necessitem de consulta m??dica. O projeto em pauta, foi o caminho alternativo para solucionar os problemas decorrentes do aumento progressivo da clientela e do d??ficit de recursos humanos em uma unidade de sa??de emergencial


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Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde. Área de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão dos Serviços de Saúde.


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OBJETIVO Comparar dois métodos de avaliação de atividade física entre mulheres na pré, transição e pós-menopausa. MÉTODOS Estudo transversal aninhado à coorte de mulheres na pré, peri e pós-menopausa em uma cidade do sul do Brasil. As participantes responderam a um questionário com dados sociodemográficos e clínicos. A atividade física foi avaliada utilizando-se o Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física – versão curta e a contagem do número de passos com o uso de pedômetro. As participantes foram classificadas em estratos de atividade física de acordo com o instrumento utilizado. Para análise estatística foram realizados os testes de correlação de Spearman, índice de Kappa, coeficiente de concordância e análise das medidas contínuas de Bland-Altman. RESULTADOS A concordância (k = 0,110; p = 0,007) e a correlação (rho = 0,136; p = 0,02) entre o Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física – versão curta e o pedômetro foram fracas. No gráfico de Bland-Altman, observou-se que as diferenças se afastam do valor zero tanto quanto a atividade física é mínima ou mais intensa. Comparando-se os dois métodos, a frequência de mulheres inativas é maior quando avaliadas pelo pedômetro do que pelo Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física. O oposto ocorre entre as ativas. CONCLUSÕES A concordância entre os métodos foi fraca. Embora de fácil aplicação, o Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física superestima a atividade física em relação à avaliação por pedômetro.


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Relatório Final apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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