953 resultados para Grassland Ecosystems
Dispersal limitation is often involved when the species composition of a dry abandoned grassland shows a slow response to resumed regular mowing. A seed-addition experiment, using 32 species which do not belong to the local species pool, was performed on Monte San Giorgio (southern Switzerland) to test whether the low recruitment success was due to dispersal limitation or due to unfavourable microsite conditions. In October 1997, 20 species were individually sown in six 3 × 4 m blocks of a 2 × 2 factorial “partial” split-plot design with treatments of abandonment vs. mowing and undisturbed vs. root-removed soil, this last being applied in small naturally-degradable pots. Moreover, 12 species were sown only in the treatments on undisturbed soil. Seedlings of sown and spontaneously germinating seeds were observed on 16 occasions over one 12-month period. Seeds of 31 out of the 32 species germinated. Twenty-four species showed germination rates higher than 5% and different seasonal germination patterns. Established vegetation, especially the tussocks ofMolinia arundinacea, reduced the quality of microsites for germination. Whereas a few species germinated better under the litter ofMolinia arundinacea, many more germinated better under the more variable microsite conditions of a mown grassland. Only a few seedlings of 25 species out of the 31 germinated species survived until October 1998. Seedling survival was negatively affected by litter, unfavourable weather conditions (frost and dry periods followed by heavy rains) and herbivory (slugs and grasshoppers). Tussocks ofMolinia arundinacea, however, tended to protect seedlings. The poor establishment success of “new” species observed in abandoned meadows on Monte San Giorgio after resumed mowing is due to dispersal and microsite limitations.
Aim The usual hypothesis about the relationship between niche breadth and range size posits that species with the capacity to use a wider range of resources or to tolerate a greater range of environmental conditions should be more widespread. In plants, broader niches are often hypothesized to be due to pronounced phenotypic plasticity, and more plastic species are therefore predicted to be more common. We examined the relationship between the magnitude of phenotypic plasticity in five functional traits, mainly related to leaves, and several measures of abundance in 105 Central European grassland species. We further tested whether mean values of traits, rather than their plasticity, better explain the commonness of species, possibly because they are pre-adapted to exploiting the most common resources. Location Central Europe. Methods In a multispecies experiment with 105 species we measured leaf thickness, leaf greenness, specific leaf area, leaf dry matter content and plant height, and the plasticity of these traits in response to fertilization, waterlogging and shading. For the same species we also obtained five measures of commonness, ranging from plot-level abundance to range size in Europe. We then examined whether these measures of commonness were associated with the magnitude of phenotypic plasticity, expressed as composite plasticity of all traits across the experimental treatments. We further estimated the relative importance of trait plasticity and trait means for abundance and geographical range size. Results More abundant species were less plastic. This negative relationship was fairly consistent across several spatial scales of commonness, but it was weak. Indeed, compared with trait means, plasticity was relatively unimportant for explaining differences in species commonness. Main conclusions Our results do not indicate that larger phenotypic plasticity of leaf morphological traits enhances species abundance. Furthermore, possession of a particular trait value, rather than of trait plasticity, is a more important determinant of species commonness.
Soil indicators may be used for assessing both land suitability for restoration and the effectiveness of restoration strategies in restoring ecosystem functioning and services. In this review paper, several soil indicators, which can be used to assess the effectiveness of ecological restoration strategies in dryland ecosystems at different spatial and temporal scales, are discussed. The selected indicators represent the different viewpoints of pedology, ecology, hydrology, and land management. Two overall outcomes stem from the review. (i) The success of restoration projects relies on a proper understanding of their ecology, namely the relationships between soil, plants, hydrology, climate, and land management at different scales, which are particularly complex due to the heterogeneous pattern of ecosystems functioning in drylands. (ii) The selection of the most suitable soil indicators follows a clear identification of the different and sometimes competing ecosystem services that the project is aimed at restoring.
Characterization of spatial and temporal variation in grassland productivity and nutrition is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of ecosystem function. Although within-site heterogeneity in soil and plant properties has been shown to be relevant for plant community stability, spatiotemporal variability in these factors is still understudied in temperate grasslands. Our study aimed to detect if soil characteristics and plant diversity could explain observed small-scale spatial and temporal variability in grassland productivity, biomass nutrient concentrations, and nutrient limitation. Therefore, we sampled 360 plots of 20 cm × 20 cm each at six consecutive dates in an unfertilized grassland in Southern Germany. Nutrient limitation was estimated using nutrient ratios in plant biomass. Absolute values of, and spatial variability in, productivity, biomass nutrient concentrations, and nutrient limitation were strongly associated with sampling date. In April, spatial heterogeneity was high and most plots showed phosphorous deficiency, while later in the season nitrogen was the major limiting nutrient. Additionally, a small significant positive association between plant diversity and biomass phosphorus concentrations was observed, but should be tested in more detail. We discuss how low biological activity e.g., of soil microbial organisms might have influenced observed heterogeneity of plant nutrition in early spring in combination with reduced active acquisition of soil resources by plants. These early-season conditions are particularly relevant for future studies as they differ substantially from more thoroughly studied later season conditions. Our study underlines the importance of considering small spatial scales and temporal variability to better elucidate mechanisms of ecosystem functioning and plant community assembly.
Species diversity promotes the delivery of multiple ecosystem functions (multifunctionality). However, the relative functional importance of rare and common species in driving the biodiversity–multifunctionality relationship remains unknown. We studied the relationship between the diversity of rare and common species (according to their local abundances and across nine different trophic groups), and multifunctionality indices derived from 14 ecosystem functions on 150 grasslands across a land-use intensity (LUI) gradient. The diversity of above- and below-ground rare species had opposite effects, with rare above-ground species being associated with high levels of multifunctionality, probably because their effects on different functions did not trade off against each other. Conversely, common species were only related to average, not high, levels of multifunctionality, and their functional effects declined with LUI. Apart from the community-level effects of diversity, we found significant positive associations between the abundance of individual species and multifunctionality in 6% of the species tested. Species-specific functional effects were best predicted by their response to LUI: species that declined in abundance with land use intensification were those associated with higher levels of multifunctionality. Our results highlight the importance of rare species for ecosystem multifunctionality and help guiding future conservation priorities.
Biochar is a carbon-rich material that is similar to charcoal. It is produced when biomass is burned in the absence of oxygen, a process otherwise known as pyrolysis. Pyrolysis and the production of biochar are currently being promoted as a means to both produce domestic fuel (bio-oil) while concurrently producing a co-product that increases crop yield and sequesters carbon in the soil (biochar). While there may be many potential benefits in the application of biochar to agricultural soils, such as enhanced soil fertility and improved soil water status, there are no studies of higher-order ecological and ecosystem effects of biochar and its potential synergistic interactions (either positive or negative) on complex perennial systems. The goal of this field experiment is to determine how biochar and manure addition directly affect ecosystem structure and function in perennial systems, specifically soil nutrients, water, plants, and soil organisms.
The Late Permian mass extinction event about 252 million years ago was the most severe biotic crisis of the past 500 million years and occurred during an episode of global warming. The loss of around two-thirds of marine genera is thought to have had substantial ecological effects, but the overall impacts on the functioning of marine ecosystems and the pattern of marine recovery are uncertain. Here we analyse the fossil occurrences of all known benthic marine invertebrate genera from the Permian and Triassic periods, and assign each to a functional group based on their inferred lifestyle. We show that despite the selective extinction of 62-74% of these genera, all but one functional group persisted through the crisis, indicating that there was no significant loss of functional diversity at the global scale. In addition, only one new mode of life originated in the extinction aftermath. We suggest that Early Triassic marine ecosystems were not as ecologically depauperate as widely assumed. Functional diversity was, however, reduced in particular regions and habitats, such as tropical reefs; at these smaller scales, recovery varied spatially and temporally, probably driven by migration of surviving groups. We find that marine ecosystems did not return to their pre-extinction state, and by the Middle Triassic greater functional evenness is recorded, resulting from the radiation of previously subordinate groups such as motile, epifaunal grazers.
Siwalik paleosol and Bengal Fan sediment samples were analyzed for the abundance and isotopic composition of n-alkanes in order to test for molecular evidence of the expansion of C4 grasslands on the Indian subcontinent. The carbon isotopic compositions of high-molecular-weight alkanes in both the ancient soils and sediments record a shift from low d13C values (ca. -30 per mil) to higher values (ca. -22 per mil) prior to 6 Ma. This shift is similar in magnitude to that recorded by paleosol carbonate and fossil teeth, and is consistent with a relatively rapid transition from dominantly C3 vegetation to an ecosystem dominated by C4 plants typical of semi-arid grasslands. The n-alkane values from our paleosol samples indicate that the isotopic change began as early as 9 Ma, reflecting either a growing contribution of C4 plants to a dominantly C3 biomass or a decrease in water availability to C3 plants. Molecular and isotopic analyses of other compounds, including n-alcohols and low-molecular weight n-alkanes indicate paleosol organic matter contains contributions from a mixture of sources, including vascular plants, algae and/or cyanobacteria and microorganisms. A range of inputs is likewise reflected in the isotopic composition of the total organic carbon from these samples. In addition, the n-alkanes from two samples show little evidence for pedegenic inputs and we suggest the compounds were derived instead from the paleosol's parent materials. We suggest the record of vegetation in ancient terrestrial ecosystems is better reconstructed using isotopic signatures of molecular markers, rather than bulk organic carbon. This approach provides a means of expanding the spatial and temporal records of C4 plant biomass which will help to resolve possible tectonic, climatic or biological controls on the rise of this important component of the terrestrial biosphere.
The conservation of birds and their habitats is essential to maintain well-functioning ecosystems including human-dominated habitats. In simplified or homogenized landscapes, patches of natural and semi-natural habitat are essential for the survival of plant and animal populations. We compared species composition and diversity of trees and birds between gallery forests, tree islands and hedges in a Colombian savanna landscape to assess how fragmented woody plant communities affect forest bird communities and how differences in habitat characteristics influenced bird species traits and their potential ecosystem function. Bird and tree diversity was higher in forests than in tree islands and hedges. Soil depth influenced woody species distribution, and canopy cover and tree height determined bird species distribution, resulting in plant and bird communities that mainly differed between forest and non-forest habitat. Bird and tree species and traits widely co-varied. Bird species in tree islands and hedges were on average smaller, less specialized to habitat and more tolerant to disturbance than in forest, but dietary differences did not emerge. Despite being less complex and diverse than forests, hedges and tree islands significantly contribute to the conservation of forest biodiversity in the savanna matrix. Forest fragments remain essential for the conservation of forest specialists, but hedges and tree islands facilitate spillover of more tolerant forest birds and their ecological functions such as seed dispersal from forest to the savanna matrix.
Sulfidic muds of cold seeps on the Nile Deep Sea Fan are populated by different types of mat-forming sulfide-oxidizing bacteria. The predominant sulfide oxidizers of three different mats were identified by microscopic and phylogenetic analyses as (i) Arcobacter species producing cotton-ball-like sulfur precipitates, (ii) large filamentous sulfur bacteria including Beggiatoa species, or (iii) single, spherical cells resembling Thiomargarita species. High resolution in situ microprofiles revealed different geochemical settings selecting for different mat types. Arcobacter mats occurred where oxygen and sulfide overlapped at the bottom water interface. Filamentous sulfide oxidizers were associated with non-overlapping, steep gradients of oxygen and sulfide. A dense population of Thiomargarita was favored by temporarily changing supplies of oxygen and sulfide. These results indicate that the decisive factors in selecting for different mat-forming bacteria within one deep-sea province are spatial or temporal variations in energy supply. Furthermore, the occurrence of Arcobacter spp.-related 16S rRNA genes in the sediments below all three types of mats, as well as on top of brine lakes of the Nile Deep Sea Fan, indicates that this group of sulfide oxidizers can switch between different life modes depending on the geobiochemical habitat setting.
To understand the adaptation of euphausiid (krill) species to oxygen minimum zones (OMZ), respiratory response and stress experiments combining hypoxia/reoxygenation exposure with warming were conducted. Experimental krill species were obtained from the Antarctic (South Georgia area), the Humboldt Current system (HCS, Chilean coast), and the Northern California Current system (NCCS, Oregon). Euphausia mucronata from the HCS shows oxyconforming or oxygen partial pressure (pO2)-dependent respiration below 80% air saturation (18 kPa). Normoxic subsurface oxygenation in winter posed a "high oxygen stress" for this species. The NCCS krill, Euphausia pacifica, and the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba maintain respiration rates constant down to low critical pO2 values of 6 kPa (30% air saturation) and 11 kPa (55% air saturation), respectively. Antarctic krill had the lowest antioxidant enzyme activities, but the highest concentrations of the molecular antioxidant glutathione (GSH) and was not affected by 6 h exposure to moderate hypoxia. Temperate krill species had higher SOD (superoxide dismutase) values in winter than in summer, which relate to higher winter metabolic rate (E. pacifica). In all species, antioxidant enzyme activities remained constant during hypoxic exposure at habitat temperature. Warming by 7°C above habitat temperature in summer increased SOD activities and GSH levels in E. mucronata (HCS), but no oxidative damage occurred. In winter, when the NCCS is well mixed and the OMZ is deeper, +4°C of warming combined with hypoxia represents a lethal condition for E. pacifica. In summer, when the OMZ expands upwards (100 m subsurface), antioxidant defences counteracted hypoxia and reoxygenation effects in E. pacifica, but only at mildly elevated temperature (+2°C). In this season, experimental warming by +4°C reduced antioxidant activities and the hypoxia combination again caused mortality of exposed specimens. We conclude that a climate change scenario combining warming and hypoxia represents a serious threat to E. pacifica and, as a consequence, NCCS food webs.
In the Mediterranean Sea, infralittoral and circalittoral rocky bottoms (from 15 to 120 m) are characterized by a biogenic habitat, named "coralligenous", formed by the concretion of calcareous organisms, mainly algal thalli, and- to a lesser extent- by animal skeletons. This complex habitat is inhabited by a rich fauna that belongs to different taxonomic groups. Sponges, bryozoans, cnidarians and ascidians are the most common sessile organisms that inhabit the area while crustacean and molluscs are the common mobile organisms. Little information on the diversity of the molluscs that thrive in the coralligenous habitat is known while this information is highly important for biodiversity management purposes. After thoroughly studying the available and accessible published literature, a database for the molluscs of the coralligenous habitat has been designed and implemented for the collection and management of this information. From its index compilation more than 511 species of molluscs have been recorded so far from the coralligenous formations, the majority of which belongs to the class Gastropoda (357 sp.) followed by the Bivalvia (137 sp.), Polyplacophora (14 sp.), Cephalopoda (2 sp.) and Scaphopoda (1 sp.). Among these, the gastropod Luria lurida (Linnaeus, 1758) and Charonia lampas (Linnaeus, 1758), the endemic bivalve Pinna nobilis Linnaeus, 1758 and the endolithic bivalve Lithophaga lithophaga (Linnaeus, 1758), are protected by international conventions.